Alex Newman interviews Iain Davis

I chat to Alex Newman from Liberty Sentinel briefly covering a wide range of important subjects including the cliamte scam, UK paedophile scandals, the proposed multipolar world order and more.

Gareth Icke Tonight with Iain Davis

On Gareth Icke Tonight I discusses the Manchester Attack hoax and the appalling trial of Richard D. Hall which must be challenged and can be challenged by showing the evidence of the hoax.

What is Technocracy?

Technocracy is the most extreme system of behavioural control ever devised. Learn about the true meaning and purpose of Technocracy in order to resist its imposition.

The Parasite Class

The parasite class provides us with a better term to describe oligarchs. Through elite theory we can see the lies told about the oligarchy. Check this article out to grapple with the concept of the parasite class.

The Dark Enlightenment

The Dark Enlightenment and the associated accelerationism have an immense influence on our polity yet few know anything about it. Please read this post to get to grips with this important subject.

IMA – Digital ID

The Independent Media Alliance (IMA) second panel discussion explores the crucial role that digital ID plays in the rollout of Technocracy. I join Ryan Christian, Whitney Webb and Catherine Austin Fitts to discuss this important topic.