
Voluntary Democracy – Part 3

Voluntary Democracy – Part 3: in this concluding article we consider the only alternative offered of continued statism and address statist objections to a stateless society. We also consider issues like funding and security in a voluntary democracy.

Voluntary Democracy – Part 1

Based on the original concept of “democracy,” I propose Voluntary democracy as a new possible sociopolitical system that could set us free from the rule of oligarchs. Check out Part 1 here.

Some Call It Conspiracy Theory – Part 2

In Part 2 we discuss how the conspiracy theory label is applied by the so-called epistemic authorities, and notably the legacy media, as a a propaganda tool. We look at recent examples and witness how the label functions.

Some Call It Conspiracy Theory – Part 1

Conspiracy theory is not what you are told it is and conspiracy theorists are not who you are told they are. I explore the disinformation that has coalesced to produce the conspiracy theory propaganda label.

Democracy Is Dead! Long Live Democracy

Representative democracy is not democracy. It supposedly relies upon democratic ideals, but no representative democratic government bothers practicing them. So what is democracy, how does it work, what principles is it based upon? Read here to find out.

Democracy Is A Good Idea – So It Is A Shame That We Don’t Have Any

Democracy works, unfortunately representative democracy is not democracy. As we have just seen with both the U.S. election and the Parliamentary Lockdown vote in the UK, so called representative democracy does not work for the people. However, the Rule of Law would. Read more here…..