– 29/03/2019 –
17.4 Million People have just been faced with the stark reality that their vote counts for absolutely nothing. Many people have been banging on about this for a long time but they have generally been disregarded as ‘looney conspiracy theorists.’ This is because the state never wanted anyone to realise that, in truth, your vote only counts if it agrees with the establishment. If it doesn’t then it will be ignored . As not leaving the EU has just demonstrated.
So how should we respond to this?

We certainly have a massive problem in the UK. We appear to be ruled by people who serve another power. Some might call it the New World Order, others the banks, maybe some call it the ‘establishment.’ Whichever way you cut it, the undeniable fact is that the governments we elect do not serve the people who elect them.
Not just this government either. All governments serve the same power, the people are always irrelevant. What we call ‘democracy’ is really the exercise of power based upon the principle of ‘might is right.’ The EU is first and foremost a globalist project of the power ‘elite’ (though I prefer the term ‘parasites’ to ‘elite’.) This is who your government actually works for. Hence no Brexit.
Whatever government you vote for you will always get corporate rule. This means illegal wars of conquest, vote rigging, propaganda, the erosion of public services, austerity, underemployment, censorship, sponsored terrorism and so on. It’s no use saying “b’b’but ‘democracy.” Democracy, in its current form, is completely useless. All it does is maintain the system and the system is set up to serve the powerful at everyone else’s expense.
Sadly people believe that the pantomime being played out in the UK Parliament means something. It doesn’t. The decision that the UK will never leave the EU was taken years ago. All Brexit has been is a distraction while the EU surged ahead with Defence Union, taking away the UK’s ability to defend itself. Something the British people would never have accepted if they knew anything about it. So the UK Parliament has been totally silent on the issue. Not just the Tories or Labour but all Parliamentarians. As I said, they do not serve the people.

Theresa May’s so called Brexit deal is nothing of the sort. It simply creates the UK as a vassal province of the EU. The EU is a technocratic dictatorship whose only real goal is to wield power over the people to maximise corporate profits. All of this leading to the eventual globalist objective of a One World Government with total dominion over every aspect of your life. Those who support the EU don’t know anything about this because they are naive enough to believe what they are told by the mainstream media (MSM,) who are owned by the same corporations who run the EU.
The people we elect want to have power and will do almost anything to get it. They go into politics craving that power and they all love the sound of their own voice. Staggering egos are essential. I’m not saying all politicians do so, nor that they are all corrupt egomaniacs. I’m sure some go into politics because they want to ‘do the right thing.’ However, they aren’t the ones who will achieve high office and stand little chance even of being selected as Parliamentary candidates. If any accidentally slip through the net and spill out of the back benches, they will be eviscerated by the ‘establishment.’
In order to achieve high office you need to be approved by the wealthy donors and corporations who really run the show. Unlike most politicians they are smart enough to realise that if people knew what they were actually doing they wouldn’t get away with it. They crave power but only for their own ends and they necessarily shun the limelight. They need a buffer between themselves and the people, because there are awful lot of us and not many of them. Hence, the modern politician.
The true holders of power create institutions and tax exempt foundations, run corporate philanthropic projects and global initiatives, fund international ‘movements,’ pressure groups and NGO’s. These ‘leverage tools’ are then used to coerce, control and direct the policies of selected politicians. As these politicians are either bent or ignorant, they are perfect useful idiots, and that is why they are chosen. As they are willing to do whatever they are told in exchange for ‘career advancement,’ they make the perfect Government.
Each of the selected politicians must be compromised in some way. Thus ensuring their loyalty to their powerful backers. If they ever stray from the fold they can first be reminded of the strangle hold and, if that doesn’t work, undermined, exposed and destroyed. This makes them the malleable puppets whose role is to carry out their masters bidding. Power protects the powerful and, over hundreds of years, through the monetary system, control of the media and the ownership of the military industrial and intelligence complex, the walls of the fortress have become unscalable.
The Problem.

At it’s core I suggest the problem is this. People believe they need to be governed. They devolve their natural authority over themselves to another, often ceding their own sovereignty to ‘people in authority.’ There are plenty of people who are more than happy to accept the authority given to them. These are the kinds of people who enjoy wielding power over others and demand you respect them for it.
Is it really wise to give such people the power to make decisions on your behalf? I don’t think so. As the late Douglas Adams said:
“……one of the many major problems with governing people is that of whom you get to do it; or rather of who manages to get people to let them do it to them. To summarize: it is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it. To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.”
The chosen politician’s main purpose is to distract you away from where power truly lies. They are supported in their efforts by the corporate owned MSM and a ‘divide and rule’ philosophy which is thousands of years old. You are constantly encouraged to ‘take sides,’ to ‘identify’ with one group or cause. This means you can be pitted against ‘the other side.’ Right vs left, black vs white, progressive vs the ‘alt right.’ We are each given these causes, the flags to rally behind, because it ensures we waste our time bickering with each other while those who own the global economy get on with business. ‘Bread and circuses‘ in other words.
The Reaction.
Now that at least 17.4 million British people have woken up, en masse, to this reality it seems very obvious that the UK State expect them to violently revolt. The corporate owned Government, and its MSM propaganda machine, have been promoting this idea for ages. We’ve had a deluge of stories about troops on the street, impending chaos, the rise of the far right (because wanting the leave the EU is a fascist belief you see), curfews and a myriad of other alarmist claims. The idea being to insert the notion into the psyche of the people, in order for them to perform as required.
With ‘leaders’ like Nigel Farage talking about revolution clearly the intention is to push a majority of the the British public down another pointless cul-de-sac. This time a ‘revolutionary’ one. In truth the last thing the people need is another ‘great leader.’ You are only offered these people because it suits the establishment. While you pin your flag to their mast you stay involved in the ‘divide and rule’ game. Desperately hoping that this time your vote will make a difference. It never will. You can’t vote your way out of this. That’s just the way it is.

The State is really eager for the people to ‘kick off’ because it possesses all the means of force. If you throw a stone at an ‘officer’ you can be incarcerated by the state for the crime of assault. Justifiably so, in my opinion. If the same ‘officer’ shoots you in the face with a plastic battering ram, or blows you hand off with a grenade, they are acting legally. Which is completely unjustifiable. As we are seeing in France right now.
However, here’s the important point, your sacrifice means ‘diddly squat’ to the state. It will change precisely nothing and will be a positive boon for the globalist authoritarians who tell governments what to do.
Rioting will enable the puppet government to ‘crack down’ on ‘dissidents.’ They will almost certainly identify many as ‘ far right terrorists,’ claiming they are intent upon destroying democracy. The fact that most will be protesting to uphold what they think democracy is won’t make a jot of difference. Nor will the fact that many of the most violent will be ‘agent provocateurs‘ inserted into the protests, by the state, to make sure they riot. The example will be made, and those arrested will be locked up for a long time. This is the post truth world after all, and elements within the judiciary are just as corrupt as the ‘selected’ politicians.
The ‘crack down’ won’t only involve mowing down disabled people or beating up pensioners. It will also enable the state to roll out the kind of censorship they have been hankering after for years. With the recent, suspiciously well timed, passing of the EU’s copyright directive and the stated need to protect the people from so called ‘fake news,’ this will be both very easy for government regimes to achieve and will even be welcomed by many fearful, slave thinkers. Divide and rule triumphs again.
Violence is something the British people should avoid like the plague. It is a trap laid by the state, for a start. It is also the language of oppression and only ever serves one master. So what could be the solution?
The Solution.
Ignore the state. Stop believing in their authority because, in reality, they don’t have any. The only ‘authority’ they have is given to them by us. If we decide not to bother it will evaporate. Their power is an illusion, all that’s left is oppression. Unfortunately, they will exercise it, dying empires invariably do. Yet without our consent they have no authority and, if millions of people start to realise this, the state, as we know it, will dissolve. Seeing as it is the state leading millions of people somewhere they don’t want to go, against their will, maybe it’s time to think of alternatives?
There is no need at all to be fearful of this. A stateless society is both possible and preferable. It does not mean chaos, quite the opposite. Nor does it mean an end to commerce, private property or the Rule of Law. Broadly this concept is referred to as ‘Anarchy.’ People always think this means chaotic disorder but it absolutely does not. Anarchy is simply an umbrella term to describe a wide range of political philosophies which are based upon the idea that the State can only rule through coercion and the use of force. The use of force is always wrong. Therefore, all states are always illegitimate.
Look at this way. Is it right for me to force you to do as I say? If not, is it right for me and some friends of mine to force you to do what we say? Therefore, at what point does it become acceptable for anyone to force anyone else to do as they say? I ask, because that is the rationale for the authority of the state. At some point we all collectively agree that it is OK for a nominated group of people to tell everyone else what they can and cannot do. Currently, in the UK, this means that at least 17.4 million people are going to be forced to accept the authority of the EU Commission. They have no say in it and they do not consent. How is that legitimate?
Many people reject this, claiming that is not the case. Democratic states rule by ‘the consent of the governed.’ If this were true it should therefore be possible to withdraw your consent. Millions of people don’t want their taxes to be spent by the EU commission on their Defence Union. However if they try to withhold a corresponding proportion of their taxation the boots will soon be kicking down the door. The idea that we have a choice is nonsense. Ultimately the state always enforces its will upon the people through the use of violence or the threat of violence. No one goes to prison willingly, they must be forced.

It is true that in our current democratic system the vast majority willingly give their consent to be governed. They devolve their own authority and individual sovereignty to the state, preferring to be told what to do. This is usually sold to them by the state as ‘keeping them safe.’ However the biggest threats to their survival always comes from the state. States start wars, fund terrorism, imprison, oppress and demand payment, backed up by the threat of the use of force. Whereas people generally want to live in harmony, enjoy life and wouldn’t dream of harming anyone else.
Our conditioning runs deep. Most people unquestioningly accept, without a state, no one would build roads, fix the sewers or provide any public services. No one would provide healthcare or policing. Why not? Don’t we need these things? Currently roads are built and infrastructure maintained, in the UK, by private contractors. Why do we need to give our money to the state so that they can then buy in these services? What would stop people buying in those services themselves?
Similarly, why do we need the state to operate a system of justice and policing? This can be achieved through systems of Contract Law. Everything, from the way we conduct ourselves with each other, the judicial system and even law enforcement itself, can be run based upon contract. No state required. People have been taught to unquestionably accept two self contradictory concepts. Firstly we are taught that we, as sovereign human beings, are incapable of ruling ourselves. Yet we are also indoctrinated to believe that a tiny clique of people are capable of ruling millions. This makes no sense at all, and it never did.
All our lives we’ve had it drummed into us this thing we believe to be ‘democracy’ is the best way to order a society. That is not true, what we’ve got isn’t even democracy. Real democracy means governance by Trial by Jury. There are many viable alternatives that do not require you to give away all your individual sovereignty to power mad tyrants.
In a practical sense what can you do? Firstly the most important thing is never to break the law. Act lawfully at all times, be disciplined and treat everyone with respect, no matter what their views or who they are; arm yourself with knowledge, not pitchforks; challenge ideas you disagree with rationally; spread your knowledge to those willing to listen; don’t be drawn into supporting one cause or another, don’t believe anything; make up your own mind and be sovereign.
Familiarise yourself with the law. The real law, Common law and Natural justice. Understand what the British Constitution means and demand it be enforced. Not by rioting in the streets but by supporting those who use the law to fight for the Rule of Law.
Other practical measures could include not paying for your daily dose of propaganda, boycott the MSM. Stop paying the TV license, life without the telly is liberating. Don’t buy new, always buy second hand or even better, barter. Use cash at all times where necessary, don’t be fooled by the convenience of plastic. Keep borrowing to an absolute minimum, buy fresh produce locally if you can, if you can’t look for small local traders if possible. Avoid their pharmaceuticals and focus upon being well by taking exercise and eating healthily.
Learn to live with less. Stop chasing the latest technology or imagining anyone is impressed by the car you drive. Work less and play more. Spend more time with loved ones, not less. Build communities, grow your own food if you can. Lawfully fight unfair taxation, resist undemocratic decision making at the local level. Get involved with the issues that matter to you without pinning your beliefs to any one single dogma or philosophy. Stop watching and start doing. There are so many lawful things we can do to fight against this globalist dictatorship, the list is endless.
These choices, the kind we make every day, are all political. Collectively, they will have far more impact upon power structures than standing on the barricades ever will.
But most importantly be aware. Understand that the people who currently run society are not interested in you or your family. Your only value to them is as a cash cow. The perfect ‘you,’ as far as they are concerned, is someone who works all hours for more than 40 years to pay off the debt they are burdened with. Rushed off your feet, you don’t have the chance to even think about what’s important to you, let alone act on it. Once warn out and spent, infested with chemicals and radiation, you can be maintained on pharmaceutical life support, constantly generating profit, until you shuffle off this mortal coil to be replaced by the next, unsuspecting battery.
Search you soul, and you know this is true.
So what are you going to do about it?
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