Speaking at the Munich Security Conference about EU Defence Union and the recent completion of military unification, the European Union High Representative (the de-facto EU Defence Minister) Federica Mogherini stated the EU’s commitment to the New World Order (NWO.)
“The Europe of defence is now a reality with solid foundations and this is our contribution, the contribution of the European Union to the security of our citizens first and foremost, but it is also our commitment to a more cooperative, multilateral new world order.”
Whenever leading statesmen and women use the phrase ‘NWO’ they are commonly referring to a system of global government first envisaged by the various Rhodes ‘Round Table’ groups. Numerous globalist thinks tanks such as the Bilderberg Group, The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), The European CFR, Le Cercle and others have used the term in the same way. Many of the policies we see today have originated from such think tanks. That is their purpose after all. We can see the influence both of these think tanks and their commitment to the New World Order, throughout the history of the development of the European Union.
The accepted history of the EU is accurate, but only tells one part of its creation story. Most people accept, following WWII, there was a widespread political will to safeguard Europe against ever facing another internal, international war. The 1948 Hague Conference led to the Creation of the ‘European Movement International’ based upon a network of trade deals. In 1952 the ‘European Coal and Steel Community’ (ECSC) formed. The leading individuals driving the project forward included the ‘Founding Fathers of the European Union’ (Alcide De Gasperi, Jean Monnet, Robert Schuman, and Paul-Henri Spaak.)
The 1957 Treaty of Rome created the European Economic Community (EEC). More countries joined, and in 1986 the EEC started waving its own flag. In 1992 the Maastricht Treaty formed the forerunner of the EU, the European Community, and established the timetable for a single European currency (the Euro.) Economic and monetary union was completed in 1998 with the principle of a European Central Bank firmly established. The Euro duly arrived in 2002. In 2007 the Lisbon Treaty formerly ratified the EU. This period of European political history is commonly referred to as the ‘European Project,’ which continues to this day.
However, this is only a partial chronicle. Most people, especially those who support it, are unaware of the other strand of the European Union’s history. Perhaps if they did know more about it, they would be less enthusiastic supporters. However, this is a closely guarded history, anyone who mentions it is immediately castigated as a ‘conspiracy theorists’ or ‘anti-Semite.’ Historians have consistently dithered over discussing the power structure driving the ‘European Project’ forward. Namely, the NWO and its Deep State Milieu.
In August 1944 at the Hotel Maison Rouge (the Red House) in Strasbourg, the first of a series of meetings between the leading NWO backed German industrialists and the Nazis convened to discuss the continuation of the Third Reich’s economic power. The meeting was chaired by SS Obergruppenfuhrer Scheid. Executives from Volkswagen, Krupp Steel, Brown-Boveri, Messerschmidt, Zeiss, BMW, Leica and others were ordered to establish overseas operations to finance a future covert Nazi project. Primarily this meant laundering money from a vast European based slush fund through U.S. investors. The ‘Red House’ was also the name the Nazis gave to the first gas chamber built at Auschwitz II–Birkenau. It isn’t clear if the chosen venue for the meeting was a deliberate Nazi perversion.
The content of the discussions were revealed by U.S. Military Intelligence Report EW-pa 128 (the Red House Report.) Of course supporters of the EU have claimed it to be a forgery, conspiracy nonsense and so forth. However, they haven’t offered any evidence to back this claim up. The document first came to light in 2009, but we can be reasonably certain it predates 1972 because former British Intelligence officer and author Frederick Forsyth cited it as the inspiration for his novel ‘The Odessa File.’ Forsyth stated he had first seen a copy of the document thanks to ‘friends in low places.’
The report revealed the Nazis knew the military campaign was probably lost, and were preparing for a post-war ‘Fourth Reich‘ based upon covert government and economic control. The Nazis intended to use the immense fortune they had seized to establish themselves as a hidden economic power with front organisations managing their portfolio from within the Swiss banking cartel. Their plan was to administer a European system of financial punishment and reward from which the corporations could make huge profits. All the investors and industrialists had to do was adhere to the Fourth Reich’s economic policies and commit themselves to its continuance. Scheid stated that a “German Empire can be created after the defeat.”
In return the Fourth Reich would not only provide investment capital but would also share its advanced weapon and industrial technology for further corporate profit. The Nazis recognised their most prominent leaders would face post-war trials but, by switching to economic rather than military warfare, they believed German pre-eminence in Europe could soon be re-established.
Coincidentally the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe was established in 1949 in Strasbourg. Its current incarnation, the Louise Weiss building, was completed in 1999. It looks remarkably like Pieter Brueghel the Elder’s 1563 painting ‘The Tower of Babel.’ The mythical Tower of Babel was constructed following a great cataclysm by the tyrant King Nimrod to unite all humanity under his despotic rule. A peculiar design choice for a supposedly democratic institution.
According to the people who think the EU is a splendid idea, this rather obvious occult symbolism is just another ‘unfortunate coincidence’ and anyone who can see the similarity, which they can’t, must be a loony ‘conspiracy theorist.’ Clearly this means the EU hierarchy are ‘loony conspiracy theorists’ because they used Brueghel’s depiction in their official promotional poster called ‘Europe: Many Tongues One Voice.’ They even adorned their propaganda with inverted pentagrams to really hammer home the point.
In 1950 Robert Schuman delivered his ‘Declaration‘ effectively creating the principle of supranational European government. A year later the Treaty of Paris formed the ECSC. The idea was to pool coal and steel production in order to create a heavy industry cartel that would effectively mete out economic growth to European states. This was suspiciously similar to the function of the I.G. Farben – Vereinigte Stahlwerke cartel which powered the Third Reich’s industrialisation and economic revival. This isn’t surprising given that it was exactly the same idea with the same people behind it. The front men had changed, but other than that it was business as usual.
In 1952 Jean Monnet (the father of the European Union) was a founding member a secretive ‘Deep State‘ transatlantic think tank called ‘Le Cercle.’ Sometimes referred to as the Cercle Pinay, after leading member Antoine Pinay (President of France 1952 – 1953 and signatory to the Treaty of Rome.) Monnet was soon joined in Le Cercle by fellow ‘EU founding father’ Robert Schumann. It’s primary objective was to cement Franco-German relations and promote European relations with the U.S. Le Cercle described itself as:
“……an informal group of European and American professionals – politicians, retired Ambassadors, former Generals, lawyers, bankers and active participants in banking, oil, shipping, publishing and trading companies – who are interested in preserving a positive Atlantic dialogue.”
Its U.S. membership has included David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski and the newly announced U.S. National Security Adviser John Bolton. Fiercely right wing, most of the neocons behind the war on terror have been members including Rumsfeld, Perle and Wolfowitz. A number of the groups members, such as former British Chancellor of the Exchequer Norman Lamont, have been involved in various arms scandals and alleged political subversion of left wing governments and parties across Europe and beyond. This included attempts to destabilise the British Labour Government of Harold Wilson. They fought hard to maintain the Cold War, and vociferously support the ‘war on terror.’
From the outset Le Cercle had close ties to both European and U.S. intelligence agencies. Many senior agents have been members of Le Cercle. For example, Donald Jameson was a CIA station chief who undertook numerous covert operations against the Soviet Union during the Cold War and was a handler for Russian defectors. William Casey, former director of the CIA, who pushed the Pakistan ISI to increase funding for Saudi Wahhabis, was also a member. Ted Shackley, CIA station chief and member of the hit squad ‘Operation 40,’who many suspect of involvement in the Kennedy assassination, served as the U.S. chairman of Le Cercle until 2012.
It was the CIA and U.S. ‘Deep State’ politicians who instigated the European Project, formally proposed by Monnet, Schuman and others later. The U.S. wanted a European Union to act as counterbalance to Soviet power and to support NATO policy. In 1947 President Truman threatened to cut European post-war aid unless the French welcomed Germany into the heart of the European establishment. In July 1950 U.S. General William J Donovan, head of the OSS (forerunner to the CIA,) instructed European Deep State operatives, such as Monnet, Schuman and Pinay, to work to create a European Parliament. Two years later the first meeting of Le Cercle was organised by Pinay’s close associate, the lawyer and intelligence officer Jean Violet.
The CIA used the ‘American Committee for a United Europe‘ (ACUE) to funnel funds from the Rockefeller (Le Cercle member) and Ford Foundations to finance the creation of, what became, the EU. In 1954 another leading light of the European Project, Josef Retinger, called a secret meeting at the Bilderberg Hotel in Oosterbeek, in the Netherlands. Retinger established the Bilderberg Group with Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, who was subsequently caught taking bribes from arms dealers during Lockheed scandal in 1976.
The Bilderberg Group is perhaps the most well-known of the various organisations that form the management structure of the ‘Deep State.’ They are part of the hidden system of global government who control the world’s military, intelligence, economic, political and cultural establishment. Delegates are selected to attend group meetings where senior Bilderberg members instruct them. Bill Clinton, Margaret Thatcher and Tony Blair are among the many political leaders who have achieved party leadership following their attendance of a Bilderberg Meeting. It would appear to be a prerequisite for high office.
When Bilderberg steering committee member Dennis Healey (former British Labour Chancellor of the Exchequer) invited Margaret Thatcher to attend Bilderberg in 1975 he recalled:
“…….the next day she suddenly stood up and launched into a three-minute Thatcher special. I can’t remember the topic, but you can imagine. The room was stunned. Here’s something for your conspiracy theorists. As a result of that speech, David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger and the other Americans fell in love with her. They brought her over to America, took her around in limousines, and introduced her to everyone.”
Healey’s off-hand brevity about ‘conspiracy theory’ belies the reality of the Bilderberg Group. For many years they were able to keep their existence entirely secret, mainly because their members own the mainstream media. They were mentioned in a 1955 article in the German paper Der Spiegel and again in a French TV news feature in 1977. Otherwise, until their full exposure by internet researchers during the first decade of the 21st century, there was a complete media blackout. Once the evidence of their existence was undeniable, they launched their extremely spars website in 2009. Even so, their decisions are still largely ignored by the MSM. There is no doubt that without their exposure by ‘conspiracy theorists’ they would have remained a covert Deep State group to this day.

The Bilderberg website states that they are simply an informal gathering of American and European royalty, bankers, politicians, corporation owners, media moguls, industrialists and so on. Giving the impression that they make no decisions, but rather use it as an opportunity to discuss ideas, stay in a nice hotel, relax and get to know each other. Their website states:
“The Bilderberg Meeting is an annual meeting designed to foster dialogue between Europe and North America. Bilderberg was established in 1954 as a forum for informal discussions, bringing together individuals who share an active interest in affairs relevant to the relationship between Europe and Northern America. The meeting has one main goal: to foster discussion and dialogue. There is no desired outcome, there is no closing statement, there are no resolutions proposed or votes taken.”
With a couple of exceptions, since 1954, they have held annual meetings of no more than about 150 delegates and tend to alternate venues between Europe and the U.S. The Steering committee organise the meetings and longer serving steering committee members possibly become part of the inner ‘advisory group,’ though any mention of this was dropped in 2002. The delegates discussions come under the Chatham House Rule. Many serving, democratically elected politicians attend, but we are barred from knowing what they discuss with the wealthiest people on Earth. They leave their so called ‘representation’ at the door.
The consistent focus upon reinforcing the transatlantic partnership can clearly be traced back to Cecil Rhodes. The Round Table Movement, Pilgrims Society, Le Cercle, Bilderberg and many other hidden groups and societies that form the ‘Deep State Milieu,’ all share the same objective. As Bilderberg’s own website states:
“……from trade to jobs, from monetary policy to investment and from ecological challenges to the task of promoting international security. In the context of a globalised world, it is hard to think of any issue in either Europe or North America that could be tackled unilaterally.”
It is a notable indicator of future of global power structures that Bilderberg invited their first Chinese delegates in 2011. The claimed notion that they are little more than a discussion group is not supported by the evidence. It clearly indicates the Bilderberg Group has been instrumental in forming global policy since its inception. They were central to the creation of the European Union. This makes a mockery of the notion that we live in democracies or that the EU is a democratic institution. We are ruled by people we don’t elect. It’s as simple as that.
At the 1955 Bilderberg Meeting at Sonnenbichl, Germany, the group decided upon the future development of the European Union. Key to their plan, as discussed at the Red House 11 years earlier, was German reintegration and economic development. They also proposed the establishment of a common market and creation of a single European currency. Leaked papers from the meeting reveal how ‘insignificant’ Bilderberg discussion really are. In 1955 the Bilderberg group stated there was:
“[a] Pressing need to bring the German people, together with the other peoples of Europe, into a common market.”
Further statements included:
“…..our [the Bilderberg Group] common responsibility to arrive in the shortest possible time at the highest degree of integration, beginning with a common European market.……..tariff walls surrounding this common market should certainly not be higher and should possibly be lower than the average of the existing tariffs………..It might be better to proceed through the development of a common market by treaty rather than by the creation of new high authorities……….A European speaker expressed concern about the need to achieve a common currency, and indicated that in his view this necessarily implied the creation of a central political authority……..A United States participant confirmed that the United States had not weakened in its enthusiastic support for the idea of integration”
European Union acolytes have been keen to point out that many of these ideas had already been openly discussed elsewhere, prior to the 1955 Bilderberg meeting. They need to provide some evidence to substantiate this view. It is notable that Bilderberg Group saw the ‘common market’ as the forerunner to complete European integration prior to the 1957 Treaty of Rome. This established the ‘common market’ but made no reference to the “highest degree of integration” which wouldn’t arrive for another 50 years. Nor was their any open discussion of a single European currency or “central political authority.” Again these concepts only slowly emerged publicly in the years after the 1955 Bilderberg meeting.
In 2009 Bilderberg Chairman Etienne Davignon revealed, not only the Bilderberg Groups determination to forge ahead with the European Project no matter what, but also its total disregard for the sovereignty of nations and the people of Europe. Speaking about Europe’s response to the 2008 financial crash, which the bankers at the heart of the Bilderberg Group caused, he said the Bilderbergers would “improve understanding” on future action. He then told reporters the group could do this in the same way they helped create the Euro in the 1990s. In a moment of jaw dropping arrogance, in reference to nations whose populations had previously indicated their desire to leave the EU (notably the people of the Republic of Ireland, France and the Netherlands) he said:
“why do we have to care about them?”
Why indeed? Clearly the ‘will of the people’ means nothing to aristocratic elitists like former Bilderberg chairman Etienne Davignon. Much as it has always been. Between 2005 and 2007 the Irish, French and Dutch people objected to the proposed EU Constitution. The Irish referendum didn’t happen because the French and Dutch referendums had already brought a halt to the ratification process, but all the indications were of a signifiant Irish rejection. There was also stiff opposition to ‘the highest degree of integration’ among the people of the UK, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Poland and Portugal, whom also had proposed referendums cancelled, and were completely ignored by the European federalists. The ‘no votes’ of French and the Dutch, convinced the EU elite to completely abandon troublesome democracy.
Bilderberg member Valéry Giscard d’Estaing, president of the European Convention whose comical pretensions were to improve ‘democracy and transparency,’ decided that only the leaders of the 25 member states needed to be consulted to ratify the required ‘treaties.’ Just as the Bilderberg Group decided in 1955. Recognising the need for the 25 leaders to sell the new idea to their various parliaments and national assemblies, d’Estaing was among the Bilderbergers who decreed that subterfuge would be necessary. So they constructed a deliberately opaque ‘Lisbon Treaty’ (and charter) to move towards the completion of their European project. Speaking to Le Monde in 2007 d’Estaing said:
“The latest brainwave is to preserve part of the innovations of the constitutional treaty, but hide them by breaking them up into several texts. The most innovative provisions would become simple amendments to the treaties of Maastricht and Nice. The technical improvements would be regrouped in a colourless, harmless treaty. The texts would be sent to national parliaments, which would vote separately. Thus public opinion would be led to adopt, without knowing it, the provisions that we dare not present directly.”
[Valéry Giscard d’Estaing]
He then attempted to distance himself from his own statements by claiming the ‘brainwave’ was unworthy of the ‘challenge at stake.’ His stated fear was that it would:
“…..confirm European citizens in the idea that the construction of Europe is organised behind their backs by lawyers and diplomats.”
He need not have concerned himself. The people weren’t asked anyway. The Lisbon Treaty, containing the clauses paving the way for a centrally controlled European superstate, with its own fully functioning central bank, was ratified by 59 people, creating the EU on December 13th 2007. This was entirely consistent with the plan suggested 52 years earlier by the Bilderberg Group.
Due to the apparent dichotomy between capitalism and communism, historians have consistently viewed late 19th to late 20th century history through the narrow confines of this ideological conflict. What they have failed to recognise is that unrestrained economic globalisation provides the conditions for ‘capitalist collectivism’ to thrive. In France they call it ‘capitalisme sauvage’ (rampant capitalism,) but even this doesn’t fully acknowledge its globalist nature. The post WWII period has seen it proliferate on a monumental scale, thanks to the monetary system. The bank bailouts in 2010 were not the product of socialism, fascism, democracy, communism or any other form of accepted socio-economic or political ideology. They were founded in the principles of ‘capitalist collectivism,’ something which we don’t yet have a name for. Sun Tzu was right when he observed:
“If ignorant both of your enemy and yourself, you are certain to be in peril.”
It seems likely that exposure has reduced the influence of the Bilderberg group, as a decision making body, to a certain degree. However, they are only one part of the Deep State Milieu and there are other groups such as Le Cercle, the CFR and the RIIA who continue the NWO’s work. In 2017 the current president of the CFR, Bilderberg member Richard Haas, spelt out its evolving vision for what he called World Order 2.0 in his book ‘A world In Disarray:’
“……….in a globalized world, a global operating system premised solely on respect for sovereignty – call it World Order 1.0 – has become increasingly inadequate. Little stays local anymore. Just about anyone and anything, from tourists, terrorists, and refugees to e-mails, diseases, dollars, and greenhouse gases, can reach almost anywhere. The result is that what goes on inside a country can no longer be the concern of that country alone. Today’s realities call for an updated operating system—World Order 2.0 – based on “sovereign obligation,” the notion that sovereign states have not just rights but also obligations to others.”
Dressed in the faux respectability of the seemingly concerned global citizen, Haass was suggesting that a nation’s independence and sovereignty should no longer be respected. If the NWO decide a country isn’t meeting its demands, that provides cause to destroy it. He has written a manifesto for centrally controlled global government with unelected, hidden policy makers, like himself, acting as its ‘Society of the Elect.’ We have discussed how, through manipulation and deceit, the power mad tyrants of the NWO play out their deadly game. Their representatives, like Haass, are smiling sweetly, offering you a better future under the benevolent dictatorship of ‘World Order 2.0.’
The EU represents the first, practically completed, phase of the NWO model of global hegemony. The offer of an ‘ordered’ world may seem enticing. However its is the violence of the ‘war on terror,’ the brutal destabilisation of nations, the enforced austerity of international banking cartels, forced population shifts, the militarisation of a police state, mass surveillance, restricted access to information, total economic control in a cashless society, terrorist attacks as part of an ongoing ‘strategy of tension,’ and drone strikes upon civilian ‘targets’ that defines the true nature of their offer.
The most comprehensive deception played upon us is that we were convinced to ignore something which, in our hearts, we have always known to be true. Through years of indoctrination and ‘education’ we have forgotten that authoritarian power still exists in democracies. We are now all convinced that it is we, the people, who are in charge of our own destinies. We actually believe the governments we elect serve us, despite the fact there is no evidence to substantiate this belief.
Regardless of all our wars and revolutions, a tiny group of people have more money and power than the rest of the world put together. These are the tiny clique of people at the very top of the richest 1% of humanity. They aren’t the frequently blamed 1%, most of these people are just as powerless as the rest of us, they are the 0.001%. Money is power and they have an unlimited supply.
The EU is and always has been, their project. We, the people, are simply expendable pawns in their continuing strategy of global tension.
Can always rely on ID for a comprehensively researched excellent piece of work. Although I’m making myself increasingly aware of the true nature of corporates, governments and the NWO agenda I’m still enraged – even more so that so many people take the story-lines of TV soaps more seriously – which of course is the aim. So much here to digest – I’ll return to it.
Glad your finding it useful Poppy, please share it with as many people as you can. Both on and offline. (Obviously they’ll need to use a computer to read it but I hope that makes sense.) Word of mouth is important too.
Acquaintances will tell you I can and do ‘speak for England’ (if we’re still allowed to say that) on such matters and recommend your site to many.
Many thanks Poppy. Given what’s going on with EU Defence Union (or rather what isn’t, in the UK) I think telling people has never been more important. All the best.
Nazi was a derogatory term coined by Jewish journalist Konrad Heiden to denigrate Hitler’s party, the NSDAP National Socialist German Workers’ Party. Hitler never ever referred to his party as the Nazi party, he abhorred this term which literally means backward Bavarian peasant. The term has been used ever since to ensure that an image of Hitler as the epitome of evil would be permanently embedded in the minds of the gullible populace of the world.
Thanks for the interesting comment. I thought the word ‘Nazi’ was a derogatory contraction of “Nationalsozialist” or an inversion of ‘Sozi’ I was aware of the ‘backward peasant’ Naczi connotation and Hitlers rejection of the term but didn’t know about Konrad Heiden. I thought it was popularised by the Frankfurt School in an effort to avoid any connection between National Socialism and socialism itself. The Frankfurter’s like Neumann, Fromm, Marcuse and Social Democrats like Heiden pushing its use. Interestingly Heiden’s 1932 book “Geschichte des Nationalsozialismus” translates as “History of National Socialism” it wasn’t until he was on the run in 1934 that he wrote “Sinddie Nazis Sozialisten?” – “Are the Nazi’s Socialists?” I think the term really picked up in 1942 after the Soviets became formal allies. Herbert Marcuse, an OSS propagndist, wrote in 1942:
As for Hitler image being the epitome of evil, that seems pretty apt to me. Depends how you see evil I suppose but for me, Like despots throughout history, he was another in a seemingly endless line of psychopathic egotists whose delusional self supporting ideology always allows them to kill as many people as they need in order to further their own political and cultural ambitions.
Perhaps we can dispense with the suggestion of evil. “Murderer” will suffice.