Leicester Lockdown Mystery

Leicester is not entering partial lockdown with the rest of the UK. The UK government claim there is a spike of cases in Leicester based upon hitherto secret data. But do any fo the government’s claims stand up to scrutiny.

Face Masks Have Put Us In A State

Face masks will be worn on all public transport by order of the UK State. there is no clear scientific justification for this and we explore why the State’s real goal is behaviour modification.

Lockdown Regime Deaths and the True Cost of LOKIN-20

Lockdown regimes around the world have undoubtedly increased mortality. The question is how much? In this opost we assess the likely mortality from the Lockdown regime in the UK. The scale may surprise you.

Hydroxychloroquine Disgrace, COVID 19 And The Vaccine Fallacy – Part 1

Hydroxychloroquine may or may not be an effective preventative treatment against COVID 19. With the WHO suspending trials of the drug based upon what seems a fraudulent study and fake data we may never know. Read Part 1 of the remarkable story of hydroxychloroquine, corruption and the misuse of power.

A Conspiracy Theorist Confesses

The label of “Conspiracy Theorist” is used today to describe pretty much everyone who challenges the preferred narratives, policies and actions of the State. But how did this term become weaponised and is what we are told about those labelled with it plausible?

ITT Video – In Conversation With James Corbett

   Subscribe To Iain Davis Channels   James Corbett and I discuss how Britain is reacting to the coronavirus madness. We talk about COVID-19, the Coronavirus Act and other legislative nightmares, the statistical chicanery…