Online Harms Roadmap To Censorship

Online harms is a vague catch all term the UK State is using to roll out mass censorship of the Internet. Following public consultation on its Online Harms White Paper, the UK State ahs offered its response. There is every reason to be very concerned.

Online Harms White Paper – The Ministry of Truth

the Online Harms White Paper, just released by the UK state, is the creation of the Ministry of Truth. It is the tyranny Orwell tried to warn everyone about. This is no exaggeration or hyperbole. To discover the tyranny lurking in this terrible legislative proposal read here.

The British Constitution Deception – Part 2

The British Constitution is a single, written codified document. You have been told that it isn’t by those who have long claimed illegitimate authority for themselves. Discover the power of the British Constitution and stop being misled.

The British Constitution Deception – Part 1

The British Constitution doesn’t exist as a single, codified, written document according to Parliament and the people who have been in power for centuries. However this isn’t true. Discover why the truth has been withheld from the people and what UK society would be like if we adopted the real British constitution.