Most people think “conspiracy theorist” claims about chemtrails are so silly they should be offered a treatment program. Well, re-education anyway.
Many believe they can justifiably refer to the supposed idiots with derogatory terms such as ‘chemtard.’ For the purposes of this article, for want of a better expression, we will refer to them as ‘chemtrailists.’
We will look at the evidence that supports the existence of so-called chemtrails. We will also look at evidence of presented by those who maintain that chemtrails are nothing more other than ‘persistent condensations trails’ (or ‘persistent contrails.’) We’ll consider how alleged ‘persistent contrails’ supposedly form and under what conditions they can linger in the sky.
Those who reject the potential existence of a covert program to manipulate our weather patterns see no reason to think this a possibility. They do not believe that state authorities would ever do anything as bad as trying to manipulate our weather without telling us. They completely ignore the proven fact that both governments and intergovernmental bodies have frequently lied to us before for the very worst of reasons. The Iraq WMD lie, the falsifying of evidence by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the Iran Contra Affair and proven false flags leading to war, such as the Gulf of Tonkin incident, are among the many examples of mass deception which the chemtrail ‘debunkers’ apparently ignore in order to support this limb of their argument.
The debunkers claim that anyone who thinks there is evidence to suggest the existence of widespread geoengineering programs are all ‘lunatic conspiracy theorists.’ Dubious sources, such as Wikipedia, perpetuate this myth. For example, if we look up the term “Chemtrail Conspiracy Theory,” Wikipedia states:
The chemtrail conspiracy theory is the erroneous belief that long-lasting condensation trails left in the sky by high-flying aircraft are actually “chemtrails” consisting of chemical or biological agents, sprayed for nefarious purposes undisclosed to the general public.
The Wikipedia page in question appears to be a fairly clear example of disinformation. While it accurately reports what “chemtrailists” believe, it incorrectly refers to those beliefs as “erroneous.” As we shall see, the evidence indicates that the chemtrailists are right.
Despite the widely held view that the chemtrailists made up the word ‘chemtrail’ this is not true. The word first appeared in an Act proposed in 2001 to the 107th Congress of the United States called the Space Preservation Act. The proposal document lists what it terms exotic weapon systems and give chemtrails as an example.
The Act was not passed, after the US Department of Defence (DoD) strongly objected. The word ‘chemtrails’ was immediately removed from the proposed Act to appease the DoD. Nonetheless, while it was presented to congress three more times, ultimately the bill was rejected.
The question is why the U.S DoD were so keen to see the word ‘chemtrail’ dropped from the proposed Act. If they never ran such operations and had no intention of ever running such operations, why would they bother to strongly oppose a proposed law outlawing something they were supposedly not engaged in or willing to engage in?
Most people believe there are only two types of man-made clouds which form as a result of commercial jet traffic. When the hot exhaust gasses meet the cold air of the atmosphere the moisture condenses quickly forming ice crystals. This plume is called a condensation trail or contrail.
In normal atmospheric conditions contrails disappear (or sublimate) quite quickly. As the plane moves across the sky, the tail end of the contrail vanishes behind it. From the perspective of the ground these have the appearance of relatively short darts of white cloud which follow the jet’s flight path across the sky.
The second type of contrail is more persistent and lingers in the sky. These can often dissipate and form clouds which look similar to the naturally forming ice formations called Cirrus clouds. It is these persistent contrails which the chemtrailists call chemtrails. Some older chemtrailists claim they don’t remember seeing the lattice like patterns of trails covering the sky when they were younger. We will refer to these as ‘tartan skies.’
Despite the fact that people over 40 have grown up in the age of jet flight, many claim the frequent and widespread appearance of tartan skies is a relatively modern phenomenon. They don’t believe that the increase in air traffic alone accounts for the regular appearance of these formations.
They add that the younger generation has no chance of ever knowing that tartan skies are not the product of normal commercial air traffic unless the older generation alert them to it. They suggest there is evidently a concerted effort by the media to normalise the appearance of chemtrails. This is most notable when you look at computer generated images which show chemtrails.
Whereas photographs and outside broadcasts or filming may inadvertently record the presence of these trails, computer generated images have been deliberately rendered to show them. They ask why, especially in children’s programming, this would be so common. CGI chemtrails, or persistent contrails, were clearly shown in the BBC’s title sequence for the 2014 Wimbledon tennis tournament.

Why would the British State broadcaster deliberate create these images? Why not depict naturally occurring cloud formations? What is the purpose of this subliminal message?
Those who reject the notion of chemtrails, let’s call them ‘debunkers,’ point to plenty of images of persistent contrail formations going back more than 60 years. Numerous books on meteorology and aircraft show images which appear to depict ‘persistent contrails’ taken at least as early as the second world war or even earlier.
The chemtrailist’s response to this is twofold. Firstly they suggest the evidence shows that the history of chemtrail operations can be traced back to World War Two and secondly that they do not necessarily deny the existence of relatively innocuous ‘persistent contrails.’
What they suggest is less evident in these older images are the tartan skies which have become increasingly prevalent since the turn of the century. These relatively regular formations are seen across both the Northern and Southern hemispheres. It appears to be, they allege, a regular occurrence on a global scale. They have yet to see a pre-1980’s image which looks like the modern tartan sky.
The debunkers point to WW2 images which look similar to the tartan skies typically seen today. However the chemtrailists suggest these are photographs of the remnants of dog fights in many instances. These images show smoke, neither contrails nor chemtrails, they allege, and none of the older photographs closely resemble the modern crisscross formations.
Many chemtrailists accept the possible existence of persistent contrails. Their argument is that the lattice formations in the skies over the Northern hemisphere, are a regular occurrence: an extremely common sight. Yet, there is no known scientific evidence that can account for the prevalence of these tartan skies.
The atmospheric conditions required to form what the debunkers claim are lattice formations of persistent contrails, are relatively rare and don’t frequently occur in Northern hemisphere air space. Therefore, logically they must be formed by some other process. Given the clear evidence of numerous weather modification programs run by the military industrial complex over the years, it is not unreasonable, say the chemtrailists, to consider tartan skies as possible evidence of such a program.
Persistent contrails form when the aircraft is flying at its cruising altitude of between 25 and 40 thousand feet. Most large commercial aircraft cruise where the Troposphere meets the Stratosphere, around 32-36,000 feet. At this altitude the air pressure generally varies between 175 to 275 hPa (hector pascals). This is where normal contrails generally form as sublimating white darts in the sky. Persistent contrails require additional, specific atmospheric conditions.
Persistent contrails form when the air temperature is very low, below -40°C, but only when the relative humidity is very high. These regions of the atmosphere are said to be ice super saturated and are often referred to as Ice Super Saturated Regions or ISSR’s. When these conditions prevail, because the atmosphere is already saturated with moisture, the ice crystals cannot sublimate—disappear from view—so the “contrail” persists in the sky.
The chemtrailists claim there is a third type of trails formed by something they call Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI). They believe our frequently witnessed tartan skies are the product of SAI rather than the chance occurrence of persistent contrails in an ISSR.
There are plenty of scientific papers which discuss the way persistent contrails form. For example, in 2008 The University of Illinois conducted a study called The Optimal Strategy For Persistent Contrail Avoidance. The study clearly identifies the atmospheric conditions which cause persistent contrails:
After forming, contrails dissipate if the relative humidity with respect to ice (RHi) is low, and persist if the RHi is high. The RHi threshold at which contrails persist is thought to vary between 95-105%, but for simplicity, this paper used RHi > 100% to define the necessary condition for persistent contrail formation.
Chemtrailists highlight that such papers point to the relative scarcity of ISSR’s. The atmospheric conditions capable of supporting a tartan sky, constructed solely of persistent contrails, are extremely rare. Therefore, the scientific evidence does not account for the observed frequency of tartan skies.
Scientists at the German Institute of Atmospheric Physics have conducted research into the prevalence of ISSR’s. They based their 2014 research on measurements taken from the Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) satellite. The scientists state:
[. . .] there is often substantial ice supersaturation in the upper troposphere.
And further…..
A good marker of ISSRs is persistent condensation trails (contrails) when the sky is otherwise free of clouds.
This seems to suggest that the chemtrailists’ claims about the rarity of the required ISSRs is not accurate. However, chemtrailists point to what they allege is an unfounded assumption in much of the scientific research. Scientists are apparently using the existence of what they assume to be “persistent contrails” to indicate the presence of ISSRs, not the other way round.
For example, the atmospheric physicists at the German institute also say…….
Contrail persistence however requires at least ice saturation. A sky full of contrails but without cirrus therefore shows that there must be an ISSR.
Rather than identify ISSR’s first and then compare that to the prevalence of so called persistent contrails, atmospheric scientists tend to assume that the existence of persistent contrails signifies the presence of an ISSR.
The unlikely frequency of tartan skies, resulting from nothing but flights through ISSRs, is further borne out when we look at the distribution of ISSRs shown by NASA’s Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS). The MLS reveals the global distribution of ISSRs at the requisite atmospheric pressures of between 147 to 215 hPa (hector pascals.) Of particular interest, say the chemtrailists, is the data for the 215 hPA range, as this is slap-bang in the middle of most commercial flights cruising altitude.
These clearly indicate that the distribution of ISSR’s in the Northern hemisphere is very low. Suitable atmospheric conditions are largely limited to the tropics. It seems unlikely that we would see so many so-called “persistent contrails” in the Northern hemisphere.
Chemtrailists also point to other papers which make this same false assumption, namely that all things that look like persistent contrails are persistent contrails. The chemtrailists note that many of these papers further reduce the likelihood of the observable tartan skies being formed of “persistent contrails.”
In general, only a small minority of ISSRs can support the long lived ‘persistent contrails’ that dubunkers claim to account for our tartan skies.
For example the 2014 paper by the University of Reading states:
[. . .] long-lived ice-supersaturated air flows, which may be most important to understand from a radiative perspective as they can support long-lived persistent contrails.
Not only are ISSRs in the Northern hemisphere relatively scarce, only a small minority of those ISSR’s can possibly account for persistent tartan skies. With specific reference to these more durable ISSRs, scientists have calculated the percentage potentially capable of supporting a tartan sky formed of nothing other than persistent contrails.
In winter ice supersaturation occurs on 3.3% of stratospheric trajectories (1.6% for the summer data) which agrees well with Gierens et al. [1999] who found ice supersaturation in 2% of strato-spheric data. Similarly, ice supersaturation occurs on 9.5% of tropospheric trajectories in winter and 7% in summer.
So where ISSRs occur, which is rare outside of the tropics, only a small fraction result in conditions conducive to the formation of persistent contrails. Yet we see tartan skies nearly every day, across the Northern and Southern hemispheres.
Therefore, the chemtrailists suggest, there is evidence to support the notion that not all the alleged ‘persistent contrails’ we see are actually “contrails” at all. For the phenomena to be as common as it evidently is, a significant proportion must be something else. Statospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI) being the most likely candidate to explain this observed prevalence.
Further, they point to considerable historical evidence of weather modification programs. This adds weight to their claim that tartan skies are more often the result of mechanisms such as SAI, not persistent contrails. Let’s discuss just a few examples of these weather modification programs.
In 1946, leading from atmospheric research carried out by Vincent Shaefer , Dr Bernhard Vonnegut and Irvine Langmuir, initial attempts at cloud seeding were undertaken. Schaefer’s altered a cloud’s heat budget and Vonnegut’s introduced crystalline chemical structure to form artificial clouds with the hope of increasing rainfall.
Around the same time stories started appearing in the media about the appearance of trails in the sky. Notably, say the chemtrailists, the first commercial jets didn’t fly until 1952. Commercial jet travel was very expensive and consequently uncommon until the late 1970’s. Many of these stories of tartan skies precede the emergence of the jet traffic we are familiar with today.
In 1951 the national Academy of Sciences, interested in the cloud seeding experiments of people like Irving P.Krick who used Silver Iodide to seed moisture dense air, convened the Skyline conference for geoengineers to discuss weather modification experiments. This lead to some apparently useful ideas such as Project Skyfire (1956 – 1967), which experimented with seeding clouds in order to allegedly tackle wildfires.
Even the debunkers acknowledge the clear existence of a cloud seeding industry, with many companies around the world regularly carrying out weather modification. A famous example is the Chinese Beijing Weather Modification Office’s program to ensure sunny skies over the 2008 Beijing Olympic stadiums. The Chinese seeded approaching cloud fronts to force the rain to fall and clods to dissipate before reaching the Capital.
The chemtrailists say there is clear evidence that this geoengineering technology has always been of interest to the military industrial complex. There have been consistent attempts to ‘weaponise’ weather and weather has already been deployed as a weapon. They also claim that it was in the early 1960’s that the political establishment got on board with the idea of using weather as a weapon.
Both President John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B.Johnson spoke about controlling the worlds weather as early as the 1960’s. Perhaps most notable was LBJ’s reference to controlling the world’s cloud layer. In an almost comical, maniacal manner, he said:
He who controls the weather, will control the world.
In 1965 the executive branch of the Johnson administration released a document called Restoring The Quality of the Environment. This was one of the earliest document to mention the concept of man made (anthropogenic) global warming. The report also talked about the process of Solar Radiation Management or SRM. This is the process of spraying particles into the atmosphere, using SAI, to reflect solar radiation.
Johnson’s document followed an earlier 1958 article published in the respected Scientific Journal ‘Popular Science’ by leading weather modification scientists Howard T Orville called ‘Weather as a Weapon.’ Orville, a naval officer and meteorologist, had previously been a leading contributor to Project Cirrus, a 1947 military project, which attempted to steer the direction of Hurricanes. He became a leading scientific adviser to the White House.
This article appears to be the first public mention of the term ‘man-made global warming.’ It is notable that all early references to man-made global warming were associated with weather modification and geoengineering.
In the same year, 1958, the Solar Radiation Management or SRM thesis emerged. This culminated in the “Final Report of the Advisory Committee on Weather Control.”
Clearly, say the chemtrailists, weather modification and its potential military applications were firmly on the agenda at least as early as 1958—60 years ago. Therefore, they add, early images of so called persistent contrails could equally be early images of weather modification using processes like SAI.
Weather modification wasn’t only of interest to academics. The U.S. Russian, Chinese, French and the many other governments were involved in geoengineering experiments. In the UK, the chemtrailists say the potential for weather modification to cause devastation had already been realised, with terrible consequences, as early as 1952.
In that year, the UK government ran a series weather manipulation experiments in a defence funded project called Project Cumulus. On the 15th August, during one phase of Operation Cumulous, one of the worst flash floods ever to have occurred in Britain swept through the Devon village of Lynmouth. According to the Guardian Newspaper:
Thirty five people died as a torrent of 90m tons of water and thousands of tons of rock poured off saturated Exmoor and into the village destroying homes, bridges, shops and hotels [. . . ] An aeronautical engineer and glider pilot, Alan Yates, working with Operation Cumulus at the time and flying over Bedfordshire, spraying quantities of salt, [. . .] was elated when the scientists told him this had led to a heavy downpour 50 miles away over Staines, in Middlesex. ‘I was told that the rain had been the heaviest for several years – and all out of a sky which looked summery [. . .] there was no disguising the fact that the seedsman had said he’d make it rain, and he did. Toasts were drunk to meteorology and it was not until the BBC news bulletin [about Lynmouth] was read later on, that a stony silence fell on the company.
While the evidence suggests this was probably a terrible accident, chemtrailists maintain that the devastation caused would not have gone unnoticed by the military industrial complex. Being able to manipulate the weather would have appeared to offer the potential to create the ultimate stealth weapon.
In 1966 the U.S government’s Interdepartmental Committee for Atmospheric Sciences released their report a recommending a national program of weather modification. The Committee included representatives from the Department of Defence, the Department of Health, Education and Welfare, NASA and the Atomic Energy Commission.
The very few debunkers who are willing to acknowledge the existence of this evidence suggest it merely demonstrates government concerns about man-made global warming led to some tentative experiments aiming to find potential solutions. While they may have explored the possible military applications, this doesn’t mean the experiments were successful. There is, they claim, no evidence that weather has been deployed as a weapon and, even if it has, that doesn’t suggest any reason for concern for the apparently recent appearance of our tartan skies.
Between March 1967 and July 1972 the U.S military ran Operation Popeye over South East Asia. The goal was to significantly increase the impact of the Monsoon season along the Ho Chi Min trail with the stated aim of softening road surfaces, initiating landslides, washing out river crossings and bogging the Vietnamese enemy down in deep mud.
The chemtrailists highlight that international concern regarding the use of weather as a weapon was significant during the 70’s. This led to the 1976 United Nations Convention on the Prohibition of Military or any other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques. The subsequent ENMOD treaty was ratified in Geneva in 1977. The chemtrailists ask why the United Nations would formulate a treaty to outlaw something the debunkers claim doesn’t exist?
Clearly, claim the chemtrailists, ENMOD presented somewhat of a problem for the military industrial complex who had already used weather as a weapon. However, perhaps in anticipation of widespread objection to changing our atmosphere without any public consensus or even debate, as far back as 1958 the Deep State had already sowed the seeds of the idea that SRM, using SAI, could be a way to mitigate against man-made global warming.
So who could argue with their continuing experiments to change our atmosphere given such a noble cause. Of course there are no parallel experiments on the further weaponisation of weather. Heaven forbid that groups like the CIA or the Department of Defense would ever consider continue doing so after it had been outlawed by the UN. Presumably, claim the chemtrailists, we should just pretend that the evidence which shows a rapid increase in the use of weather weapons during the 70’s, 80.s and 90.s should just be ignored.
In 1978 Dr. Andrew Michrowski of the Canadian State Department identified a Soviet weather weapon. He claimed it used Extremely low frequency radio waves (ELF) to control the ionosphere and manipulate air masses. He said:
In the case of the winter of 1976-77, the Soviets have managed to establish terrestrial electrical resonance, and then learned how to establish relatively stable and localized ELF magnetic fields, which were able to hamper or divert the jet stream flow in the Northern Hemisphere.
Dr. Michrowski was not alone in his concern. Dr. Walter Orr Roberts of the Aspen Institute of Colorado said, “the idea of changing the conductivity of the atmosphere as a weather modification experiment is not ridiculous.”
During the early 1990’s, working together, the United States Air force and NASA built the Combined Release and Radiation Effects Satellite (CRRES.) This dumped chemicals in space which were then heated by a ground-based microwave antenna in Arecibo, Puerto Rico. This heated the ionosphere and controlled the movement of air masses. Oddly enough, point out the chemtrailists, the Arecibo antenna was destroyed by a Hurricane. However the Enhanced HF Ionospheric Heating Instrument has been constructed to replace it.
Earlier, in 1989, the US Navy and Air Force met with officials from the Defence Advanced Research Projects Research Agency at the Office of Naval Research to discuss a proposed Department of Defense program for further manipulation of the ionesphere. This lead to the High Frequency (HF) Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP). Construction was completed in Alaska and the array was operational by March 1994.
The HAARP array is said to be merely a research tool for investigating the atmosphere. However it is also the most powerful ionosphere heater on Earth according to the respected scientific journal Physics Today.
These crazy chemtrailists point to a huge amount of released documentation which, they say, clearly shows that weather modification is a particular interest of the military industrial complex. For example following freedom of information requests, apparently in defiance of the ENMOD treaty, research into weaponised weather continued unabated throughout the latter decades of the 20th century and has intensified in the 21st.
These documents include applications from the U.S Department of Homeland Security to seek official approval to control Hurricanes and the conducting of experiments, such as the Charged Aerosol Release Experiment, which injected silver oxides into the atmosphere and then manipulated them to ‘see what would happen.’
Chemtrailists suggest the debunkers who are happy to believe that there is no such thing as weather modification, who reject the possibility that our frequently tartan skies are evidence of anything other than persistent contrails and who don’t believe the military industrial complex would ever do anything to harm either humanity or the planet, must simply ignore the overwhelming evidence to the contrary. This, they suggest, is not a valid opinion because it relies upon the wholesale rejection of evidence. It’s nonsense, in other words.
During the 1970’ the so called ‘climate scientists’ (there was no such scientific discipline – the nearest was ‘climatology’) terrified mankind with stories of a new ice age. They predicted global food shortages and widespread devastation. In the 1980’s they switched to holes in the Ozone layer, but the broad message of our impending doom was more or less the same. Regardless, by 1974, the CIA had already decided that geoengineering would be required to mitigate against climate change, in whatever form.
The CIA discussed climate change at some length in their 1974 document A Study of Climatology Research As It Pertains to Intelligence Problems. The slight difference being that they feared rapid global cooling. Nonetheless, the terryfying impacts that would result were exactly the same as the those that supposedly threaten humanity today from the opposite problem of global warming. The CIA warned of water shortages, population shifts, global famine and so on. As early as 1974, the CIA proposed geoengineering as a “solution” to climate change.
Speaking in 2016, the former Director of the CIA, John Brennan, spoke about the potential to use SAI to combat the alleged detrimental impacts of climate change:
[. . .] the array of technologies, often referred to collectively as geoengineering, [. . .] potentially could help reverse the warming effects of global climate change. One that has gained my personal attention is stratospheric aerosol injection, or SAI: a method of seeding the stratosphere with particles that can help reflect the sun’s heat in much the same way that volcanic eruptions do.
Debunkers assert that this does not prove that the military industrial and intelligence complex are engaged in geoengineering or use weather as a weapon. No, it doesn’t. History does, and what Brennan’s comments clearly indicate is that organisations like the CIA have never lost sight of the potential to weaponise geoengineering.
The debate over Bill Gates’ enthusiastic support for Solar Geoengineering is the rehash of an argument that supposedly concluded at the UN nearly 50 years ago. The techniques that Gates and others advocate are older still, though the technology has advanced considerably. Despite it supposedly being a “conspiracy theory.”
Bluntly, claim the chemtrailists, to reject the possibility that a global weather modification program is well under way; to believe that our frequent tartan skies are nothing more than evidence of persistent contrails and to deny the proven existence of both weather modification and its military application, is not only illogical, unscientific and ignorant, it is also dangerously irresponsible.
But what do they know? They’re just a bunch of loony conspiracy theorists.
Well done, Iain. ☺
Many thanks. This is one of my least read posts. I think the subject matter alone is beyond most people’s grasp despite the weird anomaly that this is the the subject for which the physical evidence is most obvious for the highest number of people. Strange.
Chemtrailed to death everyday with toxic aluminium nano dust and toxic salts and who knows what else.
They poison us and call it covid-19.
Viruses are not real.
It’s poison always has been.
Purely anecdotal and you will either believe me or not, but yesterday evening here in Limassol, Cyprus (9 Aug. 2023 about 2100) I looked up in the sky and saw a plane flying over at high altitude and a long trail was emanating from the plane that was split into fragments that were shining brightly in the night sky.
I have no reason not to believe you Tim.