Epstein’s suicide may come as a massive relief for many rich and powerful scumbags terrified their links to his sick criminal empire would be exposed. However, as already noted by some of the survivors, his alleged suicide has once again robbed those raped by Epstein, and his numerous powerful establishment associates, of the justice they deserve. As the media circus focuses upon Epstein’s suicide, the children he raped and handed around to others, to be raped and abused by them, have been all but forgotten.

There are no illusions. Epstein was convicted in 2008 after pleading guilty to two charges including procuring persons under 18 for prostitution. The survivors ages ranged from 14 upwards. Epstein accepted his registration as a sex offender. Epstein was a paedophile, not a financier or a billionaire, business man, hedge fund manager or entrepreneur. Above all else, he was a child rapist.
Thanks to a non prosecution deal Epstein struck with former Trump Labor Secretary, then U.S state attorney for Southern Florida Alex Acosta, Epstein received an 18 month sentence, serving just 13 in his own private wing. It wasn’t really a prison sentence as Epstein was free to leave the prison for up to 12 hours a day, 6 days a week, to “continue his business.”
White House insiders reported, when Acosta was asked about the Epstein’s prosecution, he said, “I was told Epstein ‘belonged to intelligence’ and to leave it alone.” When questioned about this statement Acosta didn’t deny it, preferring instead to dribble out a bizarre non-denial denial.
The deal meant Epstein avoided prosecution under federal criminal law and any investigations into his alleged paedophile network were stymied. The deal was also illegal under the U.S. Crime Victims’ Rights Act of 2004, Acosta was forced to resign and Epstein was arrested by the FBI-NYPD Crimes Against Children Task Force to face sex trafficking charges. Reopening the wider investigation.

Just 24 hours before Epstein’s suicide court documents related to his case, those of his alleged co-conspirator Ghislaine Maxwell, were unsealed in the public interest. These contained some undisputed facts that made difficult reading for some very rich and powerful people. Under federal law Epstein’s lawyers could have potentially filed to stop evidence being submitted. Therefore, prior to his death, investigators would have needed to take great care and probably liaise with Epstein’s defence before seizing any further ‘evidence’ from his properties. Now that he’s dead they can seize whatever they like.
A dead man’s switch is a system for releasing documents in the event of your untimely death. It is reasonable to assume that someone like Epstein would have set one up. Thus killing him, the easiest solution for anyone who wants to silence him, becomes tricky if you want to avoid further exposure. Nor does placing him on the stand in front of a jury, for cross examination by the prosecution, seem very appealing if you want to keep your name out of the investigation.
Shortly after Epstein’s suicide the police and the FBI raided Epstein’s private island. They seized all manner of items including computers, latops and other ‘evidence.’ Presumably this will all be catalogued and relevant evidence presented to the investigation. Though if you were politically motivated you could possibly lose the evidence that implicated yourself and your team while releasing the evidence that damned your opponents. In any event, his death appears to have eradicated any legal hassles for those who needed to seize the evidence.
Similarly we might speculate, for some, a better solution could have been to whisk Epstein off to safety, set the plastic surgeons to work and give him a new identity. No trial and no fears of the dead man’s switch.
Most importantly, Epstein’s suicide means the end of the criminal prosecution. It is over, and any hope that this avenue would expose the extent of his operation and those involved has ended as a result. Which of course, if he was murdered, could well have been the motive.

However, U.S attorney general William Barr has promised that “any co-conspirators should not rest easy” following Epstein’s suicide. Though we might question Barr’s commitment to uncovering the truth surrounding Epstein’s case. In 1973 William’s father Donald hired Epstein as a calculus and physics teacher at the prestigious Dalton school in Manhattan. Why Donald Barr employed the unqualified son of a municipal parks groundskeeper to teach the children of New York’s wealthiest families will no doubt be revealed by the investigation led by his son. Barr also worked for the Law Firm Kirkland & Ellis, joining them in 2009 less than a year after they represented Epstein during the Acosta plea deal.
Now adults, women like Virginia Roberts Giuffre and Jennifer Araoz are left searching for lawful remedy. This post is written very much in the hope that they will get it. If we let Epstein’s suicide become a concluding episode in the investigation of his crimes, we are complicit.
Now is not the time to back off. Now is the time to redouble the focus upon the investigation and insist it be thorough. Not just of Epstein, but also the many other clear examples of pedophilia which seemingly infests the so called power elite. Who are frequently revealed to be nothing more than pathetic pederasts and usurers.

Epstein’s Suicide Reveals The Loony Conspiracy Theory.
We are told by the world’s mainstream media (MSM) and official U.S government sources that convicted paedophile and suspected human trafficking child pimp Jeffrey Epstein committed suicide alone in his cell in the early hours of Saturday 10th August 2019. Since then, rather than ask the difficult questions, they have gone out of their way to focus, not upon the highly suspicious circumstances of his death, but rather to assassinate the character of anyone who questions the highly suspicious circumstances of his death.
Nothing about the official narrative makes any sense at all. Although, according to state propagandists like the BBC, who quite happily write apologist pieces for child beheaders, questioning any of this makes you a conspiracy theorist. Another organ of the state, the FBI, have claimed this indicates you are also an extremist, probably a white supremacist and potential terrorist to boot.
So let’s be very clear. Wanting to see a thorough, open investigation of possible establishment paedophile rings makes you a terrorist suspect in the eyes of the state. I wonder why.
A single, coordinated media campaign is evidently underway to cover up Epstein’s crimes, diminish their severity and blur his connection to the political class. The BBC at least admit that Epstein was convicted of “soliciting prostitution from a minor” but then go on to describe him as a physics teacher and investor. The Guardian refer to Epstein as a “billionaire” and make sure to report that he was “at ease when discussing his interest in young women.” CNN describe Epstein’s life as being marked by “sex crime allegations,” neglecting to mention his conviction as a paedophile.
The LA Times not only forget to mention Epstein was a paedophile, calling him a sex offender instead, but also claim that conspiracies don’t exist beyond totalitarian regimes. Consider that this was written by someone who is supposed to be a journalist, unafraid to ask question of power.
“….the United States is less prone to such things because conspiracy theories thrive in undemocratic cultures where rulers are unaccountable and probably are scheming behind the scenes. The rule of law, elections and a robust free press are great antidotes to such thinking.”
The rule of law is an antidote to such concerns. Unfortunately, as demonstrated by Acosta’s illegal deal with Epstein, there is no rule of law. Simply power, money and influence. If you’ve got some, you’ll get off, if you haven’t you won’t.
The electoral system is also broken as the 2016 presidential race demonstrated. It offered the American people a choice between a psychopathic, paedophile protecting warmonger and a serial bankrupt, gangster & reality TV star. Which, in any real political sense, was no choice at all. As for believing in a robust press, the LA Times studious refusal to even mention the fact that Epstein was a paedophile puts paid to any such foolishness.
Epstein’s Suicide Becomes The Story
Jeffrey Epstein was a stain on humanity. He was nothing but a repugnant child rapist who consequently knew a lot of powerful and influential people. Probably because they shared his fondness of raping children.

The story is about the survivors of his crimes not the filth that preyed upon them. It is the survivors pain and suffering that demands justice. Exposing any paedophile ring is significant only if it stops the continuing abuse of children and his death only matters because it robs the survivors of the justice they deserve. Feasibly there are wider political implications but unless pedophiles are stopped from raping children I don’t care what they are. No one should shed a tear for Epstein or the parasitic vermin who liked him so much.
The MSM have again showed virtually no interests at all in the survivors. Having spent years accusing them of being liars and fantasists Epstein’s suicide has provided them with the perfect diversion to move the story away from his crimes and suspected blackmail network, to his death and the already touted explanation of failures in the prison system. Yet another meaningless distraction. Rather than pursue the facts of the case they are instead intent upon undermining the people who question the facts of the case.
Perhaps the most disgusting MSM diversionary hit piece was Charlie Wazel’s Op ed for the New York Times (NYT) Epstein’s Suicide Conspiracies Show How Our Information System Is Poisoned. Describing Epstein as a “disgraced financier” the NYT have managed to suggest that questioning the circumstances surrounding his death, investigating his web like network of links to the global elite, and insisting his survivors (who Wazel doesn’t even mention) get what little justice is left for them, is ushering in “a parallel reality unrooted in fact and [has] helped to push conspiratorial thinking into the cultural mainstream.”

Just in case the population at large do notice that this case does indeed indicate a possible international conspiracy, Wazel makes sure to point out that the FBI have identified conspiracy theorists as a domestic terrorist threat. Warning off all who get any funny ideas that they might look beyond his opinion, employ some critical thinking, and investigate the story in more depth. He neglects to mention that the FBI claims are baseless rubbish.
The NYT note that the bizarre circumstances of Epstein’s suicide contain all “of the hallmarks of stereotypical conspiratorial fodder.” Yes it does, and there’s a very good reason for that. It appears to be part of an international conspiracy.
Epstein’s Suicide Reveals the MSM’s Death Throws
As recently pointed out by James Corbett this is gas-lighting on steroids. The MSM are intent upon peddling the lie that large scale conspiracies don’t exist. Despite the fact that they are an extremely common occurrence. They want anyone who believes Epstein’s suicide was suspicious to accept they are loosing their mind as they tumble down the proverbial rabbit hole. Wazel writes:
“As a tale of corruption, it is so deeply intertwined with our current cultural and political rot that it feels, at times, almost too on the nose.”

That Epstein’s suicide, which clearly indicates a possible conspiracy, is being offered by the NYT as a reason not to consider any potential conspiracy is a remarkable exercise in linguistic sleight of hand. Lewis Carrol would have been proud of this degree of inverted logic.
It is a sordid apologist’s attempt to stop people undertaking their own evidence based inquiry. Presumably driven by a fear that the official account won’t be believed.
By claiming that anything other than MSM stories or official state narratives are invalid, the NYT are sowing the gas lit seeds of doubt in order to convince all that only they can tell you what’s true and what’s not. The MSM are the sole purveyors of the truth. According to the MSM.
Yet they’re not.
The mainstream media is dying. Regardless of the rise of online news outlets and the so called ‘alternative media’ the industry has no one to blame for their continual loss of market share but themselves. The public no longer trust the MSM and it is easy to see why.
Generally they don’t investigate anything, ask questions of power or report facts accurately. Their content is littered with fake news, skewed by various political and economic biases, lacks nuance, polarises rather than rationalises and rarely if ever question official state narratives. Regardless of the subject matter.

The alternative media has arisen due to the lack of effective reporting from the MSM. For example, the people the MSM want to label as conspiracy theorists have been trying to highlight Epstein’s crimes for decades. The MSM have fought against them every step of the way and show no signs of stopping now.
At it’s best, the MSM is still capable of reporting the news with integrity. It is largely thanks to the Miami Herald that conspiracy theorist’s concerns about the Epstein case and the Acosta deal were brought to wider public attention in the first place. The alternative media doesn’t exist because it is fueled by charlatans and Walter Cronkite wannabees, it exists because the real MSM, of Pilger, Hersh, Webb and Ellison is A.W.O.L.
As the main mouthpiece for governments around the world, states are actively legislating to shut down free speech, censor the online exchange of information and bolster the protections for their official MSM outlets. For example, the EU have passed copyright legislation and the UK government have proposed online censorship laws, all aimed at protecting their propaganda machine and returning control of information to their compliant MSM.
You must not imagine that you are capable of making up your own mind and you must never, under any circumstances, investigate the evidence yourself. If you do, according to elitist MSM parrots of the state, you will simply become another stupid conspiracy theorist who the state will then accuse of terrorism.
So believe what you are told!
Take a look at Mint Press News. Whitney Webb has written 3 of 4 articles about Epstein revealing that he was far more than just a financial adviser or billionaire.
We are talking Mossad, CIA, Mafia & more.
There is no way that Epstein did not have a “dead mans switch” insurance policy set up & I feel strongly that he was swapped.
The stiff was not him. Closely similar but different enough to raise eyebrows.
Thanks Frances. It is difficult to know what to make of it at the moment. Like you, I assume he would have set up a DMS. Interesting development is that the NYT are reporting the autopsy revealed broken neck bones more consistent with strangulation.
The elite are horrifyingly amoral. They consider underage sex their right. They consider Epstein’s girls as consenting and often have been abused themselves while growing up.
The whole set up makes me sad at that level but angry when considering it’s how they use that abuse so that they grow up their children to weild power without remorse.
It’s a very fraught area when you recognise many of those girls were happy to be where they went. Regret is always a dish served cold.
Thanks again (Jonnie?)
“Elite” is a difficult term isn’t it? It signiifies some sort of superiority. I have started to advocate “parasite class” instead. What do you reckon? In the UK we have recently seen Asian grooming gangs convicted of child rape on an unimaginable scale. Mainly across Northern UK where the police were apprently faced with the “choices” of underage children, whom they deemed to be living “adult lifestyles.”
The whole culture, from perpetrator to law enforcement, appears to have gone badly wrong. Obviously there is no such thing as a “child prostitute.” If a child is sexually active (with a few rare exceptions, such as the sex between teenagers – a 17yr old and 15yr old for example) it is always rape or sexual exploitation, no matter what the child’s attitudes or beliefs are. That the police and the courts were seemingly unclear on this is very concerning.
As for “elite paedophilia” there is a lot of evidence suggesting this is rife. It is difficult to see how Jimmy Saville could have operated as he did, with the connections he maintained, without significant establishment protection. That being said, hard evidence proving the suspected “elite” CSE, SRA and so on is a minefieled in my view. The subject is peppered disinformation.
I suspect much of it is a disinformation trap. Researchers are drawn down the rabbit hole towards definitive statements which can later be dismissed or “debunked” thereby insinuating that the whole premise of establishemnet SRA (or child rape) is flawed. “Caveat emptor” I suggest. There seems little prospect of any court, anywhere, ever accepting evidence “proving” so called “elite paedophilia.”
Therefore, while aware of the wealth of evidence suggesting such activity is prolific, it is a subject I tend to stay clear of. The corroborating evidence is very difficult to pin down. I think the only way we will ever get justice on this issue is by fundamentally changing the political paradigm. At which point such abuses should become far more difficult to cover up.