Search Results for Climate Change

COVID 19 – Scamdemic – Part 1

Most people believe most of what they are told by the UK State and the State propagandists in the mainstream media. But in truth COVID 19 has been exploited to such an extent it can be called a scamdemic. In Part 1 we’ll consider why.

What If Conspiracy Theory Is True?

Conspiracy theory has become a dirty term. It suggests people called conspiracy theorists believe all manner of falsehoods. They are dangerous subversives or complete idiots (one of the two.) But what if conspiracy theory is true. What can we glean from this world view.

Sortition In The UK – Government Not Democracy

We have previously discussed what sortition is and now we look at how it is being applied to Citizen Assembly in the UK. Sortition was used the create the so called Climate Assembly under the direction of the usual globalist forces. We explore what it’s all about here.

Misinformation Virus A Lesson In Disinformation From The BBC

The Misinformation Virus was a 35 minute BBC Sound production released on the 17th December 2019. This stunning propaganda from the BBC, once we pick it apart, reveals both the mechanism and the extent of MSM misinformation, disinformation and propaganda. In a remarkable example of fake news we get a glimpse into the mindset of our rulers and their plans fro censorship of free speech.

Sorting Sortition

The sortition movement, for want of a better name, promises to deliver us to a democratic nirvana. All across the world, citizen’s assemblies are springing into existence, at the same time, as if by magic. Is it reasonable to question this allegedly grass roots, movement of the people? Yes! Absolutely. Read here to find out why.

Youth Strike For Globalist Propaganda

Inspired by Swedish teenager Greta Thunberg the recent youth Strike4ClimateChange saw hundreds of thousands of school children protest to ‘save the planet’ from man mad (anthropogenic) global warming. However, in reality, they were protesting for the geopolitical ambitions of globalist financiers. Find out how and why they were deceived.

Whitney Webb Presentation

This is the 25 minute presentation I shared in discussion with Whitney Webb and Cory Morningstar. COP26 has been presented as a flop to the public. The failure to secure an agreement on coal and the absence of the Russian and Chinese leaders cited as reason. However, it was not a failure. Read more here.

Chemtrail’s Exposed – The Science, The History and the Propaganda

Ckemtrails Exposed discusses the science behind the formation of contrails, persistent contrails and chemtrails. It looks at the history of chemtrails through the prism of proven weather modification programs and addresses many of the objections raised by those who reject the existence of chemtrails. If you want to know more about chemtrails this is a great place to start.