
Why Understanding 9/11 Is Vital Today

Many people struggle to accept the New World Order project and simply reject any argument highlighting it as a ‘conspiracy theory.’ People who do understand it generally came to the realisation through their own research. So, if we want people to realise the truth, how do we encourage them to reject the mainstream media and think for themselves. In this post I argue that 9/11 is the possible key.

A Climate Emergency Fit for a Parasite Economy – Part 3

In the final part of this three part series we look at the ideology behind the planned transition to a new global economic model. It is about more than money. It is about the control of everything and is based upon a deeply held ideology.

A Climate Emergency Fit for a Parasite Economy – Part 2

In Part 2 of this 3 part series we investigate the powerful financial influences and economic forces behind the recent emergence of the global environmentalist activist movement Extinction Rebellion and the teenage green sensation Greta Thunberg.

A Climate Emergency Fit for a Parasite Economy – Part 1

The climate emergency is the phrase of the day. It used to be global warming, then it was climate change and now it’s the climate emergency. But what is the language change for? In part 1 of this 3 part investigative series we look at the reasons for doubt about the so called climate emergency.

Vaccines – The Truth About The Debate – Part 2

We are now going to consider a small fraction of the peer reviewed scientific evidence which suggests there may be health risks associated with vaccines. If for no other reason than to provide a semblance of balance.

Vaccines – The Truth About The Debate – Part 1

The debate over vaccines has devolved into an appalling bipartisan row. Largely thank to the MSM stoking alarm and accusing anyone who has reservations about vaccines of being ‘baby killers’ there seems little hope in ever having a reasoned debate before the UK state makes vaccination compulsory for all. In this post I try to appeal for calm.

Was Thomas Mair Wrongly Convicted?

Thomas Mair was convicted of the murder of Jo cox MP in a high profile trial at the Old Bailey. Many were unhappy with the many anomalies in the evidence at the time. However research by Richard D Hall has uncovered further reason to doubt the safety of Thomas Mair’s conviction. Read more here.

The British Constitution Deception – Part 2

The British Constitution is a single, written codified document. You have been told that it isn’t by those who have long claimed illegitimate authority for themselves. Discover the power of the British Constitution and stop being misled.

The British Constitution Deception – Part 1

The British Constitution doesn’t exist as a single, codified, written document according to Parliament and the people who have been in power for centuries. However this isn’t true. Discover why the truth has been withheld from the people and what UK society would be like if we adopted the real British constitution.