Why Understanding 9/11 Is Vital Today

Many people struggle to accept the New World Order project and simply reject any argument highlighting it as a ‘conspiracy theory.’ People who do understand it generally came to the realisation through their own research. So, if we want people to realise the truth, how do we encourage them to reject the mainstream media and think for themselves. In this post I argue that 9/11 is the possible key.

There’s No Leaving The EU – Get Used To It

With Parliaments vote to seemingly rule out the possibility of a No Deal Brexit there now seems little prospect of the UK leaving the rule of the EU. Parliaments role in this has always been the thwart the will of the people. They seem to have finally achieved that ambition.

The No Deal Brexit Charade No Backstop No Problem

A No Deal Brexit has been presented to the UK public like some sort of economic apocalypse. However the truth is very different. The UK and the EU already have a mechanism to enable a no deal Brexit without the need for a Northern Ireland backstop, minimal trade disruption and no real problems at all. Allowing plans for EU Defence Union to proceed unhindered. Read here to find out more.

Epstein’s Suicide A Conspiracy Theory

Epstein’s Suicide has left us with more questions than answers. The Official explanation, regardless of the huge political ramifications, makes very little sense. Perhaps he did commit suicide but there is definitely more to the way this story has been reported than we have been told to believe. Read here to find out more.

Conspiracy Theorists Are Potential Terrorist According To The FBI

Conspiracy theorists are allegedly potential terrorists according to the FBI. In a truly remarkable coincidence the El Paso shooter appears top be the worlds first conspiracy theorist terrorist. What are the chances? In fact what are the chances that any of this makes any sense whatsoever? Not much – Read here.

New EU Leaders – A Militarised Kakistocracy

The EU have just appointed new leaders. A Kakistocracy is government by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens. In selecting their new EU leaders the EU has proven that is precisely what it is.

A Climate Emergency Fit for a Parasite Economy – Part 3

In the final part of this three part series we look at the ideology behind the planned transition to a new global economic model. It is about more than money. It is about the control of everything and is based upon a deeply held ideology.

A Climate Emergency Fit for a Parasite Economy – Part 2

In Part 2 of this 3 part series we investigate the powerful financial influences and economic forces behind the recent emergence of the global environmentalist activist movement Extinction Rebellion and the teenage green sensation Greta Thunberg.

A Climate Emergency Fit for a Parasite Economy – Part 1

The climate emergency is the phrase of the day. It used to be global warming, then it was climate change and now it’s the climate emergency. But what is the language change for? In part 1 of this 3 part investigative series we look at the reasons for doubt about the so called climate emergency.