UN-ism: The New McCarthyism

The era of “UN-ism” has arrived.

UN-ism is a new form of McCarthyism. The target of UN-ism is not alleged communist infiltrators but, rather, so-called “conspiracy theorists.” The parallels between McCarthyism and UN-ism are numerous, as we shall see throughout this analysis.

McCarthyism was a politically motivated witch hunt and national propaganda campaign spearheaded by the influential US politician, Sen. Joseph McCarthy. UN-ism is a politically motivated witch hunt and international propaganda and censorship campaign fronted by the powerful intergovernmental organisation, the United Nations (UN).

Like McCarthyism, UN-ism is a product of the Establishment’s fear. In both cases—McCarthyism and UN-ism—while the fear was and is genuine enough, the claimed reason for that fear was and is a lie. McCarthyism exploited “the Red Scare.” Today UN-ism claims that purported “conspiracy theorists” present a danger to society.

The prosecutors of McCarthyism feared that the potential failure of their foreign policy platform would cripple their ability to reallocate US spending commitments to their military, industrial and intelligence complex “partners.” The UN is terrified of losing control of the “infosphere.” McCarthyism fostered fear of “commies” and UN-ism sets “conspiracy theorists” as the omnipresent “threat.”

McCarthyism was not founded upon evidence or intellectual honesty. Instead, it was founded on allegation, fabrication and politically motivated persecution in defence of the Establishment. It was driven by mythology, not by a plausible assessment of any genuine risk. It was oppressive—opposed to the democratic principles widely valued in the US polity.

These same attributes are common to UN-ism.

The primary difference between McCarthyism and UN-ism, beyond the claimed respective “reasons” to target individuals, is scale. While McCarthyism was largely restricted to the US, UN-ism is global.

Instead of being a national authoritarian political movement that attacks individuals and constitutional principles, UN-ism stands as a worldwide assault on democratic rights and freedoms at the behest of an international parasite class.

McCarthyism accused US citizens of being Communist Party infiltrators, but its real objective was to convince all Americans to fear the Soviet Union during its Cold War with the US, thereby enabling McCarthyites to sell their Cold War policy platform to the electorate.

Similarly, UN-ism, on one level, demonises certain individuals and groups, but its real purpose is to indoctrinate Earth’s people to believe in and fear an imaginary threat, thereby persuading them to accept the global suppression of their inalienable rights. In addition, the UN’s intention is to brainwash people into “trusting” information, but only if it emanates from the UN and its “partners.”

Sen. McCarthy – pointing at things on maps and making claims

Disinformation: Rejecting the Obvious Solution

Disinformation means “false information spread in order to deceive people.” Engaging in disinformation is a deliberate act.

The origins of the word’s common usage are disputed. It was evidently in use in the US during the 19th century. In 1901, Viscount Long, in a UK House of Commons debate concerning the 1899 Small Dwellings Acquisitions Act, accused local authorities of peddling “disinformation” to gain additional funding from the Treasury:

Disinformation is limited to cases of applications by local authorities to the Board for sanction when loans are required for the purposes of the Act.

Later, a high-level Romanian defector to the US, General Ion Mihai Pacepa, alleged that the word “disinformation” came from the Soviet “dezinformatsiya.” Certainly, in the early 1920s, the Soviet Politburo was concerned about the use of “dezinformatsiya” by their enemies. In response, they formed the Disinformation Bureau (Dezinfoburo), which aimed to “supply the enemy” with:

Compilation [and] technical production of a whole series of false information, documents giving wrong ideas to opponents about the internal situation in Russia, about the organisation and state of the Red Army, about political work, about the leading party and Soviet bodies, about the work of the People’s Commissariat of Foreign Affairs, etc.

Supplying—”leaking”—false information to deceive one’s enemy—including domestic political opponents—is an information warfare strategy as old as civilisation itself. It is a common practice in public relations. To that extent, then, “disinformation” is simply a propaganda technique that all governments and other organisations routinely employ.

The advent of the internet has led governments and intergovernmental organisations to argue that disinformation now presents some sort of new or additional threat. This claim is itself “disinformation.” In reality, “disinformation” has been used throughout human history.

The United Nations (UN) asserts that disinformation, alongside misinformation and malinformation, creates what it calls “information pollution“:

Information pollution refers to false, misleading and manipulated online and offline content, which is created, produced and disseminated intentionally or unintentionally, and which has the potential to cause societal or physical harm. An overabundance of information and a high incidence of low-quality information within an ecosystem reduce our ability to find and trust information.

Handily, the UN provides its definition of these alleged pollutants:

Disinformation: Information that is false and deliberately created to harm a person, social group, organization or country.

Misinformation: Information that is false but is not created with the intention of causing harm.

Malinformation: Information that is based on real facts but is manipulated to inflict harm on a person, organization or country.

The UN’s take on “information pollution” initially sounds like a reasonable description of how various forms of erroneous information can cause confusion or lead to incorrect assumptions, possibly with damaging or even disastrous results. A closer investigation, however, reveals that the UN has deliberately embellished the dictionary definition of “disinformation.”

The UN version adds to the deceptive purpose of disinformation the further intention of causing “harm”—harm not just to individuals but also to organisations and nation-states. In the UN’s self-interested opinion, disinformation and malinformation both represent a significant threat to entire countries and to supranational and intergovernmental organisations. This definition appears to be part of a UN strategy to shied itself from criticism.

From here on, we will focus on the “pollutant” that the UN calls “disinformation,” but keep in mind that we’re referring equally to misinformation and malinformation.

Disinformation is an age-old problem. As is the obvious solution: critical thinking.

Critical thinking is a skill that can first be acquired and then, with practice, honed. It is a clear, methodical approach to comprehending, logically ordering and analysing information. Whether the information we’re being asked to believe is accurate or not, the use of our critical thinking skills allows us to analyse that information and thus better inform our decision-making.

The three basic components of critical thinking are sometimes referred to as the Trivium:

The Trivium is presented to methodically gather raw, factual data into a coherent body of knowledge (grammar); then to gain understanding of that body by systematically eliminating all stated contradictions within it (dialectic or logic); and, finally, to wisely express and utilise that valid knowledge and understanding in the objective, real world (rhetoric).

Except for the few who lack capacity, we are all capable of critical thinking and constructing our own “coherent body of knowledge.” By thinking critically, we can build upon our knowledge and can learn to easily identify “information pollutants.” Where disinformation isn’t immediately apparent but our knowledge alerts us to its possible presence, we can use critical thinking to research further and find out if our suspicions are justified.

The easy and simple solution, then, to the UN’s perceived “information pollution” problem is to make the development of critical thinking skills the primary objective of our children’s education. If we did that, the next generation and all subsequent generations would be much better equipped to spot so-called “information pollution” and could deal with it accordingly, with relative ease.

UN Secretary General António Guterres

Speaking in 2019, UN Secretary-General António Guterres appeared to agree that critical thinking was essential:

Students need not just to learn, but to learn how to learn [critical thinking]. Education today should combine knowledge, life skills and critical thinking. All these elements are included in Youth 2030, the United Nations strategy to increase our engagement with young people[.]

If Guterres actually meant what he said, then he was spreading disinformation. “All these elements” are not “included” in the UN’s Youth 2030 strategy. Indeed, critical thinking is notable only for its absence!

A quick read of the UN’s Youth 2030 “umbrella framework” strategy document reveals that “critical thinking” doesn’t warrant a single mention in it. Instead, the emphasis is on “educating” the children of the world to “value” the issues that concern the UN. There is nothing in Youth 2030 about helping children and young people “to learn how to learn.”

Youth 2030 aims to create public-private partnerships that deliver “disaster risk re-education initiatives” to children—whatever that is. The stated objective is to teach children and young people to “play an active role” in an “international community” that the UN defines in terms of its commitment to “peace, security, justice, climate resilience and sustainable development.”

UNESCO calls this “education for sustainable development” (ESD). [More on UNESCO shortly.] Supposedly, ESD constitutes “critical thinking,” which, UNESCO alleges, should be based on Sustainable Development Goal 4’s promise to deliver “inclusive and equitable quality education” (including ESD).

ESD will supposedly create “authentic resources for learning” with the aim of “equipping students with the knowledge and skills they need to become responsible and engaged citizens.” This has absolutely nothing to do with developing the students’ critical thinking skills.

The UN will “authenticate” the information provided to pupils, giving the UN content control and equipping the children with the knowledge the UN wishes to impart. Allegedly this knowledge will manufacture “responsible and engaged citizens.” Again, this has absolutely nothing to do with developing the students’ critical thinking skills.

The UN isn’t the least bit interested in promoting critical thinking, despite the deceptive language used by its Secretary-General. We can only conclude that, by refusing to incorporate critical thinking skills into Youth 2030, the UN, a self-described global governance regime, has wholeheartedly rejected the obvious solution to “disinformation.”

Instead, its preferred remedy to information pollution is UN-ism.


What Do We Mean by “the Establishment”?

To unpick UN-ism, we first need to explore some important concepts. For starters, let’s consider what the term “the Establishment” means.

In 1955, the British political journalist Henry Fairly wrote:

[W]hat I call the ‘Establishment’ in this country is today more powerful than ever before. By the ‘Establishment’ I do not mean only the centres of official power—though they are certainly part of it—but rather the whole matrix of official and social relations within which power is exercised.

According to the widely used sociology reference text, the New Fontana Dictionary of Modern Thought, co-edited by Lord Bullock and the filmmaker Stephen Trombley, “the Establishment” is:

. . . [a] term, usually pejorative, for an ill-defined amalgam of those institutions, social classes and forces which represent authority, legitimacy, tradition and the status quo.

During WWII, Alan Bullock was a senior BBC European Service correspondent. The BBC called the European Service “insistently propagandist.” He came to wider public attention by making frequent radio appearances on the popular BBC panel discussion “The Brains Trust,” which ran throughout the 1940s and ’50s.

Julian Huxley was among the original Brains Trust panellists, and Bullock often broadcast alongside him. The pair also co-authored History: Civilization from Its Beginnings. Huxley, an avowed eugenicist, was the founding Director General of the UN’s aforementioned Education, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO).

In 1970, Bullock received the French award of the Chevalier, Legion of Honour. In 1972, he was knighted Sir Alan Bullock for his major contributions to the Order of the British Empire. Four years later, he was made a life peer as Baron Bullock of Leafield in the County of Oxfordshire.

Despite Fairly’s concise description of “the Establishment,”and the public’s broad understanding of what it meant, Bullock—former BBC propagandist, knight of the realm and associate of the UNESCO eugenicist Julian Huxley— inexplicably considered “the Establishment” to be an “ill-defined” term.

Was he spreading disinformation? It would appear so, given that even Wikipedia is able to define the term:

The Establishment is a term used to describe a dominant group or elite that controls a polity or an organization. It may comprise a closed social group that selects its own members, or entrenched elite structures in specific institutions. One can refer to any relatively small class or group of people who can exercise control as The Establishment. [. . .] Anti-authoritarian anti-establishment ideologies question the legitimacy of establishments, seeing their influence on society as undemocratic.

Thus, irrespective of Lord Bullock’s propaganda, it’s safe to say that most of us know what we mean when we refer to “the Establishment.”

In its report on how COVID-19 “disinformation” had allegedly increased the spread of violent extremism, the UN noted that there were “vocal or organized groups that advocate anti-Government and anti-establishment ideologies.” It added that these “ideologies” were “growing conspiracy theories and anti-Government sentiments.” The UN concluded:

An international response is required to combat this spread of misinformation/dis – information through coordinated interventions, capacity building efforts to counter the spread of conspiracy theories.

Since the UN is hyper-concerned about supposed anti-establishment conspiracy theory, its own comprehension of “the Establshment” is hardly “ill-defined.” If it were, how could the UN identify those who oppose it?

Today, an international Establishment has coalesced around the global “centres of official power”—most notably the UN itself. The current Establishment operates through stakeholder “partnerships” as opposed to “social relationships.” The “whole matrix [. . .] within which power is exercised” can best be described as a global public-private partnership (G3P).

From an international perspective, the G3P is the Establishment.

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What is an Anti-Establishment Opinion?

Real democracy, as originally conceived in 6th century BCE Greece, rendered the decisions of policymakers subservient to the judgements of lawfully convened, randomly selected juries of the people. In a real democracy, juries have the ultimate power to “annul” any and all legislation. This is a power that still exists, to a very limited degree, in Common Law jurisdictions.

Thus “democracy” actually means governance by trial by jury. In a democracy, the legislature, in whatever form, is not the “supreme legal authority,” as claimed by the UK Parliament. Rather, the people are the ultimate authority, through a system of jury-led trials.

So-called “representative democracy,” then, is not democracy. We are misled by the Establishment into believing it is.

That said, there are some democratic ideals, ostensibly common to “representative democracies,” that most of us value. In his 1949 essay Citizenship and Social Class, T. H. Marshall described how these ideals were expressed through a functioning system of rights. These “ideals” included the right to freedom of thought and expression, the right to free speech and to peaceful protest, the right to equal access to justice and to equal opportunity under the law, and so on.

Despite representative democracies not being real democracies, democratic ideals are said to underpin them. With this caveat in mind, we can therefore evaluate modern “representative democracies” through the lens of some of the theoretical democratic models found in political science.

* Majoritarian Electoral Democracy suggests that policymakers respond to the will of the majority. Concerned for their electoral prospects, politicians make policies that address issues that are important to the public and that promote the values and interests of the majority.

* Economic-Elite Domination proposes that policies are made in the interests of those with significant economic and financial resources. The politician’s primary objective is to secure the favour of the “economic elite” in order to enjoy electoral success. By controlling the mainstream media (MSM), the elites’ propaganda campaigns can sway public opinion toward supporting a chosen politician. Economic-elite domination theory forms part of the field of study called “elite theory.” You can read more about elite theory here.

* Majoritarian Pluralism theory submits that policy is shaped by the competing influence of interest groups. As collectives, these interest groups carry more political weight than the individuals that comprise them. By combining their efforts, organisations and groups of people can lobby policymakers to promote specific interests, such as land rights. Theoretically, this mechanism also expresses the will of the majority to policymakers.

* Biased Pluralism suggests that majoritarian pluralism is corrupted by the wealth, power and influence of the economic-elite and their corporations. Multinational corporations can marshal resources to effectively drown out other pluralist groups. They can control lobbying and bend policymakers’ decisions toward their interests and away from the peoples’ interests. Such powerful interest groups, representing the interests of the financial and economic “elite,” can manipulate policy for their benefit, frequently to the detriment of wider society.

In 2014, political scientists Professor Martin Gilens and Professor Benjamin I. Page conducted a multivariate analysis of nearly 1,800 policy decisions made by the US government. In light of the theoretical democratic models of political science, their team assessed the influence of various groups and individuals on policymakers in the US.

Their objective was to understand:

Who governs? Who really rules? To what extent is the broad body of US citizens sovereign, semi-sovereign, or largely powerless?

They concluded:

Economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on US government policy, while average citizens and mass-based interest groups have little or no independent influence. The results provide substantial support for theories of Economic-Elite Domination and for theories of Biased Pluralism, but not for theories of Majoritarian Electoral Democracy or Majoritarian Pluralism.

The scientific evidence clearly indicates that the Establishment rules in the US. As we have just discussed, the US is not a democracy. It is a “representative democracy” that delivers a biased pluralist society dominated by a so-called economic-elite.

Many of the democratic ideals identified by T. H. Marshall, such as equal access to justice and equal opportunity for all, do not and cannot exist in a system of government dominated by the Establishment, no matter what you choose to call that political system.

Anti-establishment opinion opposes the rule of the Establishment. It argues in favour of democratic ideals and rejects the biased pluralism of an economic-elite. It overwhelmingly stands for majoritarian electoral democracy, in preference to the biased pluralism of an economic-elite, and is open to the notion of majoritarian pluralism.

Gen. Ion Mihai Pacepa—“desinfomatsiya”?

What is an Anti-Establishment Conspiracy Theory?

Now that we know what an anti-establishment opinion is, we need to understand what “conspiracy theory” is supposed to be. According to UNESCO (and its parent, the UN), a conspiracy theory is:

. . . [t]he belief that events are secretly manipulated behind the scenes by powerful forces with negative intent.

A “conspiracy theory,” then, is in part a belief that representative democracies are undermined by an economic-elite exploiting biased pluralism. To that extent, it is an opinion based upon well-understood political theory derived from observable reality.

The addition of “secret” is crucial to the UN’s creative definition of “conspiracy theory.” However, there is nothing “secret” about the manipulation central to biased pluralism. The UN’s apparent insinuation that the biased pluralism of an economic-elite is a “secret” is not true.

That a conspiracy isn’t reported by the MSM heavyweights or admitted by the authorities doesn’t render it a “secret.” Operation Gladio, the Lavon Affair and the Iran-Contra Affair were but three conspiracies that were exposed long before they were “officially” admitted.

A “conspiracy theory,” continues the UN definition, can allegedly be identified through a six telltale traits.

#1 One telltale trait is that a conspiracy theory alleges a “secret plot.”

#2 Another trait is that “[e]vidence . . . seems to support the conspiracy theory.”

Let’s stop right there. It’s impossible to provide evidence that “seems to support” the existence of a “secret plot.” If there is any evidence that “seems to support” the existence of a conspiracy, then the claimed evidence certainly isn’t “secret”—which means the alleged conspiracy can’t be either.

This doesn’t mean that the evidence proves the existence of the possible conspiracy. It is just evidence that, as the UN points out, “seems to support” the notion that biased pluralism is at work. The determining factor, to ascertain if the plot or conspiracy actually exists, is the evidence and only the evidence.

#3 A third trait, avers the UN, is that the conspiracy theory alleges the existence of “group of conspirators.” The UN acknowledges that “real conspiracies large and small do exist” and that they require “conspirators.” The possible identification of conspirators, the UN states, defines both theoretical conspiracies and real conspiracies. There doesn’t appear to be a distinction between the two, in this regard.

#4 The fourth trait, the UN claims, is that conspiracy theorists assume there is no such thing as coincidence or random events.

#5 The fifth trait is that so-called conspiracy theorists see the world only in terms of good and bad.

#6 The sixth trait is that conspiracy theorists “scapegoat” people and groups. The UN’s clear suggestion is that there’s something irrational, even sinister, about the conspiracy theory worldview.

These last three supposed “traits” stem from the comical psychological experiments conducted by “conspiracy theory researchers.” Experimental psychology is notoriously inaccurate and regularly fails to produce any kind of reliable results. This is not to say that verifiable results aren’t possible. But the field is particularly prone to bias. Nothing illustrates this point more clearly than the absurd conclusions of the “conspiracy theory” experimental psychologists.

For example, in a seminal paper in the field of conspiracy theorist “research,” titled Understanding Conspiracy Theories (Douglas et al., 2019), the psychologists start from the following premise:

Conspiracy theories are attempts to explain the ultimate causes of significant social and political events and circumstances with claims of secret plots by two or more powerful actors.

This opening salvo is preposterous. It’s an absurd assumption—a vacuous claim for which there is no evidence and for which, logically, there can never be any evidence.

No one on Earth can explain anything, be it an event, a policy, an economic situation or any “circumstances,” by referencing “secret plots.” Clearly, trying to do so would be nonsensical, which is why no one does. In fact, it is not unreasonable to ask if any such purported “conspiracy theorists” even exist!

Douglas et al. continue:

Conspiracies such as the Watergate scandal do happen, but because of the difficulties inherent in executing plans and keeping people quiet, they tend to fail. [. . .] When conspiracies fail—or are otherwise exposed—the appropriate experts deem them as having actually occurred.

Bear in mind, dear readers, the Douglas paper is supposed to be based on science.

Starting from the above ludicrous suppositions, the “researchers” then use the logical fallacies of personal incredulity and appeal to authority in an attempt to supposedly define the difference between their weird concept of “theoretical” conspiracies and the “real” conspiracies that evidently occur relatively often. They contend, in all seriousness, that conspiracies remain “secret plots” and therefore cannot possibly be discerned, until such time as they are acknowledged by the appropriate “experts.”

This childlike comprehension of the world, utterly oblivious of biased pluralism and economic-elite domination, exemplifies the so-called psychological research that the UN cites as “evidence” in its determination of the nature of “conspiracy theory.” It is incoherent gobbledegook.

To their credit, the Douglas et al. researchers correctly note:

It is important for scholars to define what they mean by “conspiracy theorist” and “conspiracy theory” because—by signalling irrationality—these terms can neutralize valid concerns and delegitimize people. These terms can thus be weaponized. [. . .] Politicians sometimes use these terms to deflect criticism because it turns the conversation back onto the accuser rather than the accused.

You can read about the history of the “weaponisation” of the “conspiracy theory” label here. The evidence supposedly defining a “conspiracy theorist” is weak to non-existent and is almost exclusively based upon farcical experimental psychology, baseless assumptions and politically motivated claims.

We can safely conclude, then, that what the UN deems to be anti-establishment “conspiracy theory” is actually anti-establishment “opinion,” pure and simple.

This does not mean that all such opinions are credible. Some may be wrong, even wacky, or lack supporting evidence. Other anti-Establishment opinions are well evidenced, accurate and can help to expose wrongdoing, etc. Such is the nature of “opinion.”

UN-ism is a witch hunt created to censor the opinions of anyone and everyone who questions the Establishment (G3P). UN-ism’s plan is first to silence all critics by “weaponising” the conspiracy theorist label and then to prosecute the most ardent and influential “conspiracy theorists” as criminals.

An Introduction to UN-ism

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), stipulating the “human rights” that the UN then refers to nine times in its Charter, is most assuredly not a declaration of “rights.” Human beings do not define “rights.” So-called “human rights” are government and intergovernmental behavioural “permits.”

Article 29.2 and Article 29.3 of the UDHR make this clear. Article 29.2 decrees that “human rights” can be ignored by government for any reason if it claims it is doing so to defend “morality, public order and the general welfare in a democratic society.” Article 29.3 declares that even governments are limited if the UN decides that observing human rights is contrary to its “purposes and principles,” the determination of which is at the UN’s sole discretion.

This is not the case with real rights—namely, “inalienable rights.” Collectively, humanity has no authority to offend against the inalienable rights of a single human being. Consequently, the UN and its stakeholders, rather than publicly admit they are powerless, simply pretend that inalienable—sometimes referred to as “unalienable”—rights don’t exist. Unfortunately, the vast bulk of humanity concedes this point.

The democratic ideals of free speech and freedom of expression are inalienable rights, not human rights. Inalienable rights are inviolable and immutable and ours in equal measure from the moment we are born. Or, as the UN itself acknowledges in the preamble to its UDHR:

[Recognition of the] equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world.

The full text of the UDHR doesn’t even mention inalienable rights. If we consider that inalienable rights are “the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,” then what need was there to create an entirely separate declaration of alleged rights that studiously ignored freedom, justice and peace in the world?

The purpose of the UDHR, presumably, was to manufacture “human rights,” make them the antithesis of inalienable rights, and offer them to humanity instead. Given that inalienable rights already existed and have long been acknowledged to be the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world, it is difficult to imagine what other reason there might have been.

It is important to appreciate what humanity’s lamentable acceptance of the UN’s “human rights” concept means in terms of policy and practice. Human rights, which are permits, not rights, enable the G3P Establishment, with the UN at its heart, to ignore all human rights—that is, conditionally restrict the issuance of permits—while simultaneously claiming that it is protecting human rights.

By ignoring the fact that democratic ideals are inalienable rights, not human rights permits, this also means that the G3P Establishment can obliterate the principles that supposedly underpin “representative democracy,” all the while claiming it is upholding “democratic ideals.” Framed as “human rights,” democratic ideals can be discarded whenever the G3P Establishment wishes.

This is all made possible by virtue of the UN’s incessant disinformation—its false claim that “human rights” are “rights inherent to all human beings.” The UN has already admitted that it is “inalienable rights,” not “human rights,” that are actually “inherent to all human beings.” Thereafter, the UN has seemingly never dared mention this distinction again.

Tackling anti-establishment conspiracy theory is a key component of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 16 (SDG16). This isn’t immediately apparent, because the subtext of the SDGs is routinely masked. Nonetheless, as we shall see, it is the case.

Let’s take SDG16.10, for example. It aims to:

. . . [e]nsure public access to information and protect fundamental freedoms, in accordance with national legislation and international agreements[.]

You will note that “fundamental freedoms” are only “protected” if government legislation or international agreements permit it. This is because the UN recognises only “human rights”—which, as we have just established, are completely worthless. What possible value could our so-called “fundamental freedoms” have in the face of the UN’s information war against the “conspiracy theorist” bogeymen? None.

Looking even more precisely at SDG 16.10.2, we see that UNESCO will oversee the global adoption and implementation of “constitutional, statutory and/or policy guarantees for public access to information.” This SDG “indicator” is not saying or even implying that we will have public access to all information, but, rather, only to the “public information” approved by the G3P Establishment.

UNESCO defines “public information” as follows:

“Public access to information” refers to the presence of an effective system to meet citizens’ rights to seek and receive information, particularly that held by or on behalf of public authorities. [. . .] Within the perspective of the 2030 Agenda, access to information is critical for empowering the public to make decisions, holding governments accountable, evaluating public officials in implementing and monitoring the SDGs, and facilitating effective public participation.

Here and elsewhere, UNESCO makes it clear that “public information” is information provided by governments and other UN stakeholder partners. Even more particularly, it is information that promotes the UN’s sustainable development agenda, period! According to the G3P Establishment, that is the full extent of our “human right” to access information.

There is a direct connection between SDG16.10 and the UN’s 2017 joint declaration on Freedom of Expression, which was issued in partnership with the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), the Organization of American States (OAS) and the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR).

According to that declaration:

States may only impose restrictions on the right to freedom of expression in accordance with the test for such restrictions under international law, namely that they [. . .] serve one of the legitimate interests recognised under international law, and be necessary and proportionate to protect that interest.

Hold up a minute! There is no “human right” to freedom of expression. So there cannot be a “human right” to freedom of information, either.

There is, however, an “inalienable right” to these freedoms—and we possess both. Indeed, freedoms of speech and expression, and the commensurate access to information, are among the foundational principles of all alleged representative democracies. But the UN and its G3P Establishment partners don’t care about that.

Consider UNESCO’s Think Before Sharing campaign, for instance. Its intent is to “stop the spread of conspiracy theories.” UNESCO notes:

They [conspiracy theories] spread mistrust in public institutions [and] they spread mistrust in scientific and medical information[.]

And not only do these “conspiracy theories” question the public institutions that accommodate the biased pluralism preferred by the G3P Establishment, they also cast doubt on the hallowed “public information” provided by this omnipotent Establishment. How dare they!

We Westerners have been taught since birth that our right to question power is the most fundamental of all democratic ideals. Yet here we are being told that the UN regime considers this enshrined right of ours verboten. It’s now drilled into us that all information questioning the Establishment is “disinformation,” since it erodes our “trust” in that very Establishment.

So, let’s see where we stand: Information from the UN-controlled global public-private partnership, aka the G3P Establishment, is the only information we have a “human right” to access. Furthermore, any information that questions the G3P Establishment can be censored in order to protect our “human rights.”

Can it be any more obvious how the “human rights permit” system works?

The UN’s efforts to stop dangerous anti-establishment conspiracy theorists obviously confirms that our “representative democracies” and our “human rights” are expendable. These ideas don’t mean anything to the UN and its stakeholder partners because the G3P Establishment understands that they are empty constructs. We are the only people who cling to these myths.

We’ve already discussed that there’s nothing new about anti-establishment opinions. Why, then, is the UN now labelling contrarian views “conspiracy theories”? What has changed to make the UN suddenly so concerned about the sacrosanct right we have to speak our minds?

It’s not as though more people are rebellious these days. Recent scientific research (Uscinki et al., 2022) found no evidence to suggest that, as a proportion of the population, more people hold anti-establishment views today than during previous generations. The researchers, who called this view “conspiracism,” reported:

In no instance do we observe systematic evidence for an increase in conspiracism[.] [. . .] [W]e observe little supportive evidence for such growth.

Well, then, perhaps it’s not an increase in anti-establishment views the UN is worried about, but, rather, the dangerous mentality of those who hold such views?

Research that Uscinski and his colleague Joseph Parent did almost a decade ago took up that very question. In 2014 the two political scientists conducted a large-scale survey that looked at the demographics of the people labelled “conspiracy theorists” in the US.

Uscinski and Parent

They found virtually nothing to distinguish these people from the general population. In terms of gender, ethnicity, economic status, educational attainment, occupation, political ideology and employment status, so-called “conspiracy theorists” could not be categorised.

Their marginally distinguishing demographic traits were that they tended to be older than the average population age, that they apparently shunned jobs in academia—despite 23% of them being university-educated—and that they were somewhat more likely to hold anti-establishment views if they were black or Hispanic. Also, they had a slight inclination to favour independent political candidates.

OK, let’s set aside anti-establishment views for a minute and ask if there’s anything else that defines or differentiates people whom the G3P Establishment labels conspiracy theorists.

No, not really. In actuality, all humans are considered either threats or potential threats if they dare question authority. As UNESCO puts it:

Conspiracy theories cause real harm to people, to their health, and also to their physical safety. They amplify and legitimise misconceptions[,] [. . .] reinforce stereotypes[,] [and] fuel violence and violent extremist ideologies. [. . .] [T]hey spread mistrust leading to apathy or radicalisation.

So, your mum, the bloke who sorts mail in the post office, Samantha from human resources, Sanjay the pharmacist, you and I—all of us are supposedly conspiracy theorist extremists in the fevered imagination of the G3P Establishment. And we’re potential terrorists if we exercise our democratic rights and presume to question authority.

In 2016 UN Special Rapporteur Ben Emmerson issued a report on efforts to counter extremism. In it, he noted:

[M]any programmes directed at radicalisation [are] based on a simplistic understanding of the process as a fixed trajectory to violent extremism with identifiable markers along the way. [. . .] [T]here is no authoritative statistical data on the pathways towards individual radicalisation.

There is nothing to substantiate the UN’s claim that anti-establishment views “fuel violence and violent extremist ideologies.” Broadly, the evidence suggests that these are the very people who advocate majoritarian electoral democracy.

Nothing has changed with regard to the evidence since Emmerson issued his report. The UN still doesn’t have a clue as to how people are “radicalised.” The only thing that has changed is its increasingly frantic rhetoric.

Just as the fear-mongering of McCarthyism was exaggerated, so is there no basis for today’s alarmist assertions of the UN and its stakeholder partners.

Why, then, is the UN so afraid of us? In the UN’s own words, here’s a hint:

Information is the engine of development in the 20th and 21st century. This is fuelled by independent news media that can act as a trusted guardian of public interest [. . .] But recent developments have put journalism under fire. Political, technological, economic and social transformations are inexorably reshaping the communications landscape and raising many questions about the quality, impact and credibility of journalism.

When the UN speaks of “independent news media” acting as “the trusted guardian of public interest,” it is referring to the mainstream media (MSM). This point is spelled out in more detail in the UN’s Information Mapping Report:

Access to quality information plays a critical role in public trust, democracy, peace and social cohesion. [. . .] As information becomes more accessible, it also becomes more open to influences from non-traditional actors in the infosphere — in most contexts anyone can create and disseminate information. As a consequence, the traditional actors and gatekeepers of information and news — established media and government institutions — are struggling to compete with this new reality.

The MSM “guardians” and “government institutions,” being “gatekeepers of information,” defend the UN against interlopers, who have swooped in and taken advantage of the internet to “create and disseminate information” that questions its decisions and authority.

We’ve finally nailed the source of the UN’s fears. It’s not that there are more people with anti-establishment views nor is it these people present a realistic threat to anyone’s “safety.” No, it is that the internet threatens the G3P Establishment’s centralised control of information.

When German political scientists recently reviewed the academic literature on this subject, they concluded that the centralised control of information, especially online, is favoured by autocracies but not by democracies:

A growing body of research has studied how autocratic regimes interfere with internet communication to contain challenges to their rule. [. . .] In most autocratic regimes, governmental interference in digital infrastructure and communication is commonplace. [. . .] This influence occurs for political motives—to ban opposition activists from mobilizing their followers online, to contain the spread of information that is critical of the regime, or to spy on the population to identify potential dissenters. [. . .] [A]utocrats make systematic use of digital tools and interfere with online communication to contain challenges to their rule.

The G3P Establishment, which represents a network of shared interests, may not technically be an autocracy, but it is the next closest thing: an oligarchy. The way oligarchies operate is exactly the same as the autocratic regimes described by those German political scientists.

It certainly goes without saying that the G3P Establishment will not brook any challenges to its “rule.” The challengers—the “non-traditional actors”—which means anyone and everyone who opposes them—must be silenced.

Welcome to UN-ism.


The UN Secretary General António Guterres told the October 2022 Global Media and Information Literacy Week summit about the risks posed by “conspiracy theorists.” Addressing the so-called “infodemic”—the UN term for any information that questions its pandemic narrative—and noting that the theme of the summit was “mis- and disinformation, pseudoscience [and] conspiracy theories,” Guterres said:

Trust is the bedrock of every society. It connects people to their leaders. It builds faith in institutions. [. . .] [M]isinformation caused suffering and even death. That’s why we launched the “Verified” initiative to reach millions worldwide with facts and science about the virus.

UN Verified is a global public-private partnership (G3P) that aims to share “verified” messages and stories across the world:

Verified is an initiative of the United Nations, in collaboration with Purpose. [. . .] Organisations, businesses, civil society and media platforms around the world collaborate with Verified to spread information[.]

The objective of Purpose is to “use public mobilization and storytelling” to “shift policies and change public narratives” in order to “remake the world.” Some of the many philanthropic foundations and global corporations that have come together, under the umbrella of Purpose, include the Rockefeller Foundation, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the European Climate Foundation, Bloomberg Philanthropies, Luminate, Nike, the World Wildlife Fund and Google.

The UN/Purpose G3P is engaged in a global information war, the purpose of which, it claims, is to defeat the dangerous anti-establishment conspiracy theorists. We know this isn’t its real intention.

Whether the G3P Establishment is even bothered about the people it labels “conspiracy theorists” is a pertinent question. In fact, from its perspective, the more people it can call “conspiracy theorists” the better because what it truly fears is loss of information control.

For us, there is no real risk from anti-Establishment opinion. Indeed, expressing such opinion is genuinely our most treasured democratic ideal. Censorship, on the other hand, is concerning.

The concept of the “conspiracy theorist” is simply the manufactured “threat” the G3P Establishment is using to re-seize the information control that the advent of the internet wrenched from it. Of course, like the McCarthyists before it, the UN and its stakeholder partners will censor, attack and prosecute its fictitious villains wherever they can to achieve their hidden agenda.

Again, speaking in October 2022, announcing the Verified project, Guterres said:

As the world fights the deadly COVID-19 pandemic [. . .] we are also seeing another epidemic, a dangerous epidemic of misinformation. [. . .] The global “misinfo-demic” is spreading. [. . .] Wild conspiracy theories are infecting the Internet. Hatred is going viral. [. . .] The world must unite against this disease, too. [. . .] First, trust in science. [. . .] Second. Trust the institutions.

There was no evidence to back up Guterres claim that misinformation caused “suffering and death” nor to support his later asserted link between alleged “conspiracy theories” and viral hatred. Perhaps even more striking was his bizarre suggestion that “trust” in institutions is the “bedrock” of society. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Representative democracies are supposedly based upon our “right” to question power. Our ability to scrutinise, oversee and ultimately control democratic “institutions” is the “bedrock” of our society. Perhaps Guterres and Purpose wish to “remake” a different kind of society?

Beyond Natural Law and Natural Justice, there can be no crime unless there is legislation enacted to deem it so.

That is why, for instance, there was no such thing as a criminal computer hacker in Britain until the UK government created Section 1 of the Computer Misuse Act 1990. This doesn’t mean that computer hacking “shouldn’t” be a crime—under Natural Justice it would certainly be judged to be so. It simply means that computer hacking is now a specific crime in the UK only because the government passed legislation to make it a crime.

The problem is that governments, which routinely ignore Natural Justice, can make anything a crime. Lawmakers in most countries, being stakeholder partners within the G3P Establishment, are actively participating in biased pluralism and often creating crimes at the behest of the “economic-elite.”

The aim of SDG16.a is to:

. . . [s]trengthen relevant national institutions, including through international cooperation, for building capacity at all levels, in particular in developing countries, to prevent violence and combat terrorism and crime[.]

This sounds fine on the surface. But the subtext is extremely concerning, especially when we learn that the UN has selected INTERPOL to be an “implementing partner” for a number of SDGs—in particular, SDG16.

To complement the SDGs, INTERPOL created its Global Policing Goals (GPGs), explaining:

We developed seven Global Policing Goals (GPGs) to address a range of issues related to crime and security. [. . .] INTERPOL’s Global Policing Goals are therefore aligned with the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This applies especially to Goal 16 (SDG 16) “Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions.”

The ambition of GPG4 is to “secure cyberspace for people and businesses.” To this end, INTERPOL has established “partnerships to secure cyberspace.” It has expanded its “cybercrime investigative expertise” in order to protect “critical infrastructure.”

INTERPOL has formed a number of global public-private partnerships as part of its Global Cybercrime Programme. Among them is its partnership with the World Economic Forum (WEF), called the “Partnership Against Cybercrime” (WEF-PAC).

The 2020 WEF-PAC report on cybercrime reads:

[T]he effects of cybercrime can be just as devastating as physical crimes, impacting numerous individuals and organizations everywhere. [. . .] We must create barriers to entry, such as raising the cost of engaging in criminal activities and the overall risk for cybercriminals. Law enforcement agencies worldwide are actively investigating cybercrimes with the aim of prosecuting cybercriminals. [. . .] Threat actors range from individuals, to loosely connected cross-national collectives. [. . .] Criminals use internet based infrastructure to uphold terrorism and drug trafficking, and spread disinformation to destabilize governments and democracies. [. . .] Cybercrime is an enormous barrier to digital trust.

So we should be cognisant that, in order to safeguard its “traditional actors and gatekeepers” of information, the UN and its G3P Establishment stakeholders, such as INTERPOL and the WEF, intend to lead their government partners to prosecute the people labelled as “conspiracy theorists” for the “cybercrime” of spreading “disinformation.”

In March 2022 the General Assembly Human Rights Council issued resolution A/HRC/49/L.31/Rev.1. on the “Role of States in countering the negative impact of disinformation on the enjoyment and realization of human rights.” Despite its meaningless rhetoric about respect for “human rights,” the UN urges all States to:

[. . .] facilitate an environment supportive of countering disinformation through multidimensional and multi stakeholder responses[.] [And it] [i]nvites States to encourage business enterprises, including social media companies, to address disinformation while respecting human rights.

In other words, the UN, in partnership with its G3P stakeholders, intends to police and censor the internet, especially the social media companies and internet search providers.

We can see the results of this resolution in the actions of various governments. The UK government and the EU, for example, have since embarked upon tyrannical censorship programmes.

We can also see the resolution’s rank hypocrisy. Though it forcefully asserts (see A/Res/HRC/47/L.22) that “encryption and anonymity” are crucial to “ensure the enjoyment of all human rights offline and online,” those are just words written on bits of paper that mean nothing to the UN or its G3P partners.

How do we know this?

For one, the UK government’s Online Safety Bill seeks to effectively eradicate online “encryption and anonymity.”

For another, the EU, whose 27 constituent nations are UN member states, plans to issue “detection orders” that would also render end-to-end encryption technology a practical impossibility.

For yet another, the Spanish government, both an EU and a UN member state, has gone even further: It has suggested banning “encryption and anonymity” completely. That most EU legal opinion suggests Spain’s proposed censorship legislation will be “unlawful” is irrelevant.

Thus, the anonymity that enables people to “enjoy” their “human rights” is being snatched away. The UN-led Establishment’s goal is to identify—with a view to prosecuting—anyone who dares to question it.

The Twitter Files, although an extremely limited hangout, have already exposed the early phases of this operation. The US biased pluralist government, for example, colluded with the social media giants, which are G3P Establishment “stakeholder partners,” to silence legitimate medical and scientific opinion throughout the co-called “pandemic.” We also know how biased pluralism suppressed stories about political scandals.

Grasping onto the UN’s addition of “harm” to the definition of “disinformation,” the UK government is among those to already propose legislation to “outlaw” alleged “information pollution.” There is no sign of any meaningful resistance from the people’s so-called representatives—members of parliament (MPs).

Cited in the House of Commons reading list for the misnamed Online Safety Bill, MPs who might want to inform themselves before passing the legislation, thereby committing the population to dictatorship, can read the expert legal opinion reported by the Index on Censorship:

The provisions in the Online Safety Bill that would enable state-backed surveillance of private communications contain some of the broadest and powerful surveillance powers ever proposed in any Western democracy. [. . .] The Bill as currently drafted gives Ofcom the powers to impose Section 104 notices on the operators of private messaging apps and other online services. These notices give Ofcom the power to impose specific technologies (e.g. algorithmic content detection) that provide for the surveillance of the private correspondence of UK citizens. [. . .] No communications in the UK – whether between MPs, between whistleblowers and journalists, or between a victim and a victims support charity – would be secure or private.

To sum up: the term “conspiracy theory” is nothing more than a propagandist label. It has been documented that theoretically democratic governments favour the biased pluralism model and operate in service to an economic elite.

The UN regime seeks to protect and serve, not our interests, but the interests of a global economic-elite. Members of the public who point out these facts are not a threat to anyone. On the other hand, the UN regime and its public-private partners are most assuredly a threat to everyone.

UN-ism creates fictional caricatures that serve as propagandist props to facilitate the widespread distribution of disinformation. The purpose is to justify censorship and oppression. And though the nature of disinformation has not changed through the years, the scale of the disinformation program the UN and its partners are now engaged in has grown immense.

We must not fall victim to UN-ism or the disinformation and propaganda upon which it is based. We must remember UN-ism’s nefarious purpose: to seize back the information control that the economic-elite have lost and, in so doing, to consolidate the dictatorial power of the global public-private partnership “Establishment.”

The Establishment rules exclusively for its own interest, not ours. We must never cease to exercise our inalienable rights. These can neither be lost nor stolen from us. There is no greater authority than us.

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47 Comments on "UN-ism: The New McCarthyism"

  1. Chernyshenko | June 14, 2023 at 8:34 am | Reply

    You’ve been exposed, Comrade Volunteer. I always suspected the name wasn’t an accident, and now it’s all out.
    “The #InThisTogether Award represents an extension of the impactful mutual aid campaign bearing the same name, which has provided targeted assistance to over 6.5 million Russians. It builds upon the legacy of the prestigious the all-Russian competition called Volunteer of Russia. The primary objective of this distinguished award is to acknowledge and support leaders spearheading socially significant initiatives that contribute to uplifting individuals and enhancing the overall quality of life in Russia and beyond. The winners of the 2022 Award embody the vanguard of social change, actively striving to make the world a better place. Their projects boast a remarkable track record spanning several years, while their unwavering dedication to progress enables them to continuously devise groundbreaking and inventive solutions.”

    A pretty accurate description of the activity of the site and its owner. 😀

    A small part of the always stunning SPIEF 2023 program. Each new SPIEF is more and more stunning (Joker: this one puts a lot of emphasis on the smart future of cities); right now I am collecting a small file in the form of a post in my improvised “multipolar” archive. Here’s something interesting from there, in relation to the article. On the occasion of the attitude of the most popular country-a fighter against globalists:
    Before “the Great War” (2021), the second news:
    https :// vigilantcitizenforums. com/threads/russia-through-the-hidden-eye.10549/post-531320
    …And after its beginning (2022)
    https :// vigilantcitizenforums. com/threads/russia-through-the-hidden-eye.10549/post-531329
    https :// vigilantcitizenforums. com/threads/russia-through-the-hidden-eye.10549/post-531334
    https :// vigilantcitizenforums. com/threads/russia-through-the-hidden-eye.10549/post-531336
    https :// vigilantcitizenforums. com/threads/russia-through-the-hidden-eye.10549/post-531338
    And the last, of 2023:
    https :// vigilantcitizenforums. com/threads/russia-through-the-hidden-eye.10549/post-548427

    As you can see for yourself, “the struggle for a world free from Western evil for men is mercilessly cruel.” 🙂

    • Chernyshenko | June 14, 2023 at 8:13 pm | Reply

      Just to add, in case anyone is interested, that I collected this very detailed file (selected to my liking) from SPIEF 2023, here it is.:
      https :// vigilantcitizenforums.com/threads/russia-through-the-hidden-eye-continuation.10926/post-560054
      https :// vigilantcitizenforums.com/threads/russia-through-the-hidden-eye-continuation.10926/post-560124
      https :// vigilantcitizenforums.com/threads/russia-through-the-hidden-eye-continuation.10926/post-560152

      On the same page, before the posts about SPIEF, there are excerpts from the largest Belarusian forum for information and communication technologies TIBO 2023, where quite a few representatives of Russia and the Eurasian Union participate, discussing their future plans (many smart cities). Finally (after TIBO and before SPIEF posts), there is the decree signed by Lukashenko in May 2020 on “No. 156 “On priority areas of scientific, technical and innovative activities for 2021-2025” smart city technologies have been identified as one of the priority areas of scientific, technical and innovative activities for 2021-2025.

      In order to implement the “Smart City” concept, the Program of activities of the Government of the Republic of Belarus for the period up to 2025 assumes the intensification of work on the development of “smart cities” technologies in all regions, the introduction of the regional state standard digital platform “Smart City (region)” in Minsk, regional centers, cities and districts with a population of 80 thousand a person or more, providing services based on them in various spheres of life and management.”

      Etc. Little off-topic, sorry. Therefore, I will not be angry if the comment comes too much and is not approved. Thanks:)

  2. Truth Peeve

    Truther “reporters” report that federally, we are living under a “continuity of govt.” operated & managed by the U. S. Military & often referred to as “white hats.” If such is so, & if the “border crisis” is so foreboding, then there would have been & should be ACTION to protect WTP. The border issues are continually broadcasted to WTP by both MSM & ALT media.

    My pet peeve is that only 1 of 2 things is true: Either we are not under a C.O.G. or the border crisis is NOT a critical issue. Personally, I lean to the latter.

  3. My rights are fom God & NOONE can restrict them,

  4. Criminal and terrorist organisations like the WHO, UN, WEF, CIA and NATO live in fear of the truth becoming public. In pre-internet days it was far easier for them to keep their nefarious activities away from public scrutiny. Now like the scene in in the Wizard of Oz where the curtain is pulled back to reveal the reality we can see these so called elites (parasites) for what they are. Soros, Schwab,Kissinger and co. are at the end of their natural lives and should be midazolammed straight to hell without delay and their organisations pulled down in the best interests of humanity and the planet. Gates and Blair aren’t exactly spring chickens either.

  5. Bollox Ian. Sen. McCarthy was absolutely right.i suggest you read Blacklisted by history-Stanton Evans. You are just echoing Standard bullshit about McCarthy. It all started with his strenuous critique of the Dachau trials. So you can probably guess who is out to get him. And of course they did. He tried to appease them by appointing Roy Cohn to his team but it did not work. Roy Cohn of course was a mob lawyer, homosexual, and a weapons grade piece of shit. Also a Close associate of Donald Trump so there you go!

    • Fair enough Nick. I couldn’t disagree more. Executive Order 9835 was the “cause” of McCarthyism. What sort of democratic institution demands absolute, unquestioning loyalty? I think we know the answer Nick. It is the very communist (and fascist) regimes that McCarthyism supposedly stood against. Nothing could be more “anti-democratic” than McCarthyism in my view.It was a disgraceful episode in US political history.

  6. …incisive article Iain and thats an observation based on a cursory scan of the material …i will read it tomorrow please God…one thought springs to mind however…aren’t most people likely more impressed upon by their sensory contact (ie five senses) with their immediate environment…isn’t there a whole Pandoras box involving an analysis concerning this approach, i mean the Indian concept of maya and it’s illusory imposition…considering the UN’s intrusion ‘observed’ from and extending a possible argument originating from this perspective exposes the seriousness of this liberty
    appropriated at our expense …and this concept must include the Kantian ideas which reflect Indian Samkhyan philisophy…not to mention Schopenhauer’s World as Will and Representation …am i making any sense regarding the context?…

    • Thanks Gerry. In answer to your question I am uncertain about your point. Hopefully you will have a chance to read the whole article and come back to flesh it out.

  7. Learn to think or learn to teach?
    Natural inquisitiveness enables development of ability to think. Teaching children parrot-fashion blocks that.
    Multiple-choice exams started decades ago, replacing essay answers that required thought. Boxes ticked without thinking pass exams by luck.
    Parents and teachers parroting: because I say so, because it’s the Law, because you have to, because you can’t. All of which child already knows.
    Not giving child further information represses child’s natural inclination to develop ability to think.
    Mantra, fob-offs, can’t, don’t know, are all unthinking. So too ‘echo chambers’, articles substantially repeating previous articles, repetition within article, quoting word for word and, an arrogant tone blocks questions.
    Children who ask questions at school labelled disruptive or slow by teachers who protect their ignorance by preventing children developing ability to think.

    If someone knows what they’re talking about, they answer questions. Having been taught that’s way it is we questioned our teachers, who satisfied us they did know.
    They explained rationale, based on moral principle of natural law, behind each line of each rule to our satisfaction and, labelled nothing good or bad.
    It was all not bad or not good enough; leaving us free to think further instead of being stuck at good/bad full-stop.
    We never got 10/10 but rose to challenge e.g. all sums correct and written neatly, poem copied and illustrated, showing understood words; incidentally developing lateral thinking.
    The really knowledgeable always explain to any who question no matter how wide the gap in knowledge or in nominal authority between questioner and questioned.
    Courtesy, of course, aids development of ability to think and therefore control of self but went out of fashion in 1990s on grounds it didn’t pay. So now 98% are ‘herd’; not thinking, independent individuals.

    Lack of self-control been profitable many years: instead of every child being reliably dry 24/7 by 2-years-old, now ‘dry nights’ products for 12-year-olds.
    25-years-old is about end of development of ability to think; meaning those 12-year-olds have only 13 years to develop another 23 years’ worth their original potential to think.
    It’s the 98% the article refers to when claiming we don’t question authority. Fakers typically fear being questioned but truth always comes out in its own way in its own good time. Thus, censoring is useless and makes internet too boring to read.
    Internet can be controlled but not us unless we connect our strings to controllers, which is what unthinking do.
    Hence schooling into parrots trained by materialism, blame, digitalisation and deletion of moral principles into insecure self-esteem that clings to anything.
    We and the internet are separate issues and it’s ‘net being censored; disconnect from ‘net and still have free thought and speech, more so actually.

    • Thanks Jane. Ironic that we are only able to discuss this thanks to the internet, although I take your point about it not becoming our only means of exercising free speech and expression.

      • Thanks for your reply Iain.
        In off-line conversations over the years about children’s thoughtfulness, two tendencies towards children have been wide-spread and persistent:
        It’s the little or ‘other’ guy’s fault.
        And, under-estimation of children.
        As both those tendencies are in this article, I tried to offer idea it is not children at fault and counter the arrogance towards them.
        But that defence of children seems to have fallen by wayside in defence of internet.
        My fault for including a 2nd issue instead of only most important one.

        • I’m sorry Jane, you’ve lost me. Please can you reference where you have identified the arrogance and blame. Do you mean something I wrote or something I am referring to? Thanks.

          • Sorry, I get a bit wound up about this issue. It’s more a general theme behind article.
            Article seems to want children to be taught ‘critical thinking’ as if they are not naturally inclined to do so anyway. i.e. they are at fault or faulty, adults know better; which is arrogant towards children and under-estimates them.
            Emphasis on UN not teaching children ‘critical thinking’ suggests criticism of UN for not doing so, implying UN should. Again, reads as adults can, children can’t.

            My view is children have a natural inclination to develop ‘critical thinking’ ability but adults block that development in the way most respond to children’s questions and, in the way schools teach by rote, which I call ‘parrot-fashion’.

            Article sees adults not thinking critically and assumes untaught as children. But, blocking children’s natural ability would also result in adults not thinking critically.

            If a child does something and is told don’t, they ask why not. If told to do something, they ask why. They’re looking for more information and the rationale or logical explanations. They’re trying to make logical sense of world around them.
            When a baby opens its eyes, it’s presented with a maelstrom of moving pixels, but it’s not long before it’s worked out that one picture is mum’s face, another dad’s.
            A 3-year-old may deduce e.g. the wind comes from the trees but they’ve got source of noise correct when it’s windy. You can see their logic, it’s info missing.

            Yet, article promotes idea children need to be taught ‘critical thinking’, schooling them, rather than acknowledging, respecting themas free, thinking individuals.

            My first comment mentioned some of the many things adults do that block children’s collection of information and their further logical thought. Also some alternatives that leave children free to think further and encourage them to do so.

            Hope I’ve managed to answer your question, please try again if I’ve missed the point

          • No that’s fine, I understand your point. I hear what you are saying. I am not “recommending” that the UN teaches anyone. Heaven forbid! I am suggesting that the UN is not promoting the obvious solution, which is critical thinking. I suspect you’re right, that we innately posses this ability. In which case we should nurture this in children. As you point out, this may just be a case of allowing them room to develop naturally. I don’t know. But I do know that the Trivium is commonly encouraged in classical education settings. I see no reason why it couldn’t be fostered in all educational settings. Whether that’s home schooling or “educational establishments.”

  8. Hi Iain
    Thanks for understanding. OK, I misunderstood the difference between UN not promoting and not teaching. Yes, UN teaching would be disastrous. But, so too are governmental promotions and, they’re not only ones who can do that. I find DIY preferable to leaving anything at all to ‘governors’.
    I guess a possible reason that that nurturing isn’t everywhere may be that governments find being criticised inconvenient and, government, via local councils, trains and selects child-carers and teachers.
    Then, if a child only experiences one attitude towards children, they know of no other way of treating children when they’re a parent, child-carer or teacher.

  9. …hi Iain…i replied to ur reply yesterday…only a few unimportant lines which have not shown up here for some reason?!…hence my new comment…u have alot compacted in the article so much of which i still need to look at…i guess i’m going at it from a metaphysical approach…from our subjective (objective?!)condition, our ordinary awareness before we consider any possibility of specific mind manipulation’perpetrated upon us by ‘interested’ or nefarious forces …its already a complex issue it seems…when u consider the diversity of the’minds’ affected…and the circumstances in which they exist…so i’m just posting a link to a chapter in consideration of the Indian philosophy of maya which u may or not be familiar with… https://www.crystalclarity.com/en-eu/pages/autobiography-chapter-30-the-law-of-miracles
    … i’ll just leave it with u for now, if ur interested u may get an opportunity to look into it…in fact with ur background in health care u might find it somewhat illuminating…i have!…take care meantime Iain…i’ll present my ‘thesis’ soon i hope!

  10. Mees Baaijen | June 22, 2023 at 7:00 pm | Reply

    Thanks for the excellent article, Iain.
    But as Nick states, and he mentions an important source, the comparison with McCarthyism doesn’t hold water. McCarthy was (roughly) right, although his hangout was limited (by the ethnic group who had contracted him, and supplied his handler Roy Cohn, later mentor of Trump).
    Roosevelt’s New Deal was a step in the direction of communism, as was the UN which was prepared by the same communists under FDR (its communist character is becoming very clear in your article!). FDR’s government was highly infiltrated with communists – as you probably know, set up and financed by the very same bankers who are behind “capitalism”. The goal was a merger between the US and the Soviet Union, as Normand Dodd (Congressional Reece Committee) found out when he interviewed Alan Gaither (director of the Ford Foundation), who told him:
    “All of us who … have had experience operating under directives [to] use our grant-making power so as to alter life in the United States that it can be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union”.
    See also James Perloff’s article on how the US (via Gen. Marshall) betrayed China into communism. The Americans gave away (at Jalta, where Stalin served them vodka every hour) Central Europe, East Germany and part of Berlin to the Soviet communists, and “Ike” Eisenhower was the traitor who let it happen. Same for N. Vietnam and N. Korea (Perloff).

    The idea of the merger (in also of the Soviet union as such!) was later abandoned, when it became clear that digital technology could substitute ideological control of the masses (Brzezinski’s 1970 book). Communist China was then tasked with its development and early implementation.

    In 1959, Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev pounded his shoe on the United Nations lectern and shouted:
    “Your children’s children will live under Communism. You Americans are so gullible. We won’t have to fight you; we’ll weaken your economy, until you fall like overripe fruit into our hands.”
    Today, the brainwashed and dormant West seems to accept the newest communist scion, the WEF’s Great Reset, where you will own nothing, and have no freedom, and no human future.

  11. Chernyshenko | June 26, 2023 at 7:51 am | Reply

    “In its report on how COVID-19 “disinformation” had allegedly increased the spread of violent extremism, the UN noted that there were “vocal or organized groups that advocate anti-Government and anti-establishment ideologies.” Adding that these “ideologies” were “growing conspiracy theories and anti-Government sentiments.”
    However, there are other groups that are also organized, but advocate pro-government and pro-establishment ideologies. And they’re quiet too. Or perhaps it’s more accurate to say that the people we normally rely on to make them public were riding the wave of the coup these days. (I confess that I did not flinch and only waited to see what delicious results this “real and difficult to understand” coup attempt would bring.)

    Let me vocals a little from the recent meetings of these groups, here, on the site, which is one of the few that broke the code of supposed multipolarity in many articles, and of the very few that did it well.
    Russia is ready to help eliminate outbreaks of dangerous infections anywhere in the world. In June 22 in a greeting to the participants of the International Scientific and Practical Conference “Global threats to biological security. Problems and solutions” in Sochi, Russian President Vladimir Putin. He also pointed out the importance of building up common efforts in the fight against epidemics.

    “The Sochi conference will allow analyzing current threats to biological security in the world and developing proposals to counteract them in order to protect health and ensure sustainable development.
    The delegates will discuss the current global and regional biosecurity risks, experience in responding to infectious threats and new scientific opportunities to ensure biosecurity.
    Among the main topics are modern technologies of prevention, detection and response to biological threats, scientific and technological development.”

    With a great program and even more wonderful international participants, from which the Russian alternative media remained in undisguised delight. I don’t want to give it away, but anyone who’s interested can take a look here: https :// vigilantcitizenforums .com/threads/russia-through-the-hidden-eye-continuation.10926/post-561622

    Below: short messages from the meeting from the website of the “Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare” Rospotrebnadzor, mostly general tales, I am waiting to see the spicy details (maybe first the storm from the great coup attempt should calm down, or it covered the communication and that is all we will find out, who knows…). And also, Russian cosmonauts addressed the participants of the round table of the International Assembly of CIS Capitals and Major Cities (MAG) “XXI century – the time of Smart cities!” with a video greeting from the International Space Station. (This is old, from March)
    https :// vigilantcitizenforums .com/threads/russia-through-the-hidden-eye-continuation.10926/post-561636
    Vladimir Vladimirovich held intensive talks with CIS Heads of State about situation in Russia (details not reported); and on June 23, somehow remained under the radar, Inter–ministerial consultations of the CIS member states on international information security were held in Moscow under the chairmanship of the Russian side.
    “The emphasis is on strengthening cooperation on specialized UN platforms – in the Open–ended Working Group on Security in the Field of ICT Use 2021-2025, the Special Committee for the Elaboration of a Universal Convention on Countering the Use of ICT for Criminal Purposes, as well as in the International Telecommunication Union and the Universal Postal Union. The issues of internationalization of Internet network management were discussed.”. While in MAG continue talks “to improve the comfort of the residents” of the CIS, in magical forums such as “Digitization of urban space”. ->
    https :// vigilantcitizenforums .com/threads/russia-through-the-hidden-eye-continuation.10926/post-561636

    • Thanks again Chernyshenko. I can only hope you keep submitting these excellent and informative comments. They are very useful. Can’t thank you enough.

      • Chernyshenko | June 26, 2023 at 6:01 pm | Reply

        Thank you, too, and I hope the comments are helpful. Well, of course, I understand perfectly well that they probably won’t be useful in the sense of bringing real benefit in opposing the current global forces, but the other option is for all those who want to resist to just stop talking. For me, it’s not all about the benefits. In fact, this is exactly the meta-narrative of the imposition thinking by the powerful circles on society: if there is no benefit, think, speak and do something that will bring you quick benefit.; something that will fit into socially accepted frameworks and allow you an easy existence. (And actually, as we’ve learned, especially since 2020, the opposite is true.) I think I’m not wrong.

        And, otherwise, I’m a little stupid because I have to constantly take care of some healthy things, but lately I’ve been neglecting myself and the situation has become such that maybe all my comments will stop soon. But, nevertheless, I assure everyone that in my two threads (one of which with continued) there are some really valuable and important things, and – without exaggeration – some of them that really cannot be found anywhere or almost anywhere, especially in the West, and especially in alt-media (but, paradoxically, some even difficult to find in the alt-media in Russia, as they are developed here, with the related topics; I do not know why).
        By the way, I have a small favor to ask you. But it’s not something very important, so I understand if it’s not convenient. It’s about a friend of mine from a platform where I was banned. She, by the way, is actually quite a good journalist, and she had an alt-site in a small country; and there she mentioned you, maybe there were your translated articles or references to you, and you were also on her list of recommendations. She also shares tweets from you sometimes. This is her Twitter: https :// twitter .com/vanusha_rm

        I lost contact and I don’t have her email (she was my subscriber on that platform – what an honor – where they banned me). So if I could, like, if there’s a personal contact form on Twitter, where you could give her a message, I’d like to tell her:
        “Hi, my friend. I’m still around, and I’m here, in my old place: https :// vigilantcitizenforums .com/threads/russia-through-the-hidden-eye.10549/; continuation (new things, news): https :// vigilantcitizenforums .com/threads/russia-through-the-hidden-eye-continuation.10926/page-4#post-561622 ; and I think the most important thing I couldn’t post there (Code: practical and legalized ‘russian cosmism’, you know): https :// vigilantcitizenforums .com/threads/the-cornerstone-the-nature%E2%80%93like-technosphere-is-a-part-of-the-noosphere.10576/

        I hope you’re Okay (I’m reviewing your tweets, you know; so be careful what you post; I’m satisfied of you for now :-)). Well, if you want, check from time to time for news “nowhere outside Russia” (you know). Noosfernyi greetings for you! 😉 :-)”
        By the way, I’m now posting an impromptu mini-series about this in what participated an “old acquaintance” of yours, a senior researcher at the American University in Moscow, Matt, I think you’ve met in various conversations. In 2021, he, the notorious enemy of the club of Rome, WEF and transhumanism, participated in the program of an interesting event, with which he boasted, but without details. The moderator of the expert session was a very curious person. I’ll tell you when I finish it (it’s long, but you can read through a line, I’m sure, and also I’ve underlined the important).
        This may not have been one of the most useful comments to post, so it may also remain as a personal message. 🙂 Bye for now.

        • Chernyshenko | June 30, 2023 at 6:33 am | Reply

          “By the way, I’m now posting an impromptu mini-series about…a senior researcher at the American University in Moscow, Matt… In 2021, he, the notorious enemy of the club of Rome, WEF and transhumanism, participated in the program of an interesting event, with which he boasted, but without details. The moderator of the expert session was a very curious person. I’ll tell you when I finish it (it’s long, but you can read through a line, I’m sure, and also I’ve underlined the important).”
          So, here what. Let me point out that Mr. Ehret, of course, as a free man, can speak, write and participate in whatever he wants, no one is looking for an account from him. And yet. And yet, when you are such a popular critic of the world’s conspirators, the WEF, the club of Rome, and everyone else, and also very famous, and reprinted and invited to many places to promote your thesis on the radically different, human path of development of China and Russia, I personally certainly do not expect you to participate in such events. Maybe it’s just me, maybe I’m wrong. I’m not sure.

          On 25.09.2021, Matt, Senior Fellow of American University in Moscow, reports in his blog that:
          “On August 24, Cynthia Chung and I (representing the Rising Tide Foundation and Canadian Patriot Review respectively) delivered the following remarks at Moscow’s Horizon 2100 Summit sponsored by the Center for Modelling the Future.[our presentations] were delivered to dozens of youth from around the world whose attendance at this event was the result of their winning science fiction writing submissions under the theme of “Envisioning the World We Want in 2100”. As the theme implies, the contest was designed to inspire young leaders of the future to think creatively about the optimistic potentials for humanity on the earth and beyond over the coming generations.”

          This center is exactly what its name says – involving youth “to model the future”. Almost every year it is held with the support of the grant of the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society provided by the Presidential Grants Fund (as well as with the support of many other organizations, among which and American University in Moscow), and the experts who create the framework and guide the sessions are only serious people, doctors and professors from famous universities, as well as some leaders of various organizations, among them the president of the American University in Moscow, Eduard Lozansky, and also the director of the UN Information Center in Russia, Kuznetsov, and others. They also participate in SPIEF’s youth sessions. That is, it is not just a forum for young people who dream of the future. (And anyone who has read Russian development strategies knows that we have a match with the vision of the experts and the youth of the center.)

          2019: https :// vigilantcitizenforums .com/threads/the-cornerstone-the-nature%E2%80%93like-technosphere-is-a-part-of-the-noosphere.10576/post-561124
          2020: https :// vigilantcitizenforums .com/threads/the-cornerstone-the-nature%E2%80%93like-technosphere-is-a-part-of-the-noosphere.10576/post-561277 + https :// vigilantcitizenforums .com/threads/the-cornerstone-the-nature%E2%80%93like-technosphere-is-a-part-of-the-noosphere.10576/post-561286
          A very brief reference to the huge amount of anti-WEF and anti-Rome club, anti-transhumanism&eugenis and anti-so on, of Matthew: https :// vigilantcitizenforums .com/threads/the-cornerstone-the-nature%E2%80%93like-technosphere-is-a-part-of-the-noosphere.10576/post-561325
          And 2021: https :// vigilantcitizenforums .com/threads/the-cornerstone-the-nature%E2%80%93like-technosphere-is-a-part-of-the-noosphere.10576/post-561349
          Moderator of the expert Foresight session, where Matt also participated, is the General Director of the International Research Institute for Management Problems. (As well as the whole event is held with the support and of this institute.)

          It’s long, detailed, and perhaps tiring to read. (It can be read quickly.) And yet, isn’t it a bit embarrassing when one of the biggest known alternative blades against WEF, the club of Rome, eugenics and transhumanism, participates in an event at which, along with the full advocacy of globalist programs, are regularly discussed as the best and even immutable prospects for humanity, integration of humans with machines, through chips and human-computer interfaces, and genetic editing? An event whose expert session (in which Matt also participates) is moderated by the director of the Institute (which Institute supports the event), which has in its partners Darpa, and the director himself, who, by the way, received a personal congratulatory telegram from Vladimir Vladimirovich for his sixty birthday, is a full member of the club of Rome (accepted, you can’t guess when… at the end of 2020, in the midst of the “pandemic”):
          https :// vigilantcitizenforums .com/threads/the-cornerstone-the-nature%E2%80%93like-technosphere-is-a-part-of-the-noosphere.10576/post-561997

          Maybe I’m being too critical and exaggerating, and all this is in order of things. And yet… 🙂

          • Thanks again very interesting. I was interested to see the comment of Simeon Boikov in his interview with Russian Nationalist Rolo Slavskiy–who antisemitic views I do not share. In particular Boikov’s view that the “freedom movement” blogosphere in the West was useful for promoting the Russian government’s perspective. Names were named. It may also be worth noting that Boikov currently resides in the Russian Consulate in Sidney as there is a warrant out for his arrest over an alleged attack on a Ukrainian.

            I look forward to reading your piece.


  12. Chernyshenko | June 30, 2023 at 6:16 pm | Reply

    “I was interested to see the comment of Simeon Boikov in his interview with Russian Nationalist Rolo Slavskiy–who antisemitic views I do not share. In particular Boikov’s view that the “freedom movement” blogosphere in the West was useful for promoting the Russian government’s perspective. Names were named. It may also be worth noting that Boikov currently resides in the Russian Consulate in Sidney as there is a warrant out for his arrest over an alleged attack on a Ukrainian.”
    “Boykov believes that the freedom movement blogosphere in the West is useful for promoting the perspective of the Russian government”, which is an opinion shared and by Rollo. And it is based on another fundamental opinion shared by Rollo and Simeon, which I categorically do not share.

    Namely: what is the “perspective of the Russian government” that the blogosphere of the “freedom movement” in the West is supposedly promoting? Is it not the only “perspective of the Russian government”, or the main one on which everything else is built, that “US/West hegemony is the main problem of the world, and it is time to end it, in order to achieve a new multipolar order in which the governance of the world is just and more equally shared”? Something like this; which we’ve already heard millions of times, every day in speeches of “multipolar” leaders, and from every “free” press and analyst, in different versions.

    And then: what is the prospect for the development of the economy and the whole society in general, in every aspect; what future are they working for in the present and what future have they written down for implementation in their strategic development programs? What do their experts discuss and regularly announce as an immutable path of development? Where do these ideas come from, and what high-level agreements are these multipolar leaders in, and with whom?
    All the important questions about what the future of our lives is, right, not just some predictions of futurists, but the outlines of what our whole life is going to be. Every day, all around us, the framework of our existence. (So, despite – this is a joke – the undeniable qualities of Simo (this is petted form on Simeon in the Slavic languages) and Rolo, I prefer to read Ian Davies.:))

    And what is the difference in the two visions, something repeatedly discussed here? Nothing substantial. Actually, none at all. With an important clarification about the top propaganda marker for legalizing the supposed difference between the two systems: but in Russia (and China) there is no such promotion of transgenderism as in the West, and Russia has banned it by law.
    And is there at in the Russian (China, as usual, are much ahead with the material) strategies for development, development of genetic technologies, including CRISPR, including genetic editing? Is there in the long-term predictions in these Government strategies, as well as in the predictions of top experts, that genetic editing will become an integral part of the future, “as a way to improve the lives of the population and extend human life”, etc.? Of course, yes.

    Let’s remind, there is nowhere no law on mandatory genetic modification, right? In case a any user says,”but the West is worse.” No, it is the same, only the eastern ones are not shown in the West, and generally outside Russia (China is more shown, but already, as a “legitimate “enemy of the Deep State”, is much more hidden alt-media.)

    So, what is really the idea of these powerful circles that push “dozens of genders” and “chois of gender”, including through hormonal therapies and sex reassignment surgeries, even for children (something that is accurately described as satanic by the alt-media and deserves the harshest punishments)? Isn’t it either the end of much of humanity, or the transformation into a genetically modified, non-reproducing normal way, totally controlled, and so on?

    This pressure is good to be reported and criticized by the alt-media constantly, but how really far is it? How many people have actually adopted and approved this narrative for their children? Probably none of the conservative alt. And how many of the rest, of the so-called “norms”, “sheep”, etc.? All those who believed in pseudopandemia, as well as other mass frauds, were conscious Liberals, endorsing and practicing transgenderism? No, and no doubt the vast majority of them don’t, and they would certainly protect their children from it if it got more serious. Although they have been misled by the pseudo-pandemics and the official narrative of the “war”, they are not completely stupid and understand that this is different, this is the end of their generation, etc. So, if we assume that depopulation or / and human modification is the meaning of transgenderism pressure, how long would it take if this was sought through voluntary acceptance of the idea by the majority of the population? It seems like 100 or a few hundred years to make it happen. People will fight to the death if it gets more serious.

    So, how can the ultimate goals of transgenderism be effectively achieved much more easily and quickly? Perhaps by supplying such biochemical agents in various ways? Maybe even (not only, but also) by mass injection, due to a dangerous virus? For example.
    We had a case of mass injection. Because of what was declared a massive, globally spread dangerous virus. Professor Dennis Rancourt, for example, proved through a complex and lengthy study that there was no viral epidemic. Problem: he has a fundamental view – the operation with pseudopandemia was initiated by the United States (the Deep State, to be precise), and the response to this, through lockdowns, was to prepare the population for martial law, through wartime measures (the lockdowns).

    He, while elaborating on the case of the USA and Canada, failed to note that China and Russia also injected en masse, including mandatory vaccinations in many counties, and there was damage. (There was also the same denial of health care.) Russia had an excess death rate of one million, which was “the highest since WWII.” Rancourt did not mention it at all; but, on the contrary, he completely re-enacted the “Deep State war against Russia” (simplistically speaking, he speaks smarter).
    Maybe there was no such damage in China, it was all deep state disinformation, because, as we know, unlike the west, China’s attitude towards people is an example of the importance of each individual person?

    So we had this extraordinary mass injection because of a non-existent dangerous epidemic. Deaths from ” vaccines,” “treatments,” and denial of health care are only the short-term effects. About long term can be talked about and assumed. (But we already have reports of decreased fertility, increased intrauterine fetal demise, “sudden mortality,” “heart risks,” and more.) It is also in Russia.
    The other side is the occasion for mass digitalization in all spheres. About this you can post around the clock (also about Russia; there are many interesting things, not only already known from Eddie.) ->

  13. Chernyshenko | June 30, 2023 at 6:23 pm | Reply

    This, with the same narrative and measures, they started all together, in 2020.
    The meaning of what they started was very clear and repeatedly postulated, especially by the radio item of the new world order, one of their the top management body, WEF: the difference between all previous and this “industrial” revolution is that it will not only radically change all spheres of society and society relationships, but will also change the people themselves. I didn’t say it, so not i’m a conspiracy theorist.

    In mid-October 2021, Russia opened a 4IR center in Moscow. When did talk of potential tensions, an escalation, and then a “Russian invasion” begin to “seriously heat up”? I don’t remember exactly. But I remember well that there was a remarkable synchronicity between this incandescence and the marked decline in the power and media talk about the non-existent pandemic, which all together started and used to massively injec unknown what and with what consequences, as well as to cause a change in social relations and the rise of digitalization in the social sphere. I remember correct?

    So the questions are very simple: what was it that everyone started in 2020? How serious? And how does it go on?

    Here’s another interesting question: what was the before-history? We can read billions of articles, millions of better, and hundreds of thousands of even better, and perhaps thousands of the best articles about Western before-history, in which think tanks of super-powerful groups have long planned the rise of a technocratic dystopian global dystopia, which also, at a more extreme stage, morphs into eugenic-transhumanism. Thank you to everyone who has written so that I can draw conclusions (with my own conclusions, after all). What about Russia? Is there, for example, a prequel and also is there somewhere “around 2020” and specifically 2020, as the beginning of such a big change?

    Of course, yes, and what I have stumbled upon is, without any doubt, only a part, and perhaps a small part, of what it really is, in its entirety. But it has not been reported. Eddie didn’t report it either. And, I’m a little sorry to say this, because I know Eddie’s situation here, but what he’s reporting is part of the things. Unfortunately, the Eddie’s reports is not a huge part of the things and through it remain ambiguities, which is why readers cannot draw a real conclusion about the reality of Russian complicity in the global movement towards radical change.

    It doesn’t matter if someone agrees with me or not, because I see it and I’m least smart enough, to judge it correctly. It doesn’t matter who has lived around Moscow, or lives on the other side of the world, as long as what matters is who has what information, what skills they have to process the information, and also how interested they are in the case. And Eddie certainly doesn’t care any more about what he keeps saying. I know.

    A lot of underestimation and neglect of the case (for what reasons – unknown). The case of Russia’s involvement is not some huge case of dense and ongoing complicity, except for some power figures, among whom it is debatable whether it is Putin or not, so I read. Moreover, among the incredible conclusions there, I read that there were serious doubts that Putin knew what was going on with much of the Great Reset programs.

    All this against the backdrop of the consistent, basic and firm assertion that the special operation is not part of the Great Reset in which Russia is involved (to some extent, only individual authorities and businesses). Because Russian reality is “very complex and confusing,” and when one does not know it in detail, one makes vague and false generalizations. None of the credible Russian military analysts, in him menu, at all have an assumption as to whether SMO is or is not a continuation of Great Reset. That’s pretty much the main evidence.
    He, there is no suggestion anywhere that “war” is not real. There is no”war as a continuation of plandemia and the great reset.” There is a real war – this is the basis from which it is started and on which the question rests.
    The proof is that serious analysts are starting from this position.

    And if we look at the US, UK, Europe, their “left” and “right” analysts, endlessly analyzing the words and actions of the various “fighting among themselves” political and social actors, who are consolidating in terms of both pseudo-pandemics and “war.”..

    During the pseudopandemic, we also saw many different types of serious commentators who denied the Great Reset; many who started from the reality base of the pandemic and thought about the measures; many who did not guess whether measures and vaccines were needed, but only what they should be; and so on.

    I know you’re friends. But, apparently, not everyone can be friends with everyone.

    That’s what Riley does; Rolo? He just doesn’t comment on this “nonsense”at all. Recently, he even laughed on his latest podcast with Eddie because”these things just happen everywhere.” He considers them a bit of a dramatized conspiracy theory. He also has hundreds of assumptions about the war, about its development; every month, sometimes a week, a new explanation of the war (why it is not going on), complex analyses and struggles of power circles, corruption, etc.; assumptions about development. Every month and week. We can continue until 2025. The simplest assumption is true, and that there is a war, but the corrupt and incompetent Russian authorities are not conducting it well.

    And what are the benefits to “both” sides of this war? Are there benefits from both sides ” continuing what they started together in 2020?

    So, going back to the beginning, Rolo, Simo and Eddy are completely united around the non-negotiable, Basic assumption that the war is real. And then it ends. That way, day after day, we can go imperceptibly to 2025, even to 2030.

    This is frivolous, this is pseudo-serious, based on average Information. Whoever forgets 2020, or worse – then he has not made an accurate account at all, can not be a serious source. (Can someone outside Russia, for example, who does not follow Russia closely from Russian sources, do a good account of Russian complicity without what Eddie described? I don’t know how, difficult, maybe impossible. And can he, just based on what Eddie described, make an accurate calculation? Maybe, but not everyone. Some, more grounded, or smarter, more focused and sober, have done it. And they do not share the belief that special operation and pseudopandemia are separate and unrelated. Interestingly, some Russians, a little more informed, do not share this either. I have seen comments without an answer.)

    So, for me, there is no “promotion of the Russian government’s point of view” and the “freedom movement” blogosphere in the West does not do this, but instead it, along with the rest of the alt-sector (willingly or involuntarily), who does this, along with the mainstream, is promoting the narrative of the irrevocable breakdown of relations, conflict, war between Russia ( and more broadly Eurasia and the BRICS), which successfully leads us to the planned and very well described here multipolar reality.

    Perhaps there is a misunderstanding (largely due to ignorance) of the benefits of the great readjustment, which I suppose is combined with the belief that people are insignificant nothings and there is no need to organize a whole difficult circus for them to deceive. (Power likes that kind of thinking.)

    And WHO was the pseudo-pandemic scam aimed at? 2020-21-22-today? (Who needed to organize a masquerade so large and complex to coordinate, designed for those insignificant billions below?) And how did all the individual forces suddenly become such a large, united family in this deception?

    And what is the main problem of power, whether we are talking about consolidated or separate authorities; they, when you read both their general agreements and their development strategists (and they are usually dated “until 2025”, “until 2030”, “until 2035”), obviously have similar or almost identical plans, which can be found in the plans of the major Western centers. What is their main problem, which was well seen during pseudopandemia?Is it not to “induce” as many people as possible to accept their planned schemes of social reconstruction? Adopt the social credit system; but they have an even bigger problem: since this system is such that, when they get into it, it is possible even some of the so-called “norms” to resist, then the continuation of this system in the harder part of it will have a much bigger problem. It gets complicated, How will they model the process? And then, immediately “after the pandemic, “we have the war; with two main” target groups ” of the population (each of which would hardly accept the hard part of the planned system). How do you act on each of them? We know that when it comes to action patterns, we’re not talking about Bill Gates and other supposed brain degenerates, we’re talking about a lot of real think tanks that spend their lives cybernetic modeling of complex processes. They probably fell asleep and, during the hottest of times when they had to implement the new social system, they simply left the “conservative” sector to govern itself as they pleased. That’s a delicious idea. Almost as much as the war.

  14. Chernyshenko | July 7, 2023 at 4:27 am | Reply

    A few news from the anti-globalist world, sustained in the best traditions of traditional values.
    The best technology projects at the [ASI] forum “Strong ideas for a New time” were presented to Vladimir Putin on June 29, 2023. Among them, the project of the National Cyberphysical Platform “Den” [Berloga], which Dmitry Peskov, Director of the Young Professionals direction of the ASI, Special Representative of the President for Digital and Technological Development, described as “an attempt for the first time in the world to combine the physical and virtual world in the individual logic of a child’s development.”

    A day earlier, with a grant from the presidential Russian Science Foundation, scientists from St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University “LETI” named after V.I.Ulyanov (Lenin), have developed a “smart” microwave antenna of the 5G, which form and concentrate several beams in the specified directions at once, and this allows you to increase the amount of transmitted data.
    https : //vigilantcitizenforums. com/threads/the-cornerstone-the-nature%E2%80%93like-technosphere-is-a-part-of-the-noosphere.10576/post-562759

    The program of the university named after Lenin, within the largest federal university development program in the history of Russia, the Priority 2030 program, which includes, the strategic projects, as a “the concept of a strong hybrid co-evolving, which will be able to develop in close conjunction with the user, based on his individual requests and characteristics.” The new type of artificial intelligence, primarily for medicine and pharmaceuticals.
    Also development of: “new radio access technologies (NewRadio|6G) of NET-2030; hardware and software complexes of the Internet of Everything (IoE) for the ecosystem of NET-2030 networks.”
    “the fundamentals of Strong Hybrid Intelligence (SHI)”; “approaches to ensuring the interoperability (compatibility) of human and machine intelligence […] at different levels (neural interfaces, cognitive and semantic communication)”; A systems “based on the SHI to support research, training, situational behavior analysis” and “remote monitoring of human health based on the model of the digital twin of the human body”;
    “biointerface harmonized with a person”, “express diagnostic systems based on multimodal biochips”, and “smart” photonic sensors and networks based on them for the construction of human-machine systems using hybrid intelligence technologies, including unmanned aircraft systems”.
    https :// vigilantcitizenforums. com/threads/the-cornerstone-the-nature%E2%80%93like-technosphere-is-a-part-of-the-noosphere.10576/post-562769
    Below: “June 22, 2023, the Institute of Biotechnology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow) together with colleagues from the Kurchatov Institute (Moscow) have proposed an approach that will greatly simplify the process of genome editing using the CRISPR-Cas9 system in methylotrophic yeast”;
    “June 29, 2023, A prototype printhead for the Russian “genomic printer”, the most complex piece of equipment that no one has manufactured in Russia before, has been created, grant from the Ministry of Education and Science in the amount of 320 million rubles for the creation of a “genomic printer”;
    and the remind from January 2021 that “CRISPR technology has been included in the program of fundamental scientific research until 2030 with a funding volume of more than 2.1 trillion rubles. Genetic technologies prevail among medical areas, including the CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing method.”, including “development of vaccines, including a new generation (genetic engineering technologies, methods of reverse genetics and nanotechnology)”.
    https : // vigilantcitizenforums .com/threads/the-cornerstone-the-nature%E2%80%93like-technosphere-is-a-part-of-the-noosphere.10576/post-562835
    Against this background, it sounds acceptable that (29 June 2023) The International Platform of Skills and Professions, financed by the Eurasian Development Bank’s (EDB) Fund for Digital Initiatives hosted over 20 training events within its first month of its operation, including quantum technologies; flying robotics; machine learning and big data; mobile robotics; mobile application development; blockchain technology; modern and advanced mobile communication networks (5G); and BIM information modelling technology.
    The EDB is a member including of World Economic Forum.

    “Eurasian transport corridors are shaping the new transport frame of the Greater Eurasia” (Chongqing on July 3, the First High-Level Forum on Building Trans-Eurasian Cooperation).
    June, with hosted by EDB, was held The Eurasian Congress ’23, which included “focus on the future of Eurasia, cross-border public-private partnerships… as well as investment and capital growth opportunities for Central Asian countries”. Started in 8 June.
    https :// www .weforum .org/agenda/2023/06/creating-a-green-and-digital-corridor-through-eurasia/
    From pathway to highway in Eurasia, June 9, 2023 ..”
    https : // vigilantcitizenforums. com/threads/russia-through-the-hidden-eye-continuation.10926/post-562980
    Below: review the “Transport Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2030 with a forecast for the period up to 2035”, approval in 11/27/2021, which in accordance with the UN “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”.
    “The set of measures within the framework of the digital transport corridors development direction involves the implementation by the Russian Federation of the digital transport corridors development plan of the Eurasian Economic Union, including ensuring the introduction of services and digital infrastructure, the creation of uniform standards for transport and logistics services, including standards for ensuring legally significant data exchange between transport participants (states – members of the Eurasian Economic Union and third countries), the transition to an end-to-end integrated surveillance system based on data analysis in order to optimize the resources of carriers.”
    – technology for blockchain to conduct mutual settlements between participants in the transport market, for example, based on smart contract technology; digital passenger profile; biometric technologies, and that things. “The most important factor influencing the transport industry was the pandemic of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19)…”

    – 11/13/2021 “The Government of the Russian Federation and the World Economic Forum signed a memorandum on the establishment of a Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Russia.”
    https :// realtribune .ru/img/uploads/2021/10/big-177511-2.jpg
    Dmitry Chernyshenko and Berge Brende signed (the photo from government.ru)
    It was a long comment anyway, so:
    “Russia appealed to the constructively minded states of G20 and invited them to join the project being implemented by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia to create carbon landfills. This year, the Indian side, which chairs the Group of Twenty, promoted a broad research agenda, in particular, it dealt with the issues of the blue economy, sustainable energy, biodiversity, bioeconomics, eco-innovations for the energy transition.”(https :// vigilantcitizenforums .com/threads/russia-through-the-hidden-eye-continuation.10926/post-563164);
    “Russian scientists have patented a new composition of a serum-free nutrient medium for growing stem cells. The innovative technology is aimed at import substitution in the biotechnology industry. The development will allow the development of biotechnologies both in the food industry and in the field of regenerative medicine using bioreactor systems.”, in the implementation of a project “Science and Universities” of the Ministry of Education and Science.
    “New level”: the head of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia outlined the vector of development of the Union State [Russia and Belarus] in the field of science”, “We believe that this will launch initiatives in areas of mutual interest, in particular, fundamental research in the field of genetics, the peaceful use of atomic energy, as well as nuclear medicine.”
    Vladimir Putin met with graduates of the fifth stream of the Personnel Management Reserve development program of the Higher School of Public Administration of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration. “Vladimir Putin: As far as I understand, in any case, we occupy one of the first places in the world in terms of the growth rate of the provision of electronic services.
    D.Kim[the Deputy Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media]: Absolutely. Even the first one. Our electronic services are definitely developed many times better than in Europe ‒ it’s not even comparable.”
    https :// vigilantcitizenforums. com/threads/russia-through-the-hidden-eye-continuation.10926/post-563166
    SCO 2023, 4 July; New Delhi SCO Declaration: “Today, the world is undergoing unprecedented transformational changes and is entering a new era of rapid technological development, which requires increasing the effectiveness of global institutions. These fundamental processes are accompanied by the strengthening of multipolarity, increasing interconnectedness and interdependence, and accelerating the pace of digitalization. …the consequences of global climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbate instability …the implementation of the 2030 Agenda SD”, you know, the usual antiglobalistsic things. 🙂
    https : // vigilantcitizenforums .com/threads/russia-through-the-hidden-eye-continuation.10926/post-563172

  15. Chernyshenko | July 8, 2023 at 12:23 am | Reply

    I got out of the “balanced tone”? : – D
    Probably… Eddie’s balanced. And Eddie’s part of the team. It offers “views from across the ideological spectrum.” Really? And Where Is The view, which is perhaps among the most held in Russia, which says that since 2020 the circus has not stopped (and from 2022 is its second part)? We won’t see it in the “most popular” military and other portals. Because, dear Iain, do you know, after February 2022, what will happen to you in Russia if you are a popular enough Analyst and advocate the thesis that the “war” is a continuation of great reset, which all together started with the pseudo-pandemic? Do you know what “discrediting the Russian army”is? You know..

    You can say anything and criticize anyone, but only if you are on the basis of a real war. And this is: whatever fellowship there was before 2022, then there is a break due to the war. Once you step on that, you can continue to be popular and talk endlessly about power games and corruption. And Eddie suggests that. Along with his balanced messages about Russia, which Eddie’s messages – as anyone can see by looking at my threads – are full of omissions and cuts, softening and “balancing.”

    But Eddie packs them well. You know, with journalistic sleight and writers instrumentarium, so everything takes a clear shape, it’s packaged as a monolithic logically sound whole, so the blog can go. Everything is cooked and ready for consumption, so it can be cited as an example of the rare reality of Russia, which fights 5 D and other stupid or deliberately deceptive “pro-Russian” representations of Russian reality.

    Nothing like that. And even just what I’ve put in my threads, with my zero journalistic dexterity and writing talent, proves it. There is the reality without balancing to be cool and good for consumption. There are not many questions there, because the facts speak for themselves.

    There’s one thing I could notice about a balanced team. It is full of non-religious people. And this is very well received by many thinking people; for we know how unpleasant it is when we are overwhelmed by the refraction of fact through rigid religious views. So it is good to have an intellectual team that gravitates around non-religious views (as religion there is analyzed and recognized as an old power scheme and nothing more).

    This, among other things, means that there is no additional sense of responsibility other than what we have intellectually accepted. So, if there is consolidation regarding the interpretation of certain facts, informally, the framework of the team game can be formed. And, if there is no additional sense of responsibility, certain views may not be reviewed. So, more facts, especially those that undermine the accepted view, may not be sought, and if they come up, may be neglected.
    When there is no “seen from above”, there is no ” in history will be written as…”, outside of human written history, that is. No one will look down and record whether we have been strict enough to look at reality, looking for more and more facts, or whether we have balanced compulsively, with the pleasure of team play. There is no additional responsibility. And there is no need or sense to question the master paintings of already recognized authorities. So, NWO comes.

    Eddie said it perfectly: “At the same time, we might as well admit there’s no escaping the March of Progress, unless you want to go Ted Kaczynski Mode (RIP bro).” (16.06)
    That is (only part of) the moral. And if so: there is war, rebellion, specialists “from across the ideological spectrum” said. What’s the big deal, let it go, take it easy. No one has much importance or responsibility. “We’re just blogging.” At 36, growing up with zeitgeist, normal.

    Everything is uncertain, in process, maybe they are complicit, to some extent, certain circles, but the future is unclear, they may not be complicit. This and that and the other. Just blogging… which must continue.

    So, it’s not a big deal that people who stared at the Russian 5D stream simply took the packaged content and consumed it over and over again without moving from the frame. Almost the same thing is happening on the other side. The opposite is painful.

    However, that what happens, is that, which is in my threads, not what Eddie just blogging. It doesn’t matter who posts it, or nobody posts it. It doesn’t matter who tells their audience.
    But it doesn’t matter, no one watches the cases or records from above, so… 😀

    Thank you for your attention, Mr. Иэйн Дэвис, I go to posting a “fundamental strategy to 2030”, which outlines the future of Russia, in remarkably alignment with the West, but which no one cares about and which probably no one will ever put before the eyes of their readers.:)

  16. Chernyshenko | July 8, 2023 at 1:14 am | Reply

    In 2020, the big difference from everything before, that was widely announced, was “the fusion of digital, physical and biological identities.” First by biometrics, digital identifiers, etc., then subcutaneously.

    All the authorities together accepted it and set out on the way.

    2022. “The war.” The biggest, heavy as a millstone, proof of it is 2014. Billions or perhaps trillions of articles for 2014.

    In 2014, there was an almost completely unknown meeting between Americans and Russians, at the (state) Russian venture company, where what did they discuss and what did they draw a road map for? For a” global brain ” through neural interfaces. Which is planned to start in 2020, with the stage of “Biometrineet”. 2025, the “neuronet offensive” is scheduled to begin.

    In the task, are ask: we, based on historical facts, can assume (and you have done particularly well, for which I congratulate you) that super-powerful power groups have planned from dozens, and probably more years, the imposition of global technocracy. We can assume (or at least some do), again on the basis of historical facts, that they also planned the evolution of this technocracy into a transhumanist world.

    But we cannot assume that 2014 is part of that? Because of the extensive evidence of the territorial dispute, etc.?

    Is this a crazy assumption (based solely on facts, with sources)?

    I’m just wondering..

  17. Chernyshenko | July 8, 2023 at 2:23 am | Reply

    Here: Rollo writes of the possibilities of “peace negotiations” that have been announced in the last few hours. They shake hands, and what continues? The construction of the “biometrinet” by 2025; and then the “neuronet offensive”. That, which has been continues all the time of the noisy “real” “war”.

    There was no deviation the whole time. There was no war. There was no distortion of plans for the future. No question marks. No “different” circles of power, with different visions for the future.

    But there was the noise of many analysts with “viewpoints from across the ideological spectrum” seriously discussing the causes of the war, the development, the potential outcome…

    Of course, the” war ” will end or continue – as they agreed. What continues, and what they started together in 2020 (its final stages), is ongoing without change.

    Kissinger said that.
    Lukashenko also “expressed optimism” for “peace negotiations”. That, if it did, would be in perfect sync with that.:
    “On the declaration of 2023 as the Year of Peace and Creation
    Decree No. 1 of January 1 , 2023

    In order to consolidate the Belarusian people, strengthen the ideas of peace and creative work in society as the main conditions for the development of the Belarusian state, the President of the Republic of Belarus declared 2023 the Year of Peace and Creation. The corresponding Decree No. 1 of January 1, 2023 was signed by the Head of State Alexander Lukashenko. …”

    : )
    It combines perfectly with the UN’s calls and charters for global peace, as well as with the multipolar constant talk and declarations. But this, with the same result in relation to the real thing that goes on, can also be an eternal war.

    “Things are starting to get very dark for Putin”, Rollo says,” Let’s be clear… This SMO was an atrocity committed against all military logic and what is worse, a complete political and military disaster for Russia. … Russia is also much weaker now than it was before the SMO… In other words, the American Empire has already inflicted a mortal blow on the Russian Federation that will continue to bleed out for the foreseeable future. To be fair though, they were helped along by the Russian spook community, the Russian oligarchs and the Russian government, which is a merger of the two aforementioned factions (spooks and crooks) so the credit has to go to them too.”

    …Then he goes on to talk at length about the real war, which is not going on because of failed Russian rule and internal problems, there were failed peace talks that Ukraine refused under pressure from Washington (probably)….

    Do you understand how it’s going? – Both, contradicting each other things, together. This is – willy-nilly – some sort of CIA mind-control operation. It’s just funny. : ) The same thing does Riley.

    And if they shake hands soon… what will remain is that which did not stop and deviate because of the non-existent war, but, on the contrary, was accelerated “because of it”.
    But, but, but… also, all the time, too, the minds of a very large proportion of the quality people who oppose the power great reset have been possessed by the noise of non-existent war; they have been distracted and driven into the fantasy world of potential resistance war. Ask psychologists if it matters.

    And I publish my insignificant threads that nobody cares about. Still, a big war, a mutiny… 🙂

  18. Chernyshenko | July 8, 2023 at 3:43 am | Reply

    Again, I’m just wasting my time, but still. A reader of Rollo’s blog commented:
    “Luka [Lukashenko] has likely been a “dead man walking” (as the neocons say) since he refused to comply with the Covid operatoin 3+ years ago. He has survived one – or is it two previous coup/murder attempts – one arising from within his military . Surely he has his own western oriented elite problems – no?”
    Remember Lukashenko’s decree on building smart cities?

    Ministry of Communications and Informatization of the Republic of Belarus:
    Sustainable Development Goals; National list of indicators of the Sustainable Development Goals – Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and innovation; Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development
    The Belarusian Integrated Service and Settlement System (BISRS) is a complex of information systems and resources designed to identify users (individuals and legal entities) using identification cards (ID cards) in order to provide them with electronic services (including administrative procedures).

    The creation of BISRS is an important step towards the development of e–government, which will become a link between citizens, business and the state in the digital world. BISRS will facilitate and simplify the dialogue by reducing bureaucratic requirements for the provision of electronic services and revising its internal processes taking into account the use of modern digital solutions.”
    In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus A.G.Lukashenko No. 107 dated March 16 2021 biometric documents will be introduced in the country from September 1, 2021.
    Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 66 of February 2, 2021 approved the State Program “Digital Development of Belarus” for 2021-2025 – the main practical tool for the introduction of advanced information technologies in the national economy and the sphere of society in the coming period.

    The state program provides for the implementation of measures for the creation (development) of modern information and communication infrastructure, the introduction of digital innovations in the sectors of the economy and technologies of “smart cities”, as well as ensuring the information security of such solutions (currently 82 events).
    https :// vigilantcitizenforums .com/threads/russia-through-the-hidden-eye-continuation.10926/post-560034
    Lukashenko sends greetings to TIBO 2023 participants

    MINSK, 18 April – Belarusian President Aleksandr Lukashenko has sent greetings to participants and visitors to the 29th international information and communications technology forum TIBO 2023, BelTA learned from the press service of the head of state.

    “This large-scale forum was designed as an annual open platform to exchange best practices and showcase the best in telecommunications, banking and information technologies.
    The mission of TIBO is simple and honorable: promotion and implementation of Belarus’ most advanced solutions,” the greetings read.

    The head of state noted that a powerful portfolio of IT projects has been formed in the country. The purpose of these projects is to facilitate comprehensive informatization and digital transformation of all sectors of the economy, social sector and public administration, as well as to ramp up export of IT services.

    “I am convinced that an engaged professional dialogue and exchange of expertise and knowledge will be highly instrumental in implementing new projects and expanding cooperation between states and partners in order to address the most difficult tasks,” the president emphasized.
    https : //vigilantcitizenforums. com/threads/russia-through-the-hidden-eye-continuation.10926/post-559532

    “Luka [Lukashenko] has likely been a “dead man walking” (as the neocons say) since he refused to comply with the Covid operatoin 3+ years ago.”

    Eurasia Daily, December 5, 2022
    “Lukashenko: Belarus coped with the Covid-19 pandemic the best in the world

    In the conditions of a pandemic, the healthcare system of Belarus has performed well. Alexander Lukashenko said this today, December 5, when receiving a report from the Minister of Health of the Republic Dmitry Pinevich.

    “For covid, of course, thank you. I have returned to this question more than once. Let me remind you: my gratitude to the health system and doctors is not for the fact that they treated people, but for the fact that, when not knowing how to treat people, they learned. And today we can already say that no one in the world has coped with this problem as it was done in Belarus. This is not only because our healthcare system has correctly oriented itself. We all know that. Therefore, this once again shows that the healthcare system is working under the control of cruel and pressure,” the Belarusian leader said.

    In turn, Dmitry Pinevich said that the country is calm about the tridemia (simultaneous circulation of coronavirus, influenza and respiratory viruses), since a large percentage of people have been vaccinated. The head of the Belarusian Ministry of Health stressed that the epidemic situation in the country is completely controlled, and the number of sick patients with coronavirus infection, according to data on the morning of December 5, is less than 3%

    “We have no questions here. Now we are seeing a small increase in morbidity mainly among unvaccinated individuals, mild and moderate cases of the disease,” he said.

    According to him, a feature of this epidemiological season should be the simultaneous circulation of influenza viruses, coronavirus and respiratory viruses, which is called tridemia.

    “We are calm in this regard, because 72% of the population have been vaccinated against coronavirus infection,” the minister drew attention.

    At the same time, referring to comparative data with WHO indicators in other countries, he noted that in Belarus the percentage of vaccinated is higher than in Russia, Poland, the Balkan countries, Ukraine.

    “In fact, these are the average European indicators,” Pinevich stressed.

    Recall that no emergency measures have been introduced in Belarus since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic. The country’s authorities have always maintained that they keep the situation under full control. In recent months, the disease has been almost forgotten in the republic.”
    https :// vigilantcitizenforums .com/threads/russia-through-the-hidden-eye-continuation.10926/post-559469

    “no emergency measures have been taken in Belarus”, the president is the most vocal “disputing the pandemic”, but 72% voluntarily vaccinated? Unique.
    President of Belarus discusses banking systems of two countries with Chairperson of Central Bank of Russia Elvira Nabiullina
    May 29, 2023
    [Lukashenko: ]
    “Digital currency is a new phenomenon. Speaking in simple terms about its specifics, it is closer to non-cash money, but also with the ability to perform certain functions of cash. In perspective these technologies are of the greatest interest for cross-border payments. The National Bank has developed and approved the concept of the Belarusian digital ruble. We are in the trend and, at the same time, working without haste. Now we are studying the experience of the Central Bank of Russia. By the end of the year, as the head of the National Bank of Belarus said, after discussions and consultations, a decision will be made on the expediency and possibility of introducing the digital ruble in our country.”
    https :// vigilantcitizenforums. com/threads/russia-through-the-hidden-eye-continuation.10926/post-559110
    Session of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council
    A meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council was held in the Grand Kremlin Palace.
    May 25 , 2023
    Alexander Lukashenko: Dear participants of our meeting!

    I would also like to touch upon a relatively new, but very relevant aspect of our integration – the climate agenda of the Union.

    It is not the first year that we have been observing how Europe is actively preparing for trade in the current conditions. The mechanism of cross-border carbon regulation being developed by the EU countries will become a serious tool for influencing international trade. The European Union will get an additional opportunity for maneuver: goods recognized as “clean” will be allowed on the market, and what they do not need will simply be blocked, they know how to do it. In this regard, within the framework of our Union, it is important to combine efforts and develop our own approaches and measures to respond to climate challenges. It is necessary to systematically move towards an economy structure dominated by production and technologies with low greenhouse gas emissions.”
    https :// vigilantcitizenforums .com/threads/russia-through-the-hidden-eye-continuation.10926/post-558906

    Riley, 12.06.2023
    Reader asks: […] Another question if may, Riley: How well do you know Belarus and what do you think about it, in terms of the WEF agenda? Is Lukashenko as WEF-compliant as Putin?

    – […] I cannot claim to be intimately familiar with the situation in Belarus. In January 2022, I interviewed two residents of this fine country, and maybe their observations will be of interest to you.

    However, Lukashenko has always struck me as the no-nonsense autocrat that many people think Putin is, but isn’t, really.

    Luka is possibly the most Davos-phobic leader who hasn’t died from mysterious causes, but if the “pandemic” has taught me anything, it’s that it’s inadvisable to place your hopes and dreams in the hands of a single leader. Gotta stay on your toes.”
    https :// edwardslavsquat .substack .com/p/your-russia-related-questions-have
    “In January 2022, I interviewed two residents of this fine country, and maybe their observations will be of interest to you.”
    https : //edwardslavsquat .substack .com/p/virus-asylum-is-belarus-the-real
    The anonymous regular reader of Riley’s blog, Len, from Belarus: Summary: almost nothing of WEF-NWO; very quiet pandemic almost without marking and pressure for vaccination;
    “Lukashenko definitely fits the western image of Putin more than Putin himself. No politician deserves idolization, Lukashenko has done some shady things in the past such as the highly suspicious Minsk metro bombing, which led them to install metal detectors at all metro stations. Psyop if you ask me, maybe the Israeli company that produces the scanners offered him a sweet package deal and he needed somewhere to install the equipment?
    [This reminds me of the blog’s fixation on biometrics in Russia: almost everything is from the whims of the businessman Gref, the central bank, as well as individuals from the government… No, sorry, it’s all in all strategic programs.]
    “Len”:[…]right now for most of Europe, Belarus is the freest country.”

    And The anonymous “Daniel Altreides”, Somewhere in Belarus, NEET aristocrat-extraordinaire
    “And so, life in Belarus goes on, very much as it has this past age… […]All the same, Luka deserves credit for refusing to cave on the Corona hoax. This has probably something to do with him being the autocrat of Belarus and therefore invested with actual political power, unlike the puppets supposedly in “power” all over the rest of the world. If the example of Belarus isn’t the most resounding argument for Authoritarianism, I don’t know what is.

    Once again, credit where credit is due—Luka has held the ground against the Branch Covidians in Belarus insisting that exercise and good diet and maybe a trip to the sauna is the best defense against Covid. He did this despite risking alienation of the “Boomer Bloc” of elderly hypochondriacs. The city administration of Minsk has backed of as well, and no longer spams people’s phones with vaccination reminders.

    In many ways, Belarus is in a better situation vis a vis lockdown measures and mandatory vaccines than it was even half a year ago.

    Thank you to our intel operatives on the ground in Belarus!”

    *** ***
    Excellent info in an authoritative anti-5 D blog for good example. We can’t dream of anything better. Yeah? I need to be more balanced and show the great respect that the blog deserves. 🙂

    • Thanks for the informative comments. I am paying attention.

      • Chernyshenko | July 12, 2023 at 6:05 pm | Reply

        Deadly long, sorry. But at least emotions are fun; now that I read this about Riley, I had a good laugh. We’re so more easterly, you know, emotional people; often, what’s in our heart, it comes out. Later, things calm down.. We are not like the English (some). : )

        Of course, Riley’s still a traitor, after all. : ) Who refuses to cooperate. So I’m not going to have any more contact with this american, and it was only once anyway. I’m very fine with my stuff without him.

        But he remains perhaps the most fundamental to understanding great reseta in Russia, because of the evidence of plandemic complicity. (The other one I recommend is Iain Davis, for his insight into the details of the more global picture. So the two come together and throw clarity.)

        So let’s say the hot news of the last few days, which again is nowhere else as far as I know (and I have personally spread it on several sites, with a link to his blog).
        “The Bank of Russia’s CBDC is officially Russia’s third form of currency.
        The Bank of Russia’s centralized, programmable digital token officially received the State Duma’s blessing on Tuesday.”

        Bad, but also predictable.
        But as important as the most important things in the West and anywhere. As the article asks, ” Where is the coverage of news?”. We’re waiting for him from the alt-media… I’m kidding. Most likely, the “good Russian CBDC – final touches” will begin. : )

  19. Chernyshenko | July 12, 2023 at 6:10 pm | Reply

    I’ve read a lot of comments, obviously. Without “/comments” after all. 🙂
    Good day.

  20. Chernyshenko | July 20, 2023 at 12:28 am | Reply

    So, after Iurie Rosca elaborately explains that,”as the plandemic has shown,” the Russian elites (authorities and business) are completely in the West’s game, in agreement with them, he begins to tell how a brutal war is being waged against Russia, explaining the historical background of that war. It is about the same elites who are in agreement with the West and act together, and are in a cruel war with the West (because exactly the same elites “announced the special operation” and run it).


    I remind that there is no other elite in Russia that is not in agreement; there is no elite that is in agreement with the West and a second elite that is opposed to the West and is waging war in Ukraine against them. If there is, Can I see the evidence?

    I don’t want to be too magical, but it looks like an alchemical experiment to combine the truth with the deception into a monolithic whole, conducted on narrow masses that resist deception and are more vigilant.

    How could it be more convenient for the elite?

    • Yep, I found that aspect very confusing.

      • Chernyshenko | July 22, 2023 at 5:20 am | Reply

        Well, after all, none of us, like the others commenting on the matter, have been behind the closed doors of the Kremlin, or where the big cases are decided (I suppose). It is possible that they are in agreement on a higher level while fighting on another. I see no proof of this supposition, but I see many common advantages for the supposed belligerents, which enable them, even better than during the plandemia, to advance together towards the accomplishment of their common objects.

        I certainly do not see any legitimate other elites, opposition to the complicity of the ruling Russian elites in the context of the ongoing global reset.
        Among the popular, we have this group of patriots, which partly deal with the subject, but mostly, attributing it to part of the Russian elites, the “pro-Western fifth colonists”, etc. They, first, legitimize the reality of the current war. There is a real war, but it is not being fought properly because of intrigue, corruption, fifth colonists. But there is.

        There is no argument that the whole war is a continuation of the reset. Strelkov is perhaps the most prominent. (I don’t know what he says about plandemia and reset, maybe he mentioned something, but I don’t know that he says anything about these things like what is said here and in several other places. War is very real to him, but the ruling elites are bad.)

        Eddie and Roll hold this thesis rigorously, and it is a real mystery to me why, for example, in the comments of off-G, some of the commentators suggest that he claims that war is part of the reset, when he never says it anywhere but, on the contrary, claims the opposite, and in a number of cases discourages his readers from thinking in such a naive way. Because, as I noted, “how could all the military experts from across the ideological spectrum have conspired or got it wrong?”

        So Strelkov’s thesis dominated the blogs of both, and also consistently referred to Prigozhin’s legitimate dissatisfaction with the Russian Defense Ministry. As Roll, referring to Russian military experts-critics, had been predicting for some time a “brewing rebellion” or something.

        And “it happened,” and then “I told you so”(Roll). At the time, the alternative media of 5D and others, according to which the war was completely legitimate, claimed that the uprising was a clever move by Putin to weed out loyalists off from traitors. Eddie and Roll strongly objected and stated that this was a legitimate rebellion, which had long been predicted by real Russian military experts, for objective reasons, and the claims of 5D media were part of their confused dreams, or part of a program. Several consecutive articles in which they convinced of the legitimacy of this great attempt at Rebellion ridiculed 5D and dissuaded their readers from reflecting on the potential falsity of the rebellion.

        I personally, although I am a world-wide unknown and it does not matter, laughed at them all, saying that the ridiculous rebellion was false and aimed not to weed out elite loyalists from traitors (which is a thesis based on the real war), but to lead to tightening of measures and updating of laws against alleged “extremists”, etc., among which perhaps the main ones are patriots. Which is part of the ongoing global reset (to a draconian surveillance and Control Society), on which the fake war is a continuation.

        Let recall this world-wide unknown event, which, perhaps, someone reading here and a few other places where I have mentioned it (and no one paid attention, of course, “because the rebellion”), knows.
        Two days before the great, real, long predicted and reasoned by experts rebellion:
        “On June 22, 2023, the inter–ministerial consultations of the CIS member states on international information security (IIB) were held in Moscow under the chairmanship of the Russian side.[…] The emphasis is on strengthening cooperation on specialized UN platforms – in the Open–ended Working Group on Security in the Field of ICT Use 2021-2025, the Special Committee for the Elaboration of a Universal Convention on Countering the Use of ICT for Criminal Purposes, as well as in the International Telecommunication Union and the Universal Postal Union.”

        And this is from June 26, 2023, just after the happy “end of the rebellion”, opinion in Forbes Russia:
        “It would seem that the rules are already being tightened regularly, but now we can talk about a fundamental change in the formation of the information space. And it would be in the style of the system’s reaction to the identified problem.

        Moreover, the occasion is quite appropriate. Noting the removal — maybe temporary, maybe permanent — of Yevgeny Prigozhin, who played well in the information field, it is possible to build up the field itself. So that no one would be tempted to follow the example of the Wagner PMCs and its head. For example, rumors that Telegram will be placed under stricter control of the Russian authorities or companies affiliated with them may turn out to be quite a realistic forecast.”

        I’ve stopped following and updating my blog a little bit because of my health, and I don’t know how things are going, but now I see, again in Forbes, from Yesterday, that “the Ministry of Digital Development wants to collect impersonal data in its information system.[…] Experts say that in fact, we can talk about monopolizing data by state-owned companies without the consent of the citizens themselves.”

        I don’t know if there’s a connection; just one news, there’s probably a lot more. Anyway.. Prigozhin is free and not on trial, but his case echoes; what next? Strelkov is the other famous critic, but a patriot, who was very active on social networks. (For him, too, there was no “fake war, as a continuation of the reset,” but a real war that was foiled by corrupt elites.) And he was arrested, as you heard, “as part of a criminal case on incitement to extremist activities.”

        “It should be noted that Strelkov’s criticisms of Shoigu and the Ministry of Defense were harsh but certainly no worse than Prigozhin’s countless outbursts. And Prigozhin sent tanks zooming towards Moscow—and for some reason is not in prison.
        This is very strange.
        I don’t know what’s going on but it’s probably not very good.”, said Eddie.
        “The Kremlin is using the excuse of Prigozhin’s mutiny to mop up the patriots in Russia. Strelkov is not the only one to be arrested so far. They are purging now so that they can capitulate to the West without any internal resistance tomorrow.”, “I don’t even want to say “I told you so”, added Roll.

        In both blogs, let’s recall ,the “war” is real and not a continuation of the reset. But now that the Kremlin has failed in the war, they are preparing the ground for a smooth capitulation; and so on..

        And now, 1) what happens to all those who criticize the Kremlin for anything, but more importantly 2) what happens to those who think that the whole war is a fallacy and a continuation of the reset? Perhaps the second, if we take as an example the attitudes among the Western dirty power centers, can be directly targeted as such with “mental abnormalities”. It would be in line with “global trends,” “UN regulations, ” or something like that.

        And this is from “New Delhi Declaration of the Council of Heads of State of the SCO, July 4, 2023”:
        “[…]important to step up the joint efforts of the international community to counter the activities of terrorist, separatist and extremist groups, paying special attention to preventing the spread of religious intolerance, aggressive nationalism, ethnic and racial discrimination, xenophobia, ideas of fascism and chauvinism. […]reaffirming their firm commitment to the fight against terrorism, separatism and extremism,[…] to counter extremism, radicalization of youth, the spread of terrorist ideology, as well as to eliminate “sleeper cells”and places that are used as terrorist shelters.

        […]the effective activities of the SCO Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure to promote cooperation of competent authorities in the fight against terrorism, separatism and extremism. […]in accordance with their national legislation and on the basis of consensus, will strive to develop common principles and approaches to the formation of a single list of terrorist, separatist and extremist organizations[…]

        […]emphasize the key role of the UN in countering threats in the information space, creating a safe, fair and open information space[…]

        The Member States are categorically opposed to the militarization of information and communication technologies (ICT). They support the development of universal rules, principles and norms of responsible behavior of States in this area, including the launch of the development under the auspices of the UN of a comprehensive international convention on countering the use of ICT for criminal purposes. The Member states will continue to cooperate within the framework of specialized negotiation mechanisms at the UN and other international platforms.”

        Many “fight against extremism and terrorism,” including its “spread” through ICT.

        Just to note. 🙂

  21. Chernyshenko | July 22, 2023 at 9:58 am | Reply

    I can guess around which noisy “critic” it is possible to make the next big noise (maybe..), the next “real event in real time”, which will again lead to some benefit (I have no idea what the noise could be and what the benefit). Another opposition leader for a good example (on Eddie’s blog) who legitimizes the idea of two different elites opposing each other – Sergei Mironov, leader of the Just Russia For Truth party.

    28.04.2023, Eddie: “Sergei Mironov, leader of the Just Russia For Truth party, recently filed a complaint with the Prosecutor General. The Duma deputy accused GigaChat [Russian ChatGPT, from Sber] of creating “a negative image of Russia.”
    At the time, I was not banned by the Substack (for unclear reasons, which the Substack did not want to clarify to me; accidentally or not, it happened after I published in my substack two series: one about the Russian Science Foundation project, according to presidential instructions, Russian scientists draw up a project to the club of Rome, and the other about the Russian Neuralink, simply put, Neuronet, which was launched in 2014 after a meeting with Americans, one of whom was the founder of the Neuralink). And I write a comment under the article about Mironov, in which I show that already day before, on the 27th, Mironov apologized and almost bowed to SBER.
    “I want to draw your attention to the fact that I have no doubt that artificial intelligence technologies, the development of neural networks is not only a necessary process, but also irreversible. It is good that Sberbank is creating our Russian product. But I clearly understand that in the absence of a legislative framework, a broad practice of using artificial intelligence, this is the tool that can be used both for good and for evil.[…] I understand perfectly well that, as in any new project, there are shortcomings, gaps, inaccuracies. I want to note the prompt reaction of Sberbank to my post.”

    No reaction, no response, the article was not updated and Mironov was not ridiculed.

    Moskovsky Komsomolets, 01.07.2023
    “From love to hate is one step. From one position in politics to another, the opposite – one coup. “It is necessary to legalize this heroic military formation,” SR leader Sergei Mironov said on January 17. And this is Mironov on June 27: “How could it happen that a super-professional, well-armed group of people who were ready to go to Moscow, who came to Rostov, appeared on the territory of the Russian Federation?”. In both cases, we are talking about the same “armed group” – the Wagner PMCs.
    In speech delivered at the plenary session last Tuesday, Mironov suggested that the FSB investigate which of the “non-ordinary citizens of our country” were among those who left the country on the day of the military mutiny. And was warmly supported by the speaker and the Duma as a whole.
    More recently, the same Mironov spoke about Prigozhin, in a congratulatory telegram to him on his birthday (June 1): “You have long and rightfully gained public recognition… as a talented, purposeful entrepreneur, successfully working in many popular areas… They say about such people: a man of words and deeds… You are part of a cohort of real warriors, patriots of your country. I am glad and proud to know you personally.”

    All this is not noted, so Sergei can continue to be an opposition leader. So, 13.07.2023, Eddie:
    “Is the Russian government downplaying the socio economic hardships of its proles?
    This is the incendiary claim put forward by State Duma Deputy Sergei Mironov, the leader of the sometimes surprisingly uppity (but mostly pro-Uniparty) political faction A Just Russia For Truth.

    The Russian lawmaker warned the government in his Telegram rant that “the poverty of the population directly leads to its extinction,” and described the fight against poverty as “the second urgent task after the victory in the special military operation [in Ukraine].” Yikes.”

    Of course, Mironov may be right about something, about many things (in his Telegram now says that scientists from Moscow university confirm that Rosstat is reducing the percentage of the poor). And yet: for Mironov, the pandemic is real, and the war is real. Great Reset? I didn’t hear, maybe he said something, but I don’t know.

    Telegram channel of Mironov, 20 July
    “Only the complete liberation of Ukraine from neo-Nazis will help avoid war with NATO and ensure the security of the Russian Federation in the long run…”
    Again there, again July 20
    “Today, during the visit of the delegation of the Fair Russia – For Truth party to China, I held a meeting with the Secretary of the CPC Committee, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the People’s Congress of Zhejiang Province and Lianhong. We discussed economics, politics and, of course, inter-party cooperation. Unprecedented progress in all directions!

    The trade turnover between our countries is breaking records: in 2022 it exceeded 190 billion dollars, and by the end of 2023 it will exceed 200 billion dollars! At the same time, we are already 70% trading in national currencies – so we will put an end to the monopoly of the dollar around the world.

    ☝️Chinese automakers are actively taking the place of companies from the USA, Germany, France, Japan and South Korea that have left the Russian market. In turn, Russia exports to China not only energy resources, but also agricultural products. Moreover, we are ready to increase these supplies, as I said today at a meeting with Chinese comrades.

    It is important that the positions of Russia and China are close or coincide on all important world problems. We highly appreciate China’s balanced, constructive and pragmatic approach, including to the situation around Ukraine. We believe that the Chinese peace initiative has good prospects, and the Russian side is ready to discuss them with Chinese partners.

    I would also like to note that our parties, Fair Russia For Truth, and the Communist Party of China have had a very good cooperation, which we have been conducting for more than 15 years.

    We are demonstrating a movement in the right direction towards a just world order. I have no doubt that Russia and China are on the right side of history and our course to build a multipolar world will win!”

    So, on July 20 at 15:17, “We very much appreciate China’s balanced, constructive and pragmatic approach, including to the situation around Ukraine. We believe that the Chinese peace initiative has good prospects, and the Russian side is ready to discuss them with Chinese partners.”
    The next post, July 20 at 16:24
    “Severing diplomatic relations with Kiev is the only right decision!

    I am confused by the fact that diplomatic relations between the Russian Federation and Ukraine are still maintained.

    I don’t consider it a formality. If a state commits terrorist acts and kills children, this state is a murderer and a terrorist, and there is absolutely no reason to maintain even the most symbolic connection with it. It’s high time to call a spade a spade: war – war, enemy – enemy.

    Any sly understatement is rightly perceived by society as a bid to betray the interests of the country and those guys who are fighting at the front. We need to remove this obstacle on our way to victory. I will not tire of repeating: Zelensky’s bloody regime and his gang must be destroyed. Diplomatic channels with Berlin were not required to sign the pact of unconditional surrender of the Third Reich. They were dispensed with when the fate of post-war Germany was being determined. So it will be this time!”

    I don’t want to mess with anyone, only, as a matter of fact, I note some facts with my opinion that Mironov is not my hero and is a highly questionable character. 🙂

    • Thanks Chernyshenko. I hope you don’t mind, but I have posted your comments for other interested readers. I find them very useful, I’m sure others will too.

      • Chernyshenko | August 2, 2023 at 6:45 pm | Reply

        Of course I don’t mind and it’s a pleasure. : )
        Although, as I have found, the interest in additional information, besides the already known and the one that comes from already known sources, is very small, it is not excluded that there are interested readers.

        Here’s one more thing. As usual, I have some additions and objections to Eddie’s otherwise good and important announcements. For example, this important article of his from 28.07.2023, which again probably can not be found elsewhere in the English-speaking Internet space. The main: “Russia’s Ministry of Health wants to make Sputnik V mandatory for half the adult population in the event of another COVID “outbreak”

        The main fixation, of course: business connections. As summarized in his “a short but devastating article highlighting who benefits from mandatory Sputnik injections” the cited edition of Novye Izvestia:

        The conclusion from all this is simple: vaccination, which was practically forced in Russia, brings enormous profits to a very specific group of people. This is what the Ministry of Health is recommending.

        It was so simple. It’s just that certain groups of oligarchs have filled their pockets. Maybe the pharma mafia organizes pseudopandemia for profit? And what do the much bigger global power players who are behind the efforts for radical transformation of society think? Is the pharma mafia with them or against them? Is the pseudopandemic game of the pharma mafia in tone or contradiction with the aspirations of the big players? Wasn’t exactly the pseudopandemic the beginning of the final stages of social transformation?

        Novye Izvestia don’t think that. They quoted “Journalists from Regnum news agency [who] conducted an investigation into the beneficiaries of the vaccine”:

        On the website of one manufacturer, Binnopharm JSC, it is specified that 74% of the authorized capital of the company belongs to AFK Sistema. On the AFK website, in the structure of the group’s equity capital, a share of 59.2% is indicated for Vladimir Evtushenkov. In the ranking of “200 richest businessmen in Russia 2021” by Forbes magazine, he takes an honorable 69th place with a fortune of $1.7 billion.

        I remember where I’ve heard of the AFC Sistema[=System]. Here:

        June 5 is the last day of accepting applications for the I All-Russian competition-Olympiad “Smart City Talents”

        The jury will have a difficult task to select the applicants who will meet on June 22-24 at the final of the competition in Tambov.

        The competition is supported by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Construction and Ministry of Digital Development of Russia.

        Official Partner: Sitronics Group.

        ABOUT THE COMPANY: “Our goal is to ensure the digital transformation of processes using intelligent solutions, creating a high—tech, safe and environmentally friendly future” – Nikolay Pozhidaev, President of Sitronics Group

        MARCH 30, 2023
        The multidisciplinary Russian IT company Sitronics Group (part of AFK Sistema Group), a developer of integrated solutions for government and business, has become a strategic partner of the Smart City project events.

        Smart City is a departmental project of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation on digitalization of urban economy, which is implemented within the framework of the national project “Housing and Urban Environment” and the national program “Digital Economy of the Russian Federation”.

        I suppose that this is nothing and such a mention hints at a connection between unrelated things, which and contradicts the good journalistic practices and standards, which is why it is not given any attention in the article of Noviye Izvestia, nor on the part of Eddie, who adds to some omissions in the investigation of this profit fraud:

        Novye Izvestia actually skipped over one of the biggest clot-shot profiteers in Russia: Tatyana Golikova, Deputy Prime Minister for Social Policy, Labor, Health and Pension Provision. Through her husband’s (former deputy prime minister Viktor Khristenko’s) various investments and dealings, Golikova enjoys fruitful financial ties to several of the Russian pharma firms listed above. (She’s been running pharma scams since Swine Flu. Simpler times.)

        Popular people who are known for a lot of things, but I personally, don’t know why, remembered of those of them:

        Minister of Industry and Energy Of the Russian Federation V.B. Khristenko
        Order of the Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation dated August 7, 2007 “On approval of the Strategy for the Development of the Electronic Industry of Russia for the period up to 2025”

        “Forecasts of electronics development for the post-silicon period (after 2020) suggest the widespread introduction of nanotechnology achievements in industry.
        The introduction of nanotechnology should further expand the depth of its penetration into the daily life of the population. There must be a constant connection of each individual with global information and control networks such as the Internet.
        NANOELECTRONICS WILL INTEGRATE WITH BIOLOGICAL OBJECTS and provide continuous control over the maintenance of their vital functions, improving the quality of life, and thus reduce the social costs of the state.
        Embedded wireless nanoelectronic devices that ensure constant human contact with the intellectual environment surrounding him will become widespread, and means of direct wireless contact of the human brain with objects surrounding him, vehicles and other people will become widespread. The circulation of such products will exceed billions of pieces per year due to its widespread distribution.

        The domestic industry should be ready for this challenge, since the ability to produce all components of network systems will mean the establishment of actual control over all their users, which is unacceptable for many sides from the point of view of preserving their sovereignty. A similar point of view is shared by EU experts in connection with the global expansion of electronics manufacturers from Southeast Asian countries and the intention of the United States to secure permanent technological leadership in this area. Therefore , in the period 2016-2025 . we should expect another strengthening of the role of electronics in the life of society and be economically ready for a new round of global competition of countries based on nanoelectronic technology.

        4. Main program activities …[At the end of Point 4.:]
        At the third stage (2016-2025) The strategy is supposed to be implemented within the framework of a new federal target program, which will be developed taking into account the implementation of the Federal Target Program “Development of electronic component base and radio electronics” and provide for:
        – widespread introduction of the achievements of domestic nanotechnology, bioelectronics and microsystem technology in everyday human life in the fields of healthcare, education, housing and communal services, transport and communications.

        6. Conclusion
        Taking into account the high potential level of domestic science in the field of electronics by 2025, we can expect a significant development of international scientific and technical cooperation and a breakthrough in the field of new technologies, including nanotechnology, bioelectronics, optoelectronics, quantum computers, etc.
        On January 29, 2020, Tatyana Golikova headed the operational headquarters for the prevention of the “import and spread” of “covid19 coronavirus infection” in the Russian Federation. So – leading the pressure team-including mandatory vaccination in many sectors – on Russians to inject themselves with what’s in the injections.
        (October 21, 2022) Tatiana Golikova will oversee the development of genetic technologies […]will oversee the “direction for the accelerated development of genetic technologies.”
        The development of genetic technologies, for which Tatiana Golikova will now also be responsible, is immersed in a specialized federal scientific and technical program approved in April 2019 by the then Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. Initially, the program was supposed to be valid until 2027, but in March 2022, President Vladimir Putin instructed to extend it until 2030.
        The program involves the creation of genomic research centers, the development of genetic editing technologies[…]

        I have no idea, maybe it means nothing, but I decided to mention it. It is not impossible for a some reader to find it curious, people are interested in different things.

  22. And yet they aim at just that, and everything else is a process of transition to it. No matter who likes it or not. These are the facts described.

  23. The system seems to recognize me. One n less makes a difference in status.:) good

  24. How could we predict it? There was not enough time because of the extensive serious analyses of the real rebellion, which was born because of Prigozhin’s true dissatisfaction with the real sabotage of the real war by the Ministry of Defense. And also the real critic Strelkov. These are the real actions and words of two people. And look what happened for everyone else of that.

    We’re still waiting for coverage from Ed. For now, we will be satisfied only with the timely satisfaction of one of Edward’s favorite and repeatedly cited alternative Russian media, patriotic and critical of plandemia, technocracy, etc., Katyusha. They boasted of a many curious involvement in this new law. (I’m not sure we’ll get coverage for this, but it’s possible because some vigilant commenters (not me, I don’t commenting there) mentioned it on the blog.)

    That’s the way it is.

  25. Off-Guardian was a great freedom site… Ahahahahah, I’ll burst with laughter. It is the most brutally simple and censored site, with the mouse Riley – a fool or controlled opposition – at the middle school level for Russia. I’m bursting with laughter. Both the Owners and the Moderators and their commenters are lumpen in an information dead hole. For Russia, they have 2 minus six on the six-point system. But not only, for many things. Laught.


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