Articles by Iain Davis

Covidiot or Covid-idiot? Which One Are You?

“Covidiot” is a term bandied around online. It comes with a whole raft of implied assumptions. People who consider themselves to be morally superior tend to like to use it. But what are these assumptions and do they entitle people to claim virtue?


Covid 19 was and is a pseudopandemic. It was the gross exaggeration of the threat posed by a low mortality respiratory illness, comparable to influenza. The pseudopandemic was a psychological operation (psy-op) designed to terrorise…

What Vaccine Trials?

People seem to believe that vaccine trials have been conducted for the COVID 19 vaccines. This belief is not only wrong it could be dangerously wrong. There are no clinical trial that have been completed for any COVID 19 vaccine and those telling you that there are are spouting disinformation.

An Anti-Vaxxer’s Letter To The Vaccinated

This is an open letter to people who call anyone who questions vaccines and “anti-vaxxer.” It is written in the fervent hope that we can reach a mutial understanding and respect one another’s views.

COVID 19 – Evidence Of Global Fraud

COVID 19 is the supposed pandemic caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2. But what if it isn’t? What if the evidence shows COVID 19 is a global fraud? You will only know if you look at it.

Democracy Is A Good Idea – So It Is A Shame That We Don’t Have Any

Democracy works, unfortunately representative democracy is not democracy. As we have just seen with both the U.S. election and the Parliamentary Lockdown vote in the UK, so called representative democracy does not work for the people. However, the Rule of Law would. Read more here…..

For Those About To Question Authority – I Salute You

There are many people who, perhaps for the first time in their lives, are starting to ask fundamental questions about the nature of society and their relationship to authority. This runs contrary to everything they…