Covid 19 was and is a pseudopandemic. It was the gross exaggeration of the threat posed by a low mortality respiratory illness, comparable to influenza. The pseudopandemic was a psychological operation (psy-op) designed to terrorise the public. The objective was to accustom the people to draconian system of government oppression by familiarising them with the mechanisms of a biosecurity state.
The pseudopandemic was based upon an influenza like illness which, regardless of its origin, was not and is not a disease which can legitimately be considered the cause of a “pandemic.” The only way it could ever be described as such was by the removal of any reference to mortality from the World Health Organisation’s definition.
COVID 19 is a disease which has a mortality age distribution profile indistinguishable from standard mortality. Unlike influenza, which disproportionately impacts the young, in terms of threat to life, COVID 19 was and is a wholly unremarkable illness. Were it not for political theatrics and mainstream media propaganda, which began in China, no one, outside of the medical profession and COVID 19 sufferers, would have remarked on this disease.

The illusion of overwhelmed health services was created by massively reducing their capacity and staffing levels while simultaneously reorienting healthcare to treat everyone who presented with a respiratory illness as viral plague carriers. In reality the pseudopandemic saw unusually low levels of hospital bed occupancy. However, due to the additional policies and procedures heaped upon them, healthcare services were thrown into disarray.
This was combined with the use of tests, incapable of diagnosing anything, as proof of a COVID 19 “case.” This enabled governments around the world to make absurd claims about the threat level. They relied upon fake science and junk data throughout. As symptomatic illness and resultant disease mortality was relatively low, they asserted that people without any signs of illness (the asymptomatic) were spreading the contagion.
This was abject nonsense. There was no evidence that the asymptomatic infected anyone. Those at risk of severe illness were the small minority of people who already had serious comorbidities, often due to their age.
The mass house arrests (lockdowns) and other measures, such as wearing face masks, were then used to increase the infection risk, to reduce broad levels of population immunity and give the false impression of an extraordinary public health threat. The removal of health care for every other disease, including cancer and ischaemic heart disease, coupled with the health costs of increasing deprivation and immunosuppressant policies, were then exploited to bolster the illusion of a pandemic.
This does not mean that COVID 19 didn’t kill people but those who died of the disease were a small percentage of the total numbers claimed. COVID 19 had no discernible impact upon all cause mortality. The increase above one of the lowest ever 5 year mortality averages was mainly caused by the withdrawal of health services, as increasing numbers of people died in their own homes or in overburdened care settings, without receiving normal medical attention. Despite these efforts, mortality in 2020 was still only the 9th highest in the first two decades of the 21st century and one of the lowest age standardised mortality rates in the last 50 years.
COVID 19 presented virtually no risk to those of working age an none at all to the young. There was no evidence that children were either at or presented any risk. The school closures were part of the pseudopandemic psy-op. They gave the misleading impression of an emergency and provided fraudulent justification for vaccinating children.
The pseudopandemic was planned to lead to the complete transformation of our culture and society. It has irrevocably changed our relationship with governments, has caused catastrophic economic disruption, shutdown global trade and saw millions become reliant on government subsidies. The pseudopandemic was the opening salvo in a global coup d’état.
The new pseudopandemic biosecurity apparatus is designed to control our behaviour as we are forced through a global transformation. Those behind the pseudopandemic intend to change the International Monetary and Financial System (IMFS) and establish global governance in the shape of technocracy. Technocracy is a neofeudal, totalitarian system based upon communitarian principles.
We will be offered the illusion of participatory democracy through our required participation and belief in “civil society.” Civil society will be a “stakeholder” in the Technocracy. However, civil society will only be allowed to pursue polices set at the global level.
Applied psychology was used throughout the pseudopandemic to fix our “choice environment.” We were conditioned to believe that following the rules was the responsible and moral choice. In reality our behaviour was being deliberately altered to ensure our compliance with the diktats of the biosecurity state, preparing society for the transition to technocracy.
The new global IMFS is built upon carbon trading and a $120 trillion carbon bond market is currently under construction. Assets are being defined in terms of their Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics which rate investments depending upon their environmental, social and governance (ESG) score. These metrics have been established by the World Economic Forum working in partnership with the central banks, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and other stakeholder capitalists, such as the investment firm BlackRock.
The global system of central banks, headed by the BIS, are “going direct” by directly funding government policy. They have linked monetary policy to fiscal policy which means ultimate control of all government spending by the BIS. The Financial Services Board of the BIS regulates ESG’s and determines the value of sustainable financial assets.
In this way, the global technocracy will facilitate the continuation of crony capitalism, as only the right stakeholders will receive the approved ESG rating. Those who don’t will not be able to raise the investment capital they need and will be forced out of business.
“Going direct” began before the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared a global pandemic. All of the economic and financial responses to the pseudopandemic, such as furlough and business support packages, were agreed as part of the “going direct” plan in August 2019.
The so called economic stimulus of Quantitative Easing (QE) is a fraud. It is based upon the unbridled monetisation of debt on an unprecedented scale. Going direct means that the toxic junk assets of the financial institutions have been taken on to the balance sheets of the central banks. Thus creating unimaginable levels of public debt that can never, and will never, be repaid.
The QE money, created out of absolutely nothing, has been pumped into the financial markets for the continued enrichment of the right stakeholders. The vast expansion of the money supply will shortly lead to hyperinflation. The mass unemployment that will occur as a result of the austerity, caused both by the staggering levels of debt and our transition to a new IMFS, will create stagflation.
The new net zero carbon economy will mean permanent austerity for the majority. The Technate will provide a universal basic income (UBI), or some variation of the concept, to be paid in Central Bank Digital Currency (CDBC). This will mean that no one will have their own money, other than the chosen stakeholders, as all transactions will be monitored and controlled by the central banks.
Those who oppose the neofeudal authority of the corporate, stakeholder Technate and refuse to comply with the imposition of biosecurity obligations will have their CBDC restricted or switched off. The pseudopandemic has established the framework of the biosecurity state that will control all our lives. The vaccine passports are the gateway to full biometric identity for every citizen in the new normal Technate.
We will be required to show our biometric ID on demand. Access to goods and services will be monitored and restricted as desired by the Technate. UBI and CBDC combined with biometric ID will ensure our compliance. The central planners of the Technate will oversee the AI controlled system which will automatically limit the freedoms of those who defy the rules decreed by the stakeholder capitalists.
Money, as we currently understand it, is no longer required by those behind the pseudopandemic. The net zero carbon economy enables them to seize control of the “global commons.” This means that they will have dominion over all of the Earth’s natural resources. All land, the oceans, the atmosphere and even space is being converted into assets via Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics.
Not only will we have no money of our own, we will be unable to access the resources we need to survive without permission from the Technate. While this system of technocracy has been planned for more than a century, it was the financial collapse in 2008 that led the pseudopandemic planners to increase the pace of transformation. The monetisation of debt had long been the source of their authority but this IMFS was unsustainable. As all money was debt, its eventual collapse was inevitable. It passed the point of no return in 2008.
With their going direct plan in place, the stage was set for the pseudopandemic. SARS-CoV-2 provided the perfect opportunity and the core conspirators behind the pseudopandemic had trained extensively in readiness for the operation. We were then barraged by a mainstream media propaganda campaign and military’s information warfare units were deployed to control our “choice environment.”
Scientific and medical doubts were censored as the suspension of normal democratic processes was exploited to introduce the biosecurity state. Laws were passed to allow government to commit any crime it wished in pursuit of stakeholder capitalist sustainable development goals. Laws to end the right of protest and censor free speech are moving unopposed through the legislature as national governments, who are no more than stakeholder partners within the new normal technocracy, prepare us for the coming Technate.
For the core conspirators of the pseudopandemic this is the realisation of their long held dream of global governance. They are steeped in the mythology of eugenics and population control. Once they have total control of the global commons they will no longer need us as consumers and are intent upon significant population reduction.
As insane as this all sounds the evidence, explored in pseudopandemic, is overwhelming. We are facing global neofeudalism unless we act now. Herein lies our hope.
The core conspirators have no real power. It is an illusion that they are desperate to maintain. They invest billions in propaganda, hybrid warfare and security systems because they are terrified that we will realise what they are doing. Their plan can only succeed if we believe their lies and comply with their orders. If we don’t there is nothing they can do about it.
We can reset the world.
Pupation; occurs in caterpillars, maggots, etc, and marks the end if the larval phase. It is apparently triggered by signs of scarcity, a reduction/exhaustion of resources, and entails a firm of lockdown, suspended animation, during which the vast majority of the body cells and structures are broken down/”dissolved” into a kind of soup, raw material which is then used to build new structures, like reproductive organs and wings,according to instructions from the “Imaginal Discs”, nodes or “buds” of cells previously relatively inactive and/or invisible in the larval phase. I suspect that human society achieved multicellular organism status around 1900-1920 when connections had been made with and to virtually every part of the globe. After a period of voracious consumption, growing ridly to many times its original size, it began to receive scarcity signals which elicited the pupation response. I would like to be a fly on the wall to see what the global human organism’s wings etc look like, and where it flies to, but I doubt I’ll live long enough. According to astrologers we have just entered the “Age of Aquarius”, ( after approx 2000 years in the Age of Pisces/the Fish ), a sign which is associated with society/social organisation and technology/scientific innovation.
Thanks Olivia. I hope we do evolve into a beautiful Butterfly but unfortunately it seems our overloads intend to turn us into digital watches.
I don’t believe in any particular kind of “adult insect outcome”, ( maybe a blue-bottle, perhaps a mosquito, a gnat, a moth, a wasp ), but I am currently inclined to believe in the human society equivalent of the pupation process, dissolving most ( but not all ) existing cells and structures into a sort of soup … not a pleasant experience unless happen to be one of the small number of cells in the Imaginal Discs directing the “build back better” operations. I have looked, several times now, but haven’t been able to find out how many cells there are in an adult insect as compared to the number in the larval form. How small is the population going to be after this is over? And how rigid the exoskeleton/framework of the new lifeform? I don’t understand where/how digital watches fit in. 😕 I find the prospect of dissolution and/or integration into the kind of machine which is a house-fly quite horrifying, even when able to imagine it being ( perhaps ) a necessary step in some vast life cycle spanning thousands of years and entire galaxies. 🙂
Thanks Olivia. The “digital watches” fit in because the plan for our collective future is transhumanism. They wish to make us extinct and replace us with genetically modified cybernetic humanoid hybrids. I know how implausible that sound but believe me the powers that shouldn’t be have written extensively about this ambition, are designing policies to enable “non vitality” – synthetic life to be a principle in law and have already started putting this plan into action.
That is pretty much what I meant too; life for most ( if not perhaps all ) of the remaining humans consisting of horribly fixed and rigid roles as “cells” in various organs, controlled by a “central nervous system” etc, including social media/credit/biosecurity/identity passes and almost permanent attachment to apps/smart IT/tech etc, supplied by a “circulatory” system, etc, chemically manipulated by those same supplies, etc, etc, the stuff of dystopian sci-fi coming true, a prospect which I would probably find even more horrific if I still believed in free will. I have wondered if humans who successfully resist/manage to escape from this possible future will be seen and treated the same way we generally/conventionally treat cancer cells, things to be eradicated because threatening to the health/functioning of the whole. Multicellular organisms, in all their complexity, depending on the suppression/loss of freedom of the individual cells. If all the cells want to remain free the most complex kind of life that seems to be available is that of slime mould.
I think we have to live as if we are free until we are. If we never are then at least we will have had the best of it.
I am not sure what you got against slime mold. If you understood mold from mold’s perspective, I bet you would think you were quite complex and belonged to a community and universe of very intricate and vast complexity. At least you would be free and very correct to feel and act that way and in a milieu that probably wouldn’t at all mind that you did.
PS. Sorry, that should read, “end *of* the larval phase”, “entails a *form* of lockdown”, and “growing *rapidly* to many times its original size”.
PPS. I absolutely loved your “rant”/latest analysis. Thank you. 🙂
Is your book available from any non Amazon source? I have been boycotting Amazon for the last ten years and am not about to start doing business with scum like them now?
I know exactly what you mean David and regret that Amazon was the only viable host for a hard copy. I am working on it now and hope to move it off Amazon asap. As soon as I have found another publisher (who doesn’t charge a fortune) I will let everyone know.
BTW David, the ebook is Free?
Hi Iain, I’ve been trying to get your ebook since I heard you on 21st Century Wire, and perhaps I’m missing something, but I can’t seem to find a link. You click the article, and it brings you to the page for buying a hard copy, but I can’t seem to get the free ebook, and, I can’t even find the subscription button?? Halp!
Sorry About that Andrew. If you look in the sidebar where it says “Pseudopandemic – Free to Subscribers” there’s an email form to complete and that will secure your free copy. I am working on it now to make it more obvious as you are not the first to draw it to my attention. Thank you.
Andrew, to download your ebook go to your ‘welcome email’ from Ian and click on the link from there. It then takes you to the website page saying Thanks for subscribing and you then click on the image of the book there to download it. This has worked for me this evening 20/10/21.
Pupation is a resonant consideration.
For a period two distinct life processes run in the same body – the same ‘DNA’.
The feeding or getting phase operates to wind up in its own end to a seeming death but actually gift to an unfolding its cannot ever know.
All of this metaphor is using the physically observed transformations of larvae pupation to flying insects or tadpole to frog. But the intuition that resonates within me is of the release of the getting mind to a giving/receiving awareness that communicates through the transformed abilities or structuring of consciousness developed under ‘lack driven getting’ that normalised as a self or world set apart from or over and against its world and others.
A Course in Miracles – while specialised – speaks directly from the quality of unconflicted being to a structured psycho-pathy or split mind running masked, distanced and locked down in fear and guilt.
The stirring of transcendent potentials may be filtered by the habit of getting mind to try to DO or replicate what Life already Is as its own realm of definition and control, because that is what ‘ego’ is (the intent/attempt of) and does. As such a blind program of reaction to accepted false premise that unfolds a dissociation and fragmentation as masking over ‘separation trauma’ that effectively operates as a masking projection or ‘cast out’ realm of experience that perpetuates its own condition under the attempt to get rid of it, overcome, fix, heal, escape or redefine and repackage as a new normal (accepted/expected and adapted reality).
The attempt to eradicate a self-hatred or self-rejection runs like this:
But the process shown is sped up and simplified, to remove the periods of the relief and belief that the new order has actually succeeded, before the same pattern breaks through the forms of the ‘new relationship’.
I gave a twitter shout to Iain’s book as I regard his witness to be true in terms of who and what he meets and experiences as world, but woke up with a caveat, and that is the issue of focussing in the frame of the problem in a way that cannot transcend its own premise such as to deliver ‘warning’ or ‘education’ to a fait accomplis as predictive programming. The Saruman effect of becoming fitted to the evil studied as the only practical and realistic way to see and act – ergo power (seeking control or lack driven getting).
However, I also know the value of looking on fear to name it and release the spell of being driven to fear fear such as to look everywhere else – which is a self-evasion that effectively captures and directs the mind to illusory escape in order to buy time against inevitable and feared exposure, assigned as ‘death’ or utter humiliation by which death appeals as saviour.
So I don’t give primary focus to thinking in the frame of the control mindset as a dilemma driven conditioning, but appreciate the capacity to look on the nature of our psycho-pathy within a relational field or embrace, for otherwise the mind recoils to ‘see’ only what fear made in hate and denial (of itself).
I recognise we are mostly set in the use of the psychopath term as a hard wired biological and psychological abomination, retard, evil, or blind and heartless programming that is particularly associated with those in positions of such decisions and actions that illustrate a lack of any moral integrality in life, or its subjugation and sacrifice to an overriding ruleset operating as a disconnected modelling of life in terms of predictive outcomes and survival in its own terms.
Nothing in my sketch here is an attempt to persuade anyone of what they are not already curious or in motion of uncovering for themselves as part of a living alignment or reintegration to being – as release from models that are no longer serving or do not serve who we accept ourselves to be, now.
[ Could you delete my post of a few minutes ago; I made typos! Here is the clean copy. 🙂 Thanks! ] can’t find the Reply button on your last post, Iain, so starting a new comment thread. The thing about “living as if free” is that we’ve been there, done that, and now we’ve got the t-shirt; the eras of human individuals as gods, heroes, etc in their own right has led to/built/given birth to a whole new scale of endeavour and “human entity”, in which the human individual is more like a cell, a cell in a multicellular organism, subject to many rules, to persistent policing and micromanagement of its activities. And if we attempt to rebel/reject that condition what do you think would be achieved by continued individual liberty? We already did that. It may be that the uniquely weirdly “intelligent” behaviour of slime mould, single celled but capable of quite impressive group activity, and whose evolutionary history is somewhat obscure, hovered/hesitated on the verge of “going multicellular” but withdrew at the last moment. A multicellular organism is the result of new cells not leaving/not splitting off from their parent or sibling cell after cell division; it finds greater advantage than disadvantage in remaining attached. … in other words if the schemes of the powers that be fail to produce advantages they will wither/not flourish. That which provides advantage will flourish. I think that the Age of Pisces just ended, which saw the invention and empire of monotheistic religion, helped prepare humans for participation in a multicellular organism, it prepared us mentally.
PS. I am generally inclined to agree that we should “live as if free” because that surely brings more to the table/will make a richer “soup”/greater global entity etc … but when I think about it some more I remember that it is very often belief in ( contra-causal ) freewill which “hobbles”. Belief in freewill drives some of the worst/most destructive behaviours, the deepest depressions, the cruellest social systems. Everything that I do, that anyone does, is determined by the universe. Everyone is doing the very best they can/are capable of; noone can lose their way. We are all always doing the bidding of the universe.
PPS. Though, interestingly and oddly, the effect on people of belief in free will varies, is apparently correlated with certain metabolic/physiological characteristics. eg. some people are more forgiving if they believe in free will and others are less forgiving if they believe in free will. It seems to have something to do with the “disgust response”, heightened/more sensitive or noticeable in people who forgive more readily when believe in free will than if don’t. Humans are very strange. 🙂 And likely to get stranger, according to reports on technologies like hydrogel-coated/carried silver-loaded nanoparticles. Perhaps as strange as the effects that gluten, ( the largest protein molecule that we ever eat, a very recent addition to our diet, being the result of a highly improbable mutation in wild grass plants at the end of the last ice age, in 15,000BC or so, shortly before the Neolithic Revolution, and an opioid ), and sugar, ( a powerful painkiller used by Arab surgeons at the height of the Moorish Empire; a few grains sufficed ), and coffee and alcohol and spices, among other psychoactive substances which humans now consume on a daily basis, have had on us.
NB. The highly improbable mutation in wild grass plants occurred in one place only, the Middle East, in the area of ancient Iraq/Turkey, otherwise known as “The Cradle of Civilisation”, where gods and agriculture were first invented. Ruins of the first ever temple were discovered within a few hundred meters of the first cultivated stand of the newly glutenated grass/grain. I think that human beings have changed profoundly/radically many times.
… changed *and been* changed. How much pressure was put on some people in that Middle-eastern paleolithic/pre-neolithic tribe to partake in the gluten, to eat the new seed? How many had seen the effect it had on family and friends and refused it?
I suggest that multicellular organisms thrive because each cell defends its own interests. Illness occurs when a cell cannot defend itself and if enough become infected the organism can be at risk. However, with each robust cell intact, they are then able collaborate in the best interests of the whole organism. The extent to which we are able to collaborate practically defines us as a species. When we collaborate in our own interests we can and have achieved great things.
However, we can also be convinced to collaborate on projects that cause immense harm to others. This is not something we are naturally disposed to do (on the whole, though obviously a small minority are). So how do we become convinced that we must harm others in order to defend our best interests? I suggest to you that the disease which causes this ultimately self destructive behaviour is our belief in and acceptance of authority.
We forego our autonomy and agree that some “special cells” have the right to tell us what to do. This is slavery.
This is not an argument against temporarily devolving our sovereign authority. For example, when I go to the opticians I devolve my authority to the optometrist who I judge to be a person to whom I will listen. If they advise me how to care for my sight I will accept that advice and act on it. But that licensing of my sovereign authority only extends to my eyesight and, once the consultation is over, I take my intact sovereign authority with me when I leave. I don’t call the optometrist to ask them what I should have for dinner.
However, we devolve political authority to “special people” called politicians on a permanent basis. We allow them to be the only cells who can use force against us with impunity. We even hold ceremonies when we anoint new “special people.”
These people have permanent authority over nearly every aspect of our lives and we pay them to maintain their claimed right to tell us what to do. They are then free to use the authority we have willingly given them to convince us to act in ways that not only harm others but frequently harm ourselves. This is a sickness and it must eventually destroy the organism or change it irreparably.
When I wrote that we must “live as if we are free, until we are” what I meant was that we must fiercely defend our autonomy and freedom and must not permanently cede it to the people we believe to be our “rulers.” They are not. They have no divine right to lead anyone anywhere. We only think they do because we willing submit to slavery. Until we figure that out I fear we are lost and they will continue to wield their power over us which is gleaned, in its entirety, from our belief in their authority. It is nothing more than an illusion of the mind.
🙂 Love your post. Yes, totally agree about the disastrous effects of the sadly widespread and deluded belief in “authority”. Absolutely. And very interesting with ref multicellular organisms, how much top-down control there is, or not, of cell activity. Of course cells don’t have “beliefs” but they can be/often are “programmed” to respond in maladaptive and/or self-destructive ways to various signals, ( including chemical, both exogenous and endogenous, aswell as electrical, etc ), eg in the case of autoimmune disorders. Vitamin D/sunshine is apparently good at down-regulating such misguided behaviour. 🙂 I’m now probably going to spend some time ruminating on what *precisely* the equivalent of a “belief in authority” might be in bodies/multicellular organisms, if it exists. It’s not as simple as cells following instructions from the brain, as massively ( it could seem disproportionately ) “funded” as it is. What would be the equivalent of unnecessary obedience/inappropriate and destructive divestment of a cell’s self-determination? Thanks for the rapid reply! 🙂
It seems to me ( having slept on it ) that “belief in/acceptance of authority” is an aspect of specialisation, the result of “contracting out” of “work”, which if it were in a person’s/cell’s interests would free them up/enable them to concentrate more of their energies/resources on other things ( eg that they were particularly skilled at ). I can’t currently think what it is that people have been freed up to do by ceding authority to priests/kings/politicians etc but it must have had ( and still have ) its advantages or the behaviour would surely not have persisted for so many millenia? ( ie if it is a disease it is an especially lingering one … perhaps like the viruses that have become parts of our cells, even of our “own” DNA, and were presumably illnesses once upon a time ), What is it that people are more able to do if hand authority over to an other?
I would suggest there is nothing we do that has any value for which we need a belief in authority. This is not the same as accepting leadership. Fro exampele many large projects would be unmanageable without leadership. However if I agree to pursue the companies objectives and accept the leadership of the board, I do not then give the board permission to tell me what I can or cannot do in any other aspect of my life. Further I would suggest that every genocide and atrocity requires more than just leadership. It requires at least a fear of authority and often a faith in it.
Belief in and acceptance of/obedience to authority may not have been a contracting out of existing “work” but a non-participation in the new work involved in organising larger numbers of people. Just as nervous systems/nerve cells evolved to do work that didn’t exist/wasn’t necessary when cell groupings were still quite small. Cells, and humans, would have had to change dramatically to handle that new kind of work in addition to their old roles/activities. But they didn’t. People, ( and cells in multicellular orgs ), have been able to carry on as they were, thinking and behaving as if they belonged to groups of less than a few hundred people, and “rulers”/the authorities are probably automatically filed, mentally, in the category of “natural phenomena/”gods” etc, over which the ordinary individual has little or no power, and with which have only “superstitious”/ritualistic style “relationship”.
… and conflict ( serious disagreement with the ruling schema ) is only experienced by, and/or because of, the very small minority that are interested in and capable of the kind of grand scale/abstract sociological and philosophical thinking involved in organising large groups, and that conflict/disagreement is precisely a sign of the system’s “health”. I wonder what kinds of struggle occurred between “factions” during the development of multicellular organisms, and/or whether conflict is experienced by some cells during pupation, as the Imaginal Discs oversee the process of dissolution and reconstruction. I agree that cells like humans probably act in their own or their genes’ best interests but I think that advantages/benefits often work/behave in mysterious ways.
May I offer a nerd’s eye view of what is going on?
Over 50 years ago I worked out how much physical work I was doing and how much I needed doing by “other means” to sustain my lifestyle. The ratio turned out to be 1:10,000,000. The other means were mostly(90%) fossil fuels. I like to tell people that I have never done a days work in my life. Looking around and using my trusty slide-rule it appeared that no one else was doing any work either. It is very easy to forget that there are two sorts of reality, a social reality where you all talk about how hard you have to work, a reality created by the crowd, and the reality only accessed by nerds like me with a knowledge O level Physics.
As my job involved me in looking up to 50 years ahead (for HMG) I was well aware of what geologists were telling us about future oil production and it has always looked to me as though “they” would be forced to shred the social contract around 2015.
I tell people to always use the Physics they were taught at the age of 14 as a safe and secure refuge in the vast, endless ocean of opinions about our current situation! But hey folks do cling to their opinions, not really much of a refuge, as so many are about to find out.
It looks to me that “they” have had at least 50 years to plan this spectacular hoax.
Yep, I think it’s been in the pipeline for many years but things really pisked up after the 2008 financial crash. That exposed the imminent collapse of debt monetisation as a source of authoritarian power for what I call the “parasite class.” Hence the need for a Great Reset.
Hi Iain,
I was wondering what you were up to for the last while! I hope to read your book when I get enough money together. Your research is meticulous, well written and easily understood. I really hope you make some returns on it. Best wishes.
Hi Finn. I know some prefer a hard copy, hence my shameful need to go to Amazon, but you can get a full copy for free as a subscriber. If you already subscribe you should have received a free copy. Please let me know if you haven’t.
I once again don’t see a Reply button on your last comment ref authority, so posting separately again, sorry. You say that the destructive consequences of belief in authority require some degree of fear and faith in it; that is what I meant ref the superstitious/ritualistic nature of most people’s relationship to authority, because most people cannot understand the thinking involved in leadership roles, can not follow the complex ramifications of leadership decisions/policies, do not know what is necessary or unnecessary in order to achieve certain (agreed upon) goals, and so they *have* to take a lot on trust; they have to have faith in leaders’ good intentions, and/or in the various rituals established by “ancestors”/”good guys” which are supposed to influence the actions/behaviour of the leaders, ( like elections ), just like old religions. I think that most people can only understand issues on a small-ish scale, 50 – 500 people max, and the only way they can treat authority is religiously/with faith and fear. They don’t know if achieving goal A, which they have agreed to, means that they must do x or y or z. So if leaders say they must do x they do it. And yes, this means that people may be too easily led into terrible actions by some leaders. But most people have to have faith in authority, because they cannot/do not know how to evaluate/verify for themselves. They rely on herd behaviour to protect and guide them about which leaders to follow in the same way as many decisions are made in the brain based on tipping points, when a critical majority of signals/connections go in one direction.
Thanks Olivia. I m looking at the reply to comment options but all comments have to be moderated, you wouldn’t believe some of the nasty comments I get. I always post criticism that isn’t personally abusive but sadly that is pretty thin on the ground. I think a major problem we have is education. It does not extol the value of the classical trivium. We don’t teach how to think only how to regurgitate information. Consequently generation after generation are educated not to think critically. Only the most enquiring minds, and those fortunate enough to receive a classical education in the Liberal Arts, understand the necessary tools of critical thinking. So imagine, if you will, a world where every child is taught not “what to think” but “how to think?” I think there is a reason why we are not taught the trivium: authority.
Iain, thanks for your fantastic work! Your analysis is fantastic. I wanted to first let you know how appreciative I am since I’d like to critique a detail in your post (with purely good intentions). Here is the statement in question:
“This does not mean that COVID 19 didn’t kill people…”
We need to be careful since, as I’m sure you know, COVID-19 has never been proven to exist in a rigorous scientific manner. The entire field of virology is based on the fraudulent experiments of observed cytopathic effect in starved cell cultures and genomic sequencing algorithms. Collectively, virology is the perfect example of pseudoscience and collective self-deception. After lengthy reflection, I believe that self-deception within the scientific class is one of the most destructive forces in this entire situation. In sum, it absolves them of knowingly participating in a crime.
I’ve been researching the viral isolation details incessantly for nearly the past full year. To onlookers here, I recommend reading the series of papers below and watching the linked video. I believe this approach is the most potent way to take down the biosecurity state since it dismantles the foundational discovery/sequencing process which undergirds the PCR tests and DNA/mRNA injections. Note that such a process would also undermine how ALL vaccines post-1954 are created, which means the stakes are orders of magnitude higher with this approach. We are talking about blowing up a trillion $ industry.
Digging even further, I came to read up on history in the 1800’s where the ideas of Bechamp (terrain theory proponent) versus Pasteur & Koch (germ theory proponents) were formulated. It turns out that the terrain vs germ theory debate is the foundation for this and has never been fully resolve to date. To my surprise, viruses (and I mean pathological & contagious particles) are purely a theoretical construct. They have never been seen in total isolation nor passed basic fundamental tests based on logic/science to prove out the contagion theory. Oh the rabbit hole goes deep, but ultimately I found solace in the truth once I found it. The truth really does resonate beautifully with natural law and freedom!
I agree there are many questions about isolation, virology in general, terrain theory an postulates and also that we should be wary of assuming SARS-CoV-2 exists and causes COVID 19. This is why I phrases that statement as “this does not mean.” I think there was an unusual respiratory illness circulating which some people died from. This presented as hypercania and hypoxia (like most ILI’s) but with no loss of respiratory compliance (no fluid in the lungs). This was unusual and specific. I am undecided and completely open as to the cause.
With regard to the claims that COVID does not exist, which I have seen extensively in the comments to this post on OffGuardian, I think that is incorrect but I don’t think that necessarily means SARS-CoV-2 exists or caused it. I have looked thoroughly at Terrain Theory and the work of Lanka etc. I do understand the lack of control experiments in virology and this does raise suspicions for me. However, I am yet to see any convincing evidence in Terrain theory which explains contagion. This phenomena quite clearly exists and for me to abandon virology, which provides much better evidence and explanation of contagion in my view, and accept Terrain theory I need to see a better explenation of contagion.
You may be interested in this post for UK Column in which I did explore many of these issues.
Have we satisfactorily proved that “Covid-19” (or flu or the common cold) is contagious?
Yes, the apparent contagiousness of various illnesses is a key issue in this giant debate. Putting covid aside and thinking of all apparently contagious illnesses, I have come across the possibilities from the terrain theory side:
– People living in close vicinity to one another are exposed to similar toxins, and hence their bodies have the same substances that need to be detoxed.
– The human body can perceive seasonalities across the year. The human body tends to detox during the winter time.
– Humans emit and are sensitive to electromagnetic (EM) fields. When one person enters a sickness/detox phase, there might exist a means by which this information is transmitted to others. This need not be limited to only EM fields and could include pheromones among other things. This signals for that other person to enter the same detox phase.
If any of the above sounds like woo-woo nonsense, one must acknowledge that the circadian rhythm exists and hence the body is indeed “aware” of the days and seasons. Furthermore, it is well known that women that live in close proximity tend to synchronize their menstrual cycles (think college dorms). Clearly, menstruation isn’t contagious, so there must be some other mechanism that isn’t visible to the eye. We would know the answers to these questions if such research projects were funded. But the medical field will NEVER fund such research endeavors since it would undermine their entire existences and the cash cow they rely on.
Shifting to covid, the core issue I have found is that people tend to want to ascribe blame to one single cause (a spikey particle). I was in this boat too until I listened to Jon Rappaport audio series below multiple times over the past year. He makes a strong case that there are myriad pollutants/toxins everywhere across the world and is very bad in certain places. For instance, Wuhan, north Italy, and New York have terrible air quality and were purported covid hotspots. Respiratory illnesses and flu are basically just the body detoxing according to terrain theory.
There is nothing shameful about being paid for your work.
Therefore, I will be buying it.
The cat gets his food from Amazon 🙂 your book will come with his next delivery of chow! He has cost us £300 in vets bills for a tooth abscess in the last 2 weeks. A serious drain on resources. What to do? He’s part of the family.
Tell me about it. I’ve got a three legged whippet (cancer) silly little sod cost me thousands. But I love him so what are you going to do??
Thanks again Iain for an incisive summary of the ongoing war on humanity. I hate to be the purveyor of more doom but the following links provide concrete evidence of the coming technocratic dystopia.
Online since February 2020, the Canadian government looks forward to a transhumanist world:
The report ‘Exploring Biodigital Convergence’ is authored by WEF protege Kristel Van der Elst who runs the think-tank Policy Horizons Canada. PDF-download here:
Useful critique provided by James Corbett:
And here’s an interesting report, a joint-production of the UK’s MOD (via the ‘Development, Concepts and Doctrine Centre) and the German Bundeswehr’s ‘Office for Defence Planning’. It’s called ‘Human Augmentation – The Dawn of a New Paradigm’, published in May 2021.
PDF-download here:
Silview has an expose on this:
The only thing that keeps me cheerful these days, is the thought that all carefully laid plans – especially the dastardly ones – always have flaws to exploit. Keep creative, study your enemy, spread information, network organically, work in the dark and strike quietly when the moment is opportune. Humanity has been plagued by the same lousy forces of evil for too long – it’s time for a reset of our own.
Many thanks VMA. Horizons Canada and transhumanism features in the book. Yep they want to eradicate us basically and replace us with a race of genetically modified cyborgs. Sounds nuts doesn’t it? But, as you know, it is absolutely true.
After reading a couple of linked articles supplied by a commenter on Offguardian i’ve just one question: “Why did we not see the staged ‘covid-19 pandemic’ coming ?
Thanks Jubal. I think it depends who you mean by “we.” If you mean the public then I suggest most people tend not to think about these things. However, notable commentators like James Corbett have been discussing this for many years. Equally if “we” means the PTSB, they have been modelling and preparing for the pseudopandemic for decades.
Read your article on vaccine efficiacy or lack of. Very informative, well done. I had been wondering how they think they can do estimates of estimates of same and come up with solid percentages. I did a raincoat analogy, much more simplistic than yours sent it to PHE, after I got a useless FOI reply. Also it is hard to see how they assess vaccine efficiacy without giving anybody a vaccine. They give placebo to some , gene therapy to others time), guess whether that is any good, then on that guessed percentage assume that would apply to something called a vaccine. Strange but apparently true. A word on MHRA remote viewing of Pfizer trial data. LIke all magical abilities they can be hit and miss and they failed to see that Pfizer never trialled a second dose. So the second dose thing has zero evidence, at least for Pfizer not sure on the others. Palantir is a great data dashboard . As in Lord of the Rings the Palantiri cannot lie but can foster images in the viewer which create false impressions. That is what we got when we welcomed the CIA into NHS X.
Thanks Cally, I assume it was your contact with UK Column that was read out on the news. I think your raincoat analogy was perfect. It is all very well me writing in-depth articles exploring the evidence but your raincoat analogy will be remembered long after my article is forgotten. It was a very succinct and eminently more useful exercise than the article. More to the point it was entirely accurate. That is exactly what they are doing. It’s a feedback loop where models are used as evidence for the models. It is based upon nothing but assumptions and highly questionable “projections.” Meanwhile the Yellow Card data is clearly showing reason for concern. Their so called interim trial results are complete junk as far as I can see.
The biggest boys’ influence is a bit above-my-head. I did immediately see, on 23rd March 2020, Pharma/IT’s influence. And, in early Feb 2020 one story, only one story, in only one way as lost freedom of Press, historically the first act of tyrants.
By mid-Feb 2020 it was obvious there was no need to panic. For decades now, I’ve barred TV, then also ‘social-networking’ from entry into my home.
Since early March 2020 I’ve been objecting verbally and in writing (except via ‘social’ media) to all I know, then also to others.
Some stuff seems Law, the rest only advice. Some advice I’ve always ignored, by end May 20 compliance with all advice had bitten-the-dust, despite police and many general-public. Masks weren’t accepted – mask-exempt list is ‘broad-brush’. Predators track and trace. I-phones’ potential too clear to buy in the first place.
1 All government’s actions are based on first assumption guilty.
The onus is not on us to prove our innocence by being tested. The onus of proof is on the accuser and we do no have to help them.
2 Over-ruling my consent by the use of force. Fighting ‘tooth and nail’ against the March 2020 lock-up was instinct.
3 Total reversal of WWII outcome in one fell swoop. Freedom from fear is my birth-right, thoroughly earned by my father and both grandfathers. I hope my defiance hasn’t let them down too much.
4 The knowing and fully intentional destruction of the physical health of over 60 million men, women and children in Britain and their consequent poor quality of life in a few years and foreshortened longevity: Maximising Pharma/IT’s profits until achieving extinction.
Biologically, the ‘elite’ are short-term without the genetic variety the rest of us carry. They’re eradicating themselves too with their own computers.
5 Epidemiologists are re-discovering wheels well known to biochemists, physiologists, immunologists and flatly refuse to listen: – prolonged fear and restrictions biochemically and physiologically damage multiple aspects of physical health causing immune, cardiovascular, renal, pancreatic, hepatic, respiratory, gastrointestinal, endocrine and reproductive illness.
MSM, Google and alternate media also persist in hiding that vital warning. It’s one that could counter fear, turning the situation through 180. When the illnesses and deaths start escalating it will be ‘fait-accompli’, too late to whinge.
An excellent summation of where we are. Many thanks.
Masses of allegations but apart from a questionable morbidity statistic, not a single scrap of the evidence which you say is overwhelming. If you have evidence why do you so carefully avoid publishing it?
I have published it. Please get yourself a free copy of the book. All the evidence is cited.
Hi Lain. I guess we’ll have an ‘I am not a human’ checkbox instead of the robot one. Would like to say it’s an enjoyable read!
Fantastic work mate, there’s a lot of ground to cover and cover it you did, the book has great scope and is like a self contained library of information. Think you’ve nailed it.
I wish I could feel more optimistic about the future than I do, would love to say humanity will wake up and win this. Some days I do feel like that, the freedom rallies fill me with hope, there’s lawsuits been filed seemingly left, right and centre. They’re tripping over their own lies almost daily and the contadictary nature of the narative is so blatent I think it must be about to all come crashing down on them.
But then other days I just think the majority of people are going to let us down. I find it really hard to understand how most people can’t see through this. The mask wearing, the sheer numbers of people getting jabbed. People losing loved ones to the jab and encouraging others to take it! Wow, I mean, that’s next level brainwashing. The conversations, you can almost see the point when presented with some undeniable fact or piece of evidence where their brain just kinda short circuits. It’s like they just can’t process the information. I read an aricle a while ago which I think describes this pretty well;
How do you break the spell? I don’t know and the speed at which this is all unfolding, even this last week the agenda seems to be accelerating, they’ve got to wake up pretty quick. Clearly everything is been thrown at the vaccine uptake at the moment, Boris’s speech on ‘freedom day’ a blatant attempt to bully and coherse the younger generations into complying. I’m guessing they’ll need roughly an 85% uptake overall to push the passports through and discard the rest of us and there is hope right there. There are a certain amount who’s taken their jab and wont be going back for 2nds. Maybe they’ve shot themselves in the foot somewhat with the level of danger they present, would have been better going with something harmless and cranking up the depopulation later.
For my part I share my thoughts, information and raw data with who I can, sources such as your good self and the excellent UK Column are a big help so keep up the good work Iain and all the best.
Thanks Lookofeagles (real name noted mate: I don’t share them unless people want me to). Glad you found the book worth reading. When I started writing it I didn’t intend it to be so extensive but, as you rightly said, the narrative was moving so fast I decided to try to encapsulate the whole thing. It turned into a bit of a monster but I thought it was important to at least try. With regards to hope, I have previously suggested that if something like 10% (7 million people) refuse to comply the State will have a major problem. I now think that figure is likely to be higher. So if we, who don’t comply, stick together and form our own support networks. Which I’m sure we will at both a local and national level, their only resort will be pure force. It won’t be a pleasant experience for those of us who face it but it will expose their rule for what it is. In the meantime all we can do is keep spreading information and questioning their claimed justifications but I see opportunities ahead as well as risks.
Hi Iain
I am half way through the thesis and appreciate the hours of flog that have gone into this. It confirms most of what I have researched but goes a lot deeper into helping put the widespread corruption of state military media and medicine into place. I hope you don’t mind if I send this to others who are putting up a fight against this because we are so few. I have been preparing for this for years watching the military industrial complex grow in strength and seeing whistleblowers go to jail. The incarceration of Assange signalled to me the rule of law was over for the people. I knew by last April it was fraud just on the age and death stats but now I can take sections of your work and back up my claims with organised referencing.
I will finish the rest over the next day or so. Many thanks and if we can turn this around and hang these criminals and punish the minions in the press and medical/chemical professions and especially in big technology It will be down to you and others who have saved us. The system sucks and we can’t have a void so we need new systems if we can bring this lot to justice. We really do need to pay attention to anyone setting it up and to have international voting on it as it evolves. I hope you and I live to see this better and kinder world evolve.
What I fear is the same criminals will worm their way into power so we need a plan, a constitution with razor sharp teeth that embodies common law and takes malfeasance as a capital crime with severe punishment. Apart from that I welcome any ideas to replace what we have with something that supports real justice and practices. Balance. Choice. Free speech and a decent communications network keeping power in check. It is way out of control now.
It is a great piece of work that pulls everything together to make sense of it all. I will try to get those who call me a nutter and tin foil hatter, still at this late stage, to read it and join us on team B.
Great job. You make a difference. I’ll let you know on your twitter if I manage to convert any muppets with it.
Best wishes
Thanks Susan, glad you have found it useful and please do share it around with as many as possible. This is why I give it away freely, I want people to download it, print it, share it. I am glad you see the intention, which was to catalogue the evidence exposing this fraud. I really hope we stop allowing criminals to rule. Although I certainly don’t want to see anyone hanged, I do want to see them removed from power.
We already have the solution in my view, as you mentioned we can find it in common law and most specifically rule of law by jury. I really recommend you read Democracy Defined by Kenn D’Oudney if you haven’t read it. There are a couple of posts here that you might find interesting.
It is written from a Briton’s perspective but it applies to all common law jurisdictions.
Hi Lain. Just read back my comment and your reply and just wanted to clarify that within my comment when I said about not coming back for 2nds I wasn’t refering to the people who took their jab and sadly died. I was talking about the people who had changed their minds after having the first jab. Yea sorry if that sounded pretty bad, just wanted to clear that up. I’ve never been on any social media, best take more care with my words!
And yes the book works exactly as you intended, I’ve already shared it with a couple of people who although not jabbed yet I can see wobbling a bit when the pressure is really cranked up this Autumn and Winter.
Some of the stuff that’s been coming out this week has confused me a little. The Sage guy who came out and said ‘face masks are comfort blankets and pretty much useless’, Dr David Baeur saying the Pfizer vaccine wipes out 80%+ of a very important antibody. These are ‘state approved scientists’. What’s going on there? Is this just the next level of behavioural psychology?Gaslighting? We are going to tell you these things are useless and bad for you but we’re also going to tell you they’re good for you and make you do it anyway?? Just to break down the publics mind still further?
Dr Baeur certainly looked very uncomfortable before the interview commenced on the full clip, could easily be put down to nerves about been on camera though.
And then admission in the msm about climate manipulation with regards the cloud seeding in Dubai? Are they just going to come out and admit everything now or has their PR guy taken a holiday?!
Funny enough I’d done some research on that just before the whole covid thing broke, I’d looked into that, Agenda 2030, EMF radiation and the internet of things. I started downloading pdf’s and taking screenshots. No idea why either, I’d pretty much gone back into my warm family bubble after the twin towers and Iraq war. I felt I knew how the World worked, didn’t like it but couldn’t change it so would just try and crack on with my life and hopefully all the Alex Jones New World Order stuff would just get derailed along the way. Surely not in my lifetime? Maybe that was selfish of me? Well it’s all here now hey.
Just rambling now and could go on for hours so before I go a question Lain, do you think it inevitable that society is going to splinter into two or can you see anyway this whole thing is going to crash and burn?
Hi Lookofeagles
I really don’t know. If people stay wedded to the current system I do fear we are lost. The question is can those who resist win the argument? If they do then we can be hopeful. At the moment those who resist face a propaganda and censorship onslaught the question will be how many others notice this. If numbers do, this approach could backfire badly (I hope it does.)
With regard to your observation with Statements from “state approved scientists” in the book I suggest a difference between “informed” and “deceived” influencers. Not everyone can stay on script and some will start to ask questions. Thus far it has been easy to discrredit them because those scientific and medical voices started from outside of the system. However, I think we will see more, as you have mentioned, from inside who start to speak out. Again this is reason for hope because the State cannot simply dismiss them as they have others.
I tried to buy your book via but failed due to PayPal – a platform I was kicked off around 10 years ago – for reasons never specified.
I look forward to the day when more of us accept crpto payments for goods and services eliminating the middleman parasite from the equation.
You can send me £12.50 worth of crypto if you like. I’ll take Bitcoin, Etherium, Litecoin or Dash for this. Here’s a link to my crypto page:
Drop me an email with your physical address I will send you a copy.
I’m all for using crypto, not just investing in it.
Hello Iain,
I want to thank you for your work, Pseudopandemic in particular has been very helpful to me in coalescing the various strands of information that I have been amassing since the start of this assault. I wish I could compensate you for your efforts but I am ashamed to say that my industry in Australia has been shut down for most of the last eighteen months and I do not qualify for financial assistance so I have barely enough for food and digs. For what it is worth, I offer my profound gratitude.
Thanks Emmanuel
Glad you found Pseudopandemic useful. You have compensated me. I give the book away for free because I know how hard the pseudopandemic has been on people and it was precisely the people in your position who I had in mind when I wrote it and made it available. So your comment is ample compensation, it means more than money to me.
You have my profound gratitude.
I’m know I’m late to the party commenting on this but I really liked the entire presentation on RichPlanet TV and your well-researched writing shines through with this much needed in-depth study and journalism.
May I suggest an investigative journalist like yourself could produce an article on the African leaders and presidents who suspiciously died after having opposed the WHO measures or the vaccination roll-out?
I’d love to see a resume of who said what and what measures were put in place and where before they lost their lives. Also, have any journalists followed up with their families to interview close relatives about this suspected foul play? Could be a good scope and interesting if some of the relatives air their genuine opinions on the matter.
Thanks David. It certainly would be an interesting line of inquiry. Thanks for the suggestion.
New video in which Dr.Sukharit Bhakdi explains that Covid-19 is not a new or novel coronavirus. The pandemic was never necesssary as our immune systems were not under threat from an unknown enemy. The vaccines are harmful and caause the immune system to attack the cell walls of blood vessels when the cells are modified by the vaccine and produce spike proteins. No justification for pandemic or MRNA vaccines. Will the globalist cabal now switch to a plan B?
Rgds, David
(edited with correction)
Hi Iain,
I hope you are doing well. I have been following your excellent work ever since I stumbled into your “COVID-19 — Scamdemic” article. Together with The Corbett Report, The Last American Vagabond, offGuardian, Swiss Policy Research and a few others, you have helped to keep me sane during these truly dystopic times.
I was wondering if you would be interested to have your extremely valuable Pseudopandemic book translated to Spanish. I think that the dissemination of such evidence based, well documented, and worldview shattering information is being greatly limited by the language barrier. While there are a few books written in (or translated to) Spanish that expose many of the scamdemic lies, none is like yours. The currently available books fail to address the central goal of the global coup d’etat with sufficient accuracy or detail. In fact, not one even mentions the “Going Direct” plan. Most critics are still adhering to false narratives, and this needs to be urgently fixed (note that Spanish ranks second in the ranking of languages by native speakers).
I have some experience with English-Spanish translations, and I think I would be able to provide a translation of the book that, while not perfect, would not be very far from a professional one.
Of course, I would do it entirely for free, and the translated book would be 100% yours. I would just need your confirmation that the translated version of the ebook (PDF / EPUB) would be available free of charge to anyone interested in reading it.
Please let me know. I could start today.
Wow Juan! Thank you so much! That would be brilliant. If you can do that I will offer a free Spanish version pdf and epub alongside the other free versions. Unfortunately I cannot offer a free Spanish print version as these cost money to print. However it would be fantastic to be able to offer the electronic version in Spanish. I will email you shortly.
OK, let’s write “Pseudopandemia” then. =)
I’ll be waiting for your email.
Hello Ian,
Just wanted to say that I really enjoyed your book, it is very well researched and I like the fact that you added references to support the fact that you mention in the book. Well done for your hard work.
I just had one minor comment regarding the following from page 293:
“GlaxoSmithKline’s WellcomeSanger Institute [25] genomic research laboratory, named in honour of racist eugenicist Margaret Sanger, were telling UKHSA where to surge.”
From the official history, the Wellcome Sanger Institute was named after Fred Sanger ( who was the double Nobel Laureate who devised the method for DNA sequencing used in the Human Genome Project. It is mentioned on this Wikipedia page: and on the Sanger institute website date 1993 on the timeline:
I was wondering if you found anything that tie the Wellcome Sanger Institute to Margaret Sanger? I heard about the link between the Wellcome trust and eugenics (, so maybe the name was chosen on purpose with the official Sanger name and the secret Sanger name behind it.
Keep up the good work,
Thanks Tom. You are quite right. I don’t know where I got that idea from. I will correct it.
There is no virus. There never was.—-An-Analysis-of-the-Evidence-for-the-Existence-of-HIV-(Documentary):2—CV19-Fraud:b
That’s OK, I have received the e-mail with the link to download it. Thank you very much and congratulations for your excellent work.
Many thanks
I have published your article here:
In autumn 2020 I posted that text on Facebook:
How to make a “killer virus” out of any virus
There are 4 human coronaviruses that are classified as “harmless”. They are called the “common cold human coronaviruses”. They are: hCoV-229E, hCoV-OC43, hCoV-NL63 and hCoV-HKU1.
Genome analyzes have shown that hCoVNL63 jumped into the human population around 560-820 years ago, hCoV229E around 200 years ago, hCoVOC43 around 120 years ago and hCoVHKU1 in the 1950s (so hCoVHKU1 is before SARS-CoV, MERS- CoV and SARS-Cov 2 the “fourth youngest” coronavirus).
Let’s practice a little thought experiment. Just a little thinking like “what would have happened, if…”
I’m aware that thought experiments are probably more for philosophers, writers and children than scientists (I’m a biologist), but still, I just love them.
This thought experiment is:
What would have happened if the human coronavirus hCoV229E, classified as “harmless”, had not “spilled over” into the human population about 200 years ago (as is estimated on the basis of genome analyses) but now – we can also “just for fun”, assume that SARS-CoV 2 would have entered the human population about 200 years ago instead.
In short – let’s swap the times of the transition into the human population of hCoV229E and SARS-CoV 2.
SARS-CoV 2 would then be considered a “cold coronavirus” today, it probably wozild not have that horrible name with this panic-inducing “Severe” and “Acute” but another name, it would have spread globally (even if it would have spread far less “rapidly” 200 years ago, but it would certainly still have spread globally), there would be basic immunity among the population and would not be feared in the least.
However, this time hCov229E will be screened intensively from the beginning. Due to the advanced diagnostic methods, the process of “spill over” into the human population is being followed in real time, so to speak, by a fascinated and alarmed humanity.
In addition, the procedure is such that every death in which there was also an infection with hCoV229E is classified as an “hCoV229E death”.
The mainstream media sell hCoV229E as a “killer virus”, one quickly realizes that the “killer virus” is incredibly en vogue. Politicians first try to appease, then they join the “panic orchestra”, the WHO fires off the “pandemic salvo”, “experts” which only have been implemented to sow panic, well they fear and fear and fear terribly… more panic , some people are starting to love panic, that creates much, much more panic…
Voilà, there we have it: hCoV229E is the ultimate, absolute, deadliest “killer virus”.
There are different possibilities to explain this panic avalanche. One is that it’s a global mass psychosis that has developed due to some mishaps. The other is, that it has been a targeted and campaign to achieve:
1. more citizen control, people in panic are much easier to govern than relaxed people
2. reap gargantuan profits by mass vaccinations
3. A combination of both, orchestrated and choreographed by globalists as represented by WEF to accelerate their 4th Industrial Revolution or “Great Reset” aim
Thanks Wolfgang for a fascinating comment. I think all the evidence points towards your latter conclusion – exploitation of a low mortality disease to accelerate the 4th Industrial Revolution or “Great Reset” aim.
Why are you ASSUMING that there is-was a new virus on the loose? Stop assuming! It’s the basis of all subsequent errors.
“The Viral Delusion Ep. 1: The Tragic Pseudoscience of SARS-CoV-2”
Thanks TINP.
With respect, I haven’t “assumed” anything. It is perhaps ironic that you mention assumption as the word “virus” is not referenced at all in the post you are critiquing and the proof that SARS-CoV-2 even existed is questioned extensively in the book. That is why I talk about an illness. The nature of the pseudopandemic is that risk presented by that illness was exagerated out of all proportion.
However, the evidence suggests to me that there was a novel respiratory ilness in late 2019 early 2020. I understand the arguments of those who question virology and proponents of terrain theory but I am not entirely convinced by them.
I think Cowan, Kaufmen, Bailey, Lanka, etc make many valid points and there is certainly a lot of evidence to suggest that the SARS-CoV-2 alleged “virus” was neither purified nor isolated. However, contrary to some of their claims, I am satisfied that virus particles (virions) have been purified and isolated and have been shown to cause illness, though I fully accept that is not the case for SARS-CoV-2. Therefore I am not ready to disregard virology entirely, but I do recognise many weaknesses in both virology and terrain theory.
This question is covered in some depth in the book as is the fact that the RTC PCR test was non specific, the denovo assembly sequencing of the so-called virus was highly suspect and the evidence that SARS-CoV-2 was an identifiable “virus” at all is questionable. That being said, the evidence that a novel respiratory illness was both observed and treated is compelling in my view.
Very succinct summation on why this is a pseudo-pandemic and the deeper motivations which motivate it on the part of the elite.
Many of those more prominent critics of the Covidiocy scenario, even those who have made valuable contributions, accept it as a “pandemic” and are either unwilling, or incapable of, delving further into this. Likely this is because they are determined to not lose whatever credibility they might have achieved from the “opinion setters”
However, once one accepts COVID as a pandemic “they have got you”!
And one does not have to dig very deeply, or be a master statistician or a medical expert to grasp the above.
Thanks Stu. I am no master statistician nor a medical expert but I did need to dig deeply to realise that there was no pandemic. That is the point of the book. I simply wanted to put the public domain information that I was aware of, which was not reported to the public despite being freely available scientific, statement and statistical evidence, in front of as many eyes as possible.
the uk coronavirus bill from march2020 said there was no legal requirement to report still births…can anyone think of a reason for this other than they knew that the vaccines would cause stillbirths
No Richard, I can’t.
While all kinds of bad actors used the so called pandemic to further their own ends, I believe that the panic driving the whole thing was not under anyone’s control and was fundamentally a technological problem: the technology being social media and instantaneous global comms. THAT was the new factor in the equation–the whole thing was an out of control social media feedback loop.
We should all be reading McLuhan, not Agamben.
Thanks CI. I agree panic spread on social media but let’s not forget who controls the algorithms. The state spent billions “increasing the sense of personal threat” the lagacy media consequently bombarded people with completely baseless fear porn. So, with respect, I think Agamben’s permanent state of exception was very firmly in play, and still is I suggest.