
Alex Newman interviews Iain Davis

I chat to Alex Newman from Liberty Sentinel briefly covering a wide range of important subjects including the cliamte scam, UK paedophile scandals, the proposed multipolar world order and more.

Gareth Icke Tonight with Iain Davis

On Gareth Icke Tonight I discusses the Manchester Attack hoax and the appalling trial of Richard D. Hall which must be challenged and can be challenged by showing the evidence of the hoax.

The Sifter With John Ferreira

In this discussion with John Ferreira I discuss my approach to research and some of the problems involved. If that sound interesting to you then please watch the video.

The Manchester Attack – AM Wake Up

Great to be invited to TLAV (The Last American Vagabond) Tuesday for AM Wake Up from the Slow News Day team. In this longer conversation I go into more detail about the evidence exposing the Manchester Arena hoaxed bombing. More Here.