Tony Gosling and Iain Davis Discuss the Dark MAGA Gov-Corp Technate

My latest article for Unlimited Hangout “The Dark MAGA Gov-Corp Technate Part 1” was recently published. I explore the how the sociopolitical ideology of Technocracy and the philosophy of the Dark Enlightenment are influencing key figures in the new Trump administration. Notably, Elon Musk and Peter Thiel respectively.

Tony Gosling kindly invited me on to his weekly discussion program—Not the BCfm Politics Show—to discuss the essay and the implications of these underpinning ideas for our understanding of the Trump administration’s objectives.

Please check out the podcast and read the accompanying article.

I look forward to reading your thoughts and comments.

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4 Comments on "Tony Gosling and Iain Davis Discuss the Dark MAGA Gov-Corp Technate"

  1. Scotch Mist ConCeption | March 9, 2025 at 9:16 am | Reply

    I’m being blocked from commenting, but will give it a go here..
    Yep, Trump is 100% an Establishment Shill Parasite…
    Trump The Jesuit Snake Is Scottish Rite….
    Donald = Scottish Ruler of The World
    Trump = To Defeat/Conquer, usually in a humiliating and public way… The Zelensky “debacle” proved that…
    And on we go…

  2. Except for the inane broadside at Ayn Rand (the nominal and unwitting mother of the Libertarian Movement in the US) Iain is correct that we are facing high-tech FASCISM which Ayn Rand decried as “Guild Socialism.” I consider it Feudalism or global Monarchy. According to Ayn Rand the Vatican has never given up it’s goal of achieving global monarchy, to wit: Saussy quotes Ayn Rand on the Vatican in “Rulers of Evil”: RAND: (1967) “The Catholic Church has never given up the hope to re-establish the medieval union of church and state, with a global state and a global theocracy as its ultimate goal. Since the Renaissance, it has always been cautiously last to join that political movement which could serve its purpose at the time.” How convenient Jesuit Pope Francis is “too sick” to take a stand on the growing Facism/Monarchy in the US and the once unthinkable rearming of Europe.

    • I may have misinterpreted Tony’s point about Rand, but I thought he was highlighting the oligarchs tendency to pick and choose the aspects of philosophy they liked and disregard the rest. For instance, they were big fans of Rand’s Laissez-faire capitalism ideas but not so hot on the libertarian aspects.

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