Articles by Iain Davis

New EU Leaders – A Militarised Kakistocracy

The EU have just appointed new leaders. A Kakistocracy is government by the worst, least qualified, or most unscrupulous citizens. In selecting their new EU leaders the EU has proven that is precisely what it is.

A Climate Emergency Fit for a Parasite Economy – Part 3

In the final part of this three part series we look at the ideology behind the planned transition to a new global economic model. It is about more than money. It is about the control of everything and is based upon a deeply held ideology.

A Climate Emergency Fit for a Parasite Economy – Part 2

In Part 2 of this 3 part series we investigate the powerful financial influences and economic forces behind the recent emergence of the global environmentalist activist movement Extinction Rebellion and the teenage green sensation Greta Thunberg.

A Climate Emergency Fit for a Parasite Economy – Part 1

The climate emergency is the phrase of the day. It used to be global warming, then it was climate change and now it’s the climate emergency. But what is the language change for? In part 1 of this 3 part investigative series we look at the reasons for doubt about the so called climate emergency.

GcMAF – The Persecution of David Noakes and Lyn Thyer

GcMAF has shown the potential to revolutionise the treatment of cancer. David Noakes, Lyn Thyer and the staff at Immuno Biotech have been hounded by the authorities for their work on GcMAF. this post explores the reasons for their persecution and highlight the science which supports GcMAF.

Vaccines – The Truth About The Debate – Part 2

We are now going to consider a small fraction of the peer reviewed scientific evidence which suggests there may be health risks associated with vaccines. If for no other reason than to provide a semblance of balance.

Vaccines – The Truth About The Debate – Part 1

The debate over vaccines has devolved into an appalling bipartisan row. Largely thank to the MSM stoking alarm and accusing anyone who has reservations about vaccines of being ‘baby killers’ there seems little hope in ever having a reasoned debate before the UK state makes vaccination compulsory for all. In this post I try to appeal for calm.

The Sri Lanka Attacks and the Danger of Internet Censorship

The Sri Lanka attacks are a horrific reminder of the scourge of global terrorism. The senseless loss of innocent lives is almost beyond imagination. Yet we are already seeing the state and its representatives exploit this crime to promote the notion of a clash of civilisations and to justify the censorship of the Internet. Read here to discover why.

Online Harms White Paper – The Ministry of Truth

the Online Harms White Paper, just released by the UK state, is the creation of the Ministry of Truth. It is the tyranny Orwell tried to warn everyone about. This is no exaggeration or hyperbole. To discover the tyranny lurking in this terrible legislative proposal read here.