Balkanisation – The Failed State Model of Corporate Profit Generation

War is a racket, global corporations always do very well out it and business is good. Few enterprises are as profitable for the multinationals. That’s why we have so many of them. When the same corporations fund all sides and lobby the politicians to start the wars in the first place, clearly it’s a thriving business model they’re fond of. Discover more here.

The Syrian Conflict Deception – Part 3

One of the greatest myths we have been given by the Western MSM is that the Syrian conflict is a ‘civil war.’ It was never any such thing. For a civil war to occur two opposing groups of Syrian people would have needed to have been in conflict. As we see here, that was never the case in he recent Syrian conflict.

New World Order War Profits

War is a racket and the New world Order have cornered the market in global war profits. They often fund all sides and the historical evidence is clear. Read here to discover the globalist financial interests that fund global conflict.

Islamist Extremists – Proxies of the West – Part 3

From the mid 1990’s onward numerous terrorist organisations and leading terrorists were given a home in the UK. The evidence clearly shows that this was the result of a deliberate policy of the UK government. Why would the UK Government seemingly protect Islamist extremists within its own shores? Was it a matter of appeasement or was there far more to it than that?

The Syrian Conflict Deception – Part 2

The recent attempt by the U.S led coalition to overthrow the Syrian Government of Bashar al Assad was yet another in a long line of foreign interventions within Syria. What’s more, the West’s efforts appears to be part a concerted plan to destabilise the Middle East in support of both their own geopolitical objectives of those of regional allies, most notably Israel, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, and, of course, the pursuit of global corporate profit. Discover the truth about this plan here. Because it is very far from the one you’ve been told about.

Beyond Gladio – A New Strategy of Tension

Despite the official exposure of Operation Gladio the Susurluk Scandal showed that Gladio never ended but simply coontinued in another form. Discover the truth about events in Turkey that spelled the end of Operation Gladio and the start of Gladio ‘B’.

False Flag Attacks Used To Shape History

False flag attacks are nothing new. Governments the world over have used them for centuries to achieve their geopolitical objectives. The established history of false flag attacks and hoaxes is well known. Learn more about this fascinating history and their modern use here.

Islamist Extremists – Proxies of the West – Part 2

In this part of the series we look at the funding operation that led to the creation of al Qaeda, the role of MAK and the al Kifah Refugee center in New York. We consider the links between the CIA and the Islamist extremists who not only went on the form al Qaeda but also committed terrorist attacks in New York during the 1990’s.

Who Are The New World Order – A Brief History

Most people think the New World Order is a myth or simply the product of “conspiracy theorist’s” fevered imaginations. They’re wrong. The history of the New World Order is well known and you can discover an introduction to that history here. Hopefully this will inspire you to do more research learn more about this insidious cabal.

The Syrian Conflict Deception. – Part 1.

Virtually nothing we have been told about the Syrian conflict is true. We have been mislead about the causes of the conflict, duped over its nature, lied to about the combatants, their backers and sources of logistical support; we’ve been told a tissue of lies about the Syrian government, its level of support among the Syrian population and the popularity of the supposed ‘opposition.’ Read Part 1 of this 4 part series to start to understand the depth of the deception.