My name is Iain Davis and I am the creator of iaindavis[.]com. My site used to be called In This Together but the numerous hyphens in the url annoyed everyone so much I changed it to iaindavis[.]com.
If you wish to contact me please leave a comment in the comment section of the appropriate article. For other matters, feel free to email me at: I cannot guarantee that I’ll be able to respond to every email or comment but I will try to do so.
Why Should You Trust Me?
Don’t. I do not ask that you trust me.
Any media outlet or commentator that asks you to “trust” them is suggesting that you abandon critical thinking and simply believe whatever they tell you. I will never ask that of you. Who am I to ask that of anyone?
I am an autodidact, a journalist, an author and a researcher and just as fallible as anyone else. I provide the evidence to support my opinions, but that doesn’t mean my conclusions are always correct. We all make mistakes.
I hope that the evidence and commentary I provide will be the start of a conversation and that my work will encourage you (dear reader) to explore the discussed topics further. As you arrive at your own conclusions, hopefully you will be kind enough to correct my errors or point out where you think I have gone awry.
After many years working in health and social care, following redundancy (again) I decided to devote more time to research and writing and retrained as a journalist.
My original work can be found here and on my Substack, where I often adopt a more irreverent tone. I also write original pieces for Unlimited Hangout, Geopolitics & Empire, Bitcoin Magazine and others.
I published my first book ‘A Dangerous Ideology’ in 2018 and my second Pseudopandemic in 2021. My third is in the pipeline. It’s a long pipe.
I am fortunate that my work is often republished by the outstanding OffGuardian—a repository of important work and one of the most censored UK sites on social media or indeed online. Please support the OffGuardian if you can.
I am delighted that my work is also syndicated by some other fantastic sites, including Technocracy News & Trends , Lew Rockwell, GlobalResearch and more. My work has also been featured by James Corbett and Whitney Webb, among others.
My books (in electronic form) and all my articles published on iaindavis[.]com are FREE to my blog subscribers. All content on my blog is published under a creative commons license and can be freely copied, printed and shared subject to Terms and Conditions. My original articles on other sites are subject to the license operated by that site.
I’ll never advertise on this site because I don’t want to be tied to any contracts or inducements. However, If you like what I do, please consider supporting my work.
Thank you so much for stopping by.
All the best