Articles by Iain Davis

Democracy Is Dead! Long Live Democracy

Representative democracy is not democracy. It supposedly relies upon democratic ideals, but no representative democratic government bothers practicing them. So what is democracy, how does it work, what principles is it based upon? Read here to find out.

Ukraine War! What Is It Good For? Propaganda (Part 4)

It is virtually impossible for any of us to know what is happening in Ukraine due to the unremitting propaganda being pumped out by both East and West. But if we understand how it operates we can at least have our wits about us as we try to understand the reality. Read here to explore just how bad the propaganda is.

Is It Joe Biden’s New World Order?

Joe Biden is concerned about the US role in the New World Order. Yet his comments have been reported without explaining what the New World Order is. How can this be possible and why is it done? Read here to find out.

Ukraine War! What Is It Good For? The Nazi Agenda (Part 3)

Ukraine faces many enemies, both foreign and domestic. Many of these enemies have colluded and called themselves freinds. the U.S. led NATO alliance has supported Nazis to seize disporoportiate power. Read here to discover how and why.

Acceptance of and Commitment to Freedom

We have been subjected to an unprecedented degree of covert psychological manipulation. Many of us aren’t even aware of this brainwashing. However, we can use the same techniques oursleves to create freedom. Discover how we can move towards freedom.