The alleged Skripal chemical weapons attack is the UK state propaganda narrative it refuses to let go. Today (16/08/2019) the unquestioning parrot media are reporting that an unnamed police officer was poisoned with the deadly nerve agent Novichok during the immediate Skripal poisoning response. Eighteen months after the incident, they are still flogging this dead horse.
The whole fantasy has largely been propagated by the MSM. So I am going to cite them here, just to illustrate the numerous contradiction in their ludicrous yarn.
If you want to understand my take on this silliness then, before reading the rest, get a coffee, sit back and watch this video.

According to the Metropolitan Police Counter Terrorism Policing network (CTP) scientists from the the Defence Science & Technology Laboratory (Dstl) at Porton down have confirmed “that traces of Novichok were in the blood sample” of the officer concerned.
We need to be very clear about what Novichok (the family of nerve toxins) is supposed to be. It is said to be a deadly military grade nerve agent. The bottle supposedly used to deliver the Novichok was found a couple of months after the attack. The lead investigator, Deputy Assistant Commissioner Dean Hayden, stated that it contained enough of the lethal nerve agent to potentially kill thousands of people.
He was right to be terrified, Novichok was said to be at least 5 times to 10 times more deadly than VX. It is unimaginably lethal, real nightmare stuff. Just 10mg of VX is enough to kill and Novichok is much worse. It is so deadly that Professor Alastair Hay (OBE,) a UK Government chemical warfare advisor, said just 50 micro-grams, that’s 50 millionths of a gram or 0.00005 g, is a lethal dose. To put this into perspective, that’s about a tenth of the size of a grain of sand.
Furthermore, Gary Aitkenhead, the chief executive of Dstl, reported that there is no known antidote to Novichok. The nerve agent was specifically designed to make possible oxim antidotes useless. Negating the third step in the three step process required if you ever hope to save anybody exposed to Novichok.
Exposure to Novichok is fatal unless aggressively managed. So the Skripal’s recovery was truly unbelievable because no one knew what they had been poisoned with a nerve agent for nearly two days and they were treated for a suspected Fentanyl overdose.

Rapid diagnosis and decontamination is essential because otherwise the symptoms rapidly progress to seizures, respiratory paralysis, bradycardia, coma, and death. Following thorough decontamination of the patient, which didn’t happen in the Skripal’s case, while observing strict barrier nursing protocols (didn’t happen,) it is essential that the patient receive intravenous (IV) atropine, and lots of it. If they don’t, they will die.
Of course, in the Skripals case, this didn’t happen either because they were being treated for a drug overdose. They would have been administered an opioid receptor antagonist such as Naloxone (IV – Narcan) not atropine.
Considering all this, what can we make of this amazing discovery of another alleged Novichok victim? What questions might we ask?
The CTP state:
“The officer displayed signs at the time of the incident that indicated exposure to a very small amount of Novichok. The officer received appropriate medical treatment for this at the time and returned to duties shortly afterwards.”
So during the initial response to the Skripal attack this unnamed officer showed symptoms of a little bit of Novichok poisoning. How did anybody know? the Skripals themselves weren’t diagnosed for at least another 36 hours. Why, if people investigating the scene were struck down by some unknown substance, did the NHS believe the Skripal’s had overdosed?
What was this appropriate treatment the officer received for Novichok poisoning if no one knew there was any Novichok? If 50 micro-grams of Novichok kills you stone dead, how did this officer come into contact with less than that? However, fortunately, just like the Skripals, being attacked with a military grade nerve agent doesn’t seem to have affected the officer too badly as they were back at work after a few days.
“Forensic examination of the officer’s blood sample that was taken in March 2018 has since been carried out by scientists at Dstl on behalf of the investigation team. The forensic test ……. has now given detectives confirmation that traces of Novichok were in the blood sample.
Why has it taken the Dstl 18 months to test these blood samples? At the most there were just 10 people who showed possible signs of exposure. 18 months to test 10 blood samples?
“The officer has been informed and continues to receive support from Wiltshire Police along with other officers and staff affected by the events in Salisbury and Amesbury last year.”
Why does anyone need support surrounding the Skripal attack? What were they affected by, adverse media reports? The unknown officer was a bit ill but was largely unaffected, they could have had a cold; Sergeant Nick Bailey, looking well despite the fact that any exposure to Novichok has permanent debilitating effects, has returned to duty where presumably he is getting the support he needs, even the supposed victims ‘got better.’
The only people affected in Amesbury were Charlie Rowley, Dawn Sturgess and their families. Dawn has passed away and Wiltshire council, in reference to Charlie Rowley, claim they are “continuing to ensure he has access to the support he needs.”
No one else, despite the Skripals spreading a deadly chemical weapon around Salisbury for hours, even felt ill. What possible staff support needs are there?
“The purpose of any such test is to assist the criminal investigation, and confirm whether there are any traces of Novichok in the blood samples; therefore forensically identifying any further victims of the attack.”
Let’s be clear, any suggestion that a person can come into contact with Novichok, receive no treatment, and still be alive by the end of the week is borderline insanity. Unless there are some undiscovered bodies concealed in the streets of Salisbury for the last 18 months there are definitely no other victims. I think the counter terrorism police can now safely discount that possibility.
“….anyone who may have been exposed to short-term or one-off contact with low levels of Novichok and who has not suffered an obvious illness, is not at risk of any long-term health problems and this remains the same.”
What is this “low level” of Novichok contact? If you haven’t received treatment and you’re not dead you have not come into contact with any Novichok. So don’t worry about it.
“Furthermore, public health experts have confirmed that there is no change to the overall public health risk, which remains low. However, should anyone have any concerns, then they can contact the NHS by calling 111.”

Why maintain any level of completely unnecessary public alarm? No one breathing, who hasn’t been treated, has ever been anywhere near Novichok.
“As previously stated, two men known as ‘Alexander Petrov’ and ‘Ruslan Boshirov’ are wanted by UK police after the Crown Prosecution Service authorised charges against the pair, linked to the attack on Sergei and Yulia Skripal and Detective Sergeant Nick Bailey. We believe they were using aliases and a European Arrest Warrant and Interpol Red Notices remain in circulation for the two men.”
This is incredible. How can you issue a charges against two people if you don’t know what their names are? Perhaps that explains why, when you search the Interpol Red List for Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov they are not listed. Perhaps Interpol don’t know who they are either?
“We cannot account for the whereabouts of the bottle, nozzle or box between the attack on the Skripals on 4 March 2018 and when Charlie Rowley said he found it on 27 June 2018.”
So there’s no link between the bottle found and the attempted murder? Admittedly, it seems unlikely than someone would be carrying around an unopened bottle of Novichok for two months, but seeing as the alleged perpetrators left on the day of the supposed attack, perhaps others are involved?
Checking the CCTV monitoring footage of the former Soviet spy’s protected UK home could perhaps shed further light. Except there isn’t any. It seems the intelligence agencies weren’t too bothered about keeping tabs on their former double agent.
The plot thickens.
Few stories, in recent years, have been so devoid of credible evidence. The anecdote of the alleged poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal is a farcical tale. It belongs in the pages of a pulp fiction novel not in the so called news. Were it not for the potentially serious consequences of the allegations, and the suggestion of the connected death of Dawn Sturgess, it would be comedy gold.
There is nothing of any value whatsoever in the UK state’s preposterous narrative. You really do need to take gullibility (a word officially removed from the dictionary as a result of the Skripal affair) to new heights to believe a word of this silly twaddle.
Looks like this will need a few more stanzas now:
Cheers. Let’s hope more people ask questions about this narrative because it is utterly nonsensical.
Thank you. I knew from day one that it was bollocks.
Yep, that does just about sum it up.
I knew this immediately. That is a lethal poison. They would not have survived.
Yes Sarah, I can’t find anything in the official narrative that makes any sense.