
False Flag Attacks Used To Shape History

False flag attacks are nothing new. Governments the world over have used them for centuries to achieve their geopolitical objectives. The established history of false flag attacks and hoaxes is well known. Learn more about this fascinating history and their modern use here.

Islamist Extremists – Proxies of the West – Part 2

In this part of the series we look at the funding operation that led to the creation of al Qaeda, the role of MAK and the al Kifah Refugee center in New York. We consider the links between the CIA and the Islamist extremists who not only went on the form al Qaeda but also committed terrorist attacks in New York during the 1990’s.

Who Are The New World Order – A Brief History

Most people think the New World Order is a myth or simply the product of “conspiracy theorist’s” fevered imaginations. They’re wrong. The history of the New World Order is well known and you can discover an introduction to that history here. Hopefully this will inspire you to do more research learn more about this insidious cabal.

Who Are ISIS

[Authors note: Kit Knightly, from the OffGuardian, recently published ISIS are back and they are faker than ever . He explored the apparent return of the ISIS bogeymen and the media narrative that preempted their…

The Danger of Public Relations.

As the race to shut down freedom of speech surges ahead, the UK government has created the ‘National Security Communications Unit‘ (NSCR) to ‘tackle fake news and disinformation.’ The NSCR is formed from representatives of…

Islamist Extremists – Proxies of the West – Part 1

The Western power’s have continued to use Islamist terrorists as proxies in a game of geostrategic manipulation, inspired by globalist thinkers like Brzezinski, financed by the global corporations and the governments they control. Read here to discover the longstanding relationship between Islamist extremists and the West’s military industrial intelligence complex.

Is John Nicolson a Brainwashed Dupe?

The so called “awakening”, that many in the “truther” movement are convinced is imminent, is, I suggest, nowhere in sight. Witness (as admittedly inconclusive evidence) John Nicolson on the BBC Andrew Marr program this morning…