Speaking at a White House business convention on 21st March 2022, the US President Joe Biden said:
We are at an inflection point, I believe, in the world economy [. . .] it occurs every three of four generations. [. . .] Now is a time when things are shifting, there’s going to be a new world order out there, and we’ve got to lead it and we’ve got to unite the rest of the free world in doing it.
This caused a bit of a storm because Biden, once again, used the term “New World Order” (NWO). We are told that there is no identifiable globalist project called the NWO. Apparently, the only people who think such a project exists are “conspiracy theorists.” These people are all antesemites, can’t be trusted and absolutely must not be heard, or something like that.
In his 1992 article for the Wall Street Journal, titled, How I Learned To Love The New World Order, Biden spoke about “America’s proper role in the new world order.” His latest statement indicates that his concern lingers, on this occasion with good reason. The US position as nominal leaders of the NWO is under threat from Russia and China.
Politicians, oligarchs and other alleged “leading voices” keep talking about the NWO. Every time they mention it, the mainstream media (MSM) immediately spring into action, eager to “dispel the myths,” “set the record straight”, defining the term for us. Why do they feel the need to keep doing this? Why are the establishment and their lapdog media so sensitive about the term “new world order?”
The NWO Is Not an Antisemitic Trope
The “New World Order” is a phrase that gets flung around by all sorts of people for a variety of reasons. It is occasionally expressed in distinctly antisemitic terms.
Some people believe that the NWO is a “Jewish plot to enslave humanity.” Very few people who have researched and studied the NWO share this view. It is not supported by the evidence.
Nonetheless, the false allegations of antisemitism, applied to anyone—other than politicians—who talk about the NWO, provides a very useful canard that “debunkers” consistently deploy. As historian Antony C. Sutton pointed out in his exploration of Wall Street and The Bolshevik Revolution:
The persistence with which the Jewish-conspiracy myth has been pushed suggests that it may well be a deliberate device to divert attention from the real issues and the real causes. [. . .] What better way to divert attention from the real operators than by the medieval bogeyman of antisemitism?
The role of the mainstream media (MSM) is to confuse and mislead the public. They do not want the people to know what the NWO really is. They hide its history and generally deny its existence, but if those tactics fail, they exploit the Holocaust to bolster their disinformation.
Antisemitism means “a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews.” That hatred and perception led, in part, to the Holocaust. Falsely accusing people of antisemitism as a way of undermining their arguments. It is a rhetorical tactic that dilutes the important meaning of antisemitism. Using it shows a lack of respect for the victims of the Holocaust and a deliberate disregard for Jewish people and their history.
The MSM insist that when US presidents talk about the NWO they are simply referring to changes in the behavioural norms, regulations and laws that broadly shape international relations. This may be the case, but it doesn’t alter the fact that the NWO has a precise historical meaning.
Given that it is a heavily charged term, is it likely that senior politicians, foreign policy strategists and national leaders would routinely use it unwittingly, without understanding what it means? Perhaps in some cases. But not in all, for it is clear that many presidents, prime ministers and geopolitical experts have referred to the NWO in its proper context.

The Term “New World Order” As Propaganda
In a typical example of MSM disinformation, the UK’s Independent newspaper attempted to cover up Biden’s slip by trotting out the usual denials and obfuscations. The Independent claimed that Biden was simply referring to the “shifting sands of geopolitical relations.”
The Independent did not divulge the reality of the NWO to his readers. Instead, it relied upon the tired slurs and allegations traditionally used to discredit those who intelligently discuss the NWO. It alleged:
[P]ost-war paranoia tapped into much more ancient social anxieties about the possibility of shadowy secret covens engaging in evil [. . .] The Illuminati, the model for all subsequent sinister behind-closed-doors cabals feared by conspiracy theorist [. . .] traces its origins to the German Enlightenment of the 18th century. Belief in such a group plotting insurrection to realise its “new world order” first gained real prominence in the US among anti-government extremists in the 1990s. [. . .] The movement brings together American right-wing militant instincts with Christian fundamentalist doom prophecies [. . .] and has exploded over the last three decades in tandem with the growth of the internet. [. . .] Conspiracy theories have now become a form of mass entertainment on social media. [. . .] [Z]ealots, bored in lockdown during the pandemic, blended ancient anti-Semitic smears with quest narrative mythologies and pop cultural borrowings to worrying ends.
With his explanation, this so-called “news paper” followed all of the state-approved propaganda to the letter. Mixing genuine history—yes, the Illuminati really did exist—with total gibberish—there is no “movement” of NWO-exposing “extremists”—the Independent managed to fuse “conspiracy theory” with “right-wing” extremism and antisemitism. This is the standard approach to NWO denialism.
By linking the whole hodgepodge together in a word-salad of misdirection and innuendo, the Independent was able to deliver its essential message: people who talk about the NWO do not trust government, and questioning government can only lead to “worrying ends.”
The Independent didn’t offer any evidence to substantiate its conclusion. But then again, making factual, informative statements wasn’t the point of the article. Claiming that NWO investigators are all antisemites who believe in “lizard men” allows readers to safely discount as crazy all the historians and geopolitical analysts who have ever published research on the NWO.
According to the Independent, no one would even bother talking about the NWO were it not for the internet. By claiming that questioning government policy online is “extremism,” the Independent offered its support for the government’s proposed censorship of the internet.
Ironically, the best NWO historians published their work long before the internet was invented. Indeed, the NWO was a hot topic of conversation decades before we took to our keyboards and devices, as the Independent pointed out in one of its many contradictory observations.
Introducing The New World Order
Contrary to the opinions of propagandists and debunkers, the NWO is a defined globalist project. The objective is to establish global governance. It was inaugurated more than 100 years ago. Over the generations since then, it has undergone numerous changes.
Although it wields immense political influence, the NWO dares not reveal its tyrannical and oppressive nature. It must use subterfuge to conceal its intention to control the masses. Its architects know they cannot get away with openly enforcing their diktats: we the people would resist to the hilt. And if we did so in sufficient numbers, there’s not much the NWO could do about it, for, despite its swagger, the NWO is not “all powerful.”
Therefore, we must be controlled by other means. The NWO uses the school system, academia, society, culture, economics, party politics, finance, applied psychology, behaviour modification, censorship, propaganda, war and crisis management as tools to manoeuvre us into accepting its policy agendas. We persistently fall into the NWO’s trap because we imagine our “elected” leaders are making important decisions on our behalf—for our good. They’re not.
The New World Order (NWO) is an idea that was first proposed—though not with that exact name—by Cecil Rhodes’ Round Table Movement. It was envisaged as a secret system of global governance that would be led by an Anglo-American—or transatlantic—alliance. However, it didn’t stay “secret” for very long.
Not only have politicians and leaders of industry, commerce and finance frequently mentioned the NWO in speeches, but it has also been thoroughly exposed by historians and researchers—perhaps most notably by Professors Carroll Quigley and Antony C. Sutton.
Even in the early 20th century, when it was first devised, the concept of the NWO wasn’t a particularly novel idea. It was simply an attempt by a Western hegemonic power bloc to establish global domination. As such, it was an extension of the age-old game of empires.
Rhodes’ NWO project was built upon preexisting global power structures. The Venetian bankers and other private enterprises, such as the British East India Company, had already surpassed nation-states in terms of their resources, wealth and global political control. Rhodes’ vision was to convert this private financial power, which he possessed in abundance, into one cohesive system of global rule.
Rhodes was a British imperialist who, alongside his fellow Brits, bemoaned the loss of “their” American colony. The New World Order, which was given that name after his death in 1902, was supposed to reassert British control in the US, with the City of London ruling Wall Street. This is not how the US contingent viewed the burgeoning transatlantic alliance, though. American bankers, philanthropists and industrialists would soon come to the fore. Indeed, internecine struggles have been a consistent feature of the NWO throughout its history.
The NWO that Rhodes and his Round Table members proposed was a hierarchical, compartmentalised, authoritarian structure, designed as a system of rings-within-rings.
It was led from the centre by “the Society of the Elect,” who would oversee, and be protected by, the first ring of power, called “the Association of Helpers.” Consecutive rings were then established, affording the NWO control of financial institutions, multinational corporations, governments, intelligence agencies and military forces, etc.
Only the members of the “Society” and the “Association” had a full grasp of the entire NWO project. Conceptualisation of the whole system among the members of each subsequent ring progressively diminished as their positions moved away from the centre of power. NWO-controlled assets, placed in key administrative, academic, military, media or political roles, only knew enough to be able to perform their required tasks and report accurately back to their handlers.
There’s Nothing “New” about the NWO
Tyrants have always sought to impose their authority upon the masses. Just like Sumerian kings or Roman emperors, the leaders of the NWO have pursued exactly the same despotism, though on a grander scale—literally, throughout the globe. As technology has advanced, the NWO’s goal of centralised authority over a global governance structure has become more attainable.
While its manipulation and control techniques have advanced, the goal of the NWO hasn’t changed. The ambition to rule over all is as old as civilisation itself. And, just as there has always been a ruling class, so have there always been people who are content to be ruled.
Our collective obedience to authority guarantees tyranny. The NWO is by no means the first kleptocracy to have cultivated and exploited our compliance.
Like all the empires that preceded it, from its inception the proposed NWO was designed to take the form of a public-private partnership between government and an immensely wealthy “superclass.” Often these individuals and family dynasties have come from the world of international finance or banking, but leading industrialists and media moguls have also been prominent members of this superclass.
Working together, they have been the hidden hand behind the throne. As Michael Chadwick noted in his summation of Prof. Quigley’s work:
There really is a “world system of financial control in private hands” that is “able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world.” [. . .] They now control every major international institution, every major multinational and transnational corporation both public and private, every major domestic and international banking institution, every central bank, every nation-state on earth, the natural resources on every continent and the people around the world through complicated inter-locking networks that resemble giant spider webs. [. . .] They were responsible for World War I, World War II, [. . .] They have created periods of inflation and deflation in order to confiscate and consolidate the wealth of the world. [. . .] This wealth is now being used to construct and maintain the World Empire that is in the last stages of development. [. . .] The chief architects of this new World Empire are planning another war—World War III—to eliminate any vestiges of political, economic or religious freedom from the face of the earth. They will then completely control the earth and its natural resources.
Elected politicians, and thus the governments they formed, have always been the junior partners in this network. Many candidates for office are handpicked for their malleability, predisposition to corruption or loyalty to the NWO project. With government intelligence and security agencies thoroughly co-opted, the deep state—the “state within the state” or “shadow state”—has flourished.
The political party system is permitted by the NWO because it ensures that electorates can never derail the NWO project. Instead, they are placated with a misplaced sense of democratic oversight. Party politics also keeps the masses occupied and distracted, leaving the NWO to get on with business unhindered.
Ever since the NWO was formed, it has set policy agendas and then installed political puppets who sell the desired policies to the people—no matter who they voted for. Quigley explained the NWO’s approach to party-based representative democracy this way:
The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies, one, perhaps, of the Right and the other of the Left, is [. . .] a foolish idea acceptable only to the doctrinaire and academic thinkers. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so the American people can ‘throw the rascals out’ at any election without leading to any profound or extreme shifts in policy.
The Leaders of the New World Order
The self-proclaimed leaders of the NWO are drawn from the so-called “superclass.” Their distinguishing attributes are immense private wealth, an unqualified willingness to act ruthlessly and an unshakeable belief in their divine right to rule.
The “old money” dynasties of princes, religious and political figures and families, sometimes referred to as the Black Nobility, have maintained their financial and monetary control for nearly a thousand years. They have been joined, in recent centuries, by banking families, industrialists and, latterly, “new money” from the post-WWII entrepreneurial, billionaire jet set.
The notion of a “superclass” was proposed by political scientist, journalist, businessman David Rothkopf. As a member of the deep state Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (CEIP), among other think tanks, Rothkopf was well-positioned to be personally acquainted with the robber barons he eulogised in this 2008 speech (its title identical to his book, “Superclass: The Global Power Elite and the World They Are Making”):
We’re not looking at just the wealthy; we’re looking at power. And so, the definition that we used was people who influence the lives of millions across borders on a regular basis. [. . .] It’s a tiny, tiny fraction of the people of the planet Earth. [. . .] [T]he really defining characteristics of this group is the nature of the networks, that networking is the force multiplier in any kind of power structure[.]
The “people who influence the lives of millions across borders on a regular basis” have gone by many names, among them “the Rhodes Crowd,” “All Souls Group,” “the Cliveden set,” “the Pilgrims.” Today we often refer to them as oligarchs, thought leaders or stakeholders. The common thread in Rothkopf’s “superclass” is that no one elected them to power.
Their wealth is likely inherited from their forefathers’ war profits. Often it’s the product of nepotism or profits accrued from more recent military interventions. Others have enriched themselves from the exploitation of slave labour or from rigged markets, resource theft, the drug trade, financial crime, usury, etc. Actually, the “parasite class” more accurately describes them.
The New World Order Today
It isn’t clear if the “Society of the Elect” or the “Association of Helpers” still exist. What can be said is that the current global management network is a compartmentalised, authoritarian structure. Everything first proposed by Rhodes’ original Pilgrims remains on track and appears to be nearing completion.
Lately the NWO has been through several iterations and has been repackaged and remarketed in different forms. The COVID-19 pseudopandemic has seen the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset come to public attention. This is simply a new brand for the NWO as the WEF makes its bid to be the central pillar of the Global Public-Private-Partnership (G3P). The G3P represents the current management structure of the NWO.
The proposed operating system for NWO global governance is technocracy. There are a number of key elements which, once installed, will end the last vestiges of human freedom and place the world’s population under the totalitarian control of the technocrats. In turn, the technocrats will serve the interests of the parasite class, not the interests of humanity.
Democracy will continue in name only, reassuring the masses for a while, in the form of a communitarian “civil society.” Government, working in partnership with private corporations, will encourage civil society groups to “debate” policies. Every single one of those policies will be pre-selected by the technocratic state (termed a “technate”). The apparent political choice will remain an illusion.
The global economy is currently being transformed as new markets are created. As outlined in the 1992 UN Agenda 21 document (section 8.41), the “basis for action” has already been established. A global accountancy system for all business will use stakeholder capitalism metrics to rate assets, ensuring “the integration of sustainability into economic management.”
The rating mechanisms, such as environmental, social and governance ratings (ESGs), will enable centralised global economic planning. These ratings will determine which ventures receive or do not receive investment. Favoured corporate partners within the G3P will do very well as long as they promote G3P goals. Those who don’t will go bankrupt without question.
The ratings system provides a “better measurement of the crucial role of the environment as a source of natural capital.” Natural Asset Companies will transform forests into “carbon sequestration services” and natural water sources into “human settlement resource services” or some such thing.
By claiming that they own nature, the G3P will create new markets worth a projected $4 quadrillion. At the same time, the G3P will remove oil as the base commodity of value and replace it with nature (natural assets). This transformation is called “sustainable development.” It has nothing to do with environmentalism or combatting “climate change” or, for that matter, the original definition of sustainable.
The notion of uniting all of humanity to work together to solve the “climate crisis” is a contrivance to facilitate global governance. It was fabricated in the late 1980s and early 1990s by the same globalist think tanks that set the world’s policy agendas.
The Club of Rome, the think tank that greatly influenced the nascent WEF, took credit for imagining the perfect global crisis. In their 1991 publication The First Global Revolution, on page 75 under the heading “the common enemy of humanity is Man,” the Club of Rome wrote:
In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill. [. . .] All these dangers are caused by human intervention in natural processes, and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy then is humanity itself.
This statement expresses two of the core beliefs of the parasite class. One is the assumed legitimacy of their claim to rule, which enables them to imagine they have the right to “designate” a global enemy. The other is their shared commitment to population control. They herd us about like cattle, all the while deciding how to change our attitudes and behaviour to suit their objectives.
The International Monetary and Financial System (IMFS), too, has undergone a transformation. With the introduction of Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), the IMFS it will be revolutionised. CBDC currency will be issued by central banks as their liability, and they will be solely responsible for that liability. In other words, CBDC will always belong to the central banks.
Because CBDC is electronic money, it is therefore programmable money. This means the central banks will have complete control over every unit of CBDC currency. Whether it is in your wallet or not, it is the central banks’ money and they will permit or deny every transaction you make with it.
For example, the decisions you currently make about where you travel have already been restricted by the global policy response to a fake pandemic. If CBDC is fully adopted, you will no longer have any choice of travel destinations, period.
CBDC will enable each central bank’s AI algorithm to decide where its customers (us) can go—and when. If CBDC becomes the only form of currency available to us, then none of us, no matter how much money we think we have, will have any financial freedom.
In order for technocracy to operate, every citizen must be continually surveilled and controlled by the state (technate). The technology capable of doing this is already being distributed globally as part of the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution (4ID).
The Internet of Things (IoT) will recognize every device that we use and will report that use back to our technate’s data centres. The Internet of Bodies (IoB) will enhance the technate’s ability to monitor us in real time. Combined with the Digital ID that every nation is rushing towards, the surveillance and control of every individual “global citizen” will be centrally managed at the global governance level.
The New World Order, under the current management structure of the Global Public-Private Partnership, is nearing completion. It is a truly global system of governance. There are no leading governments anywhere on Earth opposed to it. All are racing ahead to adopt it with equal enthusiasm.
The Way Forward For The NWO
With Russia’s recent military operation in Ukraine, it has been suggested by some that the Russian and Chinese governments are not prepared to accept the imposition of the NWO. We can only be guided by their major policy statements and their actions. If these are anything to go by, both governments are fully on board with the NWO agenda.
We know that Russia and China are absolutely committed to sustainable development, Digital ID, 4ID, COVID biosecurity and vaccine passports. Russia is ahead of most of the Western nations with regard to CBDC, and China has surpassed Russia, having already started to use CBDC on a significant scale.
On the 4th of February Presidents Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping issued a joint statement on the future relationship between Russia and China. It read, in part:
Today, the world is going through momentous changes, and humanity is entering a new era of rapid development and profound transformation. [. . .] of the global governance architecture and world order. [. . .] The ongoing pandemic of the new coronavirus infection poses a serious challenge to the fulfilment of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. [. . .] In order to accelerate the implementation of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the sides call on the international community to take practical steps in key areas of cooperation such as poverty reduction, food security, vaccines and epidemics control, financing for development, climate change, sustainable development, including green development, industrialization, digital economy, and infrastructure connectivity. [. . .] [We] will further increase cooperation in the development and manufacture of vaccines. [. . .] Russia and China intend to encourage interaction in the fields of public health, digital economy, science, innovation and technology, including artificial intelligence technologies [. . .] Particular emphasis will be placed on the fight against the novel coronavirus infection pandemic and economic recovery, digitalization of a wide range of different spheres of life.
There is no evidence to suggest that either Russia or China wishes to derail the objectives of the WEF’s Great Reset. On the contrary, the evidence points towards Russia and China as perhaps the most enthusiastic and aggressive advocates for the NWO agenda. China is the world’s first technate, and Russia is a major WEF partner, most notably on cybersecurity.
Much has been made of the WEF’s decision to distance itself from Russia and that country’s sanctioned individuals. Notably, this is a “temporary” freeze. It smacks more of political expediency and PR than it does of any genuine, long-term severance of ties.
There is no aspect of the NWO’s G3P-managed agenda that either Russia or China stands against. Their joint statement reads like a Great Reset checklist.
Perhaps this is all a cunning deception—part of a “secret plot” by Russia and China to fight the NWO hand-in-hand. However, it looks far more like a pact between two great powers who are jointly bidding for political leadership of the NWO.
There is no doubt that the NWO was conceived as a project of Western-based oligarchs. In the post-WWII era, it is baring its teeth on the geopolitical stage and calling itself the “international rules-based order.” This unipolar order, centred around the G7 group of nations, with the US-led NATO alliance providing the muscle, has been dominant within the Global Public-Private Partnership (G3P).
Russia’s military intervention in Ukraine, and the G7/NATO alliance response to it, appears to be a watershed moment. Together, Russia and China are challenging the G7 clique with a BRICS-based, G20-focused, multipolar model. It seems they are determined to seize primacy within the G3P management structure.
As a paid spokesperson for the G7 rules-based order, Joe Biden anxiously observed, “[T]here’s going to be a new world order out there, and we’ve got to lead it.” The US-led alliance’s problem is that Russia and China, in league with their BRICS partners, are pursuing exactly the same objective.
Great article Iain, I don’t agree fully with your last two concluding paragraphs but that’s ok. I just see Russia & China as following orders to demonstrate compliance once again as they did for operation virus. Favors will be granted in due course to those gladiators that put on a good show, Zellenskyy included. Biden on the other hand, is a bit confused at this stage & does not comprehend the new rules of this hunger game, finds himself being sidelined like Milton in Office Space.
Keep shining the light, we need you!
Thanks Freecus. This article has been published becuase it stemmed from my research for Part 4 of my series on Russia’s military operation in Ukraine. The last two sentences may seem out of context but I hope, if you read part 4 of he series, my reasoning will become clear.
I came across this site from a curious search on TOR. Needless to say, it has been extremely educating, insightful, and your ” eyes open” intellect of what is going on in the world today, how it started and where things are progressing towards the future is astounding and personally fearful. My trust in our Heavenly Father and Creator still begs the question of whether or not He is leading us to the final end. Thanks for being a mentor of truth as I look forward to further publications.
Hi Sam. Thanks for reading.
As someone who has been an amateur student of geopolitics and the state of humanity for most of his life I very much appreciate the clarity of your analysis. It became clear to me some time ago that much of the Left I used to identify with was hopelessly lost in it’s understanding of the world. I feel you, along with a growing number of others, are leading our understanding back into the light. Thank you.
Thank you for your encouragment Justin. I no longer recognise the right and left paradigm, largely due to the demise of the left I once knew. Nonetheless it would be good if democratic socialists realised what is happening, instead of being exploited by those who are pushing the globalist agenda. I think this is essential if we are going to successfully challenge this.
The Rothschild Jewish bankster cabal hide behind “anti-semitism” as a cover for their NWO machinations.
The Rothschilds are certainly a powerful banking family but I don’t think we can call it a “Jewish bankster cabal”. What about the Rockefellers, Morgans, Astors, Orsini, etc? They aren’t Jewish, so why don’t you call it a Prespitarian or a Catholic bankster cabal? In fact why use the extraction of Kabbalah (cabal)? This suggests a “secret” Jewish group of banksters. There’s nothing either secret or particularaly Jewish about the parasite class banksters. They are more like a mafia or criminal monopolists so “cartel” seems more accurate to me.
Your last reply is spot on Iain.
Accusing one group or one religion is a distraction.
Greed and hubris are the ‘pandemics’ of the ruling parasites.
Apart from their dis-ease the only thing they have in common is their penchant for fine Italian suits and self aggrandisement.
Yep, that and eugenics.
Hi Iain
Despite best endeavours over nearly 2 years, I still don’t see much sense in G3P structure or ‘agenda’. No doubt I’ve not picked-up on something key, but what?
1 Once ‘public’ compliant, propagandists unnecessary so, eradicated by enforcers who’ll then be unnecessary so, eradicated by distributers so none to distribute to?
Money no intrinsic value, goods no value unless traded. Once G3P have it all, who’ll they trade with and for what?
G3P entities collaborating to get everything. Then what? None seem likely to share or ‘play second fiddle’ to others.
Each entity planning to get it all for itself and be king of castle?
Castle being built on quick-sand without foundations?
G3P ‘drowning-man’ doing dot.com and non-real estate yet again?
2 Sending and receiving are separate issues.
Those without TV didn’t ‘buy’ 2020 fear-mongering; didn’t receive it.
Sometimes I ‘switch the Press off’ for months; gadgets set to off-line and pre-recorded music only or unplugged.
‘Cancelling’ renders internet useless.
When ‘cancelled’ all but G3P, what will algorithms cancel?
On-line harm bill renders www un-useable.
G3P impotent without. G3P shooting its own feet?
3 When official supplies scant, DIY, barter and ‘black-market’ thrive; more G3P try to control, more control it’ll lose?
G3P too weak to control itself; trying to control all else to prop itself up.
Some of re. article:
1 ‘Order’ is subjective, an adjective; her ‘tidying’ ‘untidies’ his.
2 Accusations divert attention away from accuser.
Accuser or accused or neither guilty, both guilty or partly guilty.
3 Socialising via www impossible; too much between.
More time on-line, less time socialising.
4 Only the thinking part of human brain can comprehend life’s continuum.
There are no lines, let alone boxes in continuum.
More experience of digital, literally brainless computers, less experience of life’s continuum. Finance, accountancy also digital. Digital is binary; repressive.
Arrogant Ignorance (AI), prejudice and ‘us v. them’ bundle multiple aspects of life into two boxes; either losing masses of real info between boxes or corrupting data by putting dissimilar in same box.
Perhaps this is why Jesus says Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the Earth. No matter how hard they try their plan will fall down somewhere.
I’d like to think so Rachel.
Hi Jane, thanks for this comment, and I notice Iain didn’t reply to this one. A shame, because you have hit the big truth, in nice detail. I’ve thought the same, and that the worst thing that can happen to the cartel is that they win. Being they’ve put so much time and energy into it, it will have to run its course anyway. I’m not apathetic, and take action almost every day to make sure I’m not in the crowd of dupes and hypnotized, but the rest of the time I work on building ties here, to blood and soil.
“Antisemitism means “hostility to or prejudice against Jewish people.” That hostility and prejudice led to the Holocaust. ”
No, it is hatred or hostility against semites, which means next to no jew is targeted. Let alone that it is an oversimplification of events. Hostility or prejudice against jews weren’t invented by the national socialists of Germany nor does said hostility or prejudice necessarily let to a genocide. Just look how easy it is these days to manipulate the plebs against an arch enemy of choice, first the uninjected …deniers, then the Russians. If the boogieman is big enough, those useful idiots might end up killing it.
Thanks (I have to say it) thus spake Zarathustra. I am aware that antisemitism existed prior to the emergence Nazi Germany and that many people argue that European Jewish settlers to Israel aren’t technically semites. I used the dictionary definition, as it is commonly understood. However, as you pointed out, the ease with which the “plebs” are manipulated means that it was “hostility and prejudice” that led to the Holocaust. Nazi hatred was the underlying cause but, in order for it to have worked on the scale that it did, casual “hostility and prejudice” from the mass of the German population was all that was required to allow it to proceed. As Jordan Peterson observed, the lesson learned from the Holocaust is that ordinary people, who probably weren’t Nazis themselves, effectively acted like Nazis. As we have seen recently with the pseudopandemic, people very quickly turned hostile and were prejudiced against the unvaccinated. It is, as you say, easily done.
I’ve seen two of your interviews and have read many of your articles.
You have an incredibly deep and brilliant mind, and your verbal and written speech is clear, to the point and eloquent. I share your work a great deal–I even give out hard copies of your image of the public-private partnership. That little graphic is a perfect explanatory tool!
Thank you for all that you. I am a huge fan!
Thanks Luna. I appreciate that. However, I am fallible and often get things wrong. Please don’t accept what I say as the definitive truth. I try to be accurate but I can’t possibly on point all of the time. Please use my work as a reference, follow the links and look for more information so that you can decide for yourself what you believe to be true or not. That is really what my work is about.
Excellent article. It’s been said by a number of global leaders in the last couple of weeks, that the war in Ukraine is changing the world order. So it’s all in hand. They’re priming us of course – evil b……ds.
Thanks mozza. I think so, yes.
Thank you for this excellent article which clarifies the present geopolitical situation. A few years ago I saw a video from China with a few newly built “ghost cities” which could house up to 60 million people. Scary thoughts.
Thanks for reading Chris.
This is one of the best articles on the subject ever written. Congrats to you IAN.
Thanks Harry
You seem to believe that Russia and China are in cahoots with the US to create a “New World Order” or a “Great Reset”.
Whether they are directly involved with each other or there is a shadowy cabal behind all three is not made clear.
However, although all three major powers “appear” to talk the same talk I cannot see any chance whatsoever that Russia, China and the US are the slightest bit interested in co-operation.
You quote Biden “Now is a time when things are shifting, there’s going to be a new world order out there, and we’ve got to lead it and we’ve got to unite the rest of the free world in doing it.”
The rest of the “free world” in his mind does not include Russia and China.
Putin has recently said “Today, the entire planet has to pay the price for the ambitions of the West, for its attempts by any means to maintain its crumbling dominance”.
Again that does not sound as if Russia is being controlled by the same people who are controlling the US.
The current fringe view that the young WEF leader Putin is part of the “Great Reset” is not very convincing.
Matt Ehret touched on it here https://matthewehret.substack.com/p/are-russia-and-china-in-on-the-great?s=r
I await your Part 5 to try to convince me.
Thanks Geoff. That’s not quite the argument I am making. I don’t suggest that Russia and China are in cahoots with the West’s unipolar system. However, that system is clearly attempting to capitalise on the current situation. I do think the evidence points towards a St Petersberg clique is currently leading Russia. Whether that means that they are aligned with the WEF itself is hard to say, I am uncertain. What I am certain about is that Both China and Russia are leading on many of the core elements required for a global governance technocracy. Most notable perhaps CBDC. I agree with much of what others have said in terms of the difference between the unipolar G7 model and the multipolar BRICS based G20 model. But for me that looks like a power struggle for dominance of the single technocratic global governance system not, as Ehret suggests, a fundamental challenge to it. So I hope you will read the concluding parts to my series with some interest.
Another on point and very informative article Iain. Looking forward to your chat with James Corbett.
How can the US lead a NWO when they’re deliberately destroying their country, on all metrics?
Russia, China and Iran aren’t doing this.
They’re building cohesion. That’s what we did when we wanted stability and wealth.
If the US wanted to lead the world they’d be more like they were in the 1950s
China, Russia and Iran are the NWO, Belt and Road and so on.
David Rockefeller loved the Chinese model over the American. The English elites liked the Indian model.
The West is headed towards the situation Russia, China and others found themselves in during their Communist period.
How anyone cannot see that the West is being collapsed is beyond me.
These alternative voices who cheer on Russia and China as if there’s some benefit to us in their triumph are simply useful idiots.
Maybe it’s that Sun Tzu thing where you pretend to be weak, but I very much doubt it.
History is a story of rising and collapsing civilisations, then rising and collapsing empires. Elites move easily from the old to the new civilisation/empire.
The plebs in the discarded empire are left to rot and die, if not literally, then in social, cultural and economic terms.
Ukraine could have become a very powerful country had they pursued a cohesive policy, but no, someone decided it would be a good idea to promote sectarianism and division, always a sign that you’re being collapsed.
And then all that plundering. Not doing that so much in China and Russia.
The reality is that Ukraine was never going to be allowed to be an independent wealthy state. The West didn’t want it. The East didn’t want it. Same with Belarus.
Poland is next.
One thing that concerns me about this return to self-sufficiency, as advocated by Iain and James Corbett, is that it has echoes of the Archaic Revival pushed by employees of, amongst others, the elite Esalen Institute.
To feed ourselves in Britain, absent sophisticated international supply chains, we’d need to double our food production, or halve the population.
We could, I suppose, release more land for agricultural use.
But how.
Our leaders have been taking more and more land from agriculture towards silly ideological use, Wilding, Trees, game shooting and whatnot.
Mass slaughter of cattle, pigs and chickens under Covid-like cobblers, people leaving farming and the destruction of the fishing industry.
I doubt we’d be allowed to farm for food, since they’ve spent so much time ensuring we’ll starve when they pull the plug on supply chains.
Thanks Robert. “Allowed” is the key here I think.
“The persistence with which the Jewish-conspiracy myth has been pushed suggests that it may well be a deliberate device to divert attention from the real issues and the real causes. [. . .] What better way to divert attention from the real operators than by the medieval bogeyman of anti-Semitism?”
– Antony C. Sutton
It is more than a simple diversion. “Anti-Semitism” is perhaps the most loaded expression in the English language i.e. there is no other term which packs such a ferocious emotional response. And I don’t think it’s going too far to suggest that there is something in the nature of a religious taboo here. Just as, in the middle ages, all terms relating to Satan would cause the most violent spasms of fear and revulsion, being accused of anti-Semitism is the modern equivalent.
Thus the very real and indeed unavoidable and inarguable conspiracies which are clearly indicated every day are guarded by this magnificently primal mechanism.
Thanks George. Agreed.
Ian, you missed a key part – Population Reduction.
Depopulation agenda is the Elite’s main plan and will merge with the UN’s 2030 Agenda, making the plan to eradicate poverty (killing the poor people) and solve the “”problem”” of fake climate change.
They don’t want to share the world with so many people anymore (they don’t need to anymore). That’s why it’s all about “the health of the planet” or even more explicitly “saving [their] planet”.
This is the real GREAT RESET.
“It was necessary. A great sacrifice to save the planet,” they will say in the near future.
This is the main motivation of the elite and their geneticists and it will take place until, at the latest, 2030. The whole Global Warming thing is just a justification for Population Reduction. It’s in the NWO game cards, just as they made a point of writing it down in the Georgia Guidestones.
Thanks MF. I am less certain about depopulation but certainly “population control” is a big part of their agenda. It is hard to imagine how a “net zero” set of policies could operate without a significant reduction in population.
Fascinating article.. Great to stumble across you and your writing via your Rokfin Panel: “Russia & the Great Reset – Resistance or Complicity?”. A thought rattling round my brain, given as you say, that to a greater or lesser extent, it has ‘always been this way’..I wonder if this is just a typically cackhanded attempt by G3 (not G3p) to reassert control the feel they’ve lost . I wonder if #Trump and #Brexit were the first time G3 have experienced ‘Losing Control’ of the narrative and the authority they feel they deserve? #TheGreatCovid19Fraud and the #UkraineShitshow simply feel like a punishment beating for the cardinal sins of #Trump & #Brexit …. Perhaps I’m being over-optimistic…terrible vice of mine…
Thanks Eldred. I’m not sure who you mean by G3. I am familiar with the E3 (Germany, France and Italy) so do you mean the US, Russia and China? I don’t think Trump or Brexit are particularly relevant to the Ukraine shit show and, as I tried to point out in the panel discussion, I think we are seeing a genuine confrontation between the G7 unipolar world order and the G20 (BRICS) multipolar world order. Essentially however, in my view, they are vying for control of the New World Order which is managed, not by nation states, but by the global network of the privately owned central banks, via the BIS. I also think it has always been this way because we accept an illegitimate “right” that does not exist in reality. That being the claimed right of authority. While we allow ourselves to believe that some possess this impossible right to rule we will continue to suffer its costs. Namely war, pestilence, famine and disease.
I had a bit of trouble with “inflection point” as Hair Sniff Joe put it. For me inflection means- the nuance of meaning given to words by the way they are spoken- and I may be wrong there. Looking it up I find it means- the point on a graph where things start to change from going up to down or vice versa. Totally abstract and in the realm of a living man, meaningless. But experience leads me to believe he means- ” we steal or we get stolen from” and personally I’m not crazy about either. I suppose this is a long winded way of saying that the statements of someone with personaal habits like Joe are beneath my, or anyone’s consideration and that to have to listen to them means that we are completely lost. I read it as “infection point” and that’s how I see it! Especially in the days of the pantodemic with it’s mostly mental illness.
Whoever this “Iain” guy is, he’s totally wrong in his views of the NWO, which he likes it or not, is indeed JEWISH. Anyone minimally informed, anyone who reads books knows that the world conspiracy is controlled by the jewish lucifeian cabalista of the synagogue of satan, hence the jewish bankers by owning ALL ‘national’ and international banks control governments and the world. This was admitted by US presidents and UK prime ministers. Anyone minimally informed know that international jewry are the only people on earth having a ‘great plan’ to establish a global dictatorship ruled from Jerusalem which they call a “Universal Republic”!
Ianin apparently doesn’t even know that politics, elections and geopolitics are only theatre for public consumption, that nation’s leaders are only puppets paid to perform a role, to obey a script given to them by characters well above their heads. That’s right, Biden, Putin, Xi Jinping, Johnson, Trudeau, Macron, etc all obey the orders coming from Chabad and the jewish bankers.
I’ve got quotes from the likes of Winston Churchill, Benjamin Disraeli, Nesta Webster, Visconde Leon de Poncis, Prof Carroll Quigley, Benjamin Freeman, Alexis de Torcqueville, James Madison, John Sherman, Theodore Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, Bismarck, James Garfield, Vincent Cartwright Vickers, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Herbert Hoover, Felix Frankfurter, David Lloyd George, Clement Atlee, Woodrow Wilson, FDR, Curtis Dall, Louis T. McFadden, Leo Maxse, Emile Moreau, Lord Hewart, John Hylan, Dennis Healey, just to mention a few who confirmed that an international “invisible government’ control governments by having the power to issue currency. Tons of books were written which show and prove that jewish families control the world, and therefore lead the world conspiracy due to their power of owning ALL banks; there are plenty of good documentaries are well, like the “The Money Masters”. And financial and social control are only means to an ultimate spiritual enslavement into the jewish luciferian cabala; Albert Pike mentioned it in his letter to Giuseppe Mazinni and also by David Spangler, when he mentioned what one would have to do in order to be able to enter the “New World Order”: a ritual of initiation into luciferianism.
Those who read books, also books written by ‘them’ [from jewish sources], knows that the world conspiracy is indeed JEWISH!!!!
Thanks Luis. Can you name who “ownes” just the New York fed (not the others)? Can you tell me who controls the Bank For International Settlements? The IMF perhaps or just the Bank of England? I don’t doubt the powerful influence of political Zionism but I don’t see any evidence that the Jews are controlling the so-called NWO. I would be interested to read any evidence you can provide that supports your claim that “Biden, Putin, Xi Jinping, Johnson, Trudeau, Macron, etc all obey the orders coming from Chabad and the jewish bankers.” Which Jewish Bankers? Augustin Carstens?
Your swallowing of that deliberate and absurd psychotic fantasy- the Holo, a retelling of the Book of Esther, with the same political gains as celebrated in Purim (she becomes the queen, advisor behind the throne, of the world’s strongest power)- weakens your otherwise terse, well summarized article, thanks.
That a branch of the Habiru are well versed in the art of war without weapons, culture war, tactics against a superior demographic enemy, does not exonerate their own zealous drive- or that we learned to emulate their corrupt “successes”, which may be our downfall, just as it has led them to destroy every society that let them in, including their own in the purge of their Aryan-interbred majority of the Ten Tribes. The “Bad Guy”- a culture, not a being- won the civil war of the Old Testament, and proclaimed supremacy.
Monotheism is why the religious model is stunted.
What drove them is not only easily copied- it is infectious. The Aryan NWO may have been an attempt to fight that immaterial “spiritual” infection that itself became infected.
I’m sorry but I found this article to be incoherent and somewhat poorly researched. According to this article, the “New World Order” seems to be both an “identifiable globalist project” and its endstate, “global governance.” So the NWO “wields immense political influence” but it is also an “idea” dreamed up by Rhodes. Really? Is the “NWO” an actual organization or a yet-to-be realized concept? A more coherent narrative would make more of an effort to get the semantics right, but not in this case, alas.
Also, to be picky, the lengthy quote you attribute to Prof. Quigley from 1966 is not from Quigley at all, but is an interpretation of Quigley’s book by a Michael L. Chadwick. It can be found here: http://forum.woodenboat.com/archive/index.php/t-102631.html.
Perhaps if you had actually referred to the book itself this mistake could have been avoided.
I would also suggest that there is little evidence that Rhodes’ “Society of the Elect” actually amounted to much, but that his vision of an Anglo-American Federation did find voice in the activities of the Round Table, set up by one of Rhodes’ acolytes, Lord Alfred Milner. But the Round Table, which had as its goal the federation of the British Empire, was undone by internal divisions between those who favored federation as an end in itself to preserve British global power, and those idealists who saw it as a stepping stone to world government; and ultimately by the fact their efforts at federation failed, and British power inevitably waned. Though the model for their efforts help influence the structure of the Council on Foreign Relations and the proponents of American internationalism.
Also the claim the Club of Rome “greatly influenced the nascent WEF” is not fully substantiated by the source cited, or the WEF web item cited in that article.
This is perhaps just nitpicking, but I think that when it comes actually (a) articulating the “New World Order” strategy; and (b) demonstrating the intent of its alleged architects, this piece falls well short.
Thanks for the criticism Will.B. I have updated the citation of the Chadwick quote, which you’re correct to say came from his introduction. You can read it in full here:
The Society of the Elect originally consisted of Rhodes and the “Junta of Three” (Stead, Brett, and Milner). Not sure what you mean by the SotE not amounting to much. That is the core group at the heart of the NWO described by Quigley, including the round table movement:
Quigley didnt use the term “New World Order” himself. Its use by politician’s and oligarchs, who were themselves part of the project, predates Tragedy and Hope. Quigley desribed it as a “New World Empire.” I suspect the term NWO has subsequently been used by others in reference to the system Quigley revealed. Many of whom, like Amery, were involved in its machinations. Quigley referenced the political use of the term himself in his quotation of the 1935 speech of Leopold Amery.
The extent to which the CoR influence on the development of the WEF is established by the cited article is a judgement which depends upon the credence you give to the article. I accept that you didn’t find it compelling.
Personally I thought it was well researched and the citations given were substantive. Aurelio Peccei outlining the concepts in the Limits of Growth to the Davos set, describing the alleged “choices that society had to make to reconcile economic development and environmental constraints,” which then became the basis of Schwab’s stakeholder capitalism model (the ideological foundation of the WEF) seems like a fairly direct link to me. But I take your point.
I don’t understand your criticism that Rhodes “idea” is mutually exclusive to the NWO being a real group that “wields immense political influence.” The concept was Rhode’s but the project itself was undertaken by others. While this movment, based upon Rhode’s idea, has and does weild great influence it has, I suggest, yet to fulfil it ambition. The mainly British goal of a transatlantic federation did lose out to the US led globalists, as embodied by the CFR:
The re-birth of the Trilateral Commission since the passing of its Globalist founders, David Rockefeller, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and hopefully soon Henry Kissinger! Meet the New Globalists.
Here’s what you need to know:
Thanks William
Wow, an article on the “NWO”, and you left the real wolves behind it aside? Unmentioned???
Mate, the likes of Cecil Rhodes were/are just useful idiot proxy’s; it’s not the “Black Nobility” families who run the world conspiracy,but the jewish luciferian cabalist bankers and international jewry, or you call call it a “Synagogue of Satan”.
It’s the jewish bankers who own ALL the ‘national’ central banks and ALL international banks – Prof Carroll Quigley didn’t want to mention this fact, afraid of being labelled an ‘antisemite’, but Anthony Sutton and others didn’t spare them [William Guy Carr, Nesta Webster, Visconte Leon de Ponces ti name just three]. And owning these banks gives them the power to control ALL governments and dictate the health of the economy in each country and internationally; they also own the mainstream media, Hollywood and the biggest corporations, like BlackRock and Vanguard.
And this is not ‘what I think’ or ‘my opinion’, this is what they themselves admitted in books, interviews, congresses, etc, etc… some of them have really big gobs, know what I mean?
So yes, the “NWO” is guided by the synagogue of satan and it’s bankers!!!
Thanks Luis
Not in my view, nor in Sutton’s. I agree that there are many Jewish people in controlling positions within the financial and banking sector (also entertainment, the media but less so in communication technology and tech industries for example.) I also agree that the political ideology of Zionism is a very powerful influence in terms of geopolitics. However, that does not “add up” to some sort of Jewish plot to enslave humanity as I think you are suggesting. It is more complex than that in my view.
[Anthony C. Sutton]
The late Michael Collins Piper:
‘While there is much discussion today about a concept known as “The New World Order,” (NWO) the pathetic fact remains that most of those doing the talking about the NWO refuse—and adamantly so—to address its real origins, its real nature. Over the years there has been quite a bit of material published that points in the direction of what the NWO constitutes and it is the purpose of this volume to assimilate and assemble that material which correctly describes the NWO and the philosophy upon which it is founded. Unfortunately, much of this thoroughly fallacious material is being promulgated by self-styled ‘patriots’ who ignore or suppress the uncomfortable, cold, hard truth that the origins of the NWO are found in the series of Jewish religious commentaries known as the Talmud, an often vile occult work that is the basis of Jewish religious thinking today, just as it was when it first emerged during the Jewish ‘captivity’ in Babylon. Our purpose here is to delineate the philosophical foundations of the NWO as it is being instituted, as those who desire an NWO would have it set in place. The origins of the NWO are indubitably clear and the forces that are bringing this NWO into being are readily apparent. Its proponents have very real faces and names. These modern-day Pharisees are not hidden behind obscure, impossible-to-pinpoint entities such as ‘The Illuminati’ or a ‘German death cult’ as some would have us believe. The NWO forces have coalesced around the international empire of the Rothschild Dynasty whose tentacles now reach into the highest levels of the American system. The NWO is real and this is what it is all about. I am personally indebted to all those who came before me in exploring this troublesome topic in no uncertain terms. I hope I have done their work justice in mine.’
– New Babylon – Those Who Reign Supreme, a Panoramic Overview of the Historical, Religious and Economic Origins of the New World Order – Michael Collins Piper 2009
Today Brendon O’Connell points out that many alt-news don’t dare mentioning Israel , Rothschild and bankers as the head of the snake. He says sarcastically that the allegedly all-powerful Jesuit pope’s Vatican can’t even keep their many sex scandals unexposed since they are reported aplenty in the tabloids – as opposed to Rothschilds who are barely mentioned in the newspapers. O’Connell’s logic seems to be: Simply find out who you are allowed to criticize aplenty, ergo; they cannot be your real rulers – the negating reverse of the controversial adage; ‘to learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize’
I don’t discount the thesis of Black Nobility power being behind Zionist [Rothschild] Power, and while it’s impossible to disprove a negative entirely, there just doesn’t seem to be much contemporary proof. Where are all the contemporary names of the invisible Black Nobility in today’s finance, media and academia? In terms of a coherent group we find overwhelming presence of so-called Jewish Power instead [1]
Where do you find the contemporary names of the Black Nobillity, the Orsinis, Borgheses, Medicis, Pallavicinis, etc. compared to Israeli Rothschild Zionist Jewish Power today?
The problem with this of course is that the names in regard to the so-called Black Nobility seem to be absent and invisible in terms of contemporary power and influence, while Jewish Power is abundant
One could argue that the ‘Davis’-camp could level the following critique against the ‘anti-semites’ [read; critics of Israel and Zionism]:
‘Once upon a time, there was a man who lost his keys. So he starts searching for them outside the house under the lamp pole. The Sufi master walks by and sees him searching, so the Sufi master asks: “What are you looking for?”
Nasruddin replied, “I lost my keys inside the house”.
The Sufi master asks, “Why then are you looking for them outside?”
Nasruddin says, “Because under the lamp pole it’s only place where there is light”
– Nasrudin: The Lamp and the Key, A Sufi Story
In other words: The Black Nobility might exist as the true power behind the Rothschildsm but outside the light of the lamp pole, e.g. hidden and cloaked. It could be, but it’s an argument from wishful thinking in so far that we cannot find the names of the Black Nobility within powerful influence of finance, media and academia today. What was perhaps true in 1966 when Caroll Quigley published his work might not be true today. Even then, it was the Rothschild Zionists who got the US into WW1 and WW2. It was the Zionists who created Israel through the Balfour Declaration.
If the ‘Davis’-camp is right, this analogy might also be relevant – Tolkien-fans must forgive me for the following sacrilege, rearranged in the form of a cheap contrived spoof whose purpose serves the crux of the debate:
Saruman: “What enemy? Gandalf, the enemy is defeated. The Babylonian Black Nobility are vanquished. They can never regain their full strength. Always you must meddle, looking for trouble where none exists.”
Gandalf: “There is something at work beyond the evil of the Rotten Childs. Something far more powerful. We can remain blind, but it will not be ignoring us, that I can promise you.”
470 notes https://pedoempire.org/chapter-27-the-rothschild-banking-dynasty-how-zionist-luciferian-overlords-came-to-rule-the-earth/
Interesting stuff. Thanks. Although saying that the influence of the Rothschild zionist dynasty evidences “Jewish power” is like saying that the influence of the Rockefeller’s technocracy dynasty evidences “Baptist power.”
“Jewish power” evidences Rothschild zionist dynasty power since they largely created them as an artificial peoples who internalized the pogramming
Since they thrive on ‘anti-Semitism’ – same old formula as WWII and how Israel was created (Boycott, Transfer Agreement, etc.), the end result might be that the top Talmudians and Zionists go free again, and their socially engineered ignorant average Joes and average Jews pay the price while a NWO is being erected, JUST like WWII and HOW ISRAEL WAS CREATED.
An Open Letter by Jewish Rabbis Regarding the New Polish Law, by Rabbi Moshe Beck – New York [Holocaust survivor], Rabbi Meir Hirsh – Jerusalem, and Rabbi Alter Hachhouser – London:
‘…facts that have been proven and published widely: the collusion of the Zionist movement with the Nazis*, and their impeding the saving of Jews when it interfered with their nationalistic project. This is not to mention that the Zionists have a long history of stirring up trouble for Jews in countries around the world in order to induce them to flee to their state for safety( ….In reality, the state of Israel does not only escalate international anti-Semitism, but has never brought peace or security to Jews.
The Zionists are those who created a Jewish – Arab conflict through creating “a Jewish homeland” in Palestine. They lit the fire of hatred in the Arab countries towards Jews.,,In the year 1948 immediately following the creation of the state of Israel, her founding fathers, through trickery and fear-tactics, were successful in importing over a million Jews from Arab countries to their new state. Many of these unfortunate individuals were incarcerated in closed camps and guarded meticulously twenty-four hours a day. Their property was taken away from them, and they were not allowed to contact the outside world. Their children were forcefully taken away to secular Zionist education and then into their Army. This was the case even though they were entirely religious Jews. Many of these children were kidnapped by the Zionist movement and scandalously sold for profit(4). If anybody dared to protest, they were imprisoned, found themselves without any rights or any source of livelihood and in many cases, they were murdered.
Through these criminal acts and similar terror tactics, the State of Israel stifled the voice of opposition and falsely presented itself as the representative of Judaism and World Jewry. In truth it is self-evident that the state of Israel can in no way, shape or form represent world Jewry’
– An Open Letter by Jewish Rabbis Regarding the New Polish Law, 13th of march 20
‘Lumping all Jews together allows Organized Jewry to dismiss resistance to their satanic agenda as racial prejudice. It forces all Jews to circle the wagons and defend the boss. Opposing an illegitimate Jewish cultural, political and economic monopoly is reduced to “bigotry.” This is why Organized Jewry sponsors antisemitism. Their MO is to scapegoat assimilated Jews while shielding the Rothschild banking cartel and Freemasonry”
– “Antisemitism” is a Trap for Goyim
I absolutely accept the powerful influence of the Zionist movement but it is not the only one and I see clear evidence of a wider network that shares some Zionist ambitions but also has economic, financial, monetary and geopolitical ambitions in its own right. I accept that the use of antisemitism (lumping all Jews together) is disinformation defence and a thought control mechanism that is used for more than just dismissing an agenda as an attack upon all Jews:
As Antony C. Sutton pointed out: