Hybrid war is being waged upon the people by the State and COVID 19 is the casus belli. The objective is to use misinformation and disinformation to promote widespread behaviour change. The behaviour change is required to create the economic, social, political and cultural condition for the globalist’s Great Reset. As defined by the World Economic Forum (WEF).
The UK government are one of many so called western democracies who are collaborating with the WEF to bring about the Great Reset. In the UK, Prime Minister Boris Johnson borrowed the United Nation’s slogan of “Build Back Better” (favoured by Jo Biden in the U.S.) to cover up the apparent fact that his policies come from another globalist organisation, the World Economic Forum. In his recent conference speech, he said:
“After all we have been through it isn’t enough just to go back to normal…..We have been through too much……to think that life can go on as it was before the plague. [COVID 19 is]….the trigger for an acceleration of social and economic change……That is why this government will build back better…..We must be clear that there comes a moment when the state must stand back and let the private sector get on with it……This government has been forced by the pandemic into erosions of liberty that we deeply regret, and to an expansion of the role of the state….we accept [this] because there is simply no reasonable alternative.”
[paraphrase added]
As many have warned, there will be no return to the life we once knew. The new abnormal is permanent. The “we,” who accept this, refers to the acolytes of the Great Reset and COVID 19 is nowhere near being a disease of plague like proportions.
From the outset, there have been many alternatives to the draconian lockdown policies deployed by the State. However, for those who seek to further consolidate their power and control, COVID 19 is not a problem but an opportunity. Medical science and objective reasoning will not interfere in their plans to make the most of it.
Despite more than 4000 scientists and 7000 medical professionals signing the Great Barrington Declaration, urging the government to end its lethal lockdown policies, the UK government dismissed it out of hand,. They claimed this group of thousands of scientists and doctors only have assumptions to back up their qualified opinions.
The UK government chose instead to stick with their own, tiny band of handpicked scientific advisors, whose judgements and decisions have, to date, been based upon nothing but assumptions. All of which have turned out to be either wildly inaccurate or simply wrong.
With Johnson’s words we see what the Great Reset is really all about. Like Mussolini’s fascist state, the Great Reset is a public-private partnership. It simply reverses the dominant order of il Duce’s fascismo.
Instead of the political hierarchy controlling the business of corporations, in the Great Reset (the new Build Back Better abnormal), the corporations dominate political decision making. Policies and strategy comes from the board rooms and private think tanks, the governments role is merely to implement them.
During the same conference, UK Chancellor Rishi Sunak made it quite clear how political power will be exploited. He stated:
“What began in March as a health emergency has grown and now reaches deep into our economy and society…..it has been for many, for the first time in their lives, a moment in which government ceased to be distant and abstract, but became real, and felt…..We are now seeing our economy go through changes as a result of coronavirus that can’t be ignored…..I have always said I couldn’t protect every job or every business…..the overwhelming might of the British state will be placed at your service.”
The people feel the overwhelming might of the State because it has used its farcical political authority to establish a legislative and regulatory cage for the population. A prison to protect the interests of the multinational oligarchy who control it.
“Build Back Better” (the Great Reset) has a price tag, but only for us, the ordinary folk: Individual liberties permanently lost and inalienable rights ignored, replaced with biosecurity obligations, reward for compliance and punishment for dissent; our ability to travel, work, conduct business, access vital services, and even purchase the item we need, centrally monitored and controlled, via our “immunity status,” in the new abnormal State.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution Partnership
The UK Government are WEF partners on a number of initiatives. For example, the global corporations forming the WEF are at the heart of the UK government’s drive towards AI led procurement programs. Similarly, The UK’s regulatory framework for their entire industrial strategy is a collaboration between the UK Government and the WEF Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
The Fourth Industrial Revolution (FIR) was a term first coined by Klaus Schwab, co-founder and current executive chairman of the WEF. Like previous technological epochs, its combined set of emergent technologies can be used for good or ill. The technology itself isn’t necessarily the problem, but how it is being controlled and deployed is.
The FIR promises to decentralise production and localise supply chains, it offers the possibility of a decentralised monetary system and the creation of a network of autonomous communities cooperating in spontaneous order. However, it also enables the centralisation of all authority and mass surveillance of the individual; the establishment of a worldwide biosecurity State, an energy rationed global governance system and a unified international realpolitik that denies freedom.
When Schwab first wrote of the FIR, he highlighted both its potential and its risks. While he appeared to advocate an empowering distribution of technology, for the benefit of all humanity, he also spelled out a darker possibility.
“Governments will gain new technological powers to increase their control over populations, based on pervasive surveillance systems and the ability to control digital infrastructure….The Fourth Industrial Revolution will also profoundly impact the nature of national and international security……Modern conflicts involving states are increasingly “hybrid” in nature……The distinction between war and peace, combatant and noncombatant, and even violence and nonviolence (think cyberwarfare) is becoming uncomfortably blurry….The tracking and sharing of information about us is a crucial part of the new connectivity.”
There is no doubt that the FIR is underway, so the question is which model are we being forced to accept? Are we about to witness the global decentralisation of everything, from the means of production to the currency we use, or are we being corralled into the nightmare hinted at by Schwab?
A world of distant global governance. A technocracy, centrally administered by carefully selected “stakeholders?”
The COVID 19 Opportunity
The UK government’s collaboration with the WEF led to their policy paper Regulation For The Fourth Industrial Revolution. This indicates which model of the FIR the UK government favours.
“We have established a partnership with the World Economic Forum to shape the global governance of technological innovation.”
The centralised, global control of technological innovation is practically an oxymoron. Unless your intention is to stifle real innovation and seize control of research and development for your own benefit.
COVID 19 is viewed by the WEF, and its globalist partners like the UK government, as a fantastic opportunity. They clearly articulate this:
“There is an urgent need for global stakeholders to cooperate in simultaneously managing the direct consequences of the COVID-19 crisis……The Covid-19 crisis……is fundamentally changing the traditional context for decision-making. The inconsistencies, inadequacies and contradictions of multiple systems…..are more exposed than ever amidst a global context….As we enter a unique window of opportunity to shape the recovery, this initiative will offer insights to help inform all those determining the future state of global relations…Drawing from the vision and vast expertise of the leaders engaged across the Forum’s communities, the Great Reset initiative has a set of dimensions to build a new social contract.”
The World Health Organisation declared a global COVID 19 pandemic on 11th of March and the WEF had their extensive COVID Action Platform up and running on the 12th. The WEF stated it was their intention to order the future state of international relations, the direction of national economies, the priorities of societies, the nature of business models and the management of a global commons (control of all resources).
According to the WEF, COVID 19 improves the chances of them controlling global relations. Multiple systems of governance are rubbish and a single, centralised technocracy of stakeholders is essential. Apparently, when a tiny handful of oligarchs have total dominion over the Earth’s resources, we will all be much better off.
The fundamental change to the traditional context for decision-making is simply unavoidable and means we all have to accept a new social contract. Policy will be determined by WEF approved leaders who will control all of us because they have vision and vast expertise.
As we all know, great leaders with vision and vast expertise are pretty thin on the ground. Instead we have the likes of Richard Haass, Christine Lagarde, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and Prince Charles. Only their ambition is vast, and this is reflected in the objectives shared by WEF corporate partners and the governments they collaborate with.

If you think there is a distinct lack of democratic oversight in this “plan,” you are right. Obviously, no sane individual would ever knowingly submit to this tyrannical, jackboot, lunacy. So we need to be convinced that the Great Reset power grab is essential.
Fear is a great motivator and COVID 19 is perfect for instilling some in the population. As long as we are scared into believing our governments only wants to “protect us” and “keep us safe,” there is a reasonable prospect many of us will fall for this tripe. This is where hybrid warfare comes in handy.
The Hybrid War Protagonists
In hybrid warfare there is no distinction between war and peace. The battlefield is everything and everywhere simultaneously. The enemy is whoever stands in the way of your objectives. Especially people who openly disagree with government policy and journalists who stray off script.
Formerly the Security Assistance Group (an amalgam of the Media Operations Group, 15 Psychological Operations Group, Security Capacity Building Team, and the Military Stabilisation and Support Group), the 77th Brigade of the British Army specialises in information warfare (surveillance and propaganda). They state that their objective is to adapt behaviours of adversaries and describe themselves as an agent of change.
The Brigades works with the UK Cabinet Office’s Rapid Response Unit (RRU). In a 2018 article The Director of Government Communications, Alex Aiken, explained how the domestic hybrid war was led by the RRU.
“It (the RRU) monitors news and information being shared and engaged with online to identify emerging issues…..The unit’s round the clock monitoring service has identified several stories of concern…..The unit has tackled misinformation closer to home…..a number of articles from US and UK outlets…… quickly spread via social media, which was then spotted by RRU monitoring……The unit activated social media content which helped to rebalance the narrative.”
In his 2018 article, Aiken also revealed the States partnership with the Big Tech’ corporations. He wrote:
“The unit (RRU) identified that a number of false narratives from alternative news sources were gaining traction online. These “alt-news” sources are biased….When people searched for information….unreliable sources were appearing above official UK government information….no government information was appearing on the first 15 pages of Google results……The RRU improved the ranking from below 200 to number 1 within a matter of hours.”
The “alt-news” sources are biased because they question power and government policy. Like the mainstream media used to do.
Anyone who has ever worked in Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) knows that even the WPP Group would struggle to take a web page’s organic Google search ranking from below 200 to number 1 in a few hours. Aiken ostensibly confirmed that the UK Government works with Google to fix the search results.
For politically sensitive topics, Google doesn’t appear to be a genuine search engine at all. For these search results, it acts more like a State propaganda website. like the UK government, Google are among the many technology corporations partnering with the WEF in their Great Reset.
We shouldn’t doubt the government’s commitment to hybrid war. The British Chief of Defence Staff Sir Nick Carter, speaking to the Royal United Services Institute in 2018, stated:
“Since 2016 we have seen a marked shift to..[a]..sophisticated use of smear campaigns and fake news…[it] has to be defeated….One has to recognise the importance of messaging….I’ve been very impressed with the talent that’s come forward to join the Army Reserve….we have got some remarkable talent when it comes to social media…. I think it’s important that we build on the excellent foundation we’ve created for Information Warfare through our 77 Brigade.”
[paraphrase added]
Sharing a platform with the former Director of the CIA, precisely echoing the words of Klaus Schwab, in September 2019, Carter told the Cliveden set:
“The changing character of warfare has exposed the distinctions that don’t exist any longer between peace and war….I feel I am now at war…..because great power competition and the battle of ideas with non-state actors is threatening us on a daily basis…….The character of warfare is evolving…..Information is going to be at the core of so much that we do. Future warfare is going to be very much information-centric.”
Again, General Carter, speaking on the 22nd of April this year, stated how the British Army had been tasked by the government (essentially to promote the WEF’s policy agenda). He told the gathered press:
“We have been involved with the Cabinet Office rapid response unit, with our 77 Brigade helping to quash rumours from misinformation, but also to counter disinformation.”
77th Brigades role in the COVID 19 hybrid war was outlined thanks to a parliamentary question asked by DUP MP Gavin Robinson. Armed Forces Minister James Heappey responded:
“A team from the Ministry of Defence, including members of the Army’s 77th Brigade, is currently supporting the UK Government’s Rapid Response Unit in the Cabinet Office and are working to counter dis/misinformation about COVID-19.”
The RRU proudly announced that they have rebutted 70 false claims per week concerning COVID 19. The “other agents” they refer to, as part of their counter disinformation unit, include 77th Brigade and its army of social media troops determined to shape our behaviours.
With senior executives of social media networks recruited to its ranks, there is no doubt that 77th Brigade is busy on social media, actively engaged in information war.
77th Brigade are also well represented in the UK Parliament. Mark Lancaster (Armed Forces Minister) was, until recently, their Deputy Commander and the chair of the House of Commons defence committee, Tobias Ellwood, is a serving 77th Brigade Lieutenant Colonel.
We can’t be certain in what capacity some MP’s are making statements to Parliament. For example, Tobias Ellwood made a statement to the house on 29th September in which he advocated that the military and Ministry of Defence (MOD) should take the lead on the mass distribution of a COVID 19 vaccine,
A vaccine which is both unregulated and for which the manufactures have no liability at all. Of course, Astrazeneca, GSK (via the Wellcome Trust), Gilead Sciences, Novartis, Pfizer and Sanofi etc. are all WEF partners in the Great Reset.
Was Ellwood speaking as an MP, representing his constituents, or as a serving military propagandist promoting the Great Reset? We just don’t know.
77th Brigade are fighting their information war alongside others such as the open information partnership. Their efforts are part of a wider push to control our behaviour.
A network of well funded, self appointed anti hate campaigners and Big Tech’s fact checking partners are collaborating with governments and supranational governmental organisations to control public access to information. Wide ranging censorship legislation is also proposed to form a comprehensive public-private censorship grid.
Who Are The Enemy?
In this war “non state actors” defines everyone as the enemy. This includes terrorist organisations and extremist groups, who probably are dangerous. However, it also identifies you and your family as potential national security threats.
No distinction is made between peace and war. We all need to understand this. Everyone is a possible target.
As WEF collaborators, the UK government is intent upon giving itself carte blanche to commit crime in pursuit of shared goals. The Covert Human Intelligence (Criminal Conduct) Bill proposes to allow government agencies, and their operatives, to perpetrate any crime (as none are currently specified in the Bill) with impunity. It “legalises” the unfettered use of criminality by the State, without restrictions of any kind.
If it passes into law, the military (77th Brigade included) will have the legal authority to engage in criminal activity to “keep us safe.” Providing they believe we are some sort of loosely defined threat to national security, are committing or likely to commit a crime (Online Harms legislation pending) or threaten the economic wellbeing of the UK (whatever that means), criminal acts perpetrated against us are fine.
We can’t expect elected representatives to do anything about this. Most of them blindly follow the party whips and the dissenting voices are a tiny minority.
Thus far there has been no meaningful parliamentary opposition to the Covert Human Intelligence (Criminal Conduct) Bill. It sailed through it’s second reading. Hundreds of so called opposition MP’s couldn’t even be bothered to show up.
We are required to run for the safety of the Great Reset dictatorship. Consequently, questions are not welcome. Those who openly raise doubts about what we are told by government, and its mainstream media partners, will only encourage others to explore their own misgivings. This will not be tolerated.
Therefore, any expressed opinion not “on message” is labeled as disinformation, because disinformation is whatever the biosecurity State says it is. The State determines the official truth.
Any who challenge it, regardless of the evidence they present, will be viable prey for the hybrid warriors. Just as Orwell warned.
Those who reject the COVID 19 fear porn, who highlight scientific doubt, statistical anomalies, medical scepticism, or indeed say or share anything which runs contrary to the official State COVID 19 narrative, are to be marginalised, publicly ridiculed and silenced by any means necessary. Criminal or otherwise.
If COVID 19 ever was a population level threat, it isn’t the most pressing any longer. The people are under attack by their own State. All the necessary components of a fascist technocracy are rapidly being assembled.
Make no mistake, in the hybrid information war, we are the enemy.
They call it “The Great Reset” just to fool once again the Herd of Moron Slaves.
The FINAL GOAL is that OPERATION “The Great Rest” gets the Planet MORE HABITABLE for the Secular Ruling Families & Billionaires…
This is the actual Poster for Operation “The Great Rest”
video – 3 mins 38 secs
Please take a look at the following two items as it relates to this video:
(1) Larry Grathwohl on Ayers plan for American reeducation camps and the need to kill millions SD – 2 mins 19 secs
(2) Police checkpoints in place for Thanksgiving weekend as more Quebec regions enter COVID-19 red zone – 3 mins 22 secs
(3) Hey Ontario and Quebec. You are locked in your homes again. For your own safety, you see. But the government is opening up the borders to mass immigration again – 2 mins 20 secs
Thanks for the interesting links. This is certainly a global plan.
All you say, Iain, is quite true. I have a 1954 document which confirms it to be so: https://www.lawfulpath.com/ref/sw4qw/index.shtml
Thanks Peter. Though it’s provenance is a bit obscure, Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars is becoming more prescient by the day. So much so, its origin hardly seems to matter.
One of the principles revealed in SLQW is that of shock testing a system by establishing sensors.
With the IoT and 5g we may all be interned as things – and the calibrating of the system is already being primed by shock testing. Thus we look for ‘reasons’ where there are simply lab experiments ongoing.
So the arbitrary decisions to eg; part censor various things are studied for how we react and the system learns to predictively pre-empt such reactions.
a lot of ‘lockdown’ is a regulatory capture along with mind captured who are programmed to demand protections and restrictions as well as police them – even by the sense of meeting terrified (or bigoted) people who take offence at what had been human behaviour but is being medicalised and criminalised as ‘threat’.
Everything that we may do, might then be ensnared to use against us – much as a skilled trapper can learn the habits of the quarry to use their predictable reactions to deliver them to their own entrapment or death.
I am reminded of one flew over the cuckoo’s nest in which the protagonist is lobotomised for open resistance under Nurse Ratchet, while the Big Indian (who narrates the story in the book) regains his spirit as a result of the freedom of expression and rulebreaking for recreational human camaraderie to break the rules inside his mindset – and after suffocating the vacant shell of the lobotomised protagonist – breaks out a barred window and slips into the night.
Hi. That photo does not look like Prince Charles. Is it a double??
Thank you for your good work.
Hi Iain.
Grateful again for this insightful article.
I’m so new to commenting on such pieces, I don’t have any additional knowledge or insight bombs to drop.
As just a regular person who, prior to this pandemic, never gave much thought to the nature of the ideas you are presenting – the words you write are expressing ideas that I both share and have a hard time articulating to others. It’s easier and more productive for me to link friends to your articles.
Thank you so much for your time and effort. There’s so much to learn from your work, I’m happy to share it.
Thanks Sumy. I think your comment illustrates that you do have additional knowledge and insight. I am just a regular person too, whose hobby happens to be an interest in history and geopolitics. My understanding makes me a conspiracy theorist. That label needs to be owned by us, the people whose opinions are dismissed through its application. Yes, we do see evidence of a globalist conspiracy. So let’s talk about the evidence. I hope in some small way my work inspires you to bring that evidence to your conversations with others.
Your comments are consistently salient and engaging. You have every right to express how you feel and what you think in any way you choose. Please see the excellent post from James Corbett: https://www.corbettreport.com/i-am-a-conspiracy-theorist/
I’d had a little exchange with you before ‘all the shit blocked the fan’ and from seeing your writing on OG and UKC and here all I can extend is an appreciation for excellence.
This point came up while reading above;
Technology is presumed neutral as the progeny of a science deemed likewise, as if ethical or moral or indeed human considerations do not colour or limit the endeavour of science – except as ‘choices’ that are then applied to the discoveries or developments.
Human consciousness is capable of ‘as if’ and this capacity to model reality and run probable outcomes is creative imagination running on chosen or accepted presumptions and parameters. The development of which is itself a subconscious modelling that operates as conditioned reaction along the lines of accepted self definitions and beliefs. Such routines or learned behavioural response can be set by trauma or shock as a means to evade the reliving or exposure to an intolerable overwhelm of conflict, pain or loss, as a mindset of control as a technologism in place of a natural philosophy, such that all else is subordinated to marketising and weaponising – for possession and control as the survival of a split off and fear-defined purpose of maintaining the separation from feared life as the intent to limit divide and control it as if an external environment to a private agenda.
To set this in terms of the world as we generally see it, an invested identity in possession and control, determines the flow – or choking – of funding and narrative support for the development of both technology, the uses to which it is put and the narratives of a ‘scientism’ that operate to mask over science and mask as science – while killing or enslaving it along with all other human endeavour as the replacement of life by systemic control.
An invested identity in possession and control is of course driven by fear of dispossession and loss of face or control, and so the mask operates an inversion or reversal of the active intent – which is a characteristic signature of a manipulative intent, knowingly crafted or spontaneously generated under belief such means are called for or necessary.
So beliefs about science are cultivated as a priesthood of knowledge or expertise that has become increasing fragmented in specialism and sub specialisms that render what seemed to almost reach to a heavenly knowledge or power, as a tower of babel, in which vertical hierarchies of control, status and funding replace horizontal community endeavour or human social context.
Made in the image of our worship, society is no less fragmented and captured by the consolidation of the means of control which is chiefly a spiritual blindness within subconsciously active structures of replacement for communication and exchange. As if we have stepped into and become trapped in our own ‘modelling’ given power over our primary and direct relationship with our being – as a totality or living whole.
Fitting our life into a locked down and masked control system is thus a replication or re-enacting of a theme already operating but made explicit. For all that is of a root idea will carry the signature characteristics or recognisable fruits of its original.
The ability to explicate mind to technological faculty and cultural results is one way of bringing forth and sharing in, but it can and has become a means to gain a ‘world of conflicting premises and purpose in exchange for the felt participance of our being as relational willingness, resonant recognition and love of life in expression.
At some level we do this unto ourselves and therefore to each other and to life. The mind grown or developed from attack and fear, is of denial masked over and protected by narrative identities set against feared threat.
Those who know not what they do, are set in the need to know ‘something else’ and seek support and reinforcement for ‘finding it’ and setting the meaning in terms of a moral justification.
Science as true enquiry seeks to uncover the already true, as the revealing of what is to who we are as an integral part of the whole. That we forgot our question in distractions along the way is the very nature of the world of rich experience in which we become invested and entangled as the themes of our living.
Reintegration is not the movement to persist in further segregation, driven by limitation, division and conflict. But a pause of subconscious reaction to question our presumptions, definitions and active beliefs that in our moment are reality to us. There is always another way of looking at this – whatever this is – that allows something of a wholeness of being to undo or correct our ‘model’ or thinking to a more coherent and shared appreciation. Finding such willingness is set against the mind of a learned or trained experience, and can be experienced as conflicting or in terms of a battle, but in truth we are split in decision, and will have no real peace until we differentiate the true from the false, to accept and align in truth and release or let the false fall away for lack of support.
How this unfolds or refolds to a true appreciation of who and what we are, is not in the mind of control simulations given priority, but through the relaxing and release of that as ‘ guide’, to the condition of discerning or recognising the living path or balance points within apparent complexity. We don’t like this as it is the cusp or threshhold of responsibility and feels naked and exposed – relative to sleepwalking under systemic controls that save us from having to truly engage. But it is not defenceless so much as needing our acceptance and abiding with, rather than recoil from – in order to grow in us by living through us. Fear of attack can trigger the reaction in like kind, by which, attack is ‘proven’ to have occurred, and love’s awareness of being (is) lost or subordinated to the power to limit, divide and control, given to the mind of ‘as if’.
If this seems abstract, there is nothing abstract about an illusion given priority or power in our mind by which we are set against, and in fear of truth that can no longer be recognised or rested in while we chase or are driven by emotionally invested identity.
PS if the comment is too long – put
and trim off some paragraphs
HOW? How will the Schwab mob, Boris and Dominic et al, do it? Will they put it to the people as a vote? Tick the yes box for The Great Reset? Or will they somehow impose top down technocracy – totalitarianism – by creeping stealth? Surely they can’t just say to the people “guess what, from next Tuesday there is no such thing as parliamentary democracy. The new ruler of the world is Fred Nerk, operating out of an office in Brussels.”
I think the question is how are they doing it. This is not something that will happen, it is something that is happening. A big component of how it is being done is the illusion of democracy. As we are now seeing in the U.S. at the moment, while the people are distracted by the “bread an circuses” of an election, they aren’t paying much attention to where the policies are coming from. While they stay engaged in their party loyalties they are divided, oblivious to the real problem. Once their “leader” is “elected” the losers continue to bemoan how unfair everything is while the winners gradually become disillusioned as it again becomes apparent that they didn’t get what they voted for. Then in four years the whole pointless charade begins again.
It is the belief that people like Boris and Donald are in charge that keeps people from seeing that they are not. They merely elect the puppets of the oligarchs. The puppets change but the oligarchs don’t. Whoever they elect the policy trajectory is set, only the style of delivery changes. The Great Reset is having a profound effect on us all precisely because the vast majority think they can stop it by voting. They can’t.
You are welcome.
Hi Iain, thanks for some of the best analysis on the Scamdemic!
I was wondering what with all the obsessive testing of asymptomatic, healthy people whether there is a hidden agenda. Specifically does anyone out there know if the RT-PCR test can also be used for collecting our identifying, individual DNA? This could be attached to our upcoming digital IDs (ID-2020) and the potential for control and targeted harm becomes greater. We know scientific advances are focusing on gene-specific applications such as the ‘gene-drive extinction’ projects which supposedly ‘benefit’ humanity by wiping out for instance mosquitoes through gene-modification which results in fewer female offspring leading to species-extinction in just a few generations. Never mind about destroying the complex eco-system which depends on mosquitoes. There are already companies peddling gmo lab rodents with specific altered characteristics for sale.
Mayo Clinic in the US has recently developed a new PCR test and this webpage outlines in details how such tests in general work – highly complex and with great potential for error: https://discoverysedge.mayo.edu/2020/03/27/the-science-behind-the-test-for-the-covid-19-virus/
Another globalist-driven obsession seems to be ‘transhumanism’. Most of us were unaware of just how far scientists have developed practical application of ‘transhumanism’. Morals injunctions against playing God with our world, unleashing irreversible unintended consequences or human dignity don’t count for much to the them. Are they mad or do they have a plan to implement a two-tier world of elites and drones a la Brave New World?
Anyway, here are a few links of interest:
“Human 2.0”? A Wake-Up Call To The World – YouTube
Genetic Engineering Will Change Everything Forever – CRISPR – YouTube
Optogenetics and Enhancing Brain Functions-A World Economic Forum Discussion-Ideas @Davos-WIRED – YouTube
Scientists can now manipulate brain cells using smartphone
just thank you avm! the links are great
Again, Ian, you have written a genius piece. In fact I’ve spent all day trying to use parts of it to decide how to get through to my adult children. I have decided to try and leave a Log of what I see, think and believe, and as I’m in my 70s maybe my grandchildren will be allowed to read it after I’m dead. So I am printing it out as I don’t know what will happen to my computer.
At “The COVID 19 Opportunity”
I had some thoughts, thus:
Opportunity? Maybe. But how fortuitous was this “opportunity”? Discussions regarding how to gain control of the people and have them agree to limitations on their freedoms or other impositions required in order to carry out the technology and organisation planned in the FIR were clearly had before the end of the last century. We know these ideas are very far from new and have been building between the people generally described as “The 1%” of top wealthiest and most powerful people in the world and who meet in groups such as the exclusive and secretive “Bilderberg” meetings where no notes are permitted and no recordings allowed. Yet one recording did slip out. This is what made me think just how serendipitous was the virus called SARS-CoV-2 which gave the illness COVID-19 that did not exist and nobody had heard of before the ‘bat/zoonotic transfer of the virus came to mankind in Wuhan in 2019?
Although, very strangely, we do apparently have the patent applications regarding “COVID-19” testing from Richard Rothschild in 2015 and 2017 see https://silview.media/2020/10/04/atomic-bombshell-rothschilds-patented-covid-19-biometric-tests-in-2015-and-2017/ which is odd considering COVID-19 was supposed to be not heard of until 2019, or so they told us.
Anyway, about discussions regarding how to get the whole country to do what they basically would never normally agree to do: In 1992 somebody knew how to do it: I have an article with illicitly secretly recorded speech of Henry Kissinger at the Bilderberg Meeting at Evian France May 21st 1992, where he said,
“Today Americans would be outraged if UN Troupes entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will pledge with world Leaders to deliver them from this evil.
The one thing man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by their world government.”
So I think they didn’t leave the “opportunity” to come along by chance. They made sure they knew how to engineer their opportunity, Kissinger already had told them. The also knew to make sure the whole world would be scared of it, and would believe Bill Gates’ words when England went into lockdown and he said on TV “Normalcy (yuk – I’m English! The word is ‘normality’!) try again; BG: ““Normalcy will never happen until we have largely (suppressing a chuckle of glee) vaccinated the whole global population”. So people already are brainwashed into believing that safety in going out and meeting people will only be possible after having a vaccination. What a cunning dirty plan! How vile clever to work out how to get their nano chips into the population whom they will simply organise, manage and manipulate, killing off when they are too difficult. We had to be out of the way when larger conversations have their 5G set up in places we are not meant to realise are there.
I really have to say I am so scared about the future for my grandsons. This is unbearable. I studied Neuropsychology and I know how easily the brain can be manipulated, how sounds can be introduced to sound like voices or to induce madness. Brain cells are, as we call them, ‘plastic’. That is they change and adapt to the situations or stimuli they are receiving. There is for example in learning a phenomenon known as long-term potentiation which was studied in rabbits long ago and showed how brain cells changed to repetitive stimuli in a learning situation. I also was involved in a piece of world wide genetic research and learned again how easily our genetic structure could be altered or manipulated. If a vaccine had a gene-sensitive component of some kind (and there could be so many) and it was given to the vast majority of the population, people could change and there might never be any way of turning back. This is so very serious. We cannot let a few people become the Dictators. Their ideas are narrow-minded and they have no idea of what they are doing. They have no right to meddle with the systems in the bodies of people which, shamefully, already people are applying for patents to own.
You ae doing a great work in informing us all Ian. Now we need to unify ourselves and have legal reps and be properly prepared as a mighty force of many people who will stand against this tyranny.
Thanks Lesley, everything you say is spot on. You would have thought something as profound as voice to skull technology would have been common knowledge. The fact that it isn’t speaks volumes for the parasites class control over both technological development and information, that people look at you like you are a loony if you mention it, speaks of the remarkable process of dumbing-down (as in the movement of knowledge to the occult) and the psychological control exerted over a population who are now largely incapable of questioning their own rulers it seems.
Correction larger conurbation
blooming spell corrector…
Hi Iain, in response to your response – Yes, I agree, democracy is an illusion. But only insomuch as we allow it to be interpreted and implemented by polarisation – pulling the left and right levers of politics. Democracy is far too vital to leave in the hands of politicians controlled by corporations who pretend to care for humanity but care only for their bottom line: money. Power. Control.
If humankind is to survive being turned into a mindless mass we must separate the notion of left and right from democracy (at least in our minds). Polarity is a tool the ruling elite have used for eons to keep us divided and thus more easily controlled. If we each stop thinking of ourselves as beings that are left or right of somewhere it should free us to focus on issues rather than positions that expose us to attack.
We must each depolarise our self.
Here’s a chorus of a song I’ve written as an aid to depolarisation –
And that’s the bottom line. The Internet is exposing us all to the exponential onslaught of bad thinking and bullshit.
Thanks Joe Shmuk, I agree we need to unite and put aside our differences in this struggle for survival (which is what it boils down to I believe.) For me there is one form of democracy and that is found in the classical Athenian tradition. That is “democracy” is governance by trial by jury. Where the highest court in the land is the jury of ordinary men and women with the power to annul (overrule) government legislation. The Jury is both the judge and the arbiter of punishment, the “judges” only role being to advise the jury on matters of “common law” and administer their decision which is theirs and theirs alone. This is “democracy” (demos-kratos meaning people power) and nothing else is.
So called versions of democracy such as “representative democracy” or “parliamentary” or even “direct” democracy are not democracy at all. They are all systems which allow power to be centrally controlled by a select few. Which is to be resisted, always.
So for me “party politics” in a true democracy would take a very different form. Communities could still elect political leaders if they wished but there would be less impetus to do so because any policy or legislation they impose could be overturned by a lawful jury. Rather political parties could offer ideas and people could still “elect” them, but if those ideas caused harm or loss to another human being then a jury could and probably would overturn it.
H, Iain.
I loved the picture of Schwab looking like the love child of Droopy Dawg and Touche Turtle. Made me laugh for a few minutes.
I have little or no faith in the Great British public or indeed any ‘public’. Try explaining to a friend what a PCR test is and why it has never been used as a diagnostic test until now. Blank stares and shoulder shrugs.
The 77th Brigade and the Integrity Initiative (oddly enough outed by the Daily Record of all rags) have so much media muscle that it is impossible to believe anything in the MSM. Your comment on SEO is quite revealing.
There are still some great journalists in the MSM. I suspect they are all fearful for their jobs if they do not toe the party line.
“Orthodoxy means not thinking–not needing to think. Orthodoxy is unconsciousness.” Orwell – 1984
Perhaps the Great Reset started with Thatcher who sold the country’s silver to the highest bidder. Is there any government activity which has not now been privatised?
I suspect that the government crime of syphoning off £3 billion will be sent to some committee to investigate who will not report their findings until a Friday evening some ten years hence. Probably written using Wordstar if the Excel fiasco is anything to go by.
Sadly I believe that we are only in Act 2 of this tragedy.
Thanks Finn McCool, I agree I think we are at the start of the transformation process. I’m glad you picked up on the SEO point. I have tried to highlight this comment by Aiken before and, even among the conspiracy theorist crowd, I have failed to impart just how damning it is. It proves that Google often does not act as a search engine. Like you, I think this is an important point to make.
I agree with you about Thatcher and also with her that Blair was her “greatest achievement.” Together they have created the system we now have. Thatcher privitised government and Blair centralised power culminating the the Cabinet Office monster that is now ruling in this dictatorship.
What we are witnessing is evolution in action and I ain’t talkin’ ’bout this Covid thingy. A thinning of the herd, one way or another, is invevitable.
Winning is surviving our low energy/oil future.
“Upon this handful of soil our survival depends. Husband it and it will grow our food, our fuel and our shelter and surround us with beauty. Abuse it and the soil will collapse and die, taking humanity with it.” — Sanskrit text 1500BC.
“Modern agriculture is the use of land to convert petroleum into food.” — Prof. Albert
Brilliant. I feel so powerless. (ps: I don’t vote and never have, and never will…)
I’m sorry this post has left you feeling that way Jen. I don’t think we are powerless. But we do need to look to what we do everyday if we are to resist what is being done to us.
Multiple European countries have unlocked their societies, and the coronavirus has exploded. What have you to say about yourself, and your anti Lockdown statistical nonsense, and lie by omission discussion points?
Given your previous form, where you hate to be proven wrong, you’ll just block my comments and publish all the other sycophants that support your comments and argument.
Peter, the reason I haven’t shared your comments before is that they frequently stray into personal attacks. As I have informed you previously, I will not simply defend myself against such attacks, I do not wish to be embroiled in a personal battle and won’t post them. However, if you can remain civil, I will respond. So what do you mean coronavirus has exploded in multiple European countries?
Great article Iain. Kudos for making the effort to write these in-depth articles. I know very well how much hard work is involved. May I also take this opportunity to urge people to download and print some flyers I made? I hope that’s ok. Please share with friends, family and strangers in the street if they feel so inclined:
Print the out and have them to hand. The points are very basic and designed to encourage people to visit the links to find out if these statements are true.
We really have to begin to step up the resistance with a bit of on-the-ground activism if we are going to change this inexorable descent into tyranny. The time is now.