
The Manchester Attack: An Independent Investigation

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A gripping horror story for our times, The Manchester Attack exposes the covert state and then tears it apart.

The Manchester Arena bombing was a terrible wound inflicted on the psyche of a nation. The loss of life felt immense. The sense of injustice seemed unbearable. Our emotions overflowed, threatening to overwhelm us. To question what we were told about the bombing was unthinkable.

Yet one investigative journalist did dare raise questions. Richard D. Hall examined every scrap of evidence. He diligently pored over every single image, every forensic detail, every eyewitness account, every official report, every news story. When he looked the state in the eye, the state blinked.

In The Manchester Attack, which builds on Hall’s work, investigative journalist and author Iain Davis unearths still more crucial evidence that further reveals the unpalatable truth. The terrorist attack that this book revisits was not a suicide bombing. It did not kill 22 people and injure many more. Rather, it was a hoax and, as such, a psychological attack on us all.

Davis leads the reader through the minefield of censorship, propaganda, and “disinformation” that the state deployed for the purpose of steering public opinion and behaviour. He scrutinises the evidence that authorities tried to cover up and asks the reader to do the same. His conclusions, thought startling, are firmly grounded in irrefutable physical evidence.

Richard D. Hall has been hounded, character-assassinated, labelled a conspiracy theorist, and prosecuted for doing what investigative journalists are supposed to do: boldly confronting and querying the centres of power.

Davis explores the unbelievable pre-trial rulings in Hall’s High Court case. Were it not for this book’s thorough dissection of the decisions made by the court, the court’s blanket refusal to examine the evidence would be the last word.

The Manchester Attack is a meticulous analysis of the psychological weapons used by the state to control the population. Calling the event a prime example of false flag terrorism, Davis tackles head-on the official information gatekeepers, censors, and propagandists and lays bare the deceptive methods of the state’s social engineers.

Enthralling, fastidiously researched, and often shocking, The Manchester Attack is a critical must-read that sheds light on the dark machinations of the covert state and continues Richard D. Hall’s search for justice—not just for the “victims” of the alleged Manchester Arena “bombing” but for all of us.

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The Manchester Attack is available as a paperback on Amazon for £19.99

Buy The Manchester Attack from Amazon for £19.99

The Manchester Attack Kindle Ebook is available from Amazon for £4.99

Buy The Manchester Attack Ebook from Amazon for £4.99


PSEUDOPANDEMIC is gripping exposition of political deceit. A wealth of evidence informs one of the most important books you will ever read.

Pseudopandemic offers an unflinching and compelling dissection of the global response to the COVID 19 pandemic.

The COVID 19 pandemic was a global humanitarian tragedy. Every life lost was an unbearable pain inflicted upon suffering families the world over.

When the World Health Organisation declared the pandemic they signalled to governments around the world that they must take action to protect their populations from the ravages of a pandemic disease. Did they also alert a global network of public – private partnerships that their opportunity had arrived?

Many warned that the measures taken to protect the public would add further unnecessary suffering. They stated that the policy response to the COVID 19 pandemic was contrary to the scientific evidence and prevailing epidemiological wisdom. Raising concerns about devastation caused by lockdowns and other mitigation measures, they maintained that the cure was worse than the disease.

Convinced by the politicians and the media that the scale of the threat necessitated unprecedented restrictions, the vast majority considered these sceptics to be fools.

But what if the sceptics were right?

What are the costs of the pandemic response and did some see COVID 19 as the justification they sought to pursue their ambitions?

Built upon a rigorous examination of the evidence, Pseudopandemic explores the unthinkable and delivers a damning indictment of global corruption.

It charges the reader to confront a stomach churning reality. Once eyes are opened they cannot look away.

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Other Available Copies

Buy PSEUDOPANDEMIC  Ebook from Amazon for £4.99


A Dangerous Ideology’s enthralling dissection of recent history compels you to confront the unthinkable. It is freely available in  but you can also buy a hard-copy if you prefer. Freely available as a .pdf to ITT subscribers.

Warped by fake news and plagued by foreign disinformation, our commonly held beliefs are falling apart. Outrageous conspiracy theories and scientific heresy continually undermine accepted reality. Evidence based reasoning is under attack. Unfounded suspicions and irrational convictions are eroding the values underpinning our society.

Yet some ‘so called’ conspiracy theorists insist they are merely critical thinkers. They claim their extreme anti-establishment views are justified and it is the political and financial establishment who are deceiving us all. Unable to see past the deception, we are at the mercy of powerful global forces who manipulate us through sponsored terror, contrived conflicts and apocryphal narratives.

The suggestion seems ludicrous. However, the evidence reveals just how far we have strayed into the absurd. If facts are now a matter of faith, is Western civilisation on the brink of chaos? Are we the hapless boiling frogs the conspiracy theorists claim or are they the irretrievable cranks we suspect?

Based upon extensive research, presenting the evidence in a digestible, cohesive treatise, A Dangerous Ideology examines these provocative claims.

Tinged with humour, unflinching and absorbing, it grabs the reader by the scruff of the neck and propels them towards its shattering conclusion.

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By A Dangerous Ideology Kindle Ebook from Amazon for £4.99

The EXPOSE Network and the Open Information Partnership reveals the transnational counter disinformation program led by the UK Foreign and commonwealth office’ Counter Disinformation and Media Development program. Based upon the assumption that everything and anyone who question NATO/EU policy are peddling Kremlin Disinformation we look closely at the claim and assess its credibility.

Packed with evidence and numerous examples corroborating the existence of the EXPOSE Network we explore the true intention of the international network of governments, NGO’s and private foundations backing the operation. We look at the history of those involved and consider the evidence proving their participation. We examine the what agenda they may have with thorough citation of examples substantiating our view.

The EXPOSE Network appears to present an existential threat to the vital underpinning components of western democratic society. It seeks to silence any and all criticism of NATO/EU policy and actions and reduce the Internet to little more than a public announcement board for the State. It is vital that we understand what the EXPOSE network is and the threat it presents. If it is what it claims then it should not fear scrutiny. This book is written very much in the hope that we can offer some.




New World Order – Many Tongues One Voice takes a look at the modern history of the Rhodes Round Table Movement that sought to build a transatlantic model of Britain’s 19th century empire. Many people refer to this as the New World Order, though, as we discover in this book, the New World Order means different things to different people.

The book explores how they profit from war and the balkanisation of global regions. It examines the financial and corporate power of those literally with a license to print money. We also examine it’s impact and look at the way in which it has already built the first major continental building block of its roadmap to global domination.

Over 120 pages the book provides every evidenced source and explanation you need to fully grasp what the New World Order is and how it currently  operates in the world. Please grab a copy today. Anything you wish to donate will be gratefully received.


Vaccines – The Truth About The Debate provides a useful compendium for those who question the efficacy and safety of some vaccines. It covers the history of the development of vaccines and explores some of the holes in the commonly accepted vaccine mythology.

There is a significant body of scientific evidence which questions certain vaccines and the book reveals some of the most compelling peer reviewwed reasons for scepticism. We consider why the vitriolic debate has emerged ask whose benefit it serves and who is behind it. The book is written in the hope of offering a rationale to break free from this pointless and potentially dangerous confrontation.

By evaluating the regulation and licensing of vaccines an alternative explanation emerges. One exposing the nexus of pharmaceutical corporations and state operators, all seeking to profit from the distribution of vaccines. If you are one among the millions sick and tired being called an anti vaxxer simply because you have some unanswered question then this book will provide you all the evidence you need to make an informed argument. Feel free to grab a copy. Anything you wish to donate is appreciated.



False Flag Attacks – Anatomy of Deception delivers a wealth of resources for those interested in this subject.  By examining the well documented history, cited throughout, of proven false flag attacks, if you wish to be informed on this essential subject, this book is for you.

We look at the different types of false flag attacks, numerous historical examples and consider what this means for us today. We explore significant attacks in more detail and focus upon the use of the so called “strategy of tension”. We also look at suspected false flag attacks and scrutinise the evidence which indicates they are not what we were led to believe.

By considering the impact of known and suspected false flag attacks the book seeks to understand the motivation behind them and offers plenty of evidence to identify those who benefit from such events. Many people come to this subject with a range of misguided beliefs. Armed with the knowledge in this book, you will be able to support those who are capable of asking the unthinkable.  If you care to donate that would be fantastic.


Islamist Extremists – Proxies of The West tells the story of western governments long standing relationship with Islamist extremist groups. From the late 19th and early 20th century support for the House of Saud, through Operation Cyclone to the present day, the book reveals how Islamist terrorist organisations have consistently been funded, trained, armed and equipped by the western governments who pretend to oppose them.

We look at the charmed life of al Muhajiroun, and its leaders in the UK, to consider what this reveals about UK government claims of standing firm against terrorism. We explore U.S support for al Qaeda both before and after 9/11 and ask what this means for the war on terror. We focus on the events surrounding one of al Qaeda’s most prominent members and his extensive links to the U.S. intelligence. We also take make a thorough appraisal of the formation of ISIS, how it came to be so well armed and equipped, who protected and supported it militarily.

Packed with verifiable evidence and in depth analysis, if you want to understand the real story behind the terror headlines then this book will give you a comprehensive grounding. Why not take a free copy? You are welcome to donate too, if you like.


A Climate Emergency – Fit For A Parasite Economy exposes the global financial interests behind the so called Climate Emergency. It highlights the significant volume of evidence which brings the idea of man made climate change into question. With numerous links to the scientific evidence casting doubt upon the orthodox view, we ask how we have arrived at a situation where even urging further research is considered ‘disinformation.’

A Climate Emergency investigates the corporate, state and global government support for the prominent ‘activist’ group Extinction Rebellion and the forces behind leading environmentalist poster girl Greta Thunberg.  We look at the history of climate activism on the global stage and evaluate the intentions of leading activists their backgrounds and motivations.

We also review the history of the founders of the IPCC, UNEP and the UNFCC, consider their reasons for backing climate alarmism and the gains they anticipate from a global Carbon Bond Market. This is an excellent resource for those who would like to be able to cite evidence when discussing this topic with those who would call you a ‘climate science denier.’ It’s free and voluntary contributions are fine as well.


Syria – A Lesson In Media Manipulation looks at the stark differences between western media reports of events in Syria’s long running conflict and the evidence which has subsequently come to light. In particular we look at the role of the White Helmets and the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) to assess how they have been used to strengthen the official narrative.

Many have reported the facts on the ground which contradict the mainstream media (MSM) accounts. They have universally been targeted and smeared as “Assad apologists” or “Russian trolls”, “disinformation agents” and “conspiracy theorists.”  We consider how such labels are used to censor information and convince an unwitting public to ignore otherwise perfectly valid information. We consider the impact of this on public opinion.

We look at the truth of the alleged Syrian civil war and consider if the evidence supports the notion of a widespread civil uprising against the Syrian Government. Does the use of language like “regime change” change our perception of foreign governments and, if so, what is the purpose of doing so. Then we examine the official reports that have been released and ask if they meet reasonable standards of evidence.

If you are willing to think outside the confines of state narratives then this book will provide you with a wealth of important information about the nature of the Syrian conflict and those who stood to gain from it.