What is Technocracy?
Technocracy is the most extreme system of behavioural control ever devised. Learn about the true meaning and purpose of Technocracy in order to resist its imposition.
Read MoreTechnocracy is the most extreme system of behavioural control ever devised. Learn about the true meaning and purpose of Technocracy in order to resist its imposition.
Read MoreThe parasite class provides us with a better term to describe oligarchs. Through elite theory we can see the lies told about the oligarchy. Check this article out to grapple with the concept of the parasite class.
The Dark Enlightenment and the associated accelerationism have an immense influence on our polity yet few know anything about it. Please read this post to get to grips with this important subject.
The Bank of England is not a “public corporation” and is not controlled by the Government. These are just stories we are told to hide the truth. The Bank of England is a private business. Read here to discover more.
This opinion piece, written in collaboration with Catte Black from the OffGuardian, is a response to the opinion piece written by Professor Piers Robinson and Vanessa Beeley offering an analysis of global power dynamics. Please read to discover where we agree and disagree.
In the second part of this three part series we explore the model failures and lacking experimental proofs for Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) theory. We look at the many assumptions were are told to believe without question.
In the second part of this three part series we explore the model failures and lacking experimental proofs for Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) theory. We look at the many assumptions were are told to believe without question.
In the first of this three part series we will begin to explore the many reasons why we should question the idea that “the climate science” is settled. To question it is not “denial.” Read here to find out why.
In Part 2 we discuss how the conspiracy theory label is applied by the so-called epistemic authorities, and notably the legacy media, as a a propaganda tool. We look at recent examples and witness how the label functions.
Conspiracy theory is not what you are told it is and conspiracy theorists are not who you are told they are. I explore the disinformation that has coalesced to produce the conspiracy theory propaganda label.