
Some Call It Conspiracy Theory – Part 2

In Part 2 we discuss how the conspiracy theory label is applied by the so-called epistemic authorities, and notably the legacy media, as a a propaganda tool. We look at recent examples and witness how the label functions.

Some Call It Conspiracy Theory – Part 1

Conspiracy theory is not what you are told it is and conspiracy theorists are not who you are told they are. I explore the disinformation that has coalesced to produce the conspiracy theory propaganda label.

Disaster Troll Propaganda

Disaster troll is the dehumanising term the BBC’s special social media and disinformation correspondent, Marianna Spring, uses to attack investigative researcher and author Richard D. Hall. The BBC is waging a propaganda and disinformation campaign.

Propaganda with Professor Hannah Fry – Undisclosed Conflicts of Interest – Part 2

In part 2 of the investigation we examine the undisclosed conflicts of interests peppered through the BBC mock documentary “Unvaccinated with Professor Hannah Fry.” From discussing the science and statictical data to broadcasting “expert” opinion, the BBC did not disclose these conclicts of interest and continued to mislead their audience.

Propaganda with Professor Hannah Fry – Part 1

The BBC promised to explore the COVID-19 vaccine debate but they delivered pro-vaccine propaganda. In this two part series we uncover the amazing lengths the BBC went to in order to deceive their audience. Discover “Propaganda with Professor Hannah Fry”

Ukraine War! What Is It Good For? Propaganda (Part 4)

It is virtually impossible for any of us to know what is happening in Ukraine due to the unremitting propaganda being pumped out by both East and West. But if we understand how it operates we can at least have our wits about us as we try to understand the reality. Read here to explore just how bad the propaganda is.