Articles by Iain Davis

Was Thomas Mair Wrongly Convicted?

Thomas Mair was convicted of the murder of Jo cox MP in a high profile trial at the Old Bailey. Many were unhappy with the many anomalies in the evidence at the time. However research by Richard D Hall has uncovered further reason to doubt the safety of Thomas Mair’s conviction. Read more here.

The European Union Is Officially Stupid

The EU have passed draconian censorship laws in the guise of their much criticised Copyright Directives. they claim that these EU Internet censorship laws are to enable content creators to earn a living. They’re not. Discover what they are really about.

The British Constitution Deception – Part 2

The British Constitution is a single, written codified document. You have been told that it isn’t by those who have long claimed illegitimate authority for themselves. Discover the power of the British Constitution and stop being misled.

The British Constitution Deception – Part 1

The British Constitution doesn’t exist as a single, codified, written document according to Parliament and the people who have been in power for centuries. However this isn’t true. Discover why the truth has been withheld from the people and what UK society would be like if we adopted the real British constitution.

The OPCW Douma Findings.

The United Nations’ Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) recently released their report into the alleged chemical weapons attack in Douma, in the Syrian Arab Republic (SAR.) Despite having the mandate to apportion…

We need To Talk About Antisemitism – Part 2

In Part 2 we discuss how false allegations of antisemitism are being used to silence critical debate and marginalise the voices of any who challenge the political orthodoxy. This is not an accident. It is a coordinated attack upon the very fabric of our society.

Youth Strike For Globalist Propaganda

Inspired by Swedish teenager Greta Thunberg the recent youth Strike4ClimateChange saw hundreds of thousands of school children protest to ‘save the planet’ from man mad (anthropogenic) global warming. However, in reality, they were protesting for the geopolitical ambitions of globalist financiers. Find out how and why they were deceived.