Among many similar globalist states, The UK State is a public-private partnership between government, financial institutions, multinational corporations, global think tanks, and well funded third sector organisations, such as so called non governmental organisations (NGO’s) and large international charities. Through a labyrinthine structure of direct funding, grant making and philanthropy, the UK State is a cohesive globalist organisation that works with selected academics, scientific institutions and mainstream media (MSM) outlets to advance a tightly controlled, predetermined narrative. This designed consensus serves the the interests and global ambitions of a tiny group of disproportionately wealthy people.
This group of parasites, often misleadingly referred to as the “elite,” exploit all humanity for their own gain and to consolidate and enhance their power. They control the money supply and the global debt, which is a debt owed to them. Human beings are forced to pay tax which, via government procurement, flows directly to the private corporations they own. War, security, infrastructure projects, education and health care provide profits and are used by the parasite class to socially engineer society.
Globally, they fund all political parties, with any realistic chance of gaining power, they own the MSM and spend billions lobbying policy makers. Through think tanks and the actions of “independent” political activists, such as the FPAction Network, they directly fund political campaigns in exchange for the politician’s loyalty to them, not to the electorate. Through their tax exempt grant making foundations, such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), they control the scientific, medical and academic orthodoxy.
This global network of oligarchs is moving towards the final stages of its long held plan to construct a single global system of governance. Often referred to as the New World Order (NWO), it is a collaboration between supranational political organisations, like the United Nations and the European Union, controlled scientific authorities, such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the World Health Organisation (WHO), global financial institutions, including the World Bank, IMF, ECB and Bank for International Settlements (BIS), globalist organisations like the World Economic Forum (WEF), NGO’s like the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and policy making think tanks such as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Club of Rome and the Trilateral Commission.
The UK State is one, prominent tentacle of the emerging global governance system. It has capitalised on the COVID 19 crisis to create the conditions for a new global economic and political model. While COVID 19 appears to be a nasty strain of the common coronavirus, in Part 2 we will discuss how the UK State has spun a fake narrative about the disease to further the interests of its globalist, oligarch masters. Managing a response to a pandemic is merely the deceptive justification for the planned re-engineering of society.
In partnership with Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and the BMGF, the WEF were chief architects of Event 201 which plotted, in quite precise detail, the global lockdown and the world’s media response to a global coronavirus pandemic. Event 201 was staged merely a matter of months before a global coronavirus pandemic broke out. Both the government lockdown and MSM response have proceeded exactly as they predicted.
To say this is all just a coincidence, and not worthy of further scrutiny, is beyond obtuse. The WEF’s extensive and detailed COVID 19 Action Platform was up and running on March 12th 2020. The day after the WHO declared a global COVID 19 pandemic.
It is clear form the WEF’s own words, that they see COVID 19 as a fantastic opportunity. They state:
“The Covid-19 crisis, and the political, economic and social disruptions it has caused, is fundamentally changing the traditional context for decision-making…….As we enter a unique window of opportunity to shape the recovery, this initiative will offer insights to help inform all those determining the future state of global relations, the direction of national economies, the priorities of societies, the nature of business models and the management of a global commons.”
This is a proposal for global governance which supersedes national sovereignty. It is as simple as that.
It is remarkable that there are still so many who accuse any who point to this long standing New World Order plan, extensively documented and spoken about by political leaders for generations, of being so called conspiracy theorists. One wonders if these people can read.

Referencing the COVID 19 opportunities, one of the founders, and current executive chairman, of the WEF Klaus Schwab recently wrote:
“A sharp economic downturn has already begun, and we could be facing the worst depression since the 1930s. But, while this outcome is likely, it is not unavoidable. To achieve a better outcome, the world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions. Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short, we need a “Great Reset” of capitalism.”
Capitalism requires a reset because the model of closed shop crony capitalism, operated by the global parasite class for centuries, has reached the limits of growth. Therefore they need to create a new economic paradigm (the Great Reset) both to further centralise and consolidate their power and to fix their failing business model.
Following the 2008 banking collapse, while the people were forced to suffer austerity to bail out the banks with a form of highly selective crony socialism, the parasite class simply carried on piling up the debt. In the Basel Capital Accords III, supposedly designed to stop the wild market speculations of banks which caused the collapse, they effectively reduced the liquidity (capital reserve) requirements for banks, allowing them to lend even more.
This process of allowing banks to create FIAT currency out of nothing has inevitably led to a global debt of approximately $260 trillion, which is more than three times the size of the planet’s GDP. However, this is small potatoes compared to the scale of the financial products derivatives market. Estimated to be somewhere between $600 trillion to more than $1 quadrillion. While some say this is only the notional amount of the debt tied up in derivative contracts, the fact remains this is all debt.
Cumulatively, there isn’t enough productivity on Earth even to service the interest on these debts, let alone pay them. Ultimately this is debt owed to the oligarchs who control the world’s system of central banks. It is a Mickey Mouse system allowing monopolists to seize assets using their own funny money.
While the power to create all FIAT currency, out of nothing but debt creation, has afforded them immense economic and political control, 2008 demonstrated that their usury fraud can, and certainly will, collapse. Hence the Great Reset. Responding to a pandemic, or saving lives, has nothing to do with it.
The process of transition, laid out by the WEF as the Great Reset, builds upon the sustainable development goals of the U.N’s Agenda 2030. Founded upon the generational eugenicist ideology of the NWO oligarchs, the new global governance system will be a technocracy.
While Technocracy, rule by technocrats appointed or elected for their particular expertise, may sound appealing to some, the model proposed relies upon the destruction of nation states to be replaced by a distant global technocratic order that serves only the interests of its founding oligarchs and financial benefactors. This technocratic system was outlined in 1974 by former U.S. ambassador Richard N. Gardner, member of the CFR and the Trilateral Commission, in his article The Hard Road To World Order:
“Never has there been such widespread recognition by the world’s intellectual leadership of the necessity for cooperation and planning on a truly global basis. Never has there been such an extraordinary growth in the constructive potential of transnational private organizations—not just multinational corporations but international associations of every kind in which like-minded persons around the world weave effective patterns of global action…….
The hope for the foreseeable future lies, not in building up a few ambitious central institutions of universal membership and general jurisdiction…….but rather in…..inventing or adapting institutions of limited jurisdiction and selected membership to deal with specific problems on a case-by-case basis ……..providing methods for changing the law and enforcing it as it changes and developing the perception of common interests…..In short, the “house of world order” will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down……but an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault.”
The institutions of limited jurisdiction, such as the IPCC and WHO, are already in place directing national government policy across the world. In Britain, it is the role of the UK State to deliver the obligatory policy changes in order to erode national sovereignty and create the global governance technocracy. All globalist states are essentially unconstitutional and treasonous.
The common interest, determined by the technocrat class at the behest of their corporate oligarch paymasters, is currently replacing individual liberties and freedoms. The human being is becoming little more than a unit to be managed and directed and, where necessary, disposed of. Inalienable human rights are being ignored utterly in pursuit of the common interest.
The global COVID 19 crisis is a catalysing event which has been misused to bring about the Great Reset. In order to convince the people to comply with their orders, the UK State has inculcated the population into a state of fear.
States around the world have practised social engineering using deception, by proselytising an unquestioning faith in an illusory form of science (scientism), behaviour modification, unlawful regulation and propaganda. They have used their obedient MSM to convince their peoples that the threat of COVID 19 is significantly greater than it actually is.
In Part 2 we will focus on the deception of the UK State. However, the same can be said for all other globalist states that have similarly responded to the claimed pandemic.
COVID 19 has been exploited in order to replace our inalienable human rights with an enforced obligation to obey public health orders. Public health has become biosecurity and there is no longer any such thing as a healthy human being. All humans are now biohazards and biohazards must be controlled or removed from society for the common good.
With the British people living in unwarranted fear, the UK State has been able to introduce draconian anti-democratic (quite literally) legislation. In other circumstances this would have been impossible without significant revolt. Terrorising the public was essential to convince them to believe that the State had to remove all their rights and freedoms in order to keep them safe.
Initially deceiving the public that the “emergency measures” would be temporary, further behaviour modification was then used to force people to comply with a lengthening list of totalitarian regulations. The objective was to move people towards passively accepting the dictatorship of a surveillance state re-branded as “the new normal.” Thus far, it appears most people have been sufficiently frightened to meekly accept their enslavement.
Throughout the Great Reset transition, the public face of the globalist project has been Bill Gates. However, while Gates has used his wealth to seize control of global public health policy, he is just the current front man for World Order 2.0. It is the technological possibilities presented by the 4th Industrial Revolution which the architects of the world order are capitalising upon.
For example, while there is no evidence that COVID 19 can be spread by handling cash, the MSM have repeatedly floated the idea. This is no suprise. the BBC are among the many media organisations directly funded by the BMGF.
Pilot schemes, such as the BMGF backed West African Wellness Pass, are already underway. By linking biometric identification, along the lines of the BMGF funded, Rockefeller and U.N backed ID 2020, with cashless payment systems, all transactions can be centrally controlled in the rapidly approaching cashless society.
When your biometric identity includes your vaccine immunity status, there will be no necessity to legislate to make vaccines “compulsory.” Thus avoiding any contentious public debate. As long as you fully comply with your orders, you will be allowed controlled access to social and economic activity.
Systems like immunity passport and vaccine certificates will be used to control freedom of movement, the right to work and to access services and the community. As described by world order spokesman Bill Gates:
“Eventually we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it.”
While vaccines may not be compulsory you won’t realistically be able to participate in society, employment, run a business or receive benefits, without the appropriate vaccine or immunity status. The BMGF have already invested more than $21 million in an MIT project to create a microneedle vaccine delivery system that will inject a reactive die under the recipients skin which can then be scanned by a reader. This pattern will act like an indelible bar code tattoo, enabling the global authorities to monitor and control your whereabouts and behaviour.
The New Zealand State has already decided to remove people from their homes and place them in quarantine facilities (detention centres controlled by the military). With an estimated population of 5 million and just 22 alleged deaths from COVID 19 in the entire country (a population mortality risk of 0.0004%), and no deaths at all for nearly three months, clearly these measures are not a response to any genuine threat from COVID 19.
Having complete control over the testing and attribution of disease status affords the biosecurity State the power to potentially remove and detain its political enemies and dissenters without trial. Those ordered to enforce biosecurity, in the “new normal,” have exactly the same degree of authoritarian power that was invested in similar rights abusers such as the Gestapo and the Stasi. Does history ever teach us anything?
This quarantine policy in New Zealand is designed to maintain the level of fear and accustom the population to dictatorship. It also appears to be a provocation that may encourage insurrection and revolt. With a monopoly on violence and the use of force, violent uprisings invariably benefit the authoritarian State. It allows them to claim legitimacy for an even more oppressive “crack down.”
Thus far, the global response to COVID 19 has deviated little from the Rockefeller’s suggested Lockstep scenario in their 2010 report Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development. Like Event 201, this is another example of the quite extraordinary prescience of the people who form global governance policy. They can not only predict, in almost perfect detail, what the media will discover and report, but also nature itself.
Removing the “infected” from their homes and incarcerating them in detention centres mirrors the policy suggestion of Dr Michael Ryan from the WHO. While New Zealand is the first nominally democratic state to raid family homes and remove people by force, it certainly won’t be the last. The UK State has already given itself the power to do so in the Health Protections (Coronavirus) Regulations 2020.
World economic activity will be administered by biosecurity States and based upon sustainable development goals. This new, centrally planned, global economy will be restricted only to permitted businesses.
Prior to his departure as governor of the Bank of England, in lockstep with the Great Reset, Mark Carney warned that companies that don’t follow the correct sustainability policies, “will go bankrupt without question.” In other words, lines of credit, without which business cannot hope to function, will be limited only to those who adopt the approved polices.
This new economy will have very limited employment. Carney’s successor Andrew Bailey has already stated that it would be important not to keep people in “unproductive jobs” and that job losses, as a result of the COVID 19 crisis, were inevitable. They would not have been inevitable had globalist State’s, like the UK, not responded to the crisis by shutting down the world’s productive economy.
The preposterous spin of the bankers and carefully chosen economists that the UK will simply bounce back from an unprecedented 20% drop in GDP is absurd. With official UK unemployment of 2.7 million, more than doubling in a single year, these numbers are merely the tip of a very large, looming iceberg.
There are currently an additional estimated 7.8 million British workers furloughed. That scheme is due to end in a couple of months. The management consultancy firm McKinsey & Company estimate that 7.6 million UK jobs are at risk. This will, as ever, disproportionately impact the lowest paid, with analysis suggesting that more than 50% of those at risk of unemployment are already in jobs paying less than £10 per hour.
These are the unproductive jobs and livelihoods Bailey wants to get rid of. Across Europe and the Americas staggering levels of unemployment are seemingly unavoidable. It is not unreasonable to envisage at least 6 million long term unemployed in the UK. With the same pattern common to many developed nations, the social, economic and health impacts of this are almost beyond comprehension.
Many have long been warning, that the toll taken by the Lockdown response to the supposed COVID 19 pandemic will be far worse than the disease itself. This awful prospect is becoming increasingly apparent.
There is no reason to believe official UK COVID 19 statistics, something we’ll discuss in Part 2. However, even if we accept that more than 41,000 people have died as a direct result of COVID 19, this sad loss is likely to be relatively inconsequential compared to the loss of life as a direct result of the UK State’s Lockdown policy.
It is important to recognise that the global lockdown response was a political choice made to create the economic condition for the Great Reset. It was not unavoidable, and there is no evidence that lockdowns make any difference to COVID 19 mortality. South Korea, Japan and Sweden did not impose full lockdowns and all have better COVID 19 outcomes that the UK.
Research by the UK Department of Health, the Office of National Statistics (ONS), the government’s Actuary Department and the UK Home Office estimates that 200,000 people could die as a result of re-orientating the NHS, to treat COVID 19 and little else, and from the economic effects of Lockdown polices. Unfortunately, this “worst case” scenario appears conservative.
An example of the derisory “scientism” used to terrorise the population, in April the University of Glasgow published a study estimating average years of life lost (YLL) for individuals who allegedly died from COVID 19. Saying these were alleged deaths does not imply that no one died from COVID 19, only that we really have no idea how many.
Nonetheless, using quite bizarre methodology, the Glasgow researchers managed to calculate that the median YYL due to COVID 19 was 13 years for men and 11 years for women. This study was based upon analysis of the outbreak in Italy, but was cited by the UK MSM to scare the British. More than 59% of supposed COVID 19 decedents in Italy were over 80 years old.
Current median life expectancy in the UK is 80 years for males and 83 years for females. Nearly 60% of those who have died from COVID 19 in the UK were over 80 years old and 20% were over 90 years old. Analysis from the National Records of Scotland (NRS) shows that median age of death, supposedly from COVID 19, was 81 for men and 85 for woman. Statistically indistinguishable from quite normal mortality.
The University of Glasgow researchers are funded by the Wellcome Trust who are the tax exempt philanthropic foundation of the multinational pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline. The University of Glasgow are also grant recipients of the COVID 19 Therapeutics Accelerator established by the Wellcome Trust, Mastercard and the BMGF.
The Wellcome Trust and the BMGF want the world to be vaccinated with their experimental COVID 19 vaccines. Despite the fact that decades of trying have failed to produce a successful vaccine against SARS, or indeed for any coronavirus strain, and that usually vaccine development takes at least 10 years, GSK and the BMGF are among those who, for some apparently inexplicable reason, are confident they can produce a successful vaccine for SARS-CoV-2 in a matter of months.
Obviously there is a huge conflict of financial interest at the heart of the University of Glasgow’s spurious claims about YLL’s. Pointing out this fact makes you a conspiracy theorist. Though ignoring it requires either a considerable degree of gullibility or a wilful intent to deceive.
Between 2014 and 2016 economic and social deprivation in England consistently accounted for a genuinely alarming 9.3 year average reduced life expectancy (YLL’s) for males and, by 2016, shortened women’s lives by 7.3 years. The economic devastation that will be wrought by the entirely unnecessary Lockdown policy of the UK State, and others, measured in YLL’s, will dwarf those lost to COVID 19.
This is the price we will all pay for the parasite class’ determination to bring about the Great Reset and change the world’s economy and society to one centrally planned and controlled absolutely by them. They are currently spending billions globally on propaganda to convince us to accept their “new normal.”
They require our consent if their plans are going to work. This means, in order to scupper them, all we need to do is refuse to comply. While peaceful protest is an important unifying right, ultimately it is what we do every day that will make the difference. There is a nasty, fascist authoritarianism building in the UK, and elsewhere. Yet all we need to do in order to defeat it is refuse, en masse, to follow its orders.
Unfortunately, the UK State are among those throwing everything at convincing us to believe their frankly ridiculous, scientifically illiterate, COVID 19 propaganda narrative. We only need wander to the local supermarket and witness the faceless, muzzled majority to know the deception is working.
We are faced with an existential choice. We can either give up any childish pretensions that we live in a free and open democratic society that values liberty and plurality of opinion, and accept the fascist dictatorial rule of a global technocratic parasite, or we can exercise conscious resistance and refuse to comply with the orders of the State.
In Part 2, we will dissect the mechanism of the UK State’s scamdemic. While Lockdown policies originate at a global level, by looking at how the UK State has implemented them, and the deception they have used to convince the public to accept them, the true nature of the scamdemic can be revealed.
Chillingly insightful.
Thanks. When writing such pieces it doesn’t dawn on you how dark the commentary is. It isn’t intentional, but what ya gonna do?
Brilliant article as usual, cheers.
Many thanks for the encouragement.
Ultimately it will become unmistakably clear to everyone that a tiny handful of people have gamed the system, and – like the winner in a game of Monopoly – now own practically everything.
At that point the rest of humanity will kill them.
I hope not, though you may be right. It isn’t necessary to harm anyone to remove their power in my view, though it may be unavoidable if people need to defend themselves. We can simply ignore these parasites out of power. If no one obeys there are no rulers.
This is an absolutely fabulous article and should go into print for a mass audience. Part 2 will be a must read. I wouldn’t usually nitpick on spelling etc but one typo appears at a fairly critical point in an assumption you make – ‘on wonders if these people can read.’ Might be worth just adding the (e)! I can add though that my son has posted this on his FB page with the following introduction – ‘If any of my friends read anything I post then this is potentially the most important of them all, simply because it outlines in great detail exactly what I believe (through years of my own research) to be unfolding in front of our very eyes.’
Thanks Connie, and many more thanks for spotting the highly embarrassing typo. Lol. Of all statements? Serves me right perhaps. Please don’t hesitate to point out typos and spelling errors. I am a one man band, don’t have an editor and am slightly dyslexic, so I need all the help I can get.
Please pass on my best to your son and thank him for me.
Chilling thoughts, Iain.
Never has the machinery of ‘government’ been so nefarious and pervasive.
I fear that the UK will stumble blindly into totalitarianism.
Like boiling a frog.
Thanks Finn. I think we are sitting in about 70 deg C at the moment.
Excellent article thank you
Your welcome Martin. Thanks for the encouragement.
Hi Iain Davis:
The article makes the claim :
“Between 2001 and 2016 economic and social deprivation in England consistently accounted for a genuinely alarming 9.3 year average reduced life expectancy (YLL’s) for males and, by 2016, shortened women’s lives by 7.4 years.”
sourcing the information to this page :
on which the only figures that correspond to the above are about inequalities in life expectancy between rich and poor areas in the period 2014. – 2016. :
• Health inequalities are avoidable and unfair differences in health status between groups of people or communities. In 2014 to 2016, the level of inequality, or gap, in life expectancy between the most and least deprived areas of England was 9.3 years for males and 7.3 years for females.
• Between the most and least deprived areas of England, the level of inequality, or gap, in life expectancy is 9.3 years for males and 7.3 years for females (as measured by the SII).
According to these sources,
life expectancy in the UK (rather than England) has been in continuous rise throughout the aforementioned period of 2001-2016.
The cited claim in your article was so alarming that it provoked a routine check, resulting in this comment.
It feels odd, and disappointing, that apparently no one has even emotionally remarked upon it here, nor on OffG.
Overall, you’ve made a great effort and a pretty good summary with this article.
Best to you
Many thanks. Typo now corrected. I think life expectancy has risen globally throughout the post war decades. If memory serves it increased from 47 to 64 in India in between 1970 and 2010.
On Tuesday I participated in a conference in which a computer engineer for MI6 was present. The conversation turned to recent events and he asked me if I had any ideas. I said, “I think the people have shown that they are amenable to instruction and will cooperate. I don’t know if surgical sterilization is practicable on a global scale, but personally I would rather get cut than be injected with God knows what. We do have a problem with rapidly escalating population and standard of living, something must be done, but this problem is so big, to deal with it in an underhanded manner…” and left it there.
The next day my dog came home branded on the groin. This tells me that the idea might be worth exploring, but because so much money is invested in underhanded sterilization methods, e.g. vaccination, it would encounter opposition.
Best summary I have seen so far. Kudos to you, Iain.
Thanks for the encouragement Paul.
I never understood why you Americans have such a big problem with globalisation. After all, it’s screamingly obvious to even casual observers outside the USA that the global elites are mostly American and globalisation is a scam run to benefit American pockets. If the American elites refuse to share with the less rich in America, it’s unlikely they will become more willing if they ever lose their global dominance and their global income reduces.
Thanks Dolly.I couldn’t comment, I’m English. I don’t know that I do have a problem with globalisation per se. Depends what the model is, as for most so called elites being American I don’t agree. Klause Schwab, George Soros, Edmund de Rothchild, Rupert Murdoch and many others aren’t. I suggest it is fundamentally a transatlantic movement but oligarchs from Russia, China, Australia and the world over are party to its machinations.
Murdoch picked up US citizenship when starting his Fox operation in the US.
For us Americans who are dedicated to reading the Bible, globalization brings everything into sight as it pertains to the end of the age. As for the rest, I can not speak for them. If you are familiar with the Georgia GuideStones, then you know that it is more or less a mockery of the 10 commandments… the first pertaining to getting rid of about 7 billion people. This then makes sense of all of the things that they have done to our air, our food, our original belief in natural food as good medicine, and the push to vaccinate with toxic chemicals. Despite all of these measures, it’s not working fast enough for them, so now a new vaccine enters the scene; one the likes the world as never seen before. It promises to accomplish many goals for them. You should do your own homework on these things.
Iain, this is my first time (I think) reading your work. I was so impressed, I immediately forwarded it to two well-educated cousins as the best summation of what the last 15 years of constant research revealed to me and current events now make evident. Sadly, of all those in my extended family and social circle, those two are the only people I know who can comprehend and handle the truth. I eagerly await Part 2. You have a new reader/follower, Iain!
Pleased to hear it Bob and welcome. Please let me know what they make of it.
I have your site saved. I discovered you via Zero Hedge. Excellent analysis. Very happy to see that these people’s “Technocracy” agenda is now being exposed by more and more writers, video makers, and commenters. It is spreading fast, now. About 20 years ago I would tell people (although they just ignored me; LOL) I thought we were heading into a Modern day Feudal system that would be ran by Technocrats. Boy, was I ever understating it!! I now see it is much worse unless we stop them. Thank you and I will spread your news…
Many thanks Cathy. I appreciate the encouragement. I think like many 9/11 made me uneasy about what we were told but it was some years later that I really started to look beyond the orthodoxy.
Superlative comment. With the possible exceptions of David Icke and James Corbett, probably the best overview of the scamdemic strategy available. And assuming Part 2 is as masterful, probably the best I’ve seen within an hour’s reading.
As to Covid-1984, as a retired chemist who has the time and inclnation to study the devil in the details, I would say the folowing. The financial system was in a fairly advanced stage of collapse by the fall of 2019 and they had to amke their move shortly. This is obvious from the Fed taking over the huge repo market in September to short circuit the repocalypse. The parasite class never leaves to chance what they require for their agenda. So the SARS-CoV-2 was either a bioengineered released virus or a complete hoax. I would conclude the latter. Why release a bioweapon which is less lethal than a nasty flu season? Epidemics are not really predictable. The PC (parasite class – wonderful phrase) wants a pandemic that they can dial up or down through fake tests released by the technocrats to the mockingbrid media and the brain dead public who have absolutely no idea how these test are constructed. I found it deliciously ugly that the probe on most of the rt-PCR tests, an18 length base sequence, is identical to the sequence found in every human’s DNA on chromosome 18. They can control the positives on the “test” by dialing the number of iterations up or down. Probably 30 equals 100% negative, and 40 equals 100% positive.
Thanks el Gallinazo. I agree the Great Reset is essentially self preservation.
A good read and in my opinion, accurate. I also found you on zerohedge.
Here in Australia, the use of police and military to enforce restrictions is very popular. Not surprising considering the months long media campaign in support and the demonization of recalcitrants.
A few years ago, after decades of trying to raise awareness and mostly receiving abuse, banishment and accusations of conspiracy theorist, I gave up. It realistically by then being too late to do anything about it anyway and decided to let the foolish majority learn the hard way. What happens after the lesson is learned, I do not know. An angry mob is one thing, a hungry mob is a completely different animal. “Burn it down” might be tame by comparison.
A worrying tangent concerning the Biden acceptance speech. Something didn’t seem right. Deep fake perhaps?
Good luck to all.
Thank you for such a well written article. I can’t wait for part 2!
Thanks Noah. I appreciate the encouragement.
Typical and sad. I thought you were one of the good guys. Instead, you confirm the hopelesness. Oh well.
Protection breeds weakness and censorship protects the pathetic.
Thanks for your comments Harquebus. I don’t think mass non compliance is hopeless but we do need to continue trying to inform people and suggest solutions such as mass non compliance.
I take back the sentiment I most recently expressed. I did not expect either comment to reappear. (Bookmark reinstated.)
Not worth saving Iain. My efforts have been directed towards riding it out and being one of those with the resources and knowledge to share in order to start anew. My small network of like minded already exists.
I have no interest in saving anything of nor rebuilding anything similar to what we have now.
Prior to current sentiment, this was my plan.
Here was my solution and so what if few billionaires went broke:
1: Forget economics. It is “fatally” flawed. It has polluted the planet, poisoned us all, does not factor physics nor the environment and is what has got us into this mess in the first place.
2: Implement national and encourage international population reduction strategies otherwise, one way or another, nature will drag us back to sustainable levels and it won’t be pretty.
3: Properly manage our finite resources which, are currently being pillaged.
4: Reduce consumption using quotas and not with unfair taxation. We can not shop our way to sustainability and we can not borrow our way to prosperity.
5: Plant lots and lots of trees. Massive scale reforestation will help the climate, rainfall and be a valuable renewable resource for future generations.
6: Implement a maximum income and a limit on wealth. Make opulance and extravagance which, are just for wasteful show, obsolete.
7: Restore the liberties and freedoms stolen from us by corporate serving politicians.
Excellent stuff. I came up with the word “Scamdemic” too. “Plandemic” just doesn’t do it.
The New World Order is the old world order. Too many of the working class have collectively forgotten why we didn’t like the old world order.
Thanks Arnieus. Yep it has been around for thousands of years. It basically boils down to the indoctrinated belief in authority, allowing the many to be ruled by a tiny few. While global hegemony has always been the dream, it is only relatively recently that modern logistics and communication technology have made that a realistic prospect. Hence the eagerness to push forward with the Great Reset I feel.
First rate article., thank you.
I will add only:
Click on Quotes; the plotters reveal themselves.
The 1%s pushing the scamdemic are the same parasites pushing the warming/climate fraud.
The Rockefellers & Soros are chief among them & their aims are threefold:
1) a vast depopulation, up to 95%.
2) de-industrialisation, towards a feudal future of Lords & just enough serfs to service them.
3) a world totalitarian govt.
Climatologist Dr. Tim Ball’s 2016 handbook for the layman, only 121 pages, reveals all:
Human Caused Global Warming The Biggest Deception In History.
I came here via which Dr. Tim Ball co-founded.
Thanks John.
I don’t see a near future that is anything other than bleak. That said, I would rather resist what is happening rather than cower in fear. I hope the removal of the saints is near.
Thanks John. I think it will be bleak if people simply carry on complying with every mindless diktat they are given. However, I hope they won’t and believe there is reason for hope.
I think we have to understand the mind of the sociopath, which is what i think we are dealing with here,the main defect being the total inability to love. This is their weakness. I am not saying that we have the monopoly on love, but we can show them what it isn’t. They’re very frightened,they must be to do what they’re doing. Love and consciousness xxx
Thanks Nicholas for an inspiring comment. I think we could all do with a more love and a less fear & anger at the moment.
Excellent piece, well articulated and concise. Thank you.
Thanks for the encouragement Melissa.
A great article. I have one small comment and one minor comment. The small comment: You say that dying at 80 is “[s]tatistically indistinguishable from quite normal mortality” (because 80 is close to the life expectancy). That’s not quite accurate. The relevant life expectancy is not the life expectancy at birth (which is the “default” life expectancy) but rather the life expectancy at age 80 (i.e., how long you can expect to live given that you’ve lived to 80 already). In the United States, they are 7.0 and 9.1 years (men and women, respectively). So, if you die at 80 due to a virus, you have lost some years. The minor point: Apostrophe needed for “planet’s GDP” (was written as “planets GDP”).
Thank’s Sanjoy. Corrected the typo. Average life expectancy (from Birth) in Scotland is 80 for men and 84 for women. So 81 and 85 respectively is actually slightly older than the average.
The relevant life expectancy is not 80 years (for men), which is the life expectancy at birth. Rather, the relevant value is the life expectancy at age 80 or 81 (or whenever someone died). That is, given that the person survived to that age (itself a bit of a feat), how many years could they expect on average? If they drop dead then next day, they’ve lost that many years (on average, of course). Perhaps for the UK, for someone dying at age 81, that would be 7 or 8 years?
As in, for example, your life expectancy at 30 would be 55yrs and at 60, 25 yrs and at 80, 5yrs. Thanks, I think I see my error now. I’ll update the post accordingly.
Brilliant and informative, I can see why America is going through what it is, the riots etc.
Thankyou, I will pass this on.
Q. What do you make of the CDC and the new numbers of ACTUAL deaths to c19?????
Thanks for the feedback. I will be covering this in Part 2. Given the 12% directly attributable to COVID in Italy, 9% in the U.S. is neither unreasonable nor unexpected.
Hello Iain!
I’m using the data complied by OWID (even though it has some errors due to to many sources) to make a graph and then I’m sending that graph to the scoundrels and corrupts (aka politicians) in office asking them “Where is the pandemic”? I also add a graph for my country pneumonia deaths per year (far greater then any fake pandemic caused by a mythical RNA “SARS-CoV-2”) and even the deaths caused by heat waves (this year 2020, it already killed more people above 65 years that the fake pandemic!
This is the graph –
And without any surprise I’ve received ZERO replies.
These scoundrels and corrupts are working for the Secular Ruling Families & Billionaires (Bill Gates being just one of Them).
It seems Their sub-system “democracy” is perfect for Them. They can do whatever they want without any consequences…
The Bible (God) foretold these events in several books. The end result is God wins and makes a new heaven (above the earth) and a new refurbished earth cleansed of all evil and pollutants. It’s no surprise things are going according to “plan” as the devil is the one in charge not man. Man simply isn’t smart enough to orchestrate such things. What’s coming is the obvious. The “mark of the beast” system which will be headed by one Mr. ANTICHRIST will come into power because of the horrors coming upon the face of the earth. Which God says a few countries will not be under the Antichrist’ rule (some are actually self sufficient and will resist any takeover and be successful) BUT… most of the world will unfortunately be under his via Satan’s power and rule. Satan hates mankind. Jealous from the start. His only endgame is to kill us all. The “mark” he will force on people actually means to prick or puncture. Those in the tribulation will have to have a mark IN (ignore the wrong word ON in false Bibles) their RIGHT HAND or FOREHEAD. I’m thinking, lots of people don’t have a right hand but everyone alive has a head. Maybe you are given a choice? But all must have this mark to be able to buy or sell. That about covers everything needed to live. God also predicts mass deaths from wars, earthquakes, pestilence, famine, wild beasts (people trying to survive in the woods?) and death (people die). Gates has already warned “the next one will get attention”. Vaccines have proven in history to cause pandemics. Maybe that’s what’s going to happen to usher in the Antichrist. Something horrific is going to happen to make people of almost ALL countries of the world ask this MAN (who has the power) to take over and pretend to FIX IT when really it’s just the beginning of Satan’s wrath. This false peace and safety claim will be short lived. None of this is taking God by surprise. I’ve only wondered HOW are the elite going to get the whole world to cooperate? Before the false plannedemic but now I see. And it’s scary that so many people are blind sheeple full of fear more than willing to cooperate and even play deputy by attacking others who do not follow the new rules!! Thank you for elaborating on the worldly side.. the facts that tie it all together. Bill Gates microneedle tattoo and or Vaccines that could be used to implant chip or something to track people in a cashless society fits perfectly. Also makes sense they want the money small business has been getting and why one of the goals of these new rules has literally put small businesses out of business very quickly! Tighter reigns will get the rest eventually. And they will have their way well Satan will for a short time. After the rapture (catching away) of the body of Christ the earth will have 7 years of tribulation then JESUS comes and ends it all. The end of all evil: devil’s and man. Eternity begins anew. God wins.. the war is over. Read the book of Revelation in a king James Bible. You may be surprised. Matthew 24. Isaiah 11. Many more.
Amen Grace. Completely in agreement. We must get the gospel message out there to lost people. I have written to all UK MPs and most of the House of Lord members who had their own personal email warning them that they are accountable to God, as Government over people. I’ve had one offensive email back from a ‘Christian’ who said I should retract my email as it was putting people’s lives at risk. they just don’t see the lie, or perhaps they do and they are getting paid a nice cushy wad of money for staying silent. How deceived these people are. Satan has deceived them, spellbound them even.
The masks has caused this society to be bewitched, and it’s all based on false science. Although there are many court cases going on throughout the world, I am not sure if there are any God fearing judiciary left, perhaps Bill Gates has bought them all.
The law of tort is the way for small businesses to be compensated for this mass fraud, but too many businesses are just going along with the lies. I absolutely hate going out now, even for shopping.
An excellent summary of where we’re at, how we’ve arrived at it and where it’s all moving towards. One nagging suspicion I have is that the highly unusual late Spring peak in “flu” around the world seemed to come in right on cue, the timing couldn’t have been better. For that reason, and also for the absence of any real proof that Sars Cov 2 exists at all or is communicable, I suspect the whole pandemic was simulated. Let’s face it, who is in charge of all the death stats? The same corrupt bunch of liars and influences. Little wonder that governments around the world also created “death certification light” just in time for the “peak” of the “curve”. Many old people may have had their lives shortened by their cruel treatement after the shut-dow. However many more are going to have their lives shorted by much more because of the removal of investigations into conditions like cancers earlier this year. But isn’t getting rid of the old and the weak an unspoken part of the Great Financial and Economic Reset? Looking forward to part II. Best wishes.
Thanks Felix. I hope you will find Part 2 interesting. I share your views about “simulation.”
Not to rain on the parade,so to speak , but this has been revealed for over two thousand years. In the books of Daniel, 2Thessalonians, and Revelation, contained in God’s word, the Bible. I am glad that some people are waking up to the fact that this is occurring and it will absolutely continue. There is no effective, fighting back. The only answer is for the individual to repent (turn around) from the natural way that we are inclined and ask the Lord, Jesus Christ to forgive them of their sins and to come into their heart, which he will be sure to do. We are indeed, NOT all in this together, it is an individual choice about where you will spend eternity. the world as we have known it is certainly passing away.
Thanks William. I agree “fighting back” is a fool’s errand. The answers do come from within as we accept we are all part of universal truth. Like you, I believe the solution will come when we all live and act in full knowledge of the one unifying truth of love, compassion and natural law. We can exercise our personal responsibility for our own actions, not only to cause no harm or loss to others, but also to care for all.
Thanks Iain. Excellent work. I felt the first half of this post was someone writing a summary of my book (authored in 2015). I concur that the more educated the population is on the NWO, the greater the opportunity for mass non-compliance. The removal of their tax-exempt status would go a long way towards slowing the globalist aims of the BMGF (and others), who — like the Carnegie Endowment and Rockefeller Foundations a century prior — realize that “donating” money to their own foundation does not mean losing control of how it is spent. Tax-exempt status is just a scam to make the powerful more powerful. Thanks again. Look forward to reading Part 2.
Thanks Fitz Part 2 is ready when you are.
Those who planned the “great reset” knew that the new economy based on 5-G and AI that will replace the old economy based on the 9-5 work week, downtown offices also must have calculated that a good deal of the undeveloped world will not be part of this new economy and the chances of the new world changing in unknown ways against their plans are greater. The contingency is to make as much wealth and accumulate as much power within a short time that this world they created, lasts. The greater the chaos factor the shorter is this new world order and deeper is the destruction. The top 1% may not care if the new world order works or not as long as they emerge the victor. Being the victor at any cost means greater damage to everything else but those who plan often do not include themselves as victims.
The problem with COVID 19 – Scamdemic – Part 1 is it breaks down & does not comport with reality when it comes to global warming & climate change.
Hi, Iain. I was messengered this by my son this morning and have likewise shared it. It puts into words what many can’t express, but know.
As I am a pedant, and knowing how detractors love to seize upon errors, I spotted this
“Cumulatively, *their* isn’t enough productivity on Earth”
which I expect was a predictive text error.
Please excuse, but you do have a new fan.😊
Many thank Dorothy and welcome to Iain Davis. I wish I could blame it on predictive text but unfortunately I can’t. When I was at school I was taught a form of phonetic writing called ITA. Like many other children taught this stupid system, it has left me practically dyslexic. I am a one man band with no editor and so rely heavily upon my readers to point out my silly errors. So please don’t hesitate, and thanks for drawing this to my attention.
Fantastic article Iain! Great journalism.
Thanks for the encouragement.
Hi Iain, great article! Thanks for putting in all the time and effort to do this.
I don’t see enough of the public having the nerve to resist the NWO plans. Those that do will either end up homeless or in some kind of prison camp.
Whether you’re or a ‘god’ man who believes in scripture, a humanist who wants to live in harmony with nature and other humans or a non dualist who sees this all as a cosmic drama created to consciousness, my intuition tells me we don’t have long left. Either god/mother nature (or the non dual dream you’re having) will bring an end to it all. Who would want to live in a smart city under all these draconian Orwellian rules anyway?!
Civilisation has never been rosey and by it’s very nature is a cannibalistic system that functions like a virus. To quote from Agent Smith in the movie, the Matrix
“I’d like to share a revelation that I’ve had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species and I realized that you’re not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed and the only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You’re a plague and we are the cure”.
Nature has snakes and civilisation has the ruling elite!
Best wishes 🙂
It’s interesting that you reference Basel III but not Basel IV that increased banking solvency and capital requirements. Does this not fit your narrative?
Wasn’t Basel IV merely the implementation of Basel III? The UK Government called them Basel 3.1 –
This led to the comical Financial Services Bill in the UK which hasn’t been implemented yet. But we do have record levels of money creation so they don’t seem to be doing anything at all from that perspective.
Thanks for bringing it to my attention. I’ll look into it.
Excellent insights. I fully agree. This entire agenda is based on fraudulent science. You need to turn your two articles into a book. Have you converted the text into a book? Could I help you. We really need to get this information out there. I absolutely hate going out now. I have social anxiety anyway and don’t wear a mask, and I’m tired of being approached by these mask wearers in shops. I was so outraged today that I stormed into the shop with a leaflet by a German Neurologist who speaks about face masks and oxygen deprivation. All we can do is to warn them, but I hate the constant brainwashing. Where is the courage of even charity shop owners? The masks are making people stupid and they are going to cause long term damage to their brains by ‘following orders’.
Thanks Helen. I share your exasperation at the number of people willing to give all their rights away to “stay safe.” As if freedom doesn’t keep you safe. I am currently working on a series of articles which I intend to put in a book. So hopefully that will interest you. It will be free to ITT subscribers.