Articles by Iain Davis

Who Developed The Scientific Method?

Who developed the scientific method? In truth it wasn’t just one person or distinct culture but rather has been the ongoing development of an idea that spans both the centuries and the continents . However there have been some notable and eminent contributors over the ages who developed the scientific method further. In this article we look at who some of these scientists and natural philosophers were and assess their part in this fascinating story.

Who Invented The Scientific Method?

Who invented the scientific method? Most people say this is an impossible question to answer but I don’t think it is. Discover here how empirical science came into being and why the routes of the scientific method are so contentious. If you have an inquiring mind you may want to find out why.

The Gaping Hole In The UK Recovery.

The 2014 Budget statement from the Chancellor George Osborne was full of self congratulation. The opposition seemed somewhat dumbfounded by the impressive growth figures Osborne could point to as justification of his policies. Unfortunately for Mr Osborne the recovery appears to be fundamentally flawed. A closer look at the underlying figures reveals a far from encouraging picture. Read here to find out more.

The Federal Reserve Is Destroying America.

Apparently the recovery is under way and there are real signs of improvement in the economy. But improvement for whom? With over $4T of new money sloshing around in the U.C economy what have been the gains felt by the majority of the population. Who has benefited from the quantitative easing policies forced upon the Federal Reserve by the financial institutions. Let’s look at the facts.

ITT Video – In Conversation With James Corbett

James Corbett and I discuss how Britain is reacting to the coronavirus madness. We talk about COVID-19, the Coronavirus Act and other legislative nightmares, the statistical chicanery that is perpetuating this crisis, and how people across the UK and around the world are reacting to the new normal. Watch here.

ITT Video – The New World Order

We are told nothing but lies about the New World Order by the politicians and the mainstream media. The lies deserve our derision and in this video we take an irreverent look at what we are told the New World Order is and contrast it with the reality. Watch here.

ITT Video – Skripal

The official narrative of the 2018 Salisbury Skripal attack is so ridiculous you can only laugh at the absurdity. With tongue firmly planted in cheek, this documentary takes a pithy look at the nonsense the UK and world public were fed by the UK State. Watch here.

ITT Video – Operation Gladio

Operation Gladio was a secret NATO false flag terror campaign officially revealed in both the Italian and European parliaments in the early 1990’s. The disclosure of Operation Gladio proves that government engage in false flag terror for political gain. Watch here.

ITT Video – Online Harms

The Online Harms White Paper was released by the UK state on 08/04/2019. The state claims that it is all about ‘keeping us safe’ online and especially keeping children safe online. However, it is not. Watch here.

ITT Video – EU Military Expansion

Speaking at the Munich Security Conference in 2018, the new European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and Former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair discuss what appears to be an EU policy commitment to military operations in the Sahel region of Africa.