James Delingpole and I Discuss The Manchester Attack
James Delingpole and I discuss my latest book The Manchester Attack: An Independent Investigation. We also discuss the trial of Richard D. Hall. Check it out. . . .
James Delingpole and I discuss my latest book The Manchester Attack: An Independent Investigation. We also discuss the trial of Richard D. Hall. Check it out. . . .
In this discussion with John Ferreira I discuss my approach to research and some of the problems involved. If that sound interesting to you then please watch the video.
I discusses the recent unrest in the UK with Paul Brennan on Reality Check Radio and his Breakfast with Paul Brennan show. Check it out here.
Great to be invited to TLAV (The Last American Vagabond) Tuesday for AM Wake Up from the Slow News Day team. In this longer conversation I go into more detail about the evidence exposing the Manchester Arena hoaxed bombing. More Here.
On Rick Munn’s outstanding Locked and Loaded on TNT Radio I was given an opportunity to discuss my latest book – The Manchester Attack: An Independent Investigation. Thanks to Rick for being braver than most in the so-called UK independent media.
The Manchester Attack: An Independent Investigation is my latest book exploring the evidence exposing the Manchester Arena bombing hoaxed false flag and the trial of the man who first reported it, Richard D. Hall. Mel K and I discuss the book on the Mel K Show
Online radicalisation is a myth. We have been sold this baseless idea to convince us to accept State censorship. Propagandists have been dispatched to convince us of the lie. Read here to learn more.
Mel K and I hold a wide ranging discussion about the current state of global geopolitics and public-private partnerships around the world.
On Locked and Loaded for TNT radio, Rick Munn and I discuss what is clearly emerging as the pressing reality. We, the people, are perceived by the State as its enemy. Watch and listen here.
David Kurten and I discuss “Climate: the Movie” which introduces audiences to the reality that, so-called “climate science” is not “settled” and the alleged scientific “consensus” is little more than a propaganda construct. Watch and listen here.