Not Fact Checkers

Fact Checkers claim they check facts for you, so you don’t have to. The dictionary definition of a fact is: Something that is known to have happened or to exist, especially something for which proof…

Why Do We Believe In the State?

We are constantly reminded how lucky we are to live in a representative democratic State. The State exists to facilitate people power, enabling the people to decide what policies the State pursues. But is any of this even remotely plausible. Why do we believe in the State?

Online Harms Roadmap To Censorship

Online harms is a vague catch all term the UK State is using to roll out mass censorship of the Internet. Following public consultation on its Online Harms White Paper, the UK State ahs offered its response. There is every reason to be very concerned.

What If Conspiracy Theory Is True?

Conspiracy theory has become a dirty term. It suggests people called conspiracy theorists believe all manner of falsehoods. They are dangerous subversives or complete idiots (one of the two.) But what if conspiracy theory is true. What can we glean from this world view.

Sortition In The UK – Government Not Democracy

We have previously discussed what sortition is and now we look at how it is being applied to Citizen Assembly in the UK. Sortition was used the create the so called Climate Assembly under the direction of the usual globalist forces. We explore what it’s all about here.

Misinformation Virus A Lesson In Disinformation From The BBC

The Misinformation Virus was a 35 minute BBC Sound production released on the 17th December 2019. This stunning propaganda from the BBC, once we pick it apart, reveals both the mechanism and the extent of MSM misinformation, disinformation and propaganda. In a remarkable example of fake news we get a glimpse into the mindset of our rulers and their plans fro censorship of free speech.

Sorting Sortition

The sortition movement, for want of a better name, promises to deliver us to a democratic nirvana. All across the world, citizen’s assemblies are springing into existence, at the same time, as if by magic. Is it reasonable to question this allegedly grass roots, movement of the people? Yes! Absolutely. Read here to find out why.

The Flawed Psychology of Conspiracy Theory

Consopiracy theory is a consequence of warped psychology according to recent academic research from a team of psychologists at the University . We explore the numerous logical fallacies within this flawed pseudoscience and ask if it is the researchers own psychological problems which underpins it.