
Online Harms White Paper – The Ministry of Truth

the Online Harms White Paper, just released by the UK state, is the creation of the Ministry of Truth. It is the tyranny Orwell tried to warn everyone about. This is no exaggeration or hyperbole. To discover the tyranny lurking in this terrible legislative proposal read here.

The British Constitution Deception – Part 1

The British Constitution doesn’t exist as a single, codified, written document according to Parliament and the people who have been in power for centuries. However this isn’t true. Discover why the truth has been withheld from the people and what UK society would be like if we adopted the real British constitution.

We need To Talk About Antisemitism – Part 2

In Part 2 we discuss how false allegations of antisemitism are being used to silence critical debate and marginalise the voices of any who challenge the political orthodoxy. This is not an accident. It is a coordinated attack upon the very fabric of our society.

The White Helmets – A Lesson in Soft Power.

Discover just some of the the mountain of evidence which proves the White Helmets are not the humanitarian organisation we have been led to believe. Rather, they appear to be a funding conduit and propaganda organisation for Islamist extremists under the direct control of the U.S led coalition that backs their ‘regime change’ efforts in Syria.

The Syrian Conflict Deception – Part 2

The recent attempt by the U.S led coalition to overthrow the Syrian Government of Bashar al Assad was yet another in a long line of foreign interventions within Syria. What’s more, the West’s efforts appears to be part a concerted plan to destabilise the Middle East in support of both their own geopolitical objectives of those of regional allies, most notably Israel, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, and, of course, the pursuit of global corporate profit. Discover the truth about this plan here. Because it is very far from the one you’ve been told about.

The Danger of Public Relations.

As the race to shut down freedom of speech surges ahead, the UK government has created the ‘National Security Communications Unit‘ (NSCR) to ‘tackle fake news and disinformation.’ The NSCR is formed from representatives of…