Articles by Iain Davis

COVID World – Resist!

COVID 19 is being used to create a global fascist dictatorship. So called western democracies have copied the Chinese model of technocracy to create a single biosecurity State. We must resist. The question is how?

COVID 19 – The UK Scamdemic – Part 2

In Part 2 of this two part series we look at the mechanism used by the UK State to create the economic conditions for the Great Reset by exploiting the so called COVID 19 pandemic.

COVID 19 – Scamdemic – Part 1

Most people believe most of what they are told by the UK State and the State propagandists in the mainstream media. But in truth COVID 19 has been exploited to such an extent it can be called a scamdemic. In Part 1 we’ll consider why.

Leicester Lockdown Mystery

Leicester is not entering partial lockdown with the rest of the UK. The UK government claim there is a spike of cases in Leicester based upon hitherto secret data. But do any fo the government’s claims stand up to scrutiny.

Face Masks Have Put Us In A State

Face masks will be worn on all public transport by order of the UK State. there is no clear scientific justification for this and we explore why the State’s real goal is behaviour modification.

Lockdown Regime Deaths and the True Cost of LOKIN-20

Lockdown regimes around the world have undoubtedly increased mortality. The question is how much? In this opost we assess the likely mortality from the Lockdown regime in the UK. The scale may surprise you.