In Discussion with Rurik Skywalker


Making Sense of Multipolarity


The “Dork” Enlightenment and Acceleration Agenda

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I am delighted to present two recent conversations I had with the pseudonymous Rurik Skywalker (formerly Rolo Slavsky) on his excellent and always thought provoking Slavland Chronicles Substack. If you are are not familiar with Rurik’s work—and why not?—he provides invaluable insights into all thing Russian, and much more, from the perspective of a Russian patriot.

Always challenging, often provocative and utterly fascinating, it is safe to say that we do not agree on a number of issues. And that is partly why I hope we will do more of these interviews. As Rurik eruditely explains, we need some “peasant solidarity” if we are going to prevail over corporate and oligarch tyranny. We must put aside our divisions, respect our differences and find common ground.

Rurik and I have discovered we share more common ground than we hold opposing views.

I am lucky to have the opportunity to talk with knowledgeable people and I always learn a lot from them. The discussions with Rurik have been a great experience and I hope to do more interviews with him in the future.

So prepare to be challenged, perhaps even offended, and please dive into these conversations.

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10 Comments on "In Discussion with Rurik Skywalker"

  1. David Fergusson | March 13, 2024 at 10:37 pm | Reply

    Thanks Iain and Rurik. It is a pleasure to listen to commentators who look around the next corner and then the next corner rather than believing that the truth lies just round the first corner.

    As Yuri Bezmenov pointed out, the useful idiots (both left and right) who think they will be part of the new regime are among the first to be disposed of once normalisation has been achieved. Witness what happened to the first Bolsheviks, hardly any of whom were still alive just a few years after 1917. These people are the most aggrieved when they realise that they have been betrayed, and with a proven record of revolutionary tendencies, they represent the greatest danger to the leaders of the new regime. Similarly, many feminists today are distressed to find that wokism has undermined their agenda, but in most cases they have no understanding that they themselves were part of the same cultural marxism that is undermining the West.

    To complete the list of mostly African leaders who paid with their lives for not following the Covid li(n)e. All died whilst in office.
    Pierre Nkurunziza President of Burundi, died June 8 2020 aged 55
    Ambrose Dlamini Prime Minister of Swaziland, died December 13 2020 aged 52
    Hamed Bakayoko Prime Minister of the Ivory Coast, died March 10 2021 aged 56
    John Magufuli President of Tanzania, died March 2021 aged 61
    Jovenel Moise President of Haiti, assassinated July 7 2021 aged 53
    Andry Rajoelina President of Madagascar, survived an assassination plot uncovered in July 2021

  2. Unbetreut Denken | March 15, 2024 at 1:39 pm | Reply

    Congratulations, concisive debate! BUT, please — Nietzsche wasn’t on either side, he was beyond that old paradigm of the age of empires going way back to mesopotamia, beyond the Spirit (Good, God) – Matter (Bad, Man) – Dualism! More, author of The Will To Power wasn’t him but his falsifieing aryan-fascist sister Elisabeth (s. Mazzino Montinari). In Der Fall Wagner he showed his disgust for nationalism and anti-judaism. Nietzsche was of anarchist kind(ness).

    His theory of History was Man – Last Man – OVERman. This latter those who will have OVERcome the old paradigm, the central cultural ideology constitutional for the age of competing empires, then absolutely necessary for the mere existence of civilisation. Eventually one empire being the last and only one, time has come for the Overman, especially since Last Man (modern man) would become mad man, “The modern form of domination is one of slaves over slaves.” The lives of both, masters and slaves, depend on return on investment, that return diminishing more and more due to increase of productivity. Mad! Cause an increase for which to strive for all are urged under the yoke of market competition, such all are urged to strive for their own destruction. Engendering “decadence”, madness. Look around!

    • Thanks “Unbetreut” I’ve only read Beyond Good and Evil and Twilight of the Idols so in no way am I any kind of expert on Nietzche, but from what little I know I accept your interpretation but suggest his ideas have, as usual, been co-opted and perhaps misinterpreted by some truly evil, authoritarian gits.

      • Unbetreut Denken | March 16, 2024 at 10:25 am | Reply

        Always the same, yes, Iain! See all these social media pop-up pundits explaining Nietzsche in exactly a fascist way. Said the Emperor to the Pope: “I keep them poor, you keep them dull.”

  3. “As Rurik eruditely explains, we need some “peasant solidarity” if we are going to prevail over corporate and oligarch tyranny. We must put aside our divisions, respect our differences and find common ground.”

    Haha really? All right, then respect my, other than yours, point of view, agree with it and we have peasant solidarity, with a common language. : )
    It’s not gonna happen, is it? Normal. Because there are no such things. It’s not a problem, I’m happy with my, 200 km deeper perspective – both about Russia in particular, and its relationship with the global great readjustment. I am satisfied with my status, I tirelessly go here and there, I tell people how things really are, and it does not even occur to me to seek rural or other solidarity with people who live in partial denial of this reality. I have no problems. But you are (among) the authors who are expected to discover parts of reality that are important for the current development at this hot moment. I follow you, and look forward with great interest to seeing how far you will lead your investigations (excluding fundamental parts of this reality).

    With a little surprise I find out how I actually did not lie at all about the development of the things that I delved into a little more seriously a few years ago, because of the high-profile events. On the contrary, everything follows exactly the order I saw and assumed that it would develop.

    (*A little while ago I came across a site of Iurie/Yuri Rosca, by the way, who has visited Riley and Rurik, and you have been visiting him from a distance recently. Website From 2022. He said, “There will be either multipolarity or nothing,” “End unipolarity!” and that Putin was very likely the Anointed One who would destroy the evil empire, and so on. (I can give you a link.) Pretty fun.

    “Rurik and I have discovered we share more common ground than we hold opposing views.”

    That’s fine. I immediately think of two:
    Both of you alleged real conflict between the West and the multipolar contenders, with a hot spot in Ukraine (albeit with different arguments: one option is because of a race to empower the new world order, and the other – because of a slightly vaguer claim to a “seat at the table” of Putin and company combined with the romantic-oligarchic local quarrel around the family member, Medvedchuk, , which is actually and the very reason for the events in Ukraine, according to Rurik.

    And the other is that for both of you, religion, with the figure of God at the center, is a system of control.

    There are elements of the epoch of enlightenment, aand I continue with interest to follow popular authors in our circles (if I may say so). To see where this is going.
    All the best. : – )

    • Thanks Pyotr I look forward to your future comments where I hope you will expand on views. You say:

      [. . .] respect my, other than yours, point of view, agree with it and we have peasant solidarity, with a common language.

      With respect, just because I respect your opinion that does not mean I have to agree with it. Nor is agreement on opinion necessary for us to share “peasant solidarity.” All we need to agree upon is that respecting diverse opinions and allowing room for open and honest, hopefully evidence based debate is important. Once we do, then we can explore our shared views and our differences.

  4. Unbetreut Denken | March 17, 2024 at 8:48 pm | Reply

    H.G.Wells, The Time Machine, Eloi and Morlocks, that’s the economic model for global big capital’s new world order.

    There won’t be no more wage-work in its true sense of generating “Mehrwert” resp. “Profit” (Marx), such there won’t be no longer money in its traditional sense of representing volume of time spent by handwork in industrial productions.

    All of that won’t be needed no more cause industrial production, say workers and undertakers/managers both will be commanded by the CB using CBDC for that — Central Banks will be a new kind of the old socialist party central committees.

    “Money” won’t be counted no longer in $, £, € and so on but in kilograms carbondioxide. The latter produced on the basis of a ground-rent economy, resp. by NAC, Natural Asset Companies, a new form of asset class created by Wallstreet in 2022. Holders of these NAC are the Eloi such gaining carbondioxide certificates usable as legal tender for paying the CB for commanding industrial production of goods for the Eloi orderers. That’s what Great Reset really means, back to ground-rent and serfs.

    The Eloi living in parks and mansions, the Morlocks are industry workers living in 15 min. smart cities, or say in labour camps, under the rule of programmable CBDC resp. under the rule of own nothing, and be happy (obedient).

    That’s the trick: No wage-work = no tendency of the rate of profit to fall. Is a reset back to an economy of landed proprietors and serfs.

  5. Unbetreut Denken | March 19, 2024 at 6:03 am | Reply

    “Acceleration”, jesuitic paraphrase for shock and awe.

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