Articles by Iain Davis

The Manchester Attack – AM Wake Up

Great to be invited to TLAV (The Last American Vagabond) Tuesday for AM Wake Up from the Slow News Day team. In this longer conversation I go into more detail about the evidence exposing the Manchester Arena hoaxed bombing. More Here. 

The Manchester Attack – Rick Munn Interviews Iain Davis

On Rick Munn’s outstanding Locked and Loaded on TNT Radio I was given an opportunity to discuss my latest book – The Manchester Attack: An Independent Investigation. Thanks to Rick for being braver than most in the so-called UK independent media.

The Myth of Online Radicalisation

Online radicalisation is a myth. We have been sold this baseless idea to convince us to accept State censorship. Propagandists have been dispatched to convince us of the lie. Read here to learn more.

The Bank of England – Free From Government Control

The Bank of England is not a “public corporation” and is not controlled by the Government. These are just stories we are told to hide the truth. The Bank of England is a private business. Read here to discover more.

The Ridiculous Psychology of Conspiracy Theory

Belief in conspiracy theory is said to be driven by an underlying psychology that verges on a mental health problem. This er…. idea emanates from experimental psychology and all of it is totally ridiculous.