An Anti-Vaxxer’s Letter To The Vaccinated
This is an open letter to people who call anyone who questions vaccines and “anti-vaxxer.” It is written in the fervent hope that we can reach a mutial understanding and respect one another’s views.
This is an open letter to people who call anyone who questions vaccines and “anti-vaxxer.” It is written in the fervent hope that we can reach a mutial understanding and respect one another’s views.
COVID 19 is the supposed pandemic caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2. But what if it isn’t? What if the evidence shows COVID 19 is a global fraud? You will only know if you look at it.
Democracy works, unfortunately representative democracy is not democracy. As we have just seen with both the U.S. election and the Parliamentary Lockdown vote in the UK, so called representative democracy does not work for the people. However, the Rule of Law would. Read more here…..
There are many people who, perhaps for the first time in their lives, are starting to ask fundamental questions about the nature of society and their relationship to authority. This runs contrary to everything they…
Hybrid war is being waged upon the people. Our freedoms are under attack on a scale not seen since WW2. This post explores who the protagonists are in the information war and provides the evidence clarifying their objectives.
COVID 19 is being used to create a global fascist dictatorship. So called western democracies have copied the Chinese model of technocracy to create a single biosecurity State. We must resist. The question is how?
In Part 2 of this two part series we look at the mechanism used by the UK State to create the economic conditions for the Great Reset by exploiting the so called COVID 19 pandemic.
Most people believe most of what they are told by the UK State and the State propagandists in the mainstream media. But in truth COVID 19 has been exploited to such an extent it can be called a scamdemic. In Part 1 we’ll consider why.
In Part two we look at the extensive global network behind the Center for Countering Digital Hate. Though they claim to be a non governmental organisation, as we will see, they are actually representatives of the emerging global government.
The Center for Countering Digital Hate have declared themselves to be the arbiters of all truth. But how has this happened, where does this supremacists mindset come from and what does this mean fro our supposedly free and open democracy?