political change

Voluntary Democracy – Part 3

Voluntary Democracy – Part 3: in this concluding article we consider the only alternative offered of continued statism and address statist objections to a stateless society. We also consider issues like funding and security in a voluntary democracy.

Voluntary Democracy – Part 2

In Part 2 of the series on voluntary democracy we start to look at the proposal in more detail. We consider some of the practicalities required for organising a stateless jurisdiction and address how some, limited hierarchical decision making would be needed.

Sorting Sortition

The sortition movement, for want of a better name, promises to deliver us to a democratic nirvana. All across the world, citizen’s assemblies are springing into existence, at the same time, as if by magic. Is it reasonable to question this allegedly grass roots, movement of the people? Yes! Absolutely. Read here to find out why.

The British Constitution Deception – Part 2

The British Constitution is a single, written codified document. You have been told that it isn’t by those who have long claimed illegitimate authority for themselves. Discover the power of the British Constitution and stop being misled.

The Danger of Public Relations.

As the race to shut down freedom of speech surges ahead, the UK government has created the ‘National Security Communications Unit‘ (NSCR) to ‘tackle fake news and disinformation.’ The NSCR is formed from representatives of…

Geopolitics – What Is It ?

Some awareness of geopolitics is a central tenet of many peoples co called conspiracy theories. But with the term having such a pejorative meaning these days should people who are concerned about geopolitics distance themselves from it? Well in order to understand if that’s the case you firstly need to have an idea about what geopolitics are and why the term conspiracy theory has become a description for those widely perceived as being fucking mental.